Part 4, Initiation
Caught in a frenzied embrace, we twirled into the hotel room like a dervish. In spite of our lack of focus, one of us managed to switch on the light before you forced me against the wall, gulping me with your hungry tongue. Caught as I was between the wall and your password, I had no opportunity for anything but submission. “Yes,” you hisssed, “this is how I want you. This is how I’ve always wanted you, from the day we first met online.” You held my wrists pinned to the wall while your hips thrust against me. Then you made a point of scissoring your legs with mine, placing your jeans-bound cock in position to rub against my inner thigh.
The sensing of your need-made-manifest pressing against me made my breathing even shallower. A low, frustration-tinged whimper escaped my lips. “Please!” I begged.
You released my left wrist, allowing your right hand to brush my hip, then slowly draw upward, following the curve of my torso andbreast before finally reaching my face. Your hand cupped my jaw; your fingers lightly stroked my cheek. You slide your thumb under my chin, causing the crook of your palm to push against my throat. Holding me like that, you stared into my spellbound eyes. Both of us felt my body trembling. Finally you asked, “Do you trust me?”
My labored breath came in gasping sobs, making it Nearly impossible to speak; so I nodded as furiously as your gripping hand allowed.
“I want to hear you say it, pet.”
I gulped twice — ensuring that, if I could breathe, I could speak — before finally whispering, “Yes, I trust you.”
Your hand moved upward, caressing my jaw and chin as you moved closer, smoothing my mouth with yours. When your need was sufficiently slaked, you smiled and said, “What a treasure you are.” Your body relaxed, no longer pressing into mine. Then you drew me close and led me to the bed.
Once you comfortably settled into position, you looked up at me and said, “Strip for me.”
An overwhelming sense of shame and fear mingled, causing me to hesitate. My breathing grow heavy again; unable to speak, I wagged my head from side to side.
“I don’t like having to repeat orders.”
“I know,” I squeaked out. “It’s just… please don’t make me do this.”
Your expression soften, as if you realized my reason for shyness. You pulled me close, then said, “Listen to me.” I shifted uneasily, fearing your rebuke. Your hand rose to cares my cheek as you repeated, “Listen very carefully to me. I’ve told you I like a woman with curves, and yours are bounteous, my dear. Even if I didn’t find you attractive –- and please believe me when I say I do –- I’d still want to be with you. The brain is the most Important sex organ in the body, and your brain fascinates me. So innocent of the world, yet wanting to experience more –- and willing to embrace it all. That makes you beautiful to me.”
I bit my lip, in an attempt to hold back my tears. My head bowed in shame as my hand lifted to the cameo at my throat.
“Do you trust me?”
“Then do as I’ve commanded.”
With head still inclined in order to hide my tears, I slowly undid the buttons of my blouse.
“Look at me, pet.” You waited for me to lift my head and meet your steady gaze before adding, “Don’t let your eyes leave mine.”
Seeing the calm of your expression reassurered me. I drew open the blouse, allowing it to slip to the floor, thus exposing my naked breasts to you. Your gaze softened. “Lovely,” was the only comment you made.
My left hand went to my wait, unfastening the skirt’s button and lowering the zipper. Resting my hands on my hips, I eased the garment down. It sloughed to the floor, leaving me Even more vulnerable. I tried not to think about that, focusing instead on your eyes and reminding myself that in this moment everything which mattered was encompassed in this room.
Without a word, you reached around me, tugging the corset’s laces until they pulled free. Then you loosened them until the corset easily slide to the floor. Your hands carested down my hips, catching the panties with your fingers as they burrowed under the waistband. Then you helped me off with the butterfly vibrator. I reached down and freed the stockings from the garters which held them in place. Reaching around me once more, you unhooked the garter belt; the Sudden lack of tension caused it to ricochet off and land a few feet away. Once I was nearly stripped bare, you settled back on the bed, propping yourself up against the headboard.
I paused, uncertain whether or not you wanted me to go further, knowing, as I did, how you liked shoes to be left on. “I want you completely naked, pet,” you offered.
