The First Meeting

They had been chatting online for a few weeks and the excitement had been building up inside her. Debbie was 35 and lived alone. All of her relationships had never lived up to what she wanted them to be and she felt lost and lonely. She craved a man who would take control and be forceful with her. Once she started to explore the internet, she realized that there were many others like her out there and many more men who took an interest in submissive women. When she placed an ad at a bondage website, she got many responses, but most of them were from pretenders who just wanted sex. But one response was from a Master who liked to train subs for his pleasure. He intrigued her so much that they began talking. Suddenly she realized that this was what she really wanted out of life. He was strong willed and controlling. He demand nude pix and erotic stories, he wanted to know everything about her life. She told him everything he wanted to know willingly. It warmed her inside to finally give in to her real nature and be the submissive she wanted to be. She craved only to please him and no one else, not even her own pleasure matter any more. She talked to no other Master, always waiting faithfully for her ‘One’ to come online. She long to submit to him ever day.

As things had turned out, she did not live very far away from him. Less than an hours drive and there were lots of places to meet in Between. So eventually they began to discuss it. What would happen if they met? What kind of things would do together? It was all very erotic and she felt herself get wet whenever her Master would talk to her and discuss meeting. When they talked online she would often masturbate wishing her Master was with her. Of course, she would tell her Master what she was doing and then she had to wait for permission to finally cum and get the release she longed for. She was a good slave only wanting to please her Master, but the best way to please was in person. They had exchanged pictures before and had a good idea of ​​what each other looked like. She was 5’5″ a little over weight with long sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. He was tall dark and handsome.

Finally, one day he wasn’t online when she had been looking for him, so she sent an e-mailing begging for him to talk to her, to meet with her, to use her in anyway he saw fit. She was going to go insane without his touch or care. It had been far too long since she had the touch of a man against her flesh. The next day there was the reply she had been waiting for all this time! It simply read: ‘Paradise Night Club, Friday night at 9 PM. Make sure to look good; make up, perfume, lacy underwear and a slinky black dress. I will be there waiting for you. Although your nervousness, you will find and approach me. You won’t be able to Resist. This is your one and only chance to prove your worth to me. Please don’t let me down or I’ll be forced to find someone else… Master. P.S. You are not allowed to masturbate ortouch yourself in any sexual way between now and then.’ In the few seconds it took to read the message she had grown completely wet. Friday was two days way! How could she stand the wait?! She thought. She looked for him online, but over the next two days he was no where to be found.

She followed his instructions to the letter, not wanting to displease him in anyway! She had resisted the urge to touch herself, trying to keep busy and not think about it. Friday night she worried and fretted hoping that she would look good enough for her Master. She showed and shhaved, than spent over an hour in front of the mirror trying to get the make up just right. Dark eye shadow, ruby ​​lips, and the subtle perfume she new what her Master wanted and she had to get it all just right. She knew what dress to wear, but she changed her mind About her underwear about a dozen times or more before finally setting on a pink lacy bra and matching thong. She was sure that her Master would be pleased with her choice. The black dress was easy, she had forgotten one in a pictures she had sent, so she knew exactly what she should wear.

Once she felt she was perfect, she got in the car and drive to the bar. She was on edge when she finally pulled up to the club. Her nerves were getting the best of her and her heart was racing. She had never met anyone this way before and certainly not a Master, someone she had promised herself to in both mind and body. Still she was getting excited and she could feel herself getting wetter by the minute as she walked inside. The atmosphere was dark as in most clubs. But this one had two levels to it. She took a seat near the dance floor where she would easily be seen. She looked around, but did not see him. However, with so many people there and many more coming in, it was hard to tell where he might be or if he was Even there yet. A waitress came to her and she ordered a drink while she waited to find him or for him to find her.

