10. Slut’s Night Out
The next day everyone, with the exception of Jared who hid it well, was in excellent spirits. There seemed to be a bit more bounce in everyone’s step and a palpable sense that a cloud of some kind had begun to dissipate. At the slaves’ supplier that evening Michael approached Jared in his corner and ‘suggested’ that he join the rest of them at the kitchen table. Not feeling that he could or should refuse such an offer Jared followed him there. Thomas and Abel greeted him with grins and Edward, while not appearing exactly welcome, at least did not voice any objects. From that time on Jared took all of his meals at the table with them, and while he still didn’t speak unless spoken to, he was no longer ignored and was often included in the general banter.
Even Deanna was in a much better mood. She had not exaggerated to Belle at how much she had enjoyed the night before. She had not fully realized how much she had missed the personal and private interactions with her slaves, not least of all the sexual exercise and kink. That desire and need now returned to her with a vengeance.
Over the next several weeks she once again began to summon her minions individually to her bedroom on a regular basis. First there was Michael, whom she properly humiliated, having him spend the evening as her ‘lap’ dog, with leash and collar, putting him through extensive puppy training teaching him to sit, heel, roll over, fetch, bark and beg, and eventually to ‘lap’ her to several very enjoyable orgasms, finishing as always with the joystick, which he had to shimmy under the bed to retrieve with his face, his tail end up and wagging as he did, finally getting the short end into his mouth and crawling back out with the long end jutting forward for her use and pleasure. Once fully sated she then granted him his own release, as the dog he had become, humping furiously against her fully leather booted leg, yipping at her coating commands ashe squirted, while she laughed and sniggered mirthfully. She then had him lick his puppy goo off, and poison her boots to a sparkling shine with his tongue.
A few nights later there was Thomas. After she had assured herself that he was sufficiently healed by having him strip completely and bend over to present his behind for her inspection, she handcuffed his hands behind his head, securing them to a ring on the back of his collar. She then hobbled his ankles and had him crawl on his knees around the room after her. To encourage his efforts to catch up she began to remove individual articles of her clothes until all that remained was her bra and panties. Encumbered as he was he fell face first to the floor a number of times in his increasing frustrating attempts to reach her. He struggled each time to again become upright on his knees as she laughingly exhorted him on to continue his pursuit. As a final teasing induction she disclosed her panties and bent over the side of her bed in invitation. In his now frenzied haste to get to her he sprayed forward once more, but this time he abandoned any attempt to rise and instead crawled and squirmed on his belly until he reached the bed. Ratcheting his upper body up the side of the bed he was finally allowed the price of burying his face between the cheeses of her derriere, where, using his hands on the back of his head to push his face ever deeper, he performed the most luscious and prolonged analingus, his tongue continuously swirling and darting, straining to furrow even deeper within her treasured trove, eliciting ever increasing sights of delight from her. When she had her fill of this she turned herself around so that he could then pay more oral homage to her more sacred font, driving her onward and upward to ever more exhaust heights. Eventually drifting down she graciously offered him his own reward, having him lie in front of her, and after some prolonged and ageing teasing of his undefendable cock and balls, bringing him up to and down from the broke several times, she finally brought him to a shuddering climax with her bare foot, making sure to then feed him back the entirety of his spew with her toes.
There soon followed another if some less formal but still extremely delightful evening with Belle, and also then one with Abel. And finally there was Edward, whom she readily acknowledged to herself was her first and favorite in so many more ways than one. He had the most talented hands and fingers, which she always put to her good uses every day with various massages and other cosmetic care of her body.
But they were also most amazingly innovative in more intimate techniques as well, which she had taken full advantage of many times in the past. Now the time had come to do so again. After taking the time to administrator to him Another over the knee chatisement for some imagined inadequacy, she then had him perform his special magic, his hands and fingers forced by his tongue, once again moving her to understand with wild abandon, transporting her deliciously over the edge as if in free fall multiple times.
