My Master led me up the stairs to his chamber, once there he removed the leash from my collar, picked me up and placed me on his bed. The linen had been changed since we had been there earlier, and was fraudulently fresh. My Master leaned over me looking deep into my eyes, he smiled, “Tonight your life will change, tonight you will find a new bliss.”
Up until then i had only expected that the Master would use my body for his pleasure, as he had in the past, manipulating my body until i begged him to let me cum or until he tired of the game, and dismissed me. i obeyed out of both love and fear, tonight promised to be different.
It was different alright, as my Master placed his cock at my cunt lips he reached up and removed my collar. He moved away from me, his eyes cold, and he told me to go me over to his fireplace and to knee with my back to him.
i feel the sear of his branding iron placed over his mark on my left shoulder. He then blindfolded me, and led me out ofthe room. He put me in his car, we drove for a while, we stopped, I was pushed from the car, and he sped away.
i stood there silently, wondering what i should do, finally i removed the blindfold, and I was back in the park, the park where I had met this Master. i looked around, and there on the ground next to me were my clothes, the ones i had destroyed the first night. i slowly reached down and began to dress, tears flowing down my cheats, what had i done, what was he doing to me now?
A note pinned to my panties read;
Bliss, I am releasing you from my powers, go back to the reality of your world, I am no more your Master then the man in the moon. I love you baby, but it is over, my desire for you and the power that you possess would have destroyed my realm. I have never felt such total surrender, surrender that would take up my whole being. That, being what it may, I release you to find your real Master.
Love Peter.
i slipped into my dress, put on my shoes, and went and sat on the benchmark, holding my panties and the wrinkled note in my hand i began to cry… i felt empty, lost, my heart torn, my soul cried out into the night. i was no longer Bliss the teacher, i was no longer baby bliss the slave, i was now bliss, the submissive slave, without a Master
Alone, all alone now, empty inside, bliss sat on the park bench. What now, her life having been taken from her, her eyes had have been open to the real bliss, the bliss that had been since birth, expressed deep inside her, had been brought to the surface by a man that she had given herself over to. She looked to the heavens, and prayed. Tears filled her eyes as she got up and walked down the path, without the guiding hand of her Master, her friend, her teacher, he had deserted her. Her training had been phenomenon, bliss had exceeded all her Master’s expectations, she was ready, to become one with him, body, mind, heart, and soul… He had been so proud of her, why had he done this to her. What moved him to abandon her, leaving her empty, with a burning desire, burning with the need to be filled.
bliss made her way back to the family summerhouse on the south end of the lake. Wanting to be alone, alone with the struggle going on inside hers, bliss grabbed the keys to her dads fishing lodge, and headed down the long winding stairs the led to her family’s boat.
She loved the water and boating. She loved feeling the power under her feet as she eased the throttle forward and left the dock behind. It was 30-mile trip across the lake to the fishing lodge. She would find her peace there, located on a secluded cove; the house was surrounded by 5000 acres of woods, almost wilderness. She went there often when she wanted be alone, lost with her own feelings, now she was going there to find herself, to find her feeling and to grow from them.
Pulling slowly into the cove, bliss docked the boat like an expert pilot… easing into the slip, tying off the bow, and then the stern, she headed to the lodge. Once inside, she checked the cache for supplies, noted that she should have stopped at the grocery on the trip up. She whirled around and headed to the bar, Dad always kept it well stocked. She grabbed a bottle of Johnnie Walker Black, a glass and headed for the shower. She poured the Scotch Whiskey into her glass, took a sip, and then downed the rest in two swallows. She poured another, and Did likewise, fuck it, she said to herself, I’m gonna get fucked up tonight, tomorrow is a new day. She striped out of her clothes and stepped into the shower. The whiskey had started to relax her and the pulse of the shower felt good against her skin. She took the shower head in her hand a begin to rinse her body, the water cascading down her neck between her breasts, she lower the showerhead down across her breasts making them tingle and Come alive, her nipples hardened. The showerhead went lower, down across her tummy, down to her shaken public area the water now spraying between her legs. She spread her legs slightly, the water splashed against her smooth vulva, her cliporis peeking out from under it’s hood and through it’s ring exposed to the hot stream of water, her body shuddered. She needed a release, she again direct the spray to her clip… her hips beginning to undulate, she could feel her orgasm building, she groaned as the feeling intensified… “Yes” she whispered as she gripped the showerhead with both hands and turned the nozzle to pulse, she screamed as it attacked her clip, she bit her bottom lip, as her body stiffened, she was right at the edge, a few more seconds and she would cum. Her back against the shower wall she began to slide down into a squatting position making sure the pulsing spray was direct at her slit. She shrieked as she felt her abdomen tighten and her vagina contract… the water now slamming into her clip her hips bucking, her eyes opened wide, she began chanting, cum bliss, cum bliss! She stared at the pulsating stream of water, she collapsed on to the shower floor, she still belonged to him! She needed to hear his words, the words of her Master. She lay there exhausted, frustrated, and scared…
No, she thought, he released me… I no longer belong to him, but I do not belong to myself either. My slave heart has taken away my will , and given it to my new Master, a Master I have yet to meet… A Master who will love me, who will own me, who will protect me, a Master to whom I will give myself, body, mind, heart and soul… she now know why she had come here…
She went to the den, unlocked the cabinet, picked up her Dad’s Colt 44 Magnum, grabbed the bottle of whiskey and walked out the back door of the lodge. She walked down the path, she raised the bottle to her lips, taking a long swig, feeling the whiskey burn her throat as she swallowed, she continued to walk, and drink. She had been down this path many times, but never this path. She knew her Master waited at the end of the path she had chosen. Her Master, with his evil smile and cold piercing eyes, she knew he waited for her, and she was going to meet him…
She came to the clearing as the sun began to set, it’s twilight shimmering through the trees reflecting off the pond, her pond. This was her quite place, she sat down on her flat rock as she had many times before, and never before.
