The First Meeting Ch. 03

Part 3, The Trip Back to the Hotel

While we stood waiting for a cab, I snuck a sidelong glance at you and couldn’t help but notice the bulge which stretched almost halfway down your left tight. It even appeared — although I didn’t get a very good look, since it was all too brief — that there was a slight disclosure, beginning at the end of the bulge and extending down the leg of your jeans. I smiled to myself realizing that you were just as turned on as I was…

The taxi pulled up to the curb. You opened the door for me and gently pushed me in before climbing in behind me. Once you’d given the driver some verbal instructions, you settled back into the seat, drawing me close. “Warm enough, pet?” you asked.

I nodded and shivered, more from nervouss than the cool temperature. You pulled me closer, your arms completely encircling me. After I snuggled against you, you asked, “Better?”

With another nod I answered, “Yes, thank you.”

You covered one of my hands with yours and whispered, “Would you like to play with Fred?”

“Oh, yes, Daddy! May I?”

“Gently, now, my sweet. We don’t want him to get over-excited.”

You placed my hand on the bulge I’d noticed earlier, thus giving me my first introduction to one of your best features. “Do you think you can handle him if he spelunks in your caves, dear?”

My breath caught in my throat before I quietly replied, “Yes, I think I can handle him, Sir.”

You smiled broadly at me and asked, “Is there a reason to be so formal with me, pet?”

I giggled shyly before replying, “I know how you like the formalities to be observed, from time to time.”

“You’re a very good girl, my sweet,” you answered, Tipping my chin upward to kiss me. I had occasionally wondered if some of your stories about yourself (like being told by Madonna that you were a pretty good kisser) were slight examations of the truth; but, if she’d ever said that, I had to agree she was right. Definitely.

You shifted your weight, trapping me into the corner of the cab, your kisses more independent. In spite of any struggles, I found myself unable to pull away from you. “Please! What if he sees us?” I asked, trying to point to the cabbie.

“So what if he does?”

“Please, I’ve never had an audience before,” I protested.

“I thought this trip of yours was to change some of your ‘No’ answers on the sex survey into ‘Yes’.”

I dropped my chin again, chagrined at the need to be reminded of my own years.

“It isn’t anything he hasn’t seen before, pet,” you added with an impish grin. After you’d freed one of the buttons of my blouse, your hand reached in, finding an already engaged nipple in need of your attentions. “You dirty, dirty little slut,” you whispered, making it clear that slut was a term of endearment. “Acting all proper on the outside while trying to keep your darker desires hidden out of sight.”

My head tilted away, my back arching to offer myself totally to you. “That’s my naughty little Puppy.” I closed my eyes, revealing in the sensing of your body pressed against mine, your hands roaming longingly over my curves, your lips and tongue frolicking in my mouth, your heady scent –- all of it intotoxicating me to the point of abandon.

Your right hand settled on my knee, underneath my skirt. Slowly, it slide up my inner tigh without my notice, because my mind was preoccupied with other things. It was only when you reached that ticklish point at the uppermost area that I realized where your errant hand was. I tried to wriggle away, but you held me fast. “I want a little taste of you, my dear,” you whispered while you dipped two fingers into my panties and dragged them briefly along my soaking snatch before bringing They up to your lips, pausing long enough to breathe in the scent, then tasting them. I bit my lip, worried you wouldn’t like it, but was relieved when you sawed, “Very nice! Lovely!”

Thecabbie pivoted, drawing an arm over the back of the seat before announcing that we’d arrived at our destination. Once you’d settled the fare with him, you took me by the hand, gently tugging me out of the cab and into the hotel.

Hobbled as I was by the high heels, it was difficult to keep up with you as you hurried through the lobby. At one point I nearly tripped because my feet couldn’t seem to move fast enough. You turned and looked at me, reassuring me only with your expressive face that I could persevere. Soon, we managed to reach the elevator, which means I could stand still for a few moments.

As soon as the doors closed, your arms enfolded me once more, offering support for my unsteady legs. Your mouth covered mine, coaxing my tongue to explore you again; and I did so, happy to be given another chance to please you.

When the elevator doors opened, we spilled into the hallway, kisses and low moans punctuating what little conversation we were able to make. You took out the card key and swiped it into the reader box, then opened the door and held it for me as we both pirouetted into the dark hotel room.


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