The Fertility Clinic

The Fertility Clinic

Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. Any similarities to any events or to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. All players are over the age of eighteen unless otherwise stated. If you have a problem with bondage or non-consensual sex, go no further! This story is purely for adult fantasy and entertainment. The author in no way condones violence towards women. Constructive criticism and comments welcome at the end.

Side note: since I started writing for this site, I had wanted to do some kind of breeding fantasy. Thanks to a new follower giving me the idea,

I have done just that. I certainly hope you all enjoy this new story!


Something was wrong with me. Since taking these fertility drugs, yes, I got pregnant almost immediately, but I began to notice strange symptoms. For one thing, I began showing in my third month. Now I was in my sixth month, and already my belly was the size of a woman in her eighth or ninth month. My breasts had also begun producing milk, so much that I had to wear cups in my bra to catch it and pump as least twice a day. On top of that, I was constantly horny! It was like I couldn’t get enough sex or orgasms! With my husband being out of town so much, I was forced to resort to masturbating several times a day.

Enough was enough. I made an appointment to see one of the doctors at the clinic. Other women sat in the waiting room, most of them with huge pregnant bellies.

“Mrs. Henderson,” Toya, the nurse opens the door that leads to the examining rooms, “you can come on back.”

I follow her. She takes my vitals, weights me, asks for a urine sample, and then she has. me get undressed and into a gown.

“The doctor will be in shortly.”

“Thank you.”

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door. It opens and in walks Dr. Clive and Toya.

“Hello, Mrs. Henderson! How are you feeling today?”

“Ah, that’s what I wanted to talk to youabout, Doctor.”

“Is everything alright? Your blood pressure was excellent, and your urine was clear.”

“I uh…I’m…not sure how to say this.”

“Please,” he stood in front of me and took my hand, “this is a safe space. I promise, whatever you say will be held in the strictest of confidence. I want you to feel free to discuss whatever you’re feeling with myself and Nurse Toya.”

“Doctor, I…I’ve been so aroused lately,” I blur out. “It’s not just that. My belly seems larger than it should be right now. My breasts are already producing a lot of milk, so much so that I have to pump to avoid becoming engaged.”

Dr. Clive looks at me intently. He’s an older man, but very handsome. He still has a full head of dark hair with a touch of gray at the temples. His skin looks healthy and well tanned, like he’s just come from a month on an exclusive beach overseas.

“I see. How long has this been going on?”

“A…since I took the fertility drugs. Doctor, there was something in there that…”

He holds up his hand to stop me. He gently snaps his fingers three times. I start to feel a little strange, like I am about to float off the table.

“Mrs. Henderson, I’m going to need you to stand up and remove your gown.”

I stand to my feet. I untie the gown from my neck and back. It falls to the floor. Toya picks it up and draws it over a chair. She reachings into a drawer and pulls out a blue cloth and some micro foam tape.

“Open your mouth,” Dr. Henderson says.

I open my mouth. Toya pushes the clothes past my lips and teeth.

“Close,” the doctor says. I close my mouth around the clothes. Toya begins to unroll the tape. She places one end on my cheek and begins to wrap the tape around my head, sealing the clothes into my mouth. When she has gone around three times, she cuts off an end and puts the roll down.

“Prepare the patient for the exam,” Dr. Henderson says matter of factly.

“Yes, Doctor.”

Toya stands in front of me.

“Give me your hands.”

I hold my hands out to her. She binds my wrists with rope.

“Lie down.”

She helps me down and raises my arms over my head. She secures the rope to something under the table. She has me bend my legs and puts them in the stirrups. This whole time, I’m feeling very, very relaxed, like I’ve just come from a warm bath. The fact that they are tying me up doesn’t alarm me at all.

“Your patient is ready, Doctor.”

“Thank you, Nurse Toya. Why don’t you stay and assist?”

Toya moves over to the computer attached to the wall with the pull out keyboard. Dr. Clive stands between my open legs.

“It is time to test your sexual responsiveness, since you reported it is higher than usual.” He snaps on some gloves and begins to rub my clip.

“Mmmmmmmmmph!” I groan.

“Subject does appear to have quicker than normal response to external stimulation,” he says in a businesslike voice. “Exudate is already present.”

Toya types as he is talking.

“Nurse, please check the state of the subject’s breasts.”

“Yes, Doctor.”

Toya comes over to me, leans over and squeezes my breasts.

“Mmmmmmm! Mmmmmmm, mmmmmmmmmm!” I groan.