The bottle now half-empty, she took Another swallow, the liquid now went down smoothly…
Bliss sat there staring at the sunset, tears streaming from her eyes her hand clenched the weapon tightly as she brought it up to the side of her face… Master, I am yours, she cried as she began to squeeze the trigger.
Suddenly as if out of nowhere a silver and gray figure charged her, knocking her to the ground and separating her from the grips of death. scrambled to her knees, spinning to see who her attacker may have been. She scrambled around searching for the gun, it along with her attacker were nowhere to be seen. She buried her face in her hands, trembling she cried.
She felt a hand touch her shoulder, giving her a start, she turned quickly,. “Who?” she began, but there was nobody there.
Looking around, she yelled. “Who are you? Show yourself you bastard.”
Bliss was now walking in circles searching for her gun, “Give me back my gun! Leave me alone. Just leave me alone.” She cried.
She sat down again at the edge of the pond, her arms and head on her knees she cried, “Just leave me alone…” she sobbed.
“No Bliss, I shall not leave you alone… he is not your Master… you will not be joining him soon, he is evil, and you are good, he shall never be your Master…”
“Who are you?” Bliss sobbed. “Why do you care about me?”
“I am your guardian spirit, I am going to protect you and train you until your Master is found…” The voice said.
“Your Master is out there bliss and he will find you, you will be one with him soon.”
“Guardian spirit my ass” Bliss retired, “You didn’t protect me from that bastard Peter…”
“You were in no danger.” The spirit replied. “In fact he awakened you… I have been waiting a long time for you to embraced your true self… I am sorry it has worked out this way, but your true Master is seeking you.”
The Wolf circled bliss, “I will not hurt you bliss, you must trust me. I will release you from the power of your former Master, and I will possess you, you will become mine, until your real Master takes possession of you.”
Bliss trembled in terror, as the Wolf circled her.
“What is happening to me?” she whimpered.
Suddenly her wrist, were entwined by vines, as were her ankles, they tightened and began to spread her before the Wolf, opening her thighs and her secret place for all to see.
More vines wrapped themselves around her chest, separating and lifting her pert breast, little vine shots circulation and tightening around her nipples. Her nippleshardening and the vines tightened, pinching her nipples, causing her to cry out in pain… she could feel her cliporis slip through her ring, as her body began to respond to the vines manipulations.
Her eyes opened wide and she screamed as a snake slipped out of the woods. She fought against the vines as it approached her, her skin crawled as it wound it’s way around her neck, and its tongue ticked her lips. It moved down her body flitting it’s tongue at her nipples, down to her now taunt swollen cliporis, down to her wet dripping vagina, her cunt, it’s tongue flitting, seeking her, tasting her. It’s tongue teasing her clip, flitting her clip, tasting her clip, making her squirm, intensifying her bodies betrayal. It seemed to concentrate on her cliporis building the need inside her, tormenting her, taking her higher with each flitter of it’s tongue.
Bliss moaned, with her need, her wanting, as the snakes tongue entered her now sopping wet vagina, her cunt. It’s tongue probed, and she stared in horror as the snake’s head entered her! She screamed as this monster entered her very being. Her body betrayed her with feelings of ecstasy, taking her to a new level of want, of need, of desire, as the snake filled her like she had never been filled before, it managed to slither it’s entire length into her. Coiled inside of her it slithered and twisted and turned causing her body to shiver, and convulse.
The snake’s head emerged from her cunt and turned to her and said. “Are you ready bliss?”
bliss looked in horror. “Ready for what?” She asked trembling.
“Ready for this!” He said began to exit her cunt. His scaly body twisting and turning, as it exited up over her hyper-extended clip! It’s entire length, all nine feet of it, tormented her clip until it was raw, her nerves shattered, she pleased for release. Hissing into her ear as he slithered around her neck laughing she thought, as he returned the woods.
The Wolf circled…”blissare you with me?”
He stood over her now, her body squirming, her cunt open and raw, his tongue lapped gently at her open lips, soothing the pain, the fire of her burning desire, taking her up again. Taking her to the top of the wave, pushing her body to the very edge, driving her, pushing her beyond anything she had ever felt!
She screamed her need! She begged for him to take her beyond, to take her over the edge and through the wall! She was at the precipice, of ecstatic release, yet he backed off, leaving her hovering!