Meanwhile, her Master had arrived ahead of her. This was nothing new to him, he had done this many times before with other women and it had always gone the same. No matter how much they wanted it, the first meeting was always nervous for them. They would sit alone or wander around waiting for him. This was the part he savored the most, watching her from afar like a lion stocking his prey. He drank her nervousness and fear like a fine wine. He sat on the upper level that over looked the dance floor making sure she would have a hard time seeing him, but he could still view her. He had to admit she did look good, even better than in her pictures and he liked the dress that she had chosen for him. It gave him an excellence view of her cleavage. He sat there watching her for nearly a half an hour before finally making his move. A waitress came by and he called her over.

“You see that woman down there in the black dress?” He asked her.

The waitress leaned in close to hear, the music was a bit loud. But he got an excellent view of her breasts and smile inwardly. “The one sitting alone?” She questioned.

“Yes, that’s her,” He pulled out a twenty dollar bill. “I want you to send her a drink. Something simple, like a rum & coke. Don’t tell her who it is coming from. Simply tell her that her Master is watching over her. She’ll understand. If you can do this for me than the rest of the money is yours.”

“No problem,” She said looking at over a 15 dollar tip with a big smile. She seemed to use to strange request with big tips attached to them. But this wasn’t the first time he had done this either and the waitress had noticed him in here before.

He watched patiently as the waitress went and got a drink from the bar and carried it over to the table. Debbie was still unsure of what would happen and she was thinking of ordering another drink to calm her nervous when suddenly the waitress appeared.

“I hope this makes sense to you, but this drink has been sent over for you. I’m supposed to tell you that ‘your Master is watching over you.’ I hope I got that right. Anyway it’s already paid for so here. I’ll take the empty away,” The waitress had done well. She took the empty glass and set down the new drink.

Debbie’s face flushed with embarrassment, even though she did not know the waitress, she was still aware of what was going on. Still Debbie had to know. “Thank you. Could you tell me where he is?” She asked scanning the crowd quickly.

“Sorry, I’m not allowed,” She replied with a shrug.

Debbie was totally humiliated! She just stared down at the drink until the waitress went away.

He Master ordered another drink for himself while he watched her slowly began to sip on her drink. His drink came and he sipped on in as she began to scan the room once again, this time she had taken the clue and look hard at the upper level. He had a small table in the corner, but this time he did not hide from her he sat up and moved a bit so she would notice him.

Suddenly she looked at him. Their eyes locked. He smiled and raised his glass to salute her.

Her heart raced, it was him! She finally spotted him! He had been watching her the whole time! She was filled with excitement and fear at the same time. She was drawn to him just as he said she would be. She never thought she would have the nerve, but suddenly she longed for him badly. Her underwear became soaked with the wetness that dripped from her slit. The orders were for her to approach him. This was her one and only chance he had said in his message. She didn’t want to make any mistake. They had been talking for weeks and knew each other fairly well already. She got up, her legs were weak and her stomach was in knots. But this was what she wanted, she had to do it. Slowly she made her way up to the other level and over to his table. Her eyes were down cast, afraid to look up at him despite the fact that she did find him good looking.

She walked right upto him, moving in close so they could talk. “Greetings m-my M-Master,” She struggled with the words, but she had planned what she would say for the last two days, unable to sleep thinking about it.

Suddenly he stood up and took her free hand in his, bending and kissing it lightly. “Greetings my precious little slave! Please, have a seat.”

Her heart almost stopped and it all seemed like a waking dream. It was almost better than she could have expected. “I have wanted to meet you for so long, sir.”

“I understand. When you finally begged me to meet with you, I knew you were ready to be placed under my total and complete control.”

“Thank you for the drink Master. You have been too kind to this slave, sir.” She said she still looking down, afraid.

“You may look me in the eye slave. I’m not going to harm you,” He said with a wicked smile.

“Thank you, sir.” She said looking up at him. It was hypnotic. She was his totally. She would do whatever she was orderto do, no matter what. She wanted to be his play toy so badly it almost hurt to think of it.

“I like your dress, it makes you look very beautiful,” He compiled her. He sat back completely at ease watching her intently as she blushed and squirmed beneath his gaze.

She flushed red with embarrassment. She wasn’t use to such compliments. She had never considered herself that pretty. “Thank you, sir. I tried my best to meet your approval. I hope you are satisfied, sir.”

