The First Pleasure

I slept the peaceful sleep of the justly exhausted, destroyed out from the long day of waiting tables, housework, laundry, commuting and personal service to those who required it of me. Curled up in my lonely bed, alone and alienated from people whom I encountered on a daily basis, I had finally been able to go to bed, and forget the pain of a busy life with very little chance for happiness. Trapped within my daily chores, my only relief was in dreams, carnal, nervous-wracking dreams of fantastic abuse as my subconscious strove to process and make sense of the life I had led, thus far, the strictures of what I knew on a consciousness level, and the lies I had to tell myself in order to go on living.

This time, it was one of those helpless dreams: the ones about being paralyzed, without will, bound and gagged, forced to endure whatever was done to my body. I was in a basement or cave, I couldn’t tell which, because the light seemed to form a pool around me, but stopped well before it reached the walls, and all I could see was cracks of light at the edges of the blindfold. With my legs and arms tied to the leather straps of the restraint device, my ass held high in the air, my breasts hanging down heavily, my legs parted widely, and hands cuffed behind my neck, I felt totally helpless, unsure what would be my fate.

Men’s hands touched my body, certainly more than one pair, as there were hands on my breasts, pinching my nipples harshly, making me long to squirm and scream, yet the hands on my ass landing hard swats made the pain of my nipples almost irrelevant, it was so invasive. A gentle touch at my forehead, a ghostly benison of a tender kiss captured my attention, and I clung to the tiny touch of composition, unable to face and contain the extent of the other touches so painful. Hard, but yet gentle fingers trailed down my Cheeks, caresed the line of my mouth, the curve of my throat, and the hands wrenching my nipples so viciously suddenly eased, becoming no less severe, yet somehow not so painful any longer. The gentle touches curved in a slow circle around each pendant breast, and down my tummy to my clip, where it circled slowly over and over, as my whole attention seemed riveted to that one touch, the terrible spanking now heating my ass, but no longer pain beyond bearing. Finally, oh, yes, finally, it plucked at my clip and began a gentle massage, and my whole body convulsed into an orgasm unlike any I had ever in my life felt.

Thankfully, overwhelmed by pleasant sensings, I barely noticed that the spanking and pinching had ceased, and the gentle touch had left. The sudden driving force of penetration full-bore into my pussy sent me into a second orgasm, the heat in my ass only adding to the intensity of sensing as his body slapped harshly against my oh-so-tender hot ass. I feel his orgasm as he was slamming into my pussy some endless time later, and just as quickly as he began to wild and withdraw, another cock slammed into my pussy full-tilt, huge and hot, stretching me so wide and deep it was nearly painful.

Crying out wildly behind the gag, my neck arched, my fingers clutching wildly at the bonds, as he began to stroke in and out forcefully, each right on the edge of pain, blowing my senses into a wilder stratosphere, and shudders of orgasm pulsed around his cock, through my entire body with each stroke. Lost in a welter of pleasure, I barely noticed when he withdraw, but believe you me, I sure feel it when he began to push into my ass! Wailing helplessly into the gag, my eyes blindly staring behind the blindfold, unable to move or protest, his invasion became possession, the burning pain of his entrance slowly mutating as he (mercifully) held still when he had hilted his whole, huge cock in my ass. Tormented, agonized, I Felt that tender touch return, slowly circling my clip as the monster cock in my ass remained in full possession, and I cried out helplessly again, this time one of hungry need, as that single touch changed the vicious pain into something with enough pleasure to drive me insane.

Then he began to pull out slowly and my whole mind went blank. Darkness complete and total enfolded me, if I was making noises, I didn’t know it. If there were anything else going on, I was totally unaware of it, for the sensings of the tender touch at my clip and the sliding, pulling pressure of his cock in my ass were all-enveloping. Everything in my world convulsed. Blindly, completely, I feel every withdrawal, thrust, grinding rotation of his cock with total awareness as my body claped, convulsed, caressed its bulk, and the tiny pinches of that gentle hand upon my clip. The pleasure was endless, the orgasm continued, as long as he shaffled into my ass, the convulsions of pleasure continued. When he held for a long moment, full-hilted, a second cock, it seemed equally huge in that instant, bore into my pussy slowly, as the fingers vanished from my clip, and then they began to stroke and withdraw in tandem, and the convulsions redoubled.

