The M.A.M.A. Initiative – The Field Day
Slap slap slap slap..
“Uh.. Uh.. Uh…”
Brendan opened his eyes and saw only darkness. He was confused, unaware of where he was or what was happening. All he could hear was a steady slapping sound accompanied by moans. He tried to speak but could only mumble. He tried to move but couldn’t. Then it dawned on him.
“I’m still in Head Mistresses bedroom,” he remembered.
The slapping and moaning continued. It seems Head Mistress and her boyfriend were having another go at it. Brandon couldn’t remember when he fell asleep or how long he slept, but at least his balls aren’t cruelly itching anymore. He could feel the tingle in his cock as it was still hard from the Viagra. And Further down the pipeline he could feel he had a full bladder.
“Crap,” he thought to himself. “What time is it? How long do I have to hold it?”
Suddenly his thoughts were interrupted by some manly grunts.
“Hnngg… Hnngg… Hnngg…” grossed the boyfriend as he blew another load into Head Mistress’s pussy. Without saying a word, he rolled off of her and fall back sleep. Head Mistress also immediately dozed off. The room was completely silent.
Brandon hung there unable to fall back sleep. He began to envy Head Mistresses boyfriend. How he gets to lay naked beside an attractive woman and have sex with her Whenever he wants. That is afterall every young man’s fantasy. Having access to a tight pussy every night, or even during the day. He would regularly dream about how it would be like having a wife, or a steady girlfriend. He could cuddle with her, grope her soft breasts and ass anytime they were alone. And she could grope him back by grabbing his balls and stroking his cock in his pants. Then things heat up and they began ripping each other’s clothes off and go at it like animals in heat.
Unfortunately, he was nowhere near living this fantasy, but maybe things will be different after he leaves M.A.M.A. Maybe he won’t so shy with the ladies afterwards. In a short period of time, he’s experienced so much, although most of it was bad, there were some good things. He received his first hand job and blowjobs, he had sex and blew his load into a pussy, he licked a pussy, licked women’s asses. These are all things he found very erotic and enjoyable. The torque and pain and humiliation he didn’t enjoy so much. But at the end of it all, he will always remember the good things he experienced at M.A.M.A.
Moments later he heard the sound of water trickling. Then he heard a sight of relief. It was Jose. He was taking a piss and it was filling inside the glass bottle at the end of his catter. Pissing with an erection is difficult since the urine valves are shut. Somehow, he was able to push it through.
Head Mistress said they would have to drink whatever collected into the bottles. It looks like Jose will be drinking some piss in the morning. Brandon hoped he could hold his pee till they let him out.
Back in the inmate sleep quarters, young Ethan was laying there with a massive erection that he has had since Head Mistress played with his balls several hours ago. He needed a sexual release so bad he was on the verge of crying. It has been weeks since he blew his last load.
“Why did she have to come lick my balls? Why?” he thought to himself.
It was taking every fiber of his being to refrain from touching his cock. He knows the cameras are watching. “But they can’t see under the covers, right?” he began to convince himself.
He discretely glanced at the camera in the corner of the room. “What if I turned my back to it? They couldn’t possibly see,” he said to himself.
Ethan slowly rolled over showing his backside to the camera. With his body in the way, plus the covers on him, he figured he could get away with a quick self-satisfying jerk off.
His thoughts continued to betray him. “I can’t resist. I need to cum. This is cruel.”
Keeping his movement under the covers to a minimum, he slowly brought his hand towards his crotch. His fingers met with the shake of his hard cock causing him to exhale in delight. He then slowly ran his fingers up to his head and began rubbing softly causing his eyes to roll to the back of his head with ecstasy.
“Oh Heavenly Lord it’s been so long,” he thought to himself has he continued to slowly and discretely stroke his cock. He focused on his head and frenulum. The amazing sensing sent waves of pleasure from his cock all the way down to his toes. In a very short period of time, he felt his cock began to throb as he reached the point of no return. His cock began shooting ropes of cum under the sheets. Although the intensity of the orgasm, Ethan tried his best to stay still and silent. His 10 second orgasm felt like it lasted several minutes, and his cock finally began to get soft again. All of his stress and sexual frustration was now sprayed allover his bed sheets. Then reality kicked back in.
