The First Scene

They had been chatting online for a while now and it was going well. There was good alignment in their thoughts, wants, and feelings, both were ready to take it to the next level and meet up in real life. Chris picked the bar and Lee was there on time to meet him, dressed as he has asked in her black pleated skirt, deep crisis halter and small collar.

She had been waiting only a few seconds when Chris arrived. Taller than her, he was just as pale and his hair just as black, but shorter and slightly undercut. His pale blue eyes were lined with the perfect amount of liner, he looked even better in person than he had online.

“It’s nice to finally meet you.” Chris said and he took Lee by the hand.

“Likewise.” She was smiling and together they entered the bar.

The dark colors of the bar gave the illusion of low lighting when it was in fact quite reasonably illuminated. Dark wood paneling covered the walls, the booth seats were upholstered in dark red, the chair seats in black. He helped her remove her jacket and hang it from her chair. He wore a shirt in a shade similar to hers under a black vest. He looked amazing and Lee had to work hard not to stare. A waitress in a short black dress brought them waters and menus, promising to be back soon to take their orders.

They flipped through the drink menus in comfortable silence. Chris put his down after a minute, Lee could see him watching her as she tried to choose between red sangria or espresso martini. She looked up at him and smiled.

“I’m having a hard time making up my mind. Red sangria or espresso martini?” He raised an eyebrow slightly at her, then smiled back.

“The martini.” Lee put her menu down and the waitress was back within seconds. Chris ordered a wiskey sour, she ordered the espresso martini. The waitress was off in a click of heels on black stone floors, leaving them alone again. They chatted about light topics, small talk to test the waters. The water was good and they were moving into deeper conversation when they were briefly interrupted by the arrival of their drinks.

They clicked their glasses together and sipped from their respective beverages. Lee was impressed with the cold, slightly sweet beverage. This was the first time she had been to this bar, but they clearly knew how to make an excellent cocktail. Chris put his glass down on its coaster and openly looked her over. Lee put her glass down and looked at the small bean floating in the foam, suddenly self consciousness and a little shy.

“You look lovely and followed my request perfectly.” Lee could feel herself blush a little and peeked up through her eyes.

“Thanks.” She wanted to squirm under his watchful eye, but kept still. He brought something up from under the table, a small, flat box. It was black with a small purple ribbon, he slide it across the table to Lee. She blinked in surprise and looked up at him.

“For me?” She immediately felt ridiculous, who else would it be for? He just smiled and nodded once in sufficient. She took the box and opened it, revealing fishnets. Lee looked back up at Chris.

“Thank you!”

“Go put them on.” She hoped right off her chair and immediately went to the bathroom to do so. The fishnets were a lovely pair of stockings that had an attached garter and belt. Lee slipped off her shoes, started to pull them up then paused and took off her panties. She arranged the diamond patterns in a straight line up her legs, then layered the panties on top before getting her shoes on and returning to the table. It was fun and a little flattering to watch Chris admire her as she walked back to the table and resumed her interrupted beverage.

They talked a little more before the waitress returned to clear their glasses and offer a second round.

“Would you like another drink here or at my place?”

“I would love to go to your place.” She said. Chris turned to the waitress to respond.

“I’ll take the bill please.” The waitress was off and prompt to return with the bill and machine. Lee was a little nervous, but comfortable. Chris helped her back into her coat and they headed out.

“Do you live near here?” She asked as they walked through the cool autumn air.

“Yes, I go there a lot because it is close and quality.”

“I was impressed. They had a great selection and the decor is simple, but elegant.” He looked over at Lee as she spoke with a smile.

“Clearly a woman of taste.”

“I’d like to think so.” She said with her own smile.

He lived in a small bungalo in a nice residential area. His house was set tastefully back from the sidewalk behind a yard of grass, shaded by a large tree. He let her in and took her jacket.

“Have a seat.” He said, gesturing to the main room. It was not unlike the bar, black leather couches and a black metal coffee table. The floor was wooden with deep purple throw rugs, the walls were old wooden book cases and wallpaper that matched the rugs. A t.v stood across from the couch, a sound system sat in the corner. Lee took a spot on the couch.

Chris entered the room a couple minutes later, carrying a bottle of red wine, two glasses, and a corkscrew. He put the items down, then took out a small remote and pointed it at the sound system. The music started, and he got to work on opening the wine.

“Is this Blutengel?” She asked, “I haven’t heard them in forever.”

“Yes,” He said as he drew the cork free. “I think I may listen to them too much.”

Lee settled back, appreciating the fast, dark melodies as he poured a heavy splash of wine into each glass and passed one to her. She held the glass under her nose, closed her eyes and took a deep breath to appreciate the bouquet. When she opened her eyes, Chris was looking at her.

“What do you smell?” She thought a moment and took another breath.