Bliss’s body trembled, it quivered, her cunt totally exposed, her hip undulating wildly, again she cries, becoming for release.
“You are not ready yet bliss.” Came his reply. “In your mind you are still his, still waiting for him to give you permission.”
“Can’t you grant me permission?” she begs.
“I am not your Master, nor will I be.” Came his reply.
“How do I free myself from him?” Cried bliss.
“bliss you hold the key inside you, you must find the key, and open the door, until then you will be tormented, until then you will answer to his demonstrations.”
The Wolf then vanished, and bliss was alone again scanning against the vines, her body covered with perspiration, her thighs coated with her secretions of near ecstasy!
She closed her eyes resting, breathing deeply, her mind searching, searching for the key…
Her eyes again snapped open! There, rubbing against the soles of her feet was a huge black cat.
The cat began to lick the soles of her feet with its sandpaper tongue. bliss could feel her body began to warm to the cat’s manipulations. Her nipples ached in the grip of the vines, and her cunt was beginning to throb again. Her clip filling anew and expanding tightly inside its ring.
“No!” bliss began. “Please don’t do this.” The cat’s tongue moved up her calm, on to her thigh. It sniffed at her cunt and then rubbed its whiskered head against it. The sensings were incredible, the soft fur against her cunt, the cat continued to rub against her, until her hips began to move.
The cat then looked into her eyes and its tongue brushed over her outer lips! Bliss’s body shook, the sandpaper tongue stimulating the very fiber of her cunt lips, igniting a new fire. The cat pursued as its tongue slipped between her outer lips and began lapping the honey flowing from within bliss, it’s tongue slipped onto her Now swollen puffy inner lips taking her yet to unexplored heights of ecstasy.
bliss could feel her orgasm building. She struggled to find the key as the cat’s tongue lapped her oozing cunt, her body again quivering, hips raised to give the cat, this wonderful pleasure machine, access to her inner being. The cat took her again up the ladder to another run, to the edge! bliss hovered there, and the cat pressed onward, its tongue poised to take her to yet another level.
bliss whimpered, as the cat’s tongue electrified her ultra sensitive cliporis,her body convulsed, aching for release. The cat’s tongue slowly lapped at her clip, each stroke bringing her closer and closer to the ultimate release.
Find the key bliss, open the lock!
Her body began to shake violently, I found it bliss thought to herself, here it comes! I’m going to cum! I’m going to cum, don’t stop! Don’t stop! She screamed!
The cat was gone! Bliss laid there, her body aching, she was right there, on the edge!
She screamed! You bastard! You mother fucking bastard! Why are you doing this to me? Why did you lead me here and then turn your back on me? Why did you run away? I gave myself to you and you ran… You are not worthy of me… I gave you my love… you rejected it. I’m taking it back! I offered you my mind… you did not want it, I want it back… I’m taking it back… You had my heart… no more! I want it back… I’m taking it back… it’s mine…
It was my soul!
You thought that I had given my soul to the dark one! Never! You didn’t understand what was happening to me! It was you! Not me! I thought it was me. It is you who didn’t understand. It was you who the dark one embedded. It was you that feared my submission! It was you that was afraid…Afraid to submit to being my Master! Afraid to love me totally, to possess me… bliss grasped the key!
The Wolf was again lapping at her cunt… peering into her eyes as Bliss’s orgasm took her! Her body tensing, her cunt opening, squirting her pleasure! She was cumming, cumming harder then she had ever cum before, her body racked by her cunt contractions! Her cum squirting out of her!
Her loins on fire, Bliss’s mind’s eye focused as the Wolf hovered over her. She wanted to grab his large penis and sheath it with her cunt, yet he teased her, its wet firey red pointed tip spewing his clear discharge as he guided it from between the crack of her ass and her asshole through her lips to her cliporis. She begged him to enter her she knew that once he did she would experience her release.
The vines withdraw from her body freeing her, she rolled over onto her hands and knees raised her ass high in the air. Enticing her lover to enter her, she looked back over her shoulder and grew, wiggling her hips pushing back at his huge red cock!
The Wolf mounted her, his claws scratching her back as they slide off her back and he wrapped his furry arms around her chest, his claws digging into her breast. The Wolf howled as it sheathed it’s cock into her… Bliss screamed her ecstasy as she used the key to open herself up to the reality of her being…
Bliss was in the throws of her orgasm… her back arched, her ass presented to her new Master, her new lover! What was he doing? Oh it feels so good! Yes, your tongue my lover! Your incredible tongue… Bliss looked over her shoulder and peered into the big brown eyes of a Doe, it’s long tongue licking and fucking Bliss’s pussy… Bliss rolled onto her back, and lifted her hips, joyously presenting her cunt to her new love… Carin!
To be continued?
Well that was certainly a most difficult story to write… I want to thank Peter for showing me what I truly am, I want to thank my Dad for picking up the pieces, and I want to thank Carin for being there for me when I needed a friend and lover…
This author needs to hear from you… I love writing erotica, but it is you who I wish to please… you see I am your submissive writer… write with your ideas soon, and I promise you won’t be disappointed.
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