“What have I done?” he said to himself in a milk panic knowing they would probably find out about this. “Shit, shit, shit……,” he continued in his head as he laid there. But there was nothing he could do. There was no “undo” button. He began to pray for some miracle that they wouldn’t find out that he masturbated. His heart began to race at the Thought of being punished. “What will they do to me for this,” he thought nervously. “I’m in deep shit.”
After a very uncomfortable night, Brandon was awoken by Head Mistress and her boyfriend talking as they got dressed. It was clearly the morning as he could see daylight. Still, he was only able to see blurry images of them walking by him through the translucent latex covering his body.
“Hey Marcy, have you seen my red tie with the blue stripes? It’s not in my tie drawer.”
“Check the dry cleaning in the closet. I remember having it cleaned,” Head Mistress responded.
“Marcy? So that must be Head Mistresses name,” Brandon thought to himself. He and Jose still hung there in their vacuum latex prison. “What time is it? I really have to pee,” he said to himself.
Time passed very slowly as they heard the couple get ready to start the day. Finally, Head Mistresses boyfriend was about to leave for work.
“Bill wait a second. I Almost forgot,” Head Mistress called out. “The head of our organization is coming to visit today. She will probably arrive in the afternoon. We will probably have dinner with her. I just wanted to give you a heads up.”
Head Mistresses boyfriend, Bill, paused for a moment. “Une Maitress Femme is coming here?” he said in a surprised tone. “Uh… Yeah…. Ok…” he said with his mind clearly distracted by his thoughts. “I uhm… can’t wait to meet her. Later babe.” he said as he left the suite somewhat hastily.
Head Mistress walked back into her bedroom and glanced up at the two young men trappedin the vacuum bags hanging from the ceiling. She immediately took notice of the bottles on the floor. The one in front of Jose had urine in it, but the one for Brandon only contained some precum that drooled down the tube from his penis during the prolonged erection. The precum was a result of the Viagra they were both given.
She looked at the clock to see that she still had some time. Then she walked into the kitchen and grabbed the pitcher of lemonade from the refrigerator. She walked back into the bedroom and immediately began pouring more lemonade into Brandon’s mouth tube.
Brandon, whose bladder was about to burst, felt the rush of the cold liquid filling his mouth and had no choice but to swallow. It was clear Head Mistress wasn’t going to make this easy for him. “Please no more,” he said to himself. “I don’t want to drink my own pee.”
After pouring about a half-liter into Brandon’s mouth, Head Mistress proceeded to Jose. Surely, he had a full bladder too. EvenIf you wake up to pee in the middle of the night, you still need to pee again in the morning. Jose also received a half-liter of Lemonade.
Minutes later the sound of water trickling into one of the bottles echoed in the room. It was Jose. He let out a sight of relief as he urinated.
Brandon was squirming in his vacuum suit trying to hold it in. Then suddenly his body took control and involuntarily he began to urinate. His bottle began to fill with piss also. His bladder was so full, the amount of urine almost equalized to the amount in Jose’s bottle.
Moments later Head Mistress walked into the bedroom and saw both bottles nearly full. “Now that’s more like it,” she said out loud.
She walked up to Brandon and grabbed his penis. Brandon nearly moaned as it did feel good to have a woman touch his penis. Then she began yanking at the catter to take it out. Brandon let out a few grunts of disappoint, but the torque was over quickly. She then did the same to Jose.
Head Mistress stood their looking at the two helpless males with their flaccid dicks poking out of the vacuum sack. “Do you remember what I said?” she asked with a grin. “You will have to drink whatever is in these bottles in the morning. Well, it appears both of you have prepared yourself a urine and precum cocktail.”
A sudden wave of sadistic thoughts came through her mind. Then she looked down at the urine filled bottles on the floor. Knowing their vision was blurred by the latex she grabbed the bottle filled with Jose’s urine and began pouring it into Brandon’s mouth tube.
“Bottoms up Brandon,” she said with a sadistic smile.
Before Brandon could mumble any pleasures, he felt the merciless rush of warm urine fill his mouth forcing him to swallow rapidly. He had never tasted his own urine, or any urine before this. It tasted salty, sour and bitter all at the same time.
Head Mistress couldn’t help but rub her pussy through her spandex suit. She just poured Jose’s piss into Brandon’s mouth, and he didn’t even know. She was extremely turned on by her own cruelty.
