The First Night

With the list completed, they both headed to the library. Paul stayed by her side as they made their way to the library. Once inside, Jessica takes a deep breath. The room smelt of leather, wood, and lemon. She crutches around the space, reading the titles, caressing the bindings of the books, and just enjoying herself. She is surprised that she can find her favorite book for Paul in the library. She then locates a book with fairy tale stories and also give that to Paul to hold. Lastly, she finds a book to read alone and hands that to Paul.

“Ok, Paul,” Jessica said, “I am getting tired and would like to return to the cabin.”

Paul nods, and with the books in hand, they head to the cabin. Paul opens all the doors for her, and on the rocky ground, he is right next to her. Jessica appreciates the space Paul give her and is available if she needs him. When they reach the cabin, he opens the door for her.

“Hey, Miss Jessica, do you need anything else before I head outto work on the walker?” Paul asks.

“No, I will read on the couch by the fire. I’m a little cold.” Jessica replied with a shiver.

Paul places the books on the side table and walks to the fireplace to add two logs to the fire. “Ok, that should help. There is a blanket on the couch and more in the trunk in the bedroom.”

“Thanks for the information.” She smiled and continued, “Let me know how you like the book.”

“You’re most welcome, Miss Jessica.” Paul said, then added as he was scratching his head, “It might take me a couple of days to finish the book.”

“That’s ok,” Jessica said, “and if you don’t like it, that’s ok too. Just you attempting to read it means a lot.” She finished with a smile.

Paul returned the smile. “Well, I hope you enjoy your evening. I put Wolf’s, mine, and all the other guys’ numbers on the pad hanging on the frig in case you need to contact one of us for anything.” He said, pointing to the pad.

Jessica nodded. “Thank you forall your help today, Paul.” She said as she grabbed the blanket off the back of the couch and opened the book Paul placed on the side table for her.

Paul waved as he opened the door and closed it behind him.

Jessica was finally alone; she paused and took some deep breaths. She played the day back in her mind. It started with collecting some bulbs. She would need to get in some soil soon. Then saw the purple fox and large gray wolf that reminded her of herself and William for some strange reason. The tumble she took and how he appeared when she needed him the most. He has been everything that she has needed. He has shown how much he cares and is attracted to her.

She stars at the fire in the fireplace cracking, and her mind starts to race – How can he be so caring and not ask for anything in return? Who is this man? Would he be a good Daddy for me? Would he wants to be my DD? Who would want me as a Sub? No one wants me. I am so tired of being alone. Why would WilliamWant me? I’ve been told I am too much for other Doms. I’m sure I will be too much for William. I am not worth his affection. I am not worth anyone’s love. I am what those kids said in school “a waste of space.” William is so handsome, and I am just a fat blob… No, I won’t get my hopes up. I will just be discarded like yesterday’s trash when someone more beautiful comes into his life.

Tears are welling up and begin to stream down her face. She takes her sleepe and wipes away her tears, and with a heavy sight, she opens the book and begins to read the book she found. Her mind is still distracted from her toxic thoughts, and she is rereading the same sentence repeatedly, getting lost every time as another tear forms in her eyes. She closed the book after the fifteenth attempt to read the first page. She puts the book on the side table and pulls the blanket up, staring at the fire.

Still lost in thought, staring at the fire, she doesn’t notice William entering the cabin. He looks at her from across the room, realizing that her eyes are a bright green and the white of her eyes has become red from crying. He instantly thinks Paul did something to upset her but then stops because he has never done anything like that to anyone. Out of everyone in the house, Paul is the most caring towards other feelings, it has to do with how he was treated growing up, but just in case, he sends him a text message:

W: Hey Paul, what did you and Jessica do after the guys and I went to the gym?

P: We talked about the guys a little and made a list of ingredients to pick up from the store. We went to the library to pick out some books. Miss Jessica picked a book out for me. Then we came back to the cabin; I told her where extra blankets were and put some logs on the fire to make sure she stayed warm; I showed her the list with everyone’s number on it. She looked out of it, so I said goodnight shortly after that.

P: Can I get time to read the book she handed me? You know I read slowly.

W: Was she crying when you left?

P: No, what? She was crying. I wouldn’t have left if I knew she would be crying. Wolf, I have no idea why she is crying.