When she had finally had more than her fill and had recovered her breath and vigor she sat up on the side of her bed and had him, his backside still aflame, stand in front of her. She turned to retrieve the key to his plastic prison from her night stand and then released him. He slowly rose forward in firm obeisance. Even at his age she found him so cute and cuddly below. With her hand she cupped his tightening sac softly and then moved her fingers forward to lightly encircle his beseeching shake. Knowing it would take time for him she leisurely moved her hand back and forth, while murmuring to him continuously, “What a good little slave you are … such a good, good boy … you’d do anything for me … you’d suffer any indignity just to make me smile, wouldn’t you …”
Edward began to sway to her ministers, and with increasinglyheavy breaths he responded:
“Oh yes, My Lady …”
“Anything you want, My Lady …”
“I’m yours, My Lady …”
“PLEASE, My Lady.”
Deanna began to stroke more firmly and quickly. “Yes, you do want to please me, don’t you … all of the time … in every way … you want to offer yourself up to me … your essence … every last drop of it … to use however would most amuse me.”
Edward began to rock more rapidly forward as she gripped him and pulled on him faster and more tightly.
“Come to me Edward.” she urged, ever increasing the pace, “Give yourself up to me … totally … until you have nothing left to give … COME for me Edward … COME … COME FOR ME NOW.”
“Oh Yes My Lady … as you Command My Lady … Anything … oh yes … Yes … oh YEEESSS …” he gasped, and then could gasp no more as he arched forward and keened through gritted teeth as he spurted forth in spasm after massive spasm. Deanna continued to pump more vigorously with her one hand while fully collecting his offering in her other, until sputtering both physically and mentally he literally had nothing left to give. Utterly drained he sagged to his knees on the floor. After giving him several moments respite to collect himself she brought her hand up and forward with his gift.
“Take it all back Edward. Take it so that you can offer it to me again whenever I demand it.” He obediently bent his face forward and brought his mouth down to her hand, and with his lips and tongue took back within him all that he had given. When completely consumed he knelt back up. The Lady smiled at him fondly, and then lifted her foot a few inches off the floor. He bowed himself back down to bring his lips to it repeatedly, to express in veneration once again his outstanding and undying gratitude.
While Deanna certainly enjoyed all of these individual encounters she began to have a nagging and unsettling sense that something in all of it was missing. After much contemplation she finally came to strongly suspect what it was. She realized that since Jared had left her over six years ago she had not fucked. Not once. Not with anyone. She had just never had the inclination or desire to bestow that treasure on anyone. But suddenly she felt that in denying all others she was also denying herself, and having Jared around again only served to more starkly highlight This ongoing hole in her life.
These dalliances with her boys were immensely pleasurable but she now know that she wanted more. She urgently needed to fill that void that she had inexplicably allowed to evolve. But she also understand that it could not be with any of her slaves. That would destroy the dynamic, the very fabric of what she, and they, had all established. And Jared was completely out of the question.
Indeed, it was becoming increasingly more irritating and upsetting to her to see how much he now seemed to be ingratiating himself with all of the others. She had seen out her window how Thomas and he now worked so easily together, often laughing and trading jokes as they did so. Michael had always been a little awestruck with Jared’s history as a star ballplayer, and Belle had recently appeared to have formed quite an emotional attachment to him. Even Edward no longer referred to him as negatively as he had in the past. She could just imagine how he must be secretly laughing at the others for never getting what he had once so easily had, and smugly planning to have it again.
That would never be, she vowed, even as she craved it so badly again herself. She had to find a way to satisfy this regrowing hunger while showing him once and for all that it would never again be with him. Maybe if she sought out someone to get hot and filterthy with ,someone so far down the food chain, showing how low she would go and still not consider him, Jared would finally see and understand just where he stood … or rather where he lay, belly down inthe slime … so that he would finally take it upon himself to slither away for good.
But how to accomplish all this was the question. A morsel of an idea began to form and before long it had become a full plate. It would take some preparation but the more she thought and elaborated upon it the more it appealed to her. She went to the internet for investigation and eventually found what she was looking for.
