The First Session

The woman who enters the room is nothing like I imagined – in fact, she is so normal, so average, that I am both relieved and disappointed.

“Madame Ariane” is in middle aged, not particularly tall, slightly plump. She wears an ordinary sweater and jeans – no leather, no chains, nothing that I would have associated with a domme.

“Your sister wants me to introduce you to the pleasures of pain and the art of being a slave,” she says, as she eyes me up and down. I nod, not knowing how to address her properly. Is there a protocol for these occasions?

“I gather she doesn’t want to do it herself, because she doesn’t like to work with family,” she continues. Was it a statement? A question? I stand still and wait as she circles me, looking at me.

“Get undressed,” she orders. A protest rises in my throat because of the surprise of this command – after all, we hardly know each other – but I think better of it and dutifully take off my sandals, shorts, t-shirt – then I hesitate for a brief moment, but Madame’s looks tell me that she means all my clothes, and so bra and panties quickly follow the other items which I have casually thrown on a chair.

She walks around me again, inspecting me. She takes my right hand and gently places it behind my back, just above my buttocks, then does likewise with the left. I feel an electric tingle as she briefly touches my inner thigh, indicating for me to spread my legs wider. I stand there fully exposed, feeling fully exposed.

I hear rustling behind me then see her step in front of me again, stark naked. I lower my eyes.

“Look at me,” she commands, and I do. For a middle-aged woman, she is in good shape. She is tanned, has good muscle tone, large, heavy breasts the sheer weight of which makes them sag quite a lot, with small but prominently erect nipples. She is a natural blonde – or does she bleach her hair down there? Surely not…

“Are you disgusted byme, by my being so much older than you?” she asks. “Oh, not at all,” I assure her, quite generally. “Good,” she replies, “because we cannot work together unless we are comfortable with each other.”

It is the last I get to see of her, because she now puts a blindfold over my eyes, which totally deprives me of sight, of light… I am completely within myself now, in a world of my own, where everything is black, where there is no reality.

As she adjusts the blind, I feel her naked breasts touch me here and there, and it thrills me – this intimacy with another woman whom I don’t even know.

She places one hand on my bottom, her thumb creeping inside the crack of my cheeks, and by pressure of this hand and an occasional steering touch on my shoulder, she pushes me into another room, a sound-proofed room as I can tell at once as we enter, because even the normal background noises of traffic and city are suddenly swallowed up.

I bump against something knee-high – it must be a bed, or something. I am guided onto it, subtle pressure here and there bending me until I am on my hands and knees on this legery, quite hard, surface. My knees are pushed apart, then I am forced down on my elbows, and I am aware of how exposed I must look in this position – my bum thrust out, legs wide apart, giving easy access to all those most vulnerable parts between my legs. I am embarrassed, strangely enough not because of my general exposure, but because my anus must be so visible… why does that disturb me?

I am not given much time to contemplate, as I feel a bar being attached between my knees, keeping them firmly apart.

If I arch my back downwards, I can feel my breasts making contact with the cool leather beneath me, and I become aware just how rock-hard my own nipples have become without my being aware of the transformation.

I feel Ariane’s nipples, and indeed the full and heavy bags of her breasts, sliding across my back, and it sends thrills through my whole body right down into my crotch. She strokes me gently, her hand resting on my buttocks, her fingers over my slit, probing the wetness that is already there.

Suddenly I feel a great weight on me – Ariane must have dropped herself onto my back – and I collapse downwards, my tits getting squashed beneath me with a sudden jolt, causing a lot of pain, a jab at first in each breast, followed by a dull, thudding ache. I want to clasp my hands to my tits, to squeeze the pain out of them, but I can’t because they have been grabbed and cuffed behind my back.

Ariane is sitting on my back now, pushing down heavily on it. I feel her slide against my spine… is she wet, or do her pussy lips just feel cool?

Her hand is back on my bottom now, still sliding up and down my slit with her fingers then, suddenly, I feel a singing pain in my right butt as she slapse it, another sting as she slapses the left one, then a series of slapses, making my bottom wiggle with each exploreve contact.

Gradually, the target area wides – she is now hitting my upper legs and lower back as well as my cheeks. Her slaps fall lower and lower on the inside of my thighs, then gradually working their way up to my shaken and exposed cunt, until finally the first slap hits my engorged lips. I buck in pain, nearly throwing Ariane off, but with my legs forced apart and my hands behind my back, I cannot get enough leverage to raise myself…

The slaps continuing raining on and around my sensitive womanhood, I cry in pain, but, at the same time, I am getting incredibly hot, physically and emotionally. I feel my lower lips engorging, both from the punishment they receive and from my getting so incredibly turned on.

It stops – no more blows. I am sobbing quietly from pain, shame, embarrassment, but I haven’t used the safe word, I’m still in the game.

I am being turned around – not an easy task considering my awkwardness with knees spread apart by a bar – my sore bottom now slightly soothed by the coolness of the leather, but inflamed further by the pressure of my own weight on the tortured skin. I can feel Ariane standing over me, even though I have no physical evidence for that fact. I tend up imagining what she will do next.

A sudden slap of her hand between my legs makes me jolt up again, but I am somewhat used to her hits in that area by now, and so relax and let her continue. In fact, the more she slaps me there, the more the stings of contact approach my clip, the hotter I get.