W: Yeah, I know, and we can work out some time together, if you would like, to read the book. Would it help if it was available in audiobook?

P: The audiobook would be easier, but I want to try to read it first. If you have time to help, I would appreciate it, or if you’re ok with it, I could ask Miss Jessica to help me.

W: We will review the book after you finish the walker. Remember, you have to be a man of your word.

P: Yes, Sir. Also, let me know if Miss Jessica needs anything else. I feel she may not have been treated kindly in the past.

W: You’re a good man, Paul. I am proud to call you my little brother. Ok, get some rest, and your job for tomorrow is the walker and the trim you were working on earlier. I like how that was coming together on the piece.

P: Thanks, Wolf; happy to be part of the family, and I will handle the trim!

With a nod, William puts the phone in his pocket. He walks over to Jessica lying on the sofa and sits on the floor with his back on the couch, looking at the fire.

Jessica is suddenly aware that William is in the room. How is he so quiet? She thought as she reached out and touched the back of his hair. Her tears begin to subside as His presence calms her mind. “Thank you,” she says in a whisper.

William leans his head back to see her eyes and asks, “Do you wanna talk about it?”

Jessica shakes her head, “No, it’s stupid.”

He turns his head towards her. “I am sure it is not stupid, and I would like to know where you go when you space out like that.” He brushes his hand on her cheek to wipe a straight tear.

Jessica turns her head away from him as another tear starts to form. She feels his hand on her chin, returning her attention to his.

“Little fox, what must I do to gain your trust?” William asks, looking deeply into her eyes.

“Just stay.” Is what she says in a whisper.

“Oh, little fox, I have no plans to leave. I hope soon you will let me in.” He says with a brush of her cheek.

Jessica yawns as she continues to play with William’s hair.

“Ok, little fox, it may be time for bed. How is your injured leg doing?” He Asks.

Yawning, she says, “But I’m not sleepy.” The quote from one of her favorite movies makes her giggle.

William rose to his feet. “Well, you may say that, but everything else about your body says the opposite. Let’s get you to bed. Need me to help you change into PJs?” He smiled when asked.

Jessica looks up at him with a sweet smile and say, “Wolfie, I can change my own PJ’S, but maybe you can read me a story?”

William smiles, saying, “Let me shower quickly and then change. I will bring you into the bedroom to get ready for bed.”

Jessica’s smile turns sinister, “Are you sure you don’t need helpwith that?” She asked, surprising even herself.

“Now, little fox, based on your reaction to your question, I can assume you didn’t mean to ask that question out loud. But if it happens again, I will follow through with my answer.” He said with lust-filled intent as he walked away, taking his flannel off.

She leans over the couch to see him remove more clothes. He turns around as he gets to the door and faces her, and removes his shirt. She gasps at how broad his chest is. He has the best Dad body she has ever seen. Her mouth waters, and then her eyes drop to his belt as he unbuckles it and unbuttons his pants. Snapping her eyes to his face when he suddenly says, “Little fox, do you like the show?”

Jessica turns such a deep crisis red because she was caught ogling him. She stutters out, “Um. Um. Um. Huh?”

William closes the bedroom door just as he lets his pants fall, shielding her from the sight.

She slumped on the couch, feeling the heat in her core rise. She fans herself with her hand. Grabbing her crutches, she gets off the couch and goes to the kitchen for a glass of water. Wow, she thought as she sipped the water and looked into the dark forest. Not only was William a gentleman, but also he was delicious to look at. Smiling, she dreamed what it would be like to rest her head on his bare chest, to run her fingers along his thick thighs, to lick him from his head to his calves, to Take him into her mouth and suck on his cock until he explodes with pleasure.

She takes a large sip of water and then feels William’s arms reach around her from the back and rest under her breast. He pulls her into his bare chest, and the scent of sandalwood and lemon envelopes her. She took a deep breath, and her knee felt weak. She rests her back against him and smiles.

“Little fox, what have you smiling so cutely and making you turn a lovely shade of pink?” William asks in her ear, nipping at her ear.

Her breath stills as if she forgetto breathe.

“Breathe for me, little fox,” William whispers in her other ear.