“Breasts are firm, Doctor.” She squeezes my nipples. Milk begins to dribble down my torso. “Breast milk is being produced at this time.”

She goes to the computer to type that note in. Then she hands him a tape measure. He lays it over my belly.

“Fundal height is approximately 31 centimeters.” He takes some lubricant from the drawer and puts some on his gloved hand.

“Mmmmmmmmmmph!” I cry when I feel the cool jelly inside of me.

“Cervix remains closed.” He then gets the Doppler and presses it to my belly.

“Fetal heart tones are present, about 160 beats per minute.” He puts the Doppler away. He comes up to my head.

“Tell me my dear, are you very aroused now?”

“Mmmmmmmmm!” I nod.

“I want to know,” he runs his gloved finger across my taped mouth, “are you feeling like you want to be fucked?”

“Mmmmmmm, mmmmmmmm!” I nod again.

“Is the baby moving a lot right now?”

“Mmmmmmmmmmm, hmmmmmm!”

He goes back to the end of the table.

“Nurse, I need your assistance.”

Toya doesn’t say a word. She just walks over to Dr. Clive, unzips his pants and reach inside. I gasp when I see his cock spring free. It’s the same tanned color as the rest of him!

“Do you think I am hard enough to fuck, Nurse?”

“No, Doctor.”

“Then get me harder.”

Toya knees down and take him into her mouth. I watch as her braided hair bobs up and down. Dr. Clive pushes his pelvis into her mouth, back and forth. At the same time, my clip and pussy throb watching them.

After about five minutes, Toya pulls her head back.

“I believe you are ready, Doctor.”

“Good.” He pulls her to her feet and kisses her across the mouth. “I want you working the top of our subject while I work the bottom.”

“Yes, Doctor.”

Toya comes and stands behind my head. Dr. Clive pushes against me with his hard cock. In seconds, he slides inside of me. Toya reaches over me and begins to squeeze and knee my breasts. She leans down so that our faces are inches from each other.

“Ever been kissed with a tapered mouth?”

“Nmmmmmm,” I says.

“Well, today is your first time.”

She takes my chin with one hand and tilts my head back. At the same time, she gives me an open mouthed kiss. The sensing is a bit odd, but it does feel good. She kisses me a few more times while Dr. Clive is working his cock inside my hungry vagina.

“Ohhhhhh!” he moans.

I can barely see him over my huge belly. Toya nuzzles my neck and works her lips down to my breast. She covers my nipple with her lips and begins to suck.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmm! Nh mm Gnn! Nh phhnph fmmmmph phn gnnn!” I lift my pelvis to meet the doctor’s thrusts. At the same time, I push my breasts intoToya’s mouth. I pull hard on the ropes holding my wrists captive. My hands open and close as fire shots from my pussy up through my spine. I can feel the baby rolling and kicking inside of me.

“I want you to give me a nice big orgasm,” the doctor says. “No one can hear you but us!”

“Mmmmmmmm! Hmmmmmmmm! Mmmmmmmmmmmmm!” Oh God! My pussy spasms on his cock again and again!

“Nggggggh!” The doctor stressens and thrusts hard into me, unloading his seed. He pulls out of me.

“Clean her up,” he says to Toya.

“Yes, Doctor.”

Toya comes and stands between my legs. She bends over, wraps her arms around my thighs and dives into my pussy with her tongue and lips.

“Ommmmmmm! Mmmmmm, mmmmmm, mmmmmmmmmm!”

While she is dragging my clip in between her teeth, Dr. Clive gets behind her. He undoes the tie on her scrub pants and pulls them down. She’s not wearing any panties! Her curvy ass is on display. He smacks her on the cheek before he spreads them and slides into her pussy.

“Ommmmmm,” she moans into my tunnel. Dr. Clive begins to thrust into her!

“Clean that pussy good! Get up all of my seed!” He balls his fist in her braids and holds her head between my legs while he fucks her.

“Mmmmmm! Mmmmmmmmm, mmmmmmmm, mmmmmmmmmmph! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!”

“Subject is indeed responsive after first orgasm,” he says, continuing to thrust, “preparing for another with external stimulation by another female!”

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmm!” I scream. I bite that towel very hard while I push my lips into Toya’s mouth. “Mmmmmmm, mmmmmmmm, mmmmmmmmmmph!”

I cum a second time.

“Very good,” Dr. Clive says. “You have earned an orgasm of your own.” He reaches down and clamps his hand over Toya’s mouth to capture her screams and moans. When it’s all done, he lets her up. Man, her face is shiny!