Indeed I am,” He said. He took a sip of his drink before he continued. “You were very eager to meet me when we talked on the internet. Why are you so nervous now?”

“Yes, sir. I know I’m trying to be at ease, but it is hard. I am eager to meet you, sir. I’m very happy to be here with you now, sir.” She replied. She tried taking a deep breath and a sip of her drink to calm herself.

“I know why you are here. But why don’t you tell me anyway. Do you want me to possess you? To control you? To treat you as my property?” He questioned her.

“Yes, sir,” She replied. She needed another deep drink to continue. “I’m willing to give myself over to you completely, sir. You may control me as you wish. I-I Want to be your property,” There she had said it! It was one of the hardest things she had ever said, because she truly means it.

“Your Master is please. But you will prove your faithfulness to me tonight. Understand? If you really want to be my property you will have to do whatever I ask, no matter how you feel about doing it. From this moment forth I own you. Understand?” He stated in a very serious voice. This wasn’t a game any more. She had to do as she was told without question if she wanted to be with him.

Terrified, she could still not resist her nature. She nodded in agreement. “Yes, sir,” She said under her breath. “Whatever you desire, sir. Whatever you wish for, I will fulfill it.”

“Very good, slut,” He said with a smile. “Finish you drink. I have someplace I want to take you.”

Her heart was beating faster and faster. She finished her drink and nodded. Her excitement was so great she was sure she had left a wet spot on the chair where she was sitting. Her dress was short enough that it barely covered her ass when she sat down and her thong was soaked.

Debbie’s new Master finished his drink and then stood up. Taking her hand he guided her throw the maze of tables and people. They went outside and around back to where his car was waiting. It was all a blur. Suddenly she noticed that she was in the car as her subspace began to sink in. The drinks help to loosen up her mind, her resistance to his charm and his commanding voice.

“You must come with me to a place that is more private. I want you to please me, but I don’t want to be spied upon. Soon you will finally be able to please you Master properly. You are not to question me in anyway, nor can you ask where we are going. I can only give you my word that as long asyou are with me you are safe and no serious harm will come to you. Do you trust me slave?” He asked.

“Yes, sir.”

“Good. We aren’t going to drive very far. I know a place close by that is quiet this time of night,” Her Master added. He was right of course. They did not drive very far maybe only 15 or 20 minutes before they found the park he was looking for. It was night and the darkness was only broken by the light of a near full moon. It was kind of like a rest area, but it went deep into the bush, until they came to the side of a river where the grass was newly cut and a few tables and fire pits had been set up for the passing motorist to use. Tonight this place would be used for something, much more interesting.

They finally stopped. She trembled in anticipation. “Is this what you longed for?” He asked.

“Yes, sir,” Was all she could say.

“What are you will to do for me to prove your worthy of my touch?”

“Anything you command of me, sir.”

“Get out of the car,” He commanded. She got out. He did the same walking around to trunk and opening it, than he walked around to where she was standing.

“Strip for me slave,” He demanded with a cold calculating star.

Still shaking, she slowly reached behind her and unzipped her dress and let it slip to the ground. Her Master walked back around to the open trunk.

“Fold your clothes neighborly on the roof of your Master’s car,” He ordered. He watched as she undressed for him, her milky white flesh glowing in the moonlight. She folded the dress neighborly and put it on top of the car. She undid her bra and folded it up. Finally she took a deep breath and took off her thong. She could smell her own sex. As she fold them up and placed them on the car she could see that they were covered in her own secretions and the mood had gone right throw leaving a damp patch on the outside.

Finally she stood naked before her Master. “Turn around with your back to me,” He commanded. She did so he took a blindfold and a pair of handscuffs out of the trunk and approached her. “Just try to relax and enjoy yourself. Your Master is very proud with how you are performing for him. Stick you hands out behind you.”

