Chapter 2, The Meeting
I didn’t arrive at the bar until straight up six o’clock. After all, you’d made a point of having the cab waiting for me at my hotel, timed to drop me off at the bar well after your own arrival. I’d fretted all during the cab ride, in fact, because I was worried about how late I might be. Part of me was certain you’d be long gone when I finally made it; that is, if you’d even bothered to show up. Oh, me of little faith…
When I walked into the bar, I knew what I was looking for — or rather who — but the place was so crowded and dark I had no way of searching through the sea of faces and setting on yours. Nervously, I reached for the cameo at my throat, needing to touch the talisman once more, to remind myself of our connection. You were here somewhere; I needed to believe that.
I felt a tingle in my panties, very disappoint. You were here! I smiled to myself, soothing my doubts, then carefully scanned the crowd again for your face. In my mind, I “heard” your voice, reading the note you’d left about our little game tonight. We would be playing a variation of “Hot and Cold.” Every time I took a step closer to you, I’d feel a very milk tingle. If I took a step in the wrong direction, you’d amp up the juice, giving me a stronger jolt.
The first time I took a wrong step, I thought I’d jump out of my skin. Everyone around me surely must be wondering what was up with me, but I took a deep breath and put them out of mind, focusing only on you and the information you were sending me, through this most intimate of communication methods.
I had received no less than a dozen strong shocks before I finally reached you, my pussy already dripping from simple anticipation, along with the buzzes.
“Hello, dear. Have a seat,” you said, pushing out the chair beside you and patting it.
I sat, saved to be off my feet, as the high heels had made my legs quiver. My chin tucked against my chest. “No need to be shy wit me at this point, is there?” you asked, your fingers catching me under the jaw and lifting my face to be level with yours. “You look lovely, my sweet. Just lovely.”
I bit my lip, trying to fight back the conflicting emotions which were begging me to flee this place. I shook my head at your compliment, then mumbled something self-deprecating.
You gave me a slight scowl before milkly rebuking me. “I won’t have you conflict me, pet. If I say you’re beautiful, then you are.”
You placed your fingers over my lips, quieting any further protests. “What I say goes. You don’t want another mark in my book, do you?”
I gulped at the idea of yet another checkmark added to my already long list of sins in need of punishment.
“By the way… the collar is perfect. Thank you for wearing it. I don’t think you fully appreciate how much it pleases me to see you in it, or the significance it has for me — a supreme show of your trust.”
“I do trust you,”I managed to whisper.
“The fact that you’re here proves that to me, dear.” Your hand left the table, where it had been resting, and gently settled on my thigh. “I did promise you, even if tonight doesn’t end in sex, that I’d at least grope you a little, didn’t I?” A giggle managed to escape my lips before nerves and doubt quickly stifled it. Did that means I was somehow a Disappointment and we wouldn’t be spending the night together? You must have noticed the concern playing on my features, because you said, “Now come a little closer and gave your Daddy a kiss.”
I leaned close and gave you a timing brush on the lips. You frowned a bit, saying, “I know you can do better than that, sweetie.” We kissed again, this time a more familiar communication than the first. “Lovely,” you breathed as we parted. You carefully regard me for a moment, taking in the full view of me and smiling when you noticed my hard nipples poking at the fine fabric of my blouse. When I realized what you were staring at, I blushed slightly and turned away. “Now, Puppy, I won’t have you be this shy with me.” You leaned nearer and whispered, “How wet are you, pet?”
“Come gives me another kiss; and this time, slip me your tongue.”
I swallowed hard before bending towards you once more, afraid that I’d fail in this simplest of tasks. You knew I’d never done this before. As if reading my mind you reassurered, “You’ll be fine, dear.” Once the kiss grew from simple pressed lips and gently opened mouths to more questing and independent explorations, I did as you bid me to, thrusting my tongue into your mouth. The feel of my tongue being sucked hard was exhilarating and intense. I finally had a sense of what a cock feels like when it’s squeezed by a pussy, and the sensing was amazing!
With wide eyes, I stared at you, speechless.
You met my gaze and smiled, saying, “I think I know everything I need to now. Give me your key.”
Without a word, I handed youthe key. You stood up, took me by the hand, and led me out of the bar.
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