The first part of the plan required another shopping outing. This time she had Edward take Belle and herself out. She surprised them both by directing Edward not to the upscale boutiques and shops that she usually patronized, but instead to an outlet mall outside one of the neighboring towns. She led them to one of the lower end stores there and began searching and finally selecting off the racks just the items she wanted. For Belle she choose a faux black leather miniskirt that ended several inches above her knees, and a low cut sleepless red blouse.
“These willgo perfectly with those boots we got you.” she waxed to her maid.
For herself she picked out skin tight blue jeans that tapered to an end just below mid calm. To this she added a shiny and sleek black tank top that came down to just below her navel. She savored the incredulous looks that both Edward and Belle gave her about the purchases, and let the mystery delectably linger until they were back in the car when she finally explained.
“I need to do some serious personal research again for a section of my book, and I need to have you come along with me for cover, Belle.” she began. ‘We’re going to be slumming it together on Saturday night, a walk on the wide side, and these new clothes will help us fit in. To be more authentic.”
She deliberately didn’t elaborate, leaving Belle bewildered and appreciate and Edward stifling many anxious questions. Before returning home she had him make one last stop, this time at a price men’s clothing store. Going in together she bought a nice pair of men’s trousers, a dress shirt, a sweater, dress socks, and an expensive pair of Italian loafers. All in Jared’s size.
As Saturday approached Deanna became more and more excited while the rest of the manor grow more confused and concerned. She had not revealed to them any more of her specific plans, and while they all understand that their sole function was always to accept and obey, it didn’t stop them from being worried. When Saturday finally came Deanna insisted that Belle and she get ready together.
After Belle had gotten dressed in the red top, black miniskirt and black boots that lacened up to mid calendar, Deanna set to fixing her hair. Abel usually wore his hair in a ponytail and Belle most often put hers in a bun under her maid’s cap. On those few occasions when she dressed up she would wear it straight and smoothly down to her shoulders. Now Deanna used some special hair products to give it a more frizzed quality as it hung down. A ‘wet and wild look’she announced as she was done.
Next she set to applying Belle’s makeup. She started with a general amount of foundation and then a liberal use of black eye liner and eye shadow. She finished with a deeper shade of red lipstick than Belle had ever used. The overall effect made her look older than her years, and certainly more vampy than she had ever wished.
Deanna then turned to her own preparations. After putting on the shiny black tank top that fell just below her midriff she squeezed her way into the skin tight jeans. By keeping herself in such good physical condition over the years she didn’t look out of place in them. For shoes she wore a pair of backless two inch heeled silver pumps. She had parted her own hair in the middle and swept in down behind her ears to rest on her shoulders. For makeup she went for a sultry look, also using for herself a much heavier hand than usual. When she was done she got up and stood next to Belle as they both peered into the mirror.
“We’re a real pair of skanks, aren’t we.” she chuckled.
Horrified inside, Belle tried to manage a weak smile in reply, “Yes My Lady.”
Deanna knew that she had to put Belle somewhat to ease. “Look Belle, I know you’re not very comfortable with any of this, but I need you along with me for support and to make it seem real.” It did make it easier for Belle that she thought that her Lady needed and was depending on her. “We’re likely going to be hit on tonight. That’s kinda the whole idea.” Deanna continued. “And while I intend to enjoy it and take it as far as I want it to go, you only have to let it go so far and then tell whomever that you’re on the rag.” Deanna laughed. “Believe me, nothing will make a jerkoff on the make back off faster than that. And if not, Then just give me a signal and I’ll get em off you in a flash. Okay?”
“Whatever you say, My Lady.”
“It’s Da again tonight, Belle. And don’t worry, everything’s going to work out just fine. Let your hairdown and have some fun. I certainly intend to. It’s a slut’s night out.” She beamed approvingly. “Now I think it’s about time we got going. We wouldn’t want to keep our potential suitors waiting too long.”