Quickly I stepped out of the hated shoes, glad to finally be steadily flat-footed on the ground. I brushed each stocking down my leg, lifting my foot as I did, so that I could fully remove it. Now, I stood nakedbefore you.
“Kneel down and service me in the way I like best.”
I knelt but hesitated once more. “You know I’m not very experienced at this.”
“Yes, I know. This is your first lesson.”
“And if I fail…”
You caught my chin in your hand, lifting my face upward. “You won’t fail, my sweet. I’ll never ask you for more than you can handle.”
I gazed up at you for reassurance; you nodded and smiled. With resolve to please you bolstering my confidence, I lifted my hands and carefully unfasted your jeans. As you raised your hips off the bed, I tugged at the legs of your jeans until they were half-way down your thighs. Your already hard cock, still trapped inside the boxes, bobbed upward, causing me to smile broadly at its eagerness for attention. Catching the waistband in my hooked fingers, I slowly lowered the boxes, mesmerized at the sight of your still hidden dick rising towards the surface. With one final tug on the silk shorts, your cock popped overthe waistband, finally into full view. Once more I looked up at you, seeking feedback.
“You know what to do.”
For a moment all I did was worship your manhood, admiring its form. Then I traced its length with a fingerprint, barely touching it and marveling at how it rose to meet my hand. Finally, I gave it a kiss on the very top of the head, causing you to sight.
Slowly I kissed the shake, from tip to base and then back again. I parted my lips, allowing the head to enter my mouth as I gently nibbled on it. Then I flattened my tongue and licked the underside of your cock, from the base to the head. From the low moans and sights you were making, I knew you must be pleased with me.
Recently, I surrounded your member with my mouth, this time nibbling and sucking my way down to the base and back up. Using my tongue, I’d press your cock against the roof of my mouth, sucking hard, and then relax the pressure a bit before repeating. In this manner, I traveled downward, then returned once more to the tip. Every circuit brought me nearer the base, and I had to fight hard not to gag on your length. Even with my throat muscles relaxed, I still had to battle that urge.
I began sucking you in earnest, beginning as far down your length as I could comfortably manage, my lips and tongue firmly embracing you, then quickly moving up, relaxing the pressure. Managing to go a bit Further, allowing speed to build, sucking and relaxing, then repeating. You rested a hand on the back of my head, gently forcing me down even more; this time I did gag.
I continued, even though it was becoming hard to breathe, and in spite of the fact that my body was trying hard to reject this intrusion. I continued because I knew you wanted me to, even though I wanted to stop.
My jaw started to ache from the position of my open mouth and tears well in my eyes. My breathing came in shallow gasps when I could breathe at all. I circled your length a few more times before I finally gave up, pulling my mouth away and swallowing as much air as I could manage. Shuddering from the intensity of the experience and the shame of not succeeding in this task, I openly wept and begged your forgiveness.
You cupped my cheek and said, “You aren’t completely naked for me yet.” For a moment, I looked at you in confusion; then I noticed that your eyes were focused on my throat. My fingers lifted to the cameo in silent protest. “Take off the collar, Puppy.”
Sobbing in protest, I gulped hard before sputtering, “But–-”
Your only reply was to give me an independent stare and a slight nod.
I shook my head. “Please, I’ll do better next time.” Surely, if you wanted me to remove the collar, then you found me unacceptable in some way.
“I won’t ask again.”
My submission was for naught, but still I did as you wished: unfastening the catch, unwinding the ribbon from around the right side of my neck, then catching the cameo and the ribbons’s other end in my hand. I clutched it for a moment before placing the necklace in the hand you held out to me.
You set the collar aside, then told me to close my eyes. In hope that my acquisitions would cause you to reconsider your actions, I did as you bid. I heard rustling noises, then felt something on my neck, then the closing of small metal parts. Your hand cupped my cheek, lifting my face upward. “Open your eyes and look at me, pet.”
I gazed up at you, through tears-stained eyes. “This moment of your complete submission deserved more than a public show of our bond. Now you belong to me.”
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