Finally, the bottle was empty, and Brandon managed to slurp down the last of the urine. He immediately began making gagging sounds as the taste lingered in his mouth.
Moments later could hear Jose being forced to drink the urine. Again, unknown to him, it was actually Brandon’s urine/precum cocktail. He also gagged to the aftertaste in his mouth.
Head Mistress continued to massage her clip. She then unzipped her spandex suit to expose her moist pussy. She sat back onto her bed and called for Martin using his ball zapper. Martin immediately came crawling into the bedroom. “Yes, Head Mistress,” he said.
“Lick me,” she commanded. Martin began lapping at her already wet pussy Without hesitation.
Head Mistress moaned to the soft touch of Martins tongue on her lady parts, all whilst gazing up at the two young males hanging helpless from her ceiling in a latexvacuum sack adhering to every nook and cranny of their fit young bodies. And their smooth young dicks hanging out of them was the icing on the cake. Then as she moaned into her intense orgasm, she thought about how she just made them drink each other’s piss and they don’t even know it.
“Yes… Yessssssss… Aahhhhh… Ahhhhhh….,” she screamed while holding Martin’s head firmly against her crotch and humping his face.
Once her orgasm had subsided, Head Mistress collapsed onto her bed and Martin took a step back to give her room to recover.
“Take the boys down, Martin,” Head Mistress said still panting.
Martin immediately went over to the switch and slowly lowered the boys back down to the floor. They were now lying on their backs. He then released the vacuum valve from each of the sacks which immediately floated them with air and loosened the latex. Then he slowly peeled the latex off their skin and helped them out of the sack. Both boys were extremely relievedto be out. Their skin glistening with sweat.
Now that Brandon could see clearly, he noticed Head Mistress still lying on her bed with her pussy exposed. She was still in a state of pure relaxation. He and Jose just knelt before her waiting for her to say something.
Suddenly Head Mistress raised her head and said “Again Martin. Lick me again.”
Martin curried over and began Servicing her pussy again. Apparently one orgasm wasn’t enough for Head Mistress. Plus, women do have the God given gift of multiple orgasms, so technically she could have Martin lick her to ecstasy all day long.
Head Mistress moaned softly. She then turned to Brandon and Jose. “You two lick my feet,” she commanded.
Brandon wasn’t expecting this, but knew he had no choice but to comply. He wasn’t a fan of feet but immediately leaned in and softly began grazing his tongue on the salty sole of Head Mistresses right foot. Jose did the same with the left foot, only he did it happily. He loves feet.
Head Mistress lay on her bed legs spread with her feet hanging off the edge. Having her pussy and feet licked by three males simply made her feel very powerful.
“Ohhhh yesssssss…,” she moaned. “Uhh… I love my job.”
She made the three males lick her until she achieved another orgasm 15 minutes later. Brandon diligently licked the entire surface of the underside of Her foot, even between her toes. His tongue was very tired. But on the bright side, the nasty taste of piss was now replaced with a salty foot taste.
Head Mistress eventually composed herself and zipped up her suit. She looked at the time. “It seems we are a little late this morning,” she said. Then she called to have some guards enter. “Take the boys down to the cafeteria for breakfast,” she commanded.
Brandon and Jose were escorted out. Head Mistress decided to head down to the IT room to get an update on the hacking.
Meanwhile at M.A.M.A.’s Global Headquarterrs in Europe, a high-level quarterly board meeting was taking place. Their chairwoman, also known as “Une Maitress Femme”, had gathered the heads of all the M.A.M.A regional headquarters in one room. The regions were broken down by continuous, then broken down by sub-continent based on the population. North America, South America, Australia, and Africa all had one headquarters. Europe was broken down into Eastern Europe and Western Europe, and Asia was broken down into East Asia, Central Asia and Middle East due to its size and population.
Une Maitress Femme called everyone in to discuss some changes being made to M.A.M.A.’s male corrective procedures. The ladies gathered around a large round table. The chairs were a custom designed for ass worship as they sat. Each had a male’s head strapped to the back of the chair to service their assholes as the meeting took place. The stations were equipped with command buttons that were connected to the earpieces in the male’s ears. The mistresses could discretely give instructions to the males such as “kiss anus,” “lick anus”, or “tongue fuck anus” to name a few. Each of the mistresses took their seats and began pressing the command buttons to their liking. The soft sounds of kissing and lapping could be heard.