She shives and take a deep breath to steady herself as she releases it, allowing herself to return to a steady breathing pattern as she feels her diaphragm pull in the air. William’s arms brush up against her breast, slowly releasing the air, and his arm gradually receives from under her breast. She takes another deep breath, Feeling his arm brush underneath her breast. She holds her breath and enjoys the warmth of his arms under her chest. Then slowly release it, and her breathing returns to normal.

“Good job, little fox. Now you have to get ready for bed. Ready?” William says before picking her up.

Jessica hums with approval.

William lifts Jessica into his arms, and she rests her head on his Shoulder and places her hand on his bare chest. She traces her finger over his chest without thinking; the lines of his tattooed chest and the scars from serving hold her attention entirely. William gives her side a little squeeze releasing a giggle.

Finally realizing what she was doing, she removed her hand from his chest and placed it on her lap. “Sorry,” Jessica said, “Did you say something?” looking up to see William staring at her.

“I should have probably put you down by now, but holding and letting you explore gave me such joy. Do you think you will tell me what you were thinking about at the sink just a few minutes ago?” He asked.

Returning her hand to his chest, she said, “This.” As she showed him because saying it aloud scared her, for fear of saying everything she was thinking. Her blush crept back up her face.

He still as her fingers moved over his chest. Then speaking in a hushed tone, “you have my permission to trace my skin Whenever you want. Just say the word, and the shirt will be gone.”

She stopped her fingers but didn’t want to stop touching him. Looking at him, she replied, “Thank you.”

William lowered her to the ground, and once her foot made contact, she winced, forgetting about her ankle. William wiped away the tears that started to form in her eyes.

“Oh, little fox, your ankle still hurts. Well, it’s time to get ready for bed.” William said, “can I help you with your pants?” he continued with his fingers brushing her cheek.

“Oh gosh, I can do it. Also, could you read me a story? I found a book at the library and was going to read it at bedtime.” she said, then taking her pointer fingers and pushing them together, saying, “But could you read me a story?”

William smiles at her adorable actions, responding, saying, “Well, little fox, if you are all dressed for bed and under the covers when I get back, I would adore reading you a story.” “Now, hop to it.” He said with a smile of her bottom, feeling him grab her butt chef. He then walked out of the room.

Jessica giggled at his playful manner and turned around and saw everything still covered the bed, and her heart sank. She quickly grabbed the piles of clothing from earlier and opened the drawer to put her PJs in. Picking up the underwear and bras and putting them in the same drawer, ensuring to close it encase he came back. She took the shirts and bottoms next, putting them in the next drawer. Grabbing the outerwear and dresses, she put those on top of the dresser. Finally, holding all her socks, and opened the top drawer and put them in there neighborly. She pulled out a shirt that said princes with matching shorts for her PJs. She takes the last few things out of the suitcase and puts them on the dresser, then closes the luggage and puts it back at the end of the bed on the floor. She hops with the pjs in her mouth to the bathroom.

Once inside the bathroom, she strips off her flannel, undershirt, and bra. She tosses the clothes on top of her other clothes from earlier but puts the bra on the counter. She pulls the shirt over her head. Thinking to herself, shoot. I will need William’s help with mypants, but I must also take my thong off to sleep. Bending her head forward in defeat, she called out to William. “Hey, Wolfie, Help.”

He was in the door frame in less than 2 seconds. “Are you ok? Is your knee ok? Is your ankle ok?” He started rambling questions with her giving head nod responses. Touching her cheek and lifting her head by raising her chin, he looks her in the eyes and asks, “What’s wrong little fox?”

She told, “I need help with my pants, but I also need to take my panties off and put my sleep shorts on.” Then tears start to form as she says, “But I don’t want you to see my princess parts.” Followed by a flood of tears. Jessica was so tired from the day that trying to work out how to do this for herself was overwhelming.

William Wipes her face with a warm washcloth and says, “Ok, little fox, I understand. I can help you with this if you let me. The same rules can apply, and I close my eyes until you tell me to open them. I’m here for you, little fox.”

Jessica looks at William and says, “ok, eyes closed, please.”

William immediately closes his eyes.

She takes his hands and puts them on the waistband of her pants. “Ok, careful, please.”

