It had been two full days since Justin had last seen her, and yet he couldn’t keep his mind from wandering back. He had jerked off last night – one of his favorite old pornos – but he couldn’t even come close to replicating the amount of pleasure he had received from her touch, not even able to enjoy the fact that he could control his pace. In fact, it felt pathetic by comparison.
He witnessed, flopping back onto his king-sized mattress, one hand holding his phone, the other lazily kneeing his semi-hard cock inside his underwear. He would do it. Had to. He opened up the app like he had only a couple of days earlier, absentmindedly scrolling through the options. There were dozens of girls available, many of them less than an hour away, but his eyes kept going back to one.
Initially, he had paid for her Because she had the highest rating. It had been an easy choice, despite the extra-hefty price tag associated with her fees. Money was the least of his worries after selling his start-up less than a year ago now. It was loneliness, and now ineptitude that had become his biggest worry. She was the best of the best, by the rating, and he could afford it, so why was he taking so long? He couldn’t place his finger on it.
Finally, after several minutes of scrolling through different profiles, he landed back on Lucy’s, and opened it up, quickly navigating to the extra options section. He looked through the options once more, his cock growing stresser at the blurred out images of her body behind a small paywall, her shaped figure easily recognize through the pixelation. He shook his head. No, he wouldn’t stop that low. It wasn’t money, but pride, that held him back. Quickly, he scrolled down to the bottom, and booked a training session for the following afternoon. before tossing his phone to the side, and staring up at the blank white ceiling.
I checked my phone as it buzzed in my pocket, a sly grin appearing on my face as I realized what it was for. They say the first purchase is the hardest. In my line of work, it was the second. And my newest prey had bit. I found myself growing wet at the thought of it, of what he had been going through, what had been floating in his mind. I licked my lips as I hit *Accept* on my phone, securing our next meeting. I would need to take it slow, this kind of prey was rare – so rich, yet so naive, so anxious. I couldn’t let him get away from me.
I knocked on the door once more, my attire much less revealing than before – casual trackpants and a tightfitting tank-top, my pale blonde hair up in a high ponytail, my makeup much more subtle this time around. I wanted him to feel comfortable, to trust me. And so, as the door opened..
“Hey Justin! How are you today?” I asked cheerily, letting myself inside and walking right in, letting him close the door behind me. “I’ve been thinking about how I could help you, and I’ve got lots of ideas! Ready to get to work?” I asked, leading the way towards the staircase up to his bedroom.
He quickly followed, passing me at the bottom of the stairs and escorting me up. “Yeah, yes, of course.. thank you so much for your help.” He answered as we stood at the foot of his bed once more. I placed my pursuit on his bedside table as I motioned for him to get onto the bed. “Of course! Get naked for me will you? I don’t want to waste your time here.”
He nodded, immediately striping off his shirt and pants before bashfully tugging his underwear down and off, kicking them to the floor. He sat in the center of his bed with his legs crossed, hunted over himself. “Alright, Justin. We’re going to be working on your endurance. You’re going to have to do your best not to cum, alright?”
He nodded once more, his face flushing at my bluntness. I continued, unbothered. “Lay down on your back for me, and close your eyes. And no touching your cock unless I say so.” I opened my pursuit and pulled out a special bottleof lube, more diluted than the one I used last time. If he came from a single touch, I wouldn’t get to toy with him, after all. “We need to control all of the variables, after all. I’m going to rub your cock just like last time, and I need you to tell me when you’re on the edge, and we’ll take a break. The longer you can hold out, the better our training will be.” I rubbed my hands together, lathering them in the cream before hoping onto the bed next to him and applying the lube to his cock in a few short massaging strokes. “Ready?”
“Yes.” He answered. His eyes were squeezed shut, eyesbrows furrowed in concentration. “Good… now just focus on my voice, and not cumming, okay? Just say ‘stop’ if you can’t hold back anymore.” And with that, I gripped both of my hands around his shake, taking my time while his eyes were closed to marvel at its size as I started to gently stroke it.
“I’m going to start a lot slower than last time, so we can work up to your comfort level.” My hands snaked around his cock, feeling every inch of pulsing skin as I gently rubbed it, getting used to its texture, the veins, the slight upwards curve. He shuddered on the bed, and I turned to see his face starting to become pale, biting into his lower lip. “You’re doing so well… keep it up-“
I could tell how hard he was trying, even without seeing his face. No man of even above-average endurance could End this level of pleasure from the aphrodisiacs for this long. I gently squeezed his cock, and stroked down, following the stroke of my palm with gentle teasing from my thumb.