“You are enjoying this,” she suddenly exclaimed. “You are right, you are the perfect little punishment slave. But we can’t make things too easy for you…”

The slaps stop, and again I feel Ariane’s weight on me, this time as she is sitting on my belly. And yes, she really is wet herself, I can now tell for certain!

‘Oh no’, I suddenly think, fearing the worst, ‘don’t hit my tits, please don’t hit my tits’… but out loud I say nothing and therefore have no-one to blow when my fears come true and the slapse starting raining down on my boobs, intermingled with little flicks against my rock-hard nips. I feel my breasts wobble, waves of title-flesh rolling back and forth with the waves of pain going through them.

The safe-word? Shall I use the safe-word? We’d discussed it via email before I ever met Ariane – would she even remember what it was, if I use it now? But I bite my lip and endure, feeling a warmth creep into my breasts both from the outside sing slaps inwards and from the inside out, until my breasts are molten lava.

Suddenly silence, relief, no more.

Ariane has gotten off me. I concentrate on the hot-spots of my body, my tits, which I can feel quite distinctly from each other, my bum, my crotch, my painfully engaged clip…

I am so preoccupied, I don’t even realize how my feet are tied to second bar, how my arms are un-cuffed and immediately re-cuffed to yet anotherer bar, pulled outwards, so that I am now spread-eagled, almost incapable of any movement at all.

Again, I am turned around very awkwardly, every movement hurting like hell in all the places attached to the spreaders. Then I am made to knee, with the bars attached to hands and feet being locked into something behind me. A wide belt is put around my middle, and then I feel it being pulled forward, so that I am now tied up in a most awkward position arms and legs pulled back, belly pulled forward, immobilising me totally, and exposing me completely, vulnerably.

“What do you think?” I hear Ariane’s voice. But the question isn’t directed at me, as I quickly discover when I hear a muffled voice answer “great” – it’s a distorted voice, but I can tell it’s a man’s voice.

I try to struggle, because I suddenly feel so totally naked and publicly exposed, but it’s in vain, I can’t move. I feel the man’s hands all over me, touching my breasts – lifting their heaviness then dropping them, prodding them, squeezing them – on my belly, between my legs, then he strokes me from behind, dragging the edge of his hand between my wet pussy lips and up between the cheeses of my bum.

He is naked and very turned on, I can feel the pre-cum covered tip of his penis making contact with me as he touches me here and there.

‘He is not going to fuck me’, I think, but that doesn’t seem to be his intention just at the moment. Instead, he attaches clips to all the sensitive areas of my body, at first one to each tip of my nips, then pinching the skin around the tips with his fingers, he attaches more clips to the nipples themselves, then to the soft skin of my under-tits. From there he moves to my crotch, attaching clips along each of my outer lips, then pushing the hood of my clip back with his fingers, he teas it out and attaches another clip there. I scream out in pain, but I don’t give in… not yet…

I am left for a while, contemplating, getting usedto the pain, getting used to the embarrassing position, and, surprisingly, continuing to get more and more turned on. When they return after a while, I am just about ready to exploit.

Without any discussion among them or explanation to me, the bars are unhooked, the bar between my knees is removed, and I am extremely thrown on my back on the bed. The clips are pulled off one by one, causing sensing pain in the process, and indescribable relief afterwards.

The bar on my hands is hooked above my head, then the bar between my feet is raised and also locked above my head, putting me into a totally cunt-exposed kind of missionary position. I feel a ribbed condom against my lower lips – there is a brief hesitation, perhaps to give me the opportunity to use the safe word? – then I feel my male torquerplunge into me and fuck the living dayslights out of me, roughly, rapidly, pulling and pushing my raw tormented pussy-flesh until I cum with shudders running through mybody.

As I come down a little, I am aware that he is still plunging into me, I feel his tight ball-sac makes contact with the base of my opening with each stroke, and I climb that hill again until I exploit again with unbelievable force and intensity.

He too reaches his climax at this point, I can feel him twitch in and against me, then, after a brief rest while his body lies heavily against my chest, he rolls off. I am almost sorry that he didn’t fill me with his juices, that the condom took it all, because I would have enjoyed feeling his wetness trickle out of me and down between the cheeses of my bum.

I am unhooked, the bars are taken away, and I am allowed to rest, still blindfolded. Shall I give them time to let the man go away, make this a totally anonymous fuck? I hope not, because I am dying to see who has just entered my body so intimately, but I wait a little while.

Finally, I take my blindfold off, briefly glance down on myself – everything still seemss to be where it is supposed to be, my skin is rather red from the misreatment it has received, but otherwise intact – then I notice my fucking partner sitting at the bottom of the bed… my own current lover, obviously brought in on this by my sister…

He sits there sheepishly, wondering whether I’ll be angry with him, and for a brief moment I am contemplating planning my knee firmly in his groin for deceiving me like This, being part of my humiliation, but then I opt for a hug instead. He knows about my fansies, so there is no real reason he shouldn’t be part of turning them into reality.

Ariane, fully dressed again, enters the room and give me a kiss on the forehead. “How did you go with your first session?” she asks. I give her a tight hug, words would not do right now…


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