Once everyone was settled Une Maitress Femme began to speak. “Welcome ladies. I’m glad everyone could make it this quarter,” she said. “Video conferencing is so impersonal.”
Everyone greeted her in return.
“Margaux please pass around today’s agenda as well as the minutes from our last meeting,” she asked to her assistant.
Margaux diligently passed around the papers as requested.
“Our first topic of discussions is the FLR Brainwash experiment we’ve been planning,” she said. “I’ve spoken to the engineering department, and they now have several working prototypes of the scanner. It’s compact helmet that scans the brain for stimulation while displaying VR style visuals.”
The ladies applauded at the news.
“They said it’s ready for trial testing,” she continued. “So, if everyone here agrees, we can distribute the scanners to random facilities to be tested on the male inmates.”
Une Maitress Femme already knew everyone would approve of its use, but as a formality she called for a vote. “Everyone who approves the immediate commencement of the FLR Brainwash experiment raise your hand.”
All hands in the room went up.
“Ok, good. We will send a scanner to a randomly selected facility in each region,” she said. “I’m heading to the States this afternoon for a certain matter. I will deliver one to that facility myself.”
Everyone was anxious to see the FLR Brainwash experiment finally put to trial.
“Our second topic of discussion, which has been an ongoing debate for years now, is the partial orchidectomy of the males,” she stated. “We finally made progress with the United Nations, and they will allow us to begin experimental trials to see its effectiveness.”
Another round of applause filled the room.
“Since most of the world leaders are male, it was a step uphill climb to get this approval,” she said smiling. “We can begin right away, but with some limits.”
Margaux passed around the trial legislation approved by the UN. The background regarding the idea of a partial orchidectomy, or the removal of only one testicle from a male, was based on statistics M.A.M.A. has collected for the past five years. The males who were brought into their correction program were all found to have very similar characteristics. Their aggression and masochism towards women being the main ones. After abduction, a blood sample is taken from each male while still unconscious. Roughly 90% of abducted males were found to have very large testicles that produce Abnormally high testosterone levels, nearly double the average for males their age. M.A.M.A.’s argument was that the higher testosterone level is the cause of the bad bEhavior in these males, and the removal of one testicle would reduce their testosterone to average levels. They found that the remaining 10% of abducted males with normal testosterone levels are far more obedient and complete the correction program in the first or second week. So, in addition to ensuring the males don’t revert back to their bad behavior after their time at M.A.M.A., the partial orchidectomy would also speed up the correction process. And with a faster rehabilitation, M.A.M.A. will be able to increase their capacity and abduct a higher number of problematic males.
Of course, such a proposal was deemed inhumane and against human rights. And after so many years, they finally convinced the world leaders to allow them to perform this experiment under the ratar. We argued that it will not affect their day-to-day life in any way. They will Still be masculine and still be able to have children. Plus, in a way it’s merciful. Now a hit to the nuts will result in only halfthe pain.
“For now, we can only experiment on one male each week,” said Une Maitresse Femme. “One of their testicles will be removed and replaced with a prosthesis.”
“Wait, when do we remove the testicle?” asked one of the ladies. “I’d rather they keep both their balls till the end because that’s how we control them.”
“The legislation states that we can do it to males who aren’t rehabilitated after three weeks,” she responded. “In my opinion it should be done after the second week, but they found that too harsh.”
“At least we already have the medical rooms at our facilities,” said one of the ladies. “I’m assuming the procedures will be done in-house?”
“That is correct,” replied Une Maitresse Femme.
“Do we tell the selected males that we are removing one of their testicles? Or do we tell them after the fact?”
“Well, this part is up to the head mistress of each facility. I personally prefer we tell them before,” she replied. “I want them to knowit’s a punishment. I would tell them beforehand and enjoy some begging and pleading, and perhaps some apologetic foot worship.”
All the ladies laughed together. What woman wouldn’t enjoy a young naked male licking her feet for forgiveness.
“But then they still lose a testicle anyway,” she said grinning. “We of course allow them a couple days to heal, then we set them free and monitor their behavior towards women. The U.N. will review the results of each case study, and if all goes well this will be a permanent implementation within M.A.M.A.’s male correction program.”
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