“You will not remember anything that happened here,” Dr. Clive says to me. “You came for a checkup. However, you will obey my every command. You will come when Isummon you. It gives you great pleasure to service me and my staff, greater pleasure than you have ever had before.”

“Mmmmm, mmmmmm,” I nod mechanically.

“You may free her now,” he says to Toya.

“Yes, Doctor.”

I hear a strange click in my ear. I blink. I am lying on the table in my gown and socks.

“You can get dressed now,” Toya says. “Stop by the front desk to make another appointment.”

“Yes, thank you. Oh, may I have some water? My mouth feels really dry, like I’ve been chewing on a rag.”

“Of course. Get dressed, and I’ll have that water up front for you.”


She leaves me to get dressed. That’s odd. My breasts feel, well, lighter for lack of a better word. They felt so heavy when I came in. My pussy feels a little strange, like my husband just fucked me really, really good! It must be my imagination. Right?


I continue with my day as usual, a few errands here and there, then dance class. I started takingg belly dance class several years ago, and I loved it. One thing about it that I didn’t share with the doctor is that it too, made me incredibly horny and hungry for sexual release. Today is no different. It’s hard to concentrate on what the teacher is saying when my pussy is hot and achy and begging to be fucked. When class is over, my phone rings. It’s the clinic.


I hear a strange buzzing in my ear. I start to feel warm and fuzzy again. A voice comes on that I don’t recognize.

“You are hereby summoned to perform at a private party at the address that will be texted to you. Come alone. Follow all the instructions as they will also be texted to you. Failure to do so will result in punishment from your master and mistress.”

The line goes dead in my ear. My phone dings with the address of the party and a list of instructions. I leave the building. I think some people are calling my name, but I’m not sure. I have to go. I have to do as I’m told.

Thehouse that I end up driving to is several hours from home, up in a wooden area of ​​a neighboring state. It’s situation against a lake and flanked by huge pine trees. When I get there, a woman dressed in niqab answers the door.

“Amira Henderson,” I tell her in a voice that doesn’t like mine at all. It sounds flat and robotic. She nods and take me by the hand to a huge bedroom suite. There are several women in there, all of them wearing niqab of different colors. Nobody is talking. They communicate with gestures and hand pointing. For some reason it doesn’t feel odd to me.

I am given a bath, then my pubic hair is shaken off. While I sit in a huge chair that looks like it’s a dentist chair, I am laid back while one woman makes up my face. Another one is painting something on my pregnant belly. When the woman doing my makeup is done, she holds up a balled up cloth. I open my mouth. She pushes it inside. Then she pushes another cloth into my mouth. My cheeses stick out slightly from the two clothes. I cannot close my lips. She takes a roll of gauze and winds it around my head, covering the lower half of my face entirely. When it comes to the end, she tapes it into place.

The women sit me up. Someone pulls my long hair into a bun and then covers my head in a long black scarf. Someone draws a veil across my face and pins it into place. Then they get me dressed in a black velvet cropped peasant top that ties in the front. It hardly contains my growing breasts. The gap is covered with a layered necklace with gold coins. My skirt is a full tiered emerald green Gypsy skirt. Over that they put a belt on me that matches the necklace with lots and lots of gold coins. Around my ankles they attach these leather cuffs with small bells that click and make noise when I walk. The woman stands up and turns me to the mirror. I gasp. I see a beautiful henna design painted on my belly. My makeup has never looked so intricate and professional. I almost can’t believe that it’s me.

The woman snaps her fingers at one of the other women. The woman gets up and comes to her. She makes a motion like she’s tying a knot. The woman nods and stands behind me. She pulls my arms behind me. I don’t resist her at all. She ties my wrists together. She also has another surprise for me. She binds my arms together just above my elbows. To accommodate the binding, I am forced to stick my chest and belly out further. They also pull a clothes over my eyes and tie it behind my head. The woman snaps her fingers again. Someone takes one arm, and someone takes another and begins walking with me.

The floor is carpeted beneath my bare feet. I can hear the buzz of conversation coming from somewhere. I also smell something very sweet and earthy, incident, maybe? Finally, we stop walking. I am aware of the presence of someone else in front of me. The blindfold is removed. I am standing in a bedroom with black walls and a huge window with a view of the lake. The only light in the room comes from rope lights around the perimeter of the window, the bed, around the mirrors and around the edge of the ceiling.

The rope lights are a bright orange, giving the room a glow that put you in the mind of Halloween. Another woman in niqab stands before me.

“Amira,” she says, “I see you obeyed the order given to you earlier. You have also been properly attired for this evening’s entertainment.”