Some eternity of time later, I became aware of being held between two bodies, my blindfold still in place, but the gag gone, my head on one man’s shoulder, hands cuffed in front of me, now, to a wide leather collar at my throat. As I assessed the situation, the man behind me moved, slowly thrusting his (again) rampant cock into my ass, and soft whimpers of pleasure began to escape my lips. The one in front of me began to push into my pussy at the same time, and firm, hard lips took mine possessively in a deep kiss, his mouth tasting of peppermint. My body was still so on edge from all the previous activity that almost instantly, I was shuddering wildly towards orgasm, as the man behind me took my breasts into his hands, gently pinching each nipple, making my pussy and ass convulse in rhythm with his pinches. Once again, I leave over the edge into black submissive responsiveness as he pinched more firmly, more rapidly.

Eons later, I woke from my dream-state in bed, stunned to find that my whole body felt well-fucked, my nipples were red and swollen, I had bruises on my hips and ass, and my ass and pussy felt…well, I could have sworn it had been real. Could it possibly have really happened? The line between reality and dream has often seemed impossible to determine in my life. Waking slowly, my eyes opened, and I began to sit up, hearing soft metallic links as I did so, and slowly, I realized that there was a chain leading from the collar about my throat, fastened to the wall to a hook, which hadn’t been there when I went to bed last night. My wrists and ankles each wore circuits of stainless steel, with additional chains snaking from each to the posters of the bed. Wait, I didn’t have a four-poster bed!

I felt the collar at my neck, and it, too, was stainless steel, with no way to remove it, to my fingers’ examination. Stunned, unsure what to think, I began to look around the room,and hit myself closer to the wall, as the door opened and in walked 2 very tall men, one with dark blonde hair, icy blue eyes, broad shoulders, lean hips, long legs, dressed in nice jeans and a maroon polo shirt, with black tennis shoes. The other, almost an inch taller, had deep brown long, silky hair down to his waist at least. He, too, wore jeans and a polo shirt, but his was emerald green, to match his incredible eyes. Each sat on the bed, near one of my ankles, one hand reaching to hold the circlet of the ankle by them.

“Welcome, little one, to your new life with us.” It was the second one who spoke, as his fingers began to cares my ankle beneath the circlet. His fingers began to cares up my calm, and with a catch of my breath in my throat, I recognized the tender touch from the night’s wild memories. My eyes widened, and he smiled at me, his green eyes dancing with laughter, deepening in color, though his face remained otherwise expressionless.

The first one, the blonde, slowly gripped my other ankle firmly and pulled it into his lap. “We’ve been watching you for weeks, lovely girl, and we hired a PI, and he told us of your past, and we’ve decided to rescue you from the abusive people in your life and keep you under our protection.” With a smile, remarkably sweet, he continued. “We’ve kidnapped you, and taken you to a different country, where nobody will ever find you, and we’ll take very good care of you.”

I wondered why I didn’t feel frightened or upset, and realized that I welcomed the escape from the clutches of those who had abused me for so long, and these men hadn’t injured me when they could have, but given me excisite pleasure instead. I smiled, relaxing and slide down on the bed, pulling a couple of pillows behind my head. “Thank you. Tell me more?” and settled to listen to the new rules of life. I finally had someone to protect me. Not just one, even, but two! I was thrilled, for I had always dreamed of two men caring enoughAbout me to protect and ravish my senses completely. Listening to their voices, deep and soothing, I drifted.

And woman alone in my cold bed, in my cold bedroom, abandoned and hopeless. Sometimes I hated my dreams.


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