“Cherries, oak. Something almost floral, but not quite.” He raised an eyebrow ather, and gestured for her to take a sip. She did, and took a moment to appreciate the cool and complex beverage.

“Violet, tart cherry, oak, nice body, not too dry. Excellent selection.” She tilted her glass in his direction, he brought his up, they clicked and sipped. Lee looked at Chris, admiring the line of his jaw, the way his clothes fit. She watched the way he held his glass and found herself imagining his hands on her, running through her hair, on her neck, on her tights. Her legs parted slightly at the thought of him touching her there. He sipped his wine and Lee wished she were that glass and his lips were on her.

He caught her looking and she raised her glass while lowering her head, embarrassed to be caught. Peeking through her eyesashes, he was looking at her and looking amused. Typically she was a bolder woman, not shy or afraid to go for it. Something about Chris made her want to wait, be demure, let him tell her when and what.

He took her glass from herand placed it on the table with his, and her heart rate rose. His finger hooked around the ring of her collar and drew her face to his, but stopped short of bringing them together. She stopped when he did, but looked up into his eyes, the color of a desert sky. His free hand found her hair, fingers trailing along her scalp pleasantly before gripping her locks in a fist, pulling the strands tight and jerking her head back. His lips were close to her, so close she could feel their warmth.

“Yes?” He asked, his voice barely a whisper.

“Yes please.” She said, and he was upon her, lips firmly against hers. It was as though she had never been kissed before, lips moving in perfect rhythm. He suddenly bit her lower lip, the small, suddenly jolt running through her. Lee jumped slightly and gasped, but then his mouth was on hers again. A deep kiss that brought her hands up to his chest as she made a small sound against him. Chris pulled her head further back, tearing her lips from hisand exposing the length of her neck.

A small kiss under her chin, a small kiss at the end of her jawline, it was all she could do to not squirm under the delightful sensings. He pressed his lips to her neck a little below his previous kiss, and slowly dragged his teeth across her skin as he opened his mouth and bit down just as slowly. There was no resisting the impulse to squirm and make little cries as the mounting Pressure of his teeth in her skin grow sharper and harsher. There was no denying that the pain of his bite was more than a little enjoyable. He bit harder still and her hands balled into fists as she cried out again, louder this time. Slowly, his grip on her flesh relaxed. She gasped slightly, the relief of his release as undeniable as her want for more.

More is what she got as he quickly sank his teeth into the sensitive skin where her neck met her shoulder. Lee cried out again at the sudden intensity of the piercing sensing, her relaxing hands snapping into fists again as she gripped his shirt. Chris let go of her hair and slowly moved his hand to the back of her neck. Lee kept perfectly still, almost overwhelmed as he slowly increased the pressure. She whimpered slightly, his breath danced around the bite as he seemed to almost chuckle at the sound. His free hand slide up her thigh, fingers almost tickling. As his hand reached and cupped her panties, he let go of her neck and pressed with his palm.

Lee gasped loudly at his sudden touch, wildly aware of how wet she must be even through her panties. He tilted her head back down and kissed her again as his fingers traced circles over her fabric covered nub. Lee was wildly turned on, even the fabric covered contact was sensitive bliss. Her small moans were stifled by his kiss, he opened her mouth and drew her tounge into a dance with his own. Her hips were moving against his hand, the sweet tingles of pleasure moved through her. She could feel it building, her pussy was tingling withdesire for him. He drew back from her.

“Cum for me.” He whispered in her ear.

“Oh Fuck!” She screamed as she did, almost falling into him, shaking and gasping as the pure bliss and pleasure burst from her clip. She clamped her thighs shut, but he pressed his fingers against her firmly. He didn’t move them, but the stimulation from the pressure kept her clutching to him and breathing in short gasps. He kissed her ear and withdraw his hand.

“Get on the floor on your knees, back to me.” Lee did so with trembling thighs and soaking panties.

“Do you want me to tie your hands and blindfold you?”

“Yes.” She said, truly. She could hear the rustle of fabric behind her, and then her eyes were covered. She felt the clothes tighten behind her head, a few strands of her hair catching and Pulling into the knot. Chris then gently moved her hands to the small of her back. One wrist and then the other were wrapped in fabric and then brought together and secured. She wasThen turned around and brought close to the couch.

The unmistakable feel of his cock against her face was all she had to be told. Lee ran her lips across the head, small beads of moisture trailing along. She took his head in her mouth, sucking the entirety in and swirling her tongue around it. Chris shighed and his hand found her hair again, gripping tight. She dipped lower, massaging the roof of her mouth with him as her tounge massed the increasing amount of shake that was entering her. Lee drew back slightly before dipping her head as much as she could, taking almost all of him into her and eliciting a loud moan in response.

Lee got into a steady rhythm, drawing back until just the tip remained and then dropping back down, taking more and more with each stroke. It feel good to please him, to feel his cock grow harder still, the sensing of him against her was thrilling. Her pussy was aching for him, as was her jaw. She then took all of him, feeling his cock compressing her tonsils and fill her all the way up.

