The Fire Within

She was hiding deep in the woods afraid she would soon be found.

“How long have I been hiding?” she thought.

She had fled from the hunters’ camp in the late hours of the morning. The sun barely hovered over the horizon.

She curled onto her side and pulled her knees to her chest. The thick weave of thorns and vines that created the small tunnel in the thicket where she was hiding made her feel safe.

As she lay curled on her side in the shadows just behind the entrance, she felt the fire burning within her.

Her heart raced and her senses heightened as she sensed that someone was coming. Someone strong, protected and determined to find her. She quietly got on her hands and knees and waited.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

It didn’t take long for him to find her. Although he could Not see her he could feel her. The same fire that burned within her also burned within him.

They were destined to be together.

He had followed her trail for nearly threehours. The fire within him growing stronger and stronger as her fire drew him to her. He stopped in the small clearing only a few feet from the entrance of her hiding place.

He was so close to her that his skin burned with desire. He was always in complete control.

Until now.

The fire inside him threatened to escape and consume everything around him. His bare feet padded closer and closer in her direction before coming to a stop. Now he would wait patiently.

Understanding the fear that must be cursing through her veins he would wait for her.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

He was so close she was afraid he could hear how loud and fast her heart was beating. Her own fire was simmering just under her skin. Daring her to run to him so it could be tamed.

Instead she cautiously crawled towards the entrance of Her hiding place. Carefully placing her hands just before the dim light that showed through the entrance. She laid down on her stomach and rested her chin onHer hands so she could watch him.

She could see his feet were cut from the sticks and thorns in the thicket. A tear ran down her cheek at the thought of him being hurt because of her.

But yet he had endured this pain to find her. To protect her from the hunters.

She let her eyes trail up his body taking note of the tares in his pants. His shirt hugged his body in a delicious way that made her notice his strength.

Her eyes kept going until she looked at his face. He looked calm as if he was patiently waiting for her.

“How long will he wait for me?” She wondered. Her eyes met his gaze and her breath caught. “As long as it takes for you to trust me.” He replied.

She quickly curried further back into her hiding place. “How could he have seen me? How did he know what I was thinking? Trust him? How can I trust someone I don’t even know?”

She kept retracing her actions over and over in her mind and could not form an answer to her questions.

“IfYou will come to me I will answer the questions that are running through your mind.” He said in a calm but husky voice.

Slowly she inched her way towards the entrance once again. The fire within her getting stronger with each placement of her hands and knees.

Now he was the one pulling her to him.

She hesitated before placing her hand cautiously into the light. She looked up at him as she slowly crawled out of the thorns and their eyes locked. She couldn’t look away and she didn’t want to.

The fire in his eyes matched her own and she slowly crawled towards him. She stopped at his feet and placed her bottom on her heels. Her hands rested softly on her thighs as she knelt before him.

Her eyes never leaving his.

He brought his hand forward and she shook with the anticipation of a slap. Her eyes began to water and silent tears trailed down her cheeks.

But she never broke their gaze.

He paused his movement and pain shattered across his face at the realization of what she thought his actions would be. “What had they done to her?” He thought as he slowly began to move his hand forward. “Trust me.” He whispered as he placed his hand on her head and smoothed her hair.

He slowly slip his hand down her face to rest on her cheek. She told with contentment at the feel of his touch and relaxed into his hand. “Good girl.” He said with a warm smile.

Her whole body trembled at those words. It was a feeling she couldn’t explain. Her body seemed to float at those two words.

So simple yet so strong.

“The fire that burns within us is unique.” He started to explain. “We are matched by the elders once we become of age. Although we do not know one other, we are matched. The fire draws us together.”

Her eyes widened with understanding. It all made sense now.

“Our unique bond also allows me into your thoughts. It is a gift granted by the elders until you learn to trust me completely. Once I have gained your trust and you freely tell me whatever is on your mind any time I ask for an answer, then the gift will go away.” His thumb glided back and forth across her cheek.

Suddenly she remembered his feet. How badly they must hurt. She slowly lowered her head and gently pressed her soft lips to the cut and scraped flesh on both of his feet.

Her kisses flared up his legs to his groin and he began to thicken. His breathing was heavy as he tried to regain control.

She stopped and looked up at him seeing the same fire she had seen when she was crawling to him.

Her breathing intensified and she noticed he was getting hard. Her own desires flared and she began to ache between her legs.

“Stand.” He commanded. His voice low and dark.

She obeyed without hesitation and rose to her feet. Her body shook with anticipation of what would come next.

He raised his hands and placed them softly on her cheeks. He lovingly caressed them with his thumbs before leaning in to gently touch his lips to hers.

She closed her eyes and placed her hands on his wrists.

Soft and sweet were his kisses. Her mouth opened as his gentle lips allowed her to taste his nectar.

She let out a low moan as his tongue slide over hers when it entered her mouth. She was becoming more aroused by each pass of his tongue as she thought of his tongue lapping away at her pussy.

His hand moved behind her head while he placed his other hand around the small of her back. Pulling her closer, he began to deep the kisses.

She mirrored his movements as she slowly slipped her tongue into his mouth.

He fought the urge to clench his hand into a fist full of her hair. Allowing him to pull her head back and expose her neck. He wanted to lick, nibble and bite the tender flesh that would be exposed.

To mark her as his.

He thought of forcing her against a tree with one of his hands holding her wrists above her head and the other hand around her throat, while pinning her with his body.

A raging fire was within him. A fire he fought hard to contain.

Breaking the kiss, he pulled away breathless. There would be time for him to show her the heat of his desire.

Now was not the time.

She’s afraid and she’s either trusting him out of fear or out of desire. He needed her to show him what she was feeling.

She was panting, trying to catch her own breath. Wondering why he broke the most passwordate kiss she had ever experienced.

They looked deeply into each other’s lust filled eyes.

He leaned in and kissed her forehead as he quickly cracked her in his arms.

“Come baby.” He said softly as he kissed the top of her head. “I need to get you safe and take care of you.”

She looked down at his feet once again. “I will be alright. My only concern is your well being.” He said as he held her tightly in his arms.

She sent and snuggled her face into his chest. She was too weak to argue or walk. Soon she fell asleep as he carried her through the woods to the safety of his home.


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