Locking her arm with Belle’s they proceeded together down the stairway to the manor’s large entrance foyer where Edward and Jared stood waiting for them. To Edward’s dismay, the bigger and stronger Thomas would not be driving and watching over the Lady and Belle this night. She had instructed that Jared fill that role. He was wearing, as ordered, the outfit they had purchased for him for the occasion, tan trousers, a royal blue dress shirt, a powder blue crew neck sweater over it, dark blue socks, and the pair of Italian loafers. He couldn’t have looked more preppy. Deanna ignored him completely.
“Well, let’s get moving.” she said, smiling. “Don’t wait up for us Edward.” knowing full well that he would. “It’s likely to be a long night.”
“As you wish, My Lady.” he replied following them out to the Town Car in the front driveway where he opened the back door for her to enter, followed by Belle. Jared went around to get into the driver’s seat.
Once the car doors were all closed and they were settled in, Deanna leaned forward and handed Jared a slip of paper. “This is the address where we’re going tonight. Put it in the GPS and go.”
“Yes Ma’am” he responded as he compiled. The GPS directions took about 30 minutes to get them to the outskirts of one of the small towns just outside the main city. It was a rather seedy appearing stretch of road and area when the mechanical voice announced that they were approaching their destination.
“Pull over and park here.” Deanna demanded from the back. When he had done so she leaned forward again and handed him two twenty dollar bills. “The place we I want is the one down the road with all the motorcycles in front. I want you to go in ahead of us, go up to the bar and order a glass of milk. Then gosit at a table in one of the corners. Have you got that?”
“Yes Ma’am.”
“Good. Give me the car keys. We’ll lock up and be in by and by. Now get going.”
Jared got out of the car and slowly walked the fifty or so yards down to the establishment that Deanna had indicated. It was called ‘Harry’s Haven’ and did have a fair number of large motorcycles and choppers parked in the lot in front. Indeed, as Deanna had discovered on the web, this was one of the more notorious biker bars in the entire metropolitan area. Sizing it up from the outside Jared grew quite alarmed. Just what was Deanna getting herself … and Belle and himself, into. But he had been given an order, and he rationalized that it was far better that he be inside in such a place with them, than outside by himself in the car.
Once inside he saw that it was essentially one very large and long dimly lit room. There were two unoccupied tables immediately to the right of the door where he had entered, and then a long bar also on the right. In the much more expanding area to the left there were six or seven tables, and in the far left half of the room there was a pool table with a stronger light hanging above it. At the far end of the room on the right there was a juke box with some heavy metal currently blaring, and an open area in front, presumably for dancing.
There were about fifteen or so people scattered about the room. Four men were standing around the pool table playing and two others with women on their laps were sitting in chairs against the wall apparently watching them play. All of the men were wearing black leather jackets with a large patch ‘Hades Road Crew’ embroidered on the back. Two of the tables in the front left were occupied, one with two other men also with women on their laps and a number of bottles of beer on the table. Two other men, alone, sat at the other table, also with beers in front of them. All of the men wore the same leather jackets, and all of the women were dressed in a way that Jared saw that Deanna had at least gotten the dress code for women in this place correctly. There was one person without a leather jacket sitting at the far end of the bar and a single bartender behind. Finally there was a barmaid wearing hot pants, cowgirl boots and a tight white tee shirt with ‘Harry’s Haven’ emblazoned in front. She was busy shuttling beers and empties back and forth.
Any unknown patron entering such a place would have drawn some momentary attention from at least some of the others. Jared, dressed as he was, drew somewhat more. He made his way over to the bar and the bartender.
“What’ll it be?” the bartender asked, a small amused smile on his face.
“A glass of milk.” Jared answered.
The bartender lost his smile. “You gotta be shittin me. We don’t serve nothin like that. Is this some kind of joke?” he scowled.
“Jack.” The man at the end of the bar spoke up. He was wide and beefy, with a gray mustache and beard and longish gray hair. “This is a paying customer. If he wants milk, you get him milk. I’m sure we have some in the fridge in the back.”
“Okay Harry, whatever you say.” He smiled at Jared, and there were snickers coming from the table with the two solo men. Jack went through a door behind the bar at the end. Three some things ten minutes later he returned with a 3 ounce tumbler filled with milk. He put it on the bar in front of Jared.
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