I can barely see her face in the dim light, but I recognize her voice.

“Nnrphm PHnmn?”

“I’m not sure, but I think you tried to say my name.”

“Mmmmmmm,” I nod.

“You will address me as Mistress. Let me hear you say it.”


“Again. Say Yes Mistress Toya.”

“Mmph, Mnphphrmphphphphph PHnmn.”

“Good. Now, you will go out there and dance for the guests. Your hands and elbows will remains bound until Master sees fit to allow you to use your arms while you dance. In the meantime, you will use your hips, your legs, and of course, that beautifully decorated belly. They all have permission to touch you, but no one is allowed to fuck you, not yet. Do you understand?”

“Mmph, Mnphphrmphphphph PHnmn.”

Nurse, I mean, Mistress Toya, grips my arm and leads me into the room. I gasp. It’s also dimly lit, but everyone is sitting at a table with a light on it, illuminated by a lightbulb under a red lampshade. There are men and women sitting around. The sweet smell is even stronger in here. I see a few of the ladies in niqab with trays, serving drinks and hors d’ oeuvres. Mistress goes to the front of the room and claps her hands. The chatter dies down.

“Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce the newest member of our harem, the beautiful and talented Amira!”

A slow and sensitive beat with undertones of a flute and harp begins to fill the room. My hips beginto move, swing softly from side to side, then moving in a motion like I am tracing a figure eight on the floor. I lift my breasts and roll them in horizontal ovals as I walk closer to where the people are seated. All eyes in the room are on me, even the women in niqab have gathered at various points with their empty trays to watch me.

I cannot deny that my pussy is producing so much fluid that it’s driving down my legs. With each step, the bells ring, sending more waves of warmth through me. Then my belly takes over as the star of my performance. It begins to roll sensitively, the muscles pulling in from the top, pushing down and then out. I repeat the motion as I walk, in, down and out. I stop at one table. It’s a young woman sitting with two people that I assume are her parents.

She’s young, eighteen, maybe nineteen. I stop because she can’t seem to tear her eyes away from me and my rolling belly.

“Oh my God,” she whispers, “you are so beautiful.” She reaches outand plants her hands on my belly. I push the flesh into her hands. She begins to breathe harder and faster. I turn to her mother, whom I notice is shifting obviously in her seat.

“You are a gorgeous queen mother,” she says softly.

The father sits back. I see a bulge in his suit pants.

“Glory to the man who filled your belly with his seed of life,” the man says.

I move amongst all the tables doing my most sensitive moves with the body parts that remain free. I am enjoying all of the attention. To my surprise, having my arms and wrists tied so tightly behind me isn’t inhibiting me at all. If anything, it’s forcing me to use the parts of me that they all find sexy.

When the song ends, everyone stands to their feet, applauding. I stand there, breathing heavily behind my veil, feeling sweat bead underneath my necklace and more juice oozing from between my legs. If I don’t get to cum soon, I know I will go crazy!

Mistress Toya comes up behind me and take my arm.

“Master wants to see you.”

She blindfolds me again and leads me through some rooms and up some steps. When we stop, she knocks on something.


It’s the same distorted voice from the phone call! She pulls me into a room where the incense smell is quite strong!

“Welcome, Slave Amira,” says the distorted voice. “I trust that you gave a stellar performance.”

I nod my head.

“I expect a response to my questions. Failure to do so will result in punishment.”

“Mmph, Mnphphmr.”

“Are you quite wet and aroused, slave?”

“Mmph, Mnphphmr.”

“Do you need a cock to fill your hungry pussy?”

“Mmph, Mnphphmr.”

“I want you to tell me that you need my cock, slave.”

“N nmmn mnnr cnch, Mnphphmr.”

“You need it, but you must earn it. Fucking your master is a privilege that must be earned. I want you to dance for me.”

“Mmph, Mnphphmr.”

I bump my chest up and around, up and around. My hips make the figureeight motion. I also make circles with my belly like I’m tracing a clock on the wall.

“Tell me how does it feel to dance for your master?”

“Nph fmmmmph rmnmmmm gnnn, PHnr.”

“You cannot utter a single intelligent word, can you, slave?”

“Nn, PHnr.”

“Come closer to me, slave. Follow the sound of my voice.”

“Mmph, Mnphphmr.”

I dance over to where the sound is coming from. Oh man, my poor pussy is just aching! Every move makes my lips rub together. The bells click and ring in my ears, making me move more sensitively, deeply, wanting so much for my pussy to be filled with cock.


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