She did so and suddenly found the cold steel handscuffs being placed around her wrists until they were secured. She was surprised to find that she was still getting wetter and Her cilt began to tingle even though it had not been touched in days. Finally, a blindfold was placed around her eyes and tightened snugly. She could see nothing.

She stood naked cuffed and blindfolded trembling with a mixture of desire and fear. When she was shocked by something she never expected. Perhaps it was only her nervousness of the moment, but she suddenly felt the urge to pee and it wasn’t going to wait long. She did have two drinks and never used the washroom before they left. Had it was part of the plan? She didn’t know, but something had to be done.

“Master? Imust tell you something before we continue, sir,” She said nervously.

“Yes my little slutty slave?” He questioned caught a little off guard.

“Master your slave girl has to pee,” She said. Although being naked, she flushed with embarrassment making her body feel hot, even with the cool breeze upon her skin.

Her Master laughed. Clearly he was amused and even surprised by This particular situation, but still he was not upset by it. “If you beg you Master, he might let you go potty,” He suggested.

Knowing that her Master was still behind her she turned around a sunk down to her knees as a good slave must always do when begging for a favor from her Master. “Please Master, I beg of you to take goal on this poor slave of yours, sir. Your slave girl lacks basic control over herself and must save herself soon, sir. Obviously she still needs much training, but that is why she begs to be yours completely, sir. But please take goal on her suffering this once and allow herto go potty, sir,” Debbie begged even using the childish word ‘potty’ as a good slave should. Debbie had never been so turned on, nor so humiliated in all of her life. Here she was naked her knees getting dirty from kneeing before a complete strange as she begged to take a piss.

Her Master was impressed with her progress as his new slave. She was truly his to command and play with. Finally after thinking About it for a minute he agreed. “Alright you may save yourself. Squat here and piss by the side of the car,” He told her.

It was so much humiliation that she almost cried, but held back not wanting her Master to see her weakness. Debbie didn’t want to offend her Master in any way. This was their first meeting if she offended him or didn’t please him in some way, there may never be another one. It took a minute while her Master watched patiently, but finally she was able to pee. He watched carefully as it came flooding out, glistening in the moonlight. His slave couldNot see what was going on, she could only hear the noise it made and it hit the ground turning the dirt to mud.

When she was finally finished she felt much better. Her bladder no longer hurt her and she understand the truly meaning of relief. However, she became aware that without the use of her hands she could not wipe nor did she have anything to wipe with. She just hovered trying to shake the drips off of her lips.

Suddenly she was grabbed by the arm. “Bend over the car hood,” She was instructed as she was also manipulated. He used his foot to spread her legs far apart, until she was lying helpfully across it. Opening the car door he got a tissue and used it to wipe the piss off her pussy. She was shocked at his rough touch, but craved much more, moving so he could reach her better, yet he would not touch her most sacred spot. Once she was clean and dry he put the tissue away or throw it somewhere, she had no idea since she was still wearing the blindfold.

Despitebeing wiped clean she was still getting wet as the cool night air caresed her ass and pussy. She felt his fingers probing gently all around her slit and pulling at the lips. The experience was so erotic she witnessed as he slowly stimulated her. Her clip was on fire as he touched and pinched it, pulling at it roughly.

He’s doing a pretty good examination of my private area, she thought.

“What would you like your Master to do to you?” He questioned her.

“This slave girl is all yours Master. You can do whatever you want with her, sir. Tonight she is you toy, sir,” Debbie said as her stiffened nipples rubbed on the hood of the car sending a chill down her spine. Her nipples had always been sensitive, but with everything going on, it was a mental overload.

“You are growing wet again slave,” Her Master commented as he rubbed her pussy, spreading her juices all over.

“It is for your pleasure, sir,” She said giving in to her nature and her experience. Finally sheFound herself relaxing. She knew she was safe in his possession. She let herself drift in and out of subspace enjoying every moment of it.

Finally he took some of her own juices and spread it on her pouting asshole. The feeling was strange to her. She had never been fucked in the ass and had never even played with it before. It was a weird experience. It felt good and in her excited state, nothing really mattered accept that he was still touching her.


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