William knees and carefully removes her pants but also loops his finger on the waistband of her thong. She grabs his hands, stopping them. He lifts his head still with his eyes closed and waits for her to release her hold. When she does, she puts her hands on the side of his face keeping his head arched up to look at her. William slides the pants and thong down, taking his time over the bandages. The pants and thong pooled at her feet. He stands up and grabs hold of her hips, and lifts her onto the counter. Then kneeing, he removes the clothes from her feet. He holds his hand and says, “Shorts, little fox.”

Jessica pulls one hand from his head, grabs the shorts, puts them in William’s hand, and then returns her hand to his head.

He locates the label of the shorts and puts the shorts on her feet. Then he stands and lifts her off the counter and back onto the floor. Kneeling again, William glides the shorts up her legs. He repeats the same motion when putting her pants on and jiggles her butt with the waistband. Releasing a giggle, then pulls the shorts the rest of the way on. He says in a deep voice, “May I open my eyes to look at your knee and ankle, princess?”

With a blush forming again on her rosy cheeks, she replies, “Yes, you may.”

His eyes instantly open, pupils dilated, and she can feel the hunger in his eyes to touch her body, but also that he is being a gentleman and holding back on those urges.

William looks at her knee and ankle and adjusts the wraps. “Ok, princess, anything else?” He asks.

“Just to wash my face, brush my teeth and hair,” she said, all red from him calling her princess.

William stands, then Jessica turns around so she is facing the sink. He does not move from her back.

She bendsover, and her bum comes in contact with his hard cock. “Eyes closed,” she shouts because she knows if he saw her face, he would not be able to hold himself back.

William’s eyes instantly close, but his hands rest on her hips to steady her and keep her up against his cock.

She turns the water on to defend some of the tension between them. When she splashes water on her face, she accidentally pushed her butt back and feels his cock. She looks up to see if his eyes are still closed, and seeing that they are, she smiles.

She proceeds to brush her teeth, trying her best not to wiggle but then her sadomasochist side lights up, and she bends her knee, causing her butt to rub against his cock, and pushes back up, with his cock between her two cheats as she continues to brush her teeth. With this action, his hands dig into her hips. She moaned, and his grip tightened, pulling her harder against his cock. She slides her butt up and down his cock as she spins the toothpaste outof her mouth. Then she gets her mouthwash and gargles for one minute, purposely grinding her hips side to side against his length. After spitting the mouthwash out, she dries her mouth, then slowly stands back up.

Grabbing her brush, she brushes her hair, still grinding he butt on his ever-growing, more rigid cock. Putting the brush down, she reaches to rest her hands on top of his and give his hands a little scratch. “Eyes open,” Jessica says with a devilish smile.

William slowly opens his eyes to see her breathing heavily, and her shirt is damp with water hugging her breasts.

She pulls her arms up to cover her chest, but with her large breast, she barely covers anything. All her courage seemed to disappear when she saw the wanting in his eyes.

He leans forward, pressing her hips to the counter and his cock firmly against her butt. He grabs a towel, opens it, and brings it to her chest as she slowly lowers her arms. He places the towel over her chest and slowly pats her shirt dry, not touching her breast. She senses what he is waiting for and gracefully raises her hands to be on top of his. She guides his hands to her breast with only the towel and her shirt as a barrier. William squeezes her chest gently as a little gasping moan escapes her mouth. Jessica wiggles and stills when William’s voice breaks the silence, “little fox, if you keep doing that, I won’t be able to Hold off for much longer. As a matter of fact, I think you need to clean me up before bedtime.” William spins Jessica around and lifts her onto the counter again.

Jessica looks down at his stiff cock and bites her lower lip. Slowly raising her eyes to meet his.

“Little fox,” William said, “if you want something, you have to ask for it. Like right now, I will ask for you to kiss me as I stroke my cock and ask if I can continue to touch your breast until I tap out.”

Jessica swallows and responses, “Yes, Wolfie, please, touch me, please.” Jessica leans forwardand makes contact with his lips as she pulls him closer, opening her legs so he stands between her legs.

William slides his pants down, so they pool at his feet. He puts the towel between her legs, so his seed doesn’t get on her clothes and starts to stroke his throbbing cock. Jessica’s tongue is attacking him with such a hunger he has to slow her, or he is liable to exploit without touching her breast. He takes his free hand and slides it under her shirt, allowing his hand to wander over her skin. She is moaning at the feel of his hand on her. He reaches his destination on her body.


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