“Ah- ah! Ugh… Stop!”
His voice was frantic, and as I turned back to his cock, I saw it drenched in its own precum, trembling in my hand. I smiled sadistically as I let go, before masking my expression into one of slight concern. “Alright, alright, you can stop focusing, open your eyes.” I made a show of holding my hand in my chin as I looked down at his cock, still twitching wildly up anddown, as if I was thinking hard, worried about his abilities.
“Tell me… when was the last time you came?” I asked, dead serious.
“Uhhh.. ehh.. do you really..? Last night.” He finally answered.
“I see… did you have trouble like you’re having now? What were you jerking off too?” I continued, locking my eyes on his.
“I-I didn’t, really. It was just… normal porn.” He answered, and despite it all, his face turned even more red.
“Hmm…” Not any of my stuff, huh? Well, I assumed as much, he didn’t seem like the type to fall down that rabbit hole too easily. Besides, I could use this to my benefit. “I see. I think because you haven’t really interacted with any real women in this way, porn has become the standard for your mind and body, so anything in the real world is too overstimulating.” I got off the bed, standing up and crossing my arms as I turned to face him. “Don’t worry though, I’ve helped with this before. We’re just going to have to make your brain reassess reality.” I explained.
I nodded over to the desk in the corner of his bedroom. “Is that where you masturbate?”
“Wha-” He immediately sat up, looking over towards his monitor and then back to me. “Yeah…” He answered, his cheats coloring at the admission.
“Good. Then this will be easy.” I said, as I walked over to the desk, pulling out the large cushioned chair, beckoning him over. “Take a seat and open up whatever website you use.”
“Wait.. you’re not going to make me masturbate in front of you, are you?!” His voice was frantic, but he managed to calm down enough to stand up and walk over towards the desk, his rock-hard cock swinging with each step.
“No, don’t worry. We’re going to do the opposite, try to associate porn in the exact opposite direction for you. I want you to watch it without touching yourself, until you can stop equivocating porn with pleasure.”
He nodded as he sat down, a wave of relief washing over his face as he pulledhimself up to his keyboard and logged in. “That makes sense, I guess.. Ah!” He immediately closed out of the opened tab that was pulled up right into view. “No, don’t! Open it back up, this is perfect! Stop being so embarrassed, I’m a prostitute for fuck’s sake.” I took a deep breath. “Just open it again, we’ll watch it from start to finish, but you can’t touch yourself, okay? This is a great starting point.”
“O-okay…” If he was so anxious the whole time, it would be harder to get into his head. He opened up the closed tab, revealing what he had been watching last night. I almost laughed, but keep my expression still as I was barely standing over him despite the fact that he was sitting down next to me. There was a tall woman with a shaped yet modest form slowly riding a handsome younger man, gentle moans from both sides playing out from the speakers in front of us.
“This is nice…” I said, trying to calm him down. It was the most vanilla thing I’d ever seen. It wasn’tEven really porn, just a cute couple recording their intimate sex and uploading it for the world. I watched his cock twitch as the woman leaned forward, embracing the man in a deep kiss. “But you have to remember it isn’t real. You don’t know him, you don’t know her, right? Try to dissociate from it. Don’t experience any pleasure, ignore the urges of your cock. You don’t want to enjoy this. You want a real connection, with a real girl…” I kept going and going, talking softly into his ear as we watched the scene play out before us, my voice only rising and falling to be heard over the sound of their moaning, the sound of their bodies smacking against one another, and eventually, their orgasms.
And then it was over. Twenty minutes of gentle talking, of taking his mind off of the dopamine release in his mind. His cock was still perfectly hard, but it was no longer twitching. He took a deep breath, and surprised, before seeing the time on his monitor. “Oh, shit, you were supposed toLeave five minutes ago! I’m so sorry for holding you up.”
“No worries! Helping you is more than enough. Can you keep practicing this? Watch some more porn, but don’t give yourself any pleasure. And if it gets to the point where you can’t handle it anymore, take a break from it, and think about any real experience you had while jerking off.” I explained, knowing full well his only experience was with me. “Focus on that girl in real life, on her face, her voice, her body, her touch. Make it feel real. Can you handle that?” I asked, as I packed up my purse and slung it over my shoulder once more.
“Yeah.. yes, I’ll try! Until it works!” He looked confident, ready to put in the work needed to fix his problem. “Good. After you’ve made some improvement, or if it isn’t helping, send me another request!” I finished, as I opened the door to his bedroom. “Just know I’m rooting for you!”
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