“Good girl!” He cried, his hand gripping her hair tight. But it was unsustainable, the sexy feel of his cock was also setting off her gag reflex, she pulled all the way back, losing him as she cought and drew in heavy breaths. She wanted more of him, but his hand in her hair kept her back.

“Stand up.” She did immediately, though slowly. Her balance was impeded by the blindfold, lack of hands and abundance of lust. Chris placed his hands on the outside of her thighs and slide them up. His fingers hooked over her panties and pulled them down on one motion. He trailed a finger between her soaking wet lips and over her still wildly sensitive clip.

She was then being guided, moved until she was arranged with her elbows on the couch, her stomach on his lap. Chris lifted her skirt up, she could feel the cool air on her bare ass. He caressed her for a moment with his large, hot hand.

“Do you need a spanking?” He asked.

“Yes, I do.” He lifted his hand and struck her, the impact sending joyful tingles through her ass and pussy. Another and another rained down on her, she started to get hot and sensitive quickly. She was melting into his lap, squirming again as he struck her, crying out with the impact and moaning with the thrill of it. He stopped quite suddenly and resumed caressing, the heat of his hand over the impact zone almost unbearable.

It was only there for a moment though as he moved it down to her pussy, lubricating a finger well between her almost dripping folds. He then slowly inserted it into her pussy and she moaned, immediately rocking her hips to welcome him. His other hand pressed on her lower back and she still herself. He slowly teased her pussy with his finger, sliding it in and out, gently massaging the g-spot and making her quiver. His finger was slowly withdrawn and she fought to not squirm or beg for more.

Smack! His hand struck her again, this time on the unsuspecting thigh right below her ass. She jumped, having been lulled into total distraction by his skillful hand. Smack! Again, but on the other thigh. She jumped again, feeling the wetness of her pussy spread onto her thighs.

Her thighs were more sensitive and less pleasurable than her ass. While smacks there directly stimulated her pussy, smacks on the thighs did not. They grew warm, grow painfully sensitive, she shook and cried out as the hot shocks fired off though her. She could not and did not fight the urge to squirm, his hard cock pressed against her, saying it was fine by him.

Just when she was on the verge of begging him, he stopped. He moved her from his lap and onto the couch, face down. Lee could hear a small tearing sound, and then Chris ran his cock between her pussy lips.

“Do you want me to fuck you? He lightly bit her ear after he asked.

“Please fuck me.” She would beg him if need be, she wanted his cock in her pussy.

He pressed his head against her entrance, and then placed a hand between her shoulder blades. He held her down as he started sliding into her, moaning in approval as he worked his way into her tight hole. Lee was making small sounds, moans and gasps as he slowly filled her up in all the right ways. His hips pressed against the sensitive heat that was her spanked ass and he stopped for a moment.

Then he was pounding into her with an incredible pace and rhythm, his cock rubbing her in all the right ways. She was loud, almost screaming with the intensity of his fucking, clenching down and shaking. Nerves she wasn’t sure she had even known about seemed to be firing off, her entire body was stimulated. His hand left her back and grabbed her hair, dragging her head back and face from the couch.

“You cum for me! Cum on my cock!” Chris demanded.

“Yes!” Lee screamed, “Yes!”

She was already mostly there, when he let go of her hair and grabbed her by the neck, that put her over the edge. Unable to cryout like she wanted to, she made small cooughs around the iron grip he had on her. The orgasm ran through her in sync with his thrusts, it was as though the pleasure ran through her veins, trembling from the intensity and prolonged duration. Although everything, Lee found her vision blackening around the edges, the lack of air had brought her to an earth shattering eleven, but she was now on the edge of passing out.

Chris had other plans though as he let go of her neck. Her head fell to the couch, she cought weakly and took huge breaths to try and refill her lungs. His hips were slapping against what was likely to become a large bruise, one hand gripped her shoulder and the other found her hair again. While the swell of the orgasm had passed, he still felt amazing, and as she came back into the scene she was already doing her best to move with him. He was thrusting hard and fast, the smooth friction filled her pussy with the pleasure sparks.

Suddenly he yelled somethingunintelligible and sank his teeth into her shoulder. Lee cried out from the unexpected piercing pain, but he let go quickly and relaxed into her, kissing the bite mark sweetly. Chris rested his head against hers for a moment, both of them breathing deeply. Her pussy was still trembling, she was occasionally squeezing his cock. He was starting to slide out, so he kissed her again, this time on the back of her neck and got off her.

She was a little sad to feel him go, already missing the feel Chris against her. His hands steadily undid the rope the restrained her, and pulled the blindfold free. She sat up and he pulled her against him, wrapping his arms around her as she settled. Lee rested her face against the smooth skin of his chest, Chris drew a blanket across them.

Just a little rest, and then round two could start.


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