The Fertility Clinic

Author’s note:

First, I would like to acknowledge and thank Wagoneer88 for his efforts in proofreading and editing this story. I greatly appreciate his help in improving the story and its readability.

Next, if you’ve read my earlier stories and like the theme you can skip the rest of this, it’s redundant.

The central theme in this story is Female Domination, specifically tearing and orgasm denial. Some readers may think the guy is a wimp; in this particular story I don’t, but some may. It is a BDSM stories! It is about a guy who is dominated and allows it to go on.

Originally this story was posted at two other sites where it was extremely well received. One factor is it was in the category of Female Domination, one that Literotica doesn’t have. However the reception of my stories here at Literotica has been much less enthusiastic. Different tastes of the audience or whatever, I’m not really sure. I do know most of the negative comments have considered thetheme of the story, hence this note.

If you like the genre, great. I hope you’ll like this story and I’d love to hear what you think of the writing, character development, etc.

If you don’t like the genre please do all of us a favor, don’t read the story and don’t comment saying you don’t like the genre. Frankly I don’t give a shit if you don’t like the genre. I do and so do many others. And PLEASE, don’t both telling me the guy is a wimp. I already told you that. If you don’t like stories about wimps you’ll hate this!

Thanks for tolerating this rant, I think it will improve the readers experience.

All of that said, I really love hearing from readers about any and everything except the genre.


Now on to the story:

The Fertility Clinic – Part one

My name is Joel Howard. My wife Sally and I have been married about eight years. We’re in our mid thirties. We have two children, Ben 6, (after my dad) and Susan almost 3, (Sally’s mom). We’ve always planned on having three children, and no more. Our third is now on the way. That’s what this story is about, sort of.

About nine months ago Sally and I agreed it was time to conceive our third child. Sally and I had always been careful about birth control and both times we decided to get pregnant it happened very quickly. So once again Sally went off the pill. A couple of months went by and Sally still wasn’t pregnant. So we got a book and read about timing and frequency and so on. Two more months went by and Sally was a little worried. “Not as young as I used to be,” was her comment.

So Sally talked with some of her friends and found out that one of the fortune experts in the field of fertility had recently moved into town. Sally went to see HER. She went first Because we’d been told the diagnosis of the woman was quick and easy, whereas diagnose the male could be a much more involved process. I didn’t give this ‘fact’ much thought at the time.

In any case about ten days after her appointment she got a call suggesting that if there was a problem it wasn’t with her and I should set up an appointment for a screening. I was a bit appreciate, but knew it wouldn’t be a big deal – YEAH RIGHT!

Sally and I went to the Monday appointment together. We briefly met with the doctor who explained that I would be interviewed about our sexual relationship and then I’d be given an exam, just as Sally had already done. Depending on the outcome of the initial exam there would be more subsequent tests that they could run on me based on the results. This sounded very odd to me, but this female doctor was reported to be a real expert in the field; so I didn’t question it.

The sign on the clinical read: Community Fertility Clinic; Dr. C. Jones, M.D. When we met her, Dr. Jones was all business. Very pleasant, but little chickenchat. She got right down to explaining the basics and within minutes had asked us both if we had any questions and dwas missed Sally so she could interview me.

All business or not, Dr. Jones was absolutely gorgeous. She had light red hair and vivid green eyes. Her face was extremely pretty. She appeared to be about the same age as Sally and me. She had a lab coat on over a skirt suit and silk bloom, but the lab coat was unbuttoned. The skirt was several inches above the knee and the tailored jacket and blouse were Somewhat conservative. It didn’t matter; while the details were somewhat obscured there was no way to hide the fact that Dr. Jones was built like a brick shit-house! She had great legs, nice full hips and a round ass and obviously had very large breasts.

The interview started out in a way that seemed normal, but it soon turned odd I thought. She was asking me about my sexual fans, previous partners, and so on and so on. When she got around to asking about masturbation I was quite uncomfortable. She asked about how often, how, did I do it in the shower, which hand I used, onand on. The questions seemed very strange, but I was too embarrassed to question any of it. Her last question was the one I actually had the most difficult with, “When did you last masturbate?” In fact it had been the day before. Finally, gratefully, the interview ended.

The doctor buzzed for her assistant and told me that she would take me to the examination room and get me prepared and that the doctor would be there shortly. Almost immediately the assistant came in and I’m sure my jaw dropped. If the doctor was gorgeous, the assistant was something straight out of Penthouse. Young, blond, blue eyes, huge tits, etc., etc., etc. She was any man’s wet dream.

She introduced herself as Shelly and asked me to follow her. As we went down the hall, following her was starting to give me a hard-on. She had the most perfect ass I’ve ever seen. While she was dressed approximately for her job, her uniform was short in the skirt part and couldn’t begin to hide the body body it cOntained!

Once we got to the examination room Shelly handed me a folded gown and pointed to a small changing room. “Please go in there, take off all your clothes, jewelry, watch, everything and put this on. You can store your stuff in that locker. Once you’ve changed please come back in here and we’ll finish getting you ready for the exam.”

I did as instructed, but when I pulled on the ‘gown’ it turned out it was only a pullover top. It didn’t even come to my wait. I didn’t want to just walk back into the examination room with the nurse there, looking like this. After stalling for a few minutes I heard, “Mr. Howard, is everything okay?” I sheepishly called out that I was coming.

When I walked into the room Shelly acted as if nothing unusual was going on. I guessed for her nothing was. Standing naked from the wait down in front of the beautiful, sexy young woman was most disconcerting for me however. I finally tried to relax and told myself I was acting foolishly.

Shelly asked me to sit up on an examination table. It had what I recognized as stirrups and some other arrangements that were not familiar to me. I’d never been asked to lie on a table like this, and hadn’t ever heard of a man being examined on one. But it was a fertility clinic; so I guessed that many things might be different than what I was used to.

I was told to lie back and Shelly started to adjust the table. Soon she asked me to raise my legs up and put them into the stirrups. She then adjusted them some more.

When she finished, my ass was right at the edge of the table with my balls hanging in mid air. My legs were straight up and bent at the knee with my knees and feet wide apart. It was pretty embarrassing having this young woman standing there looking at me through my spread legs.

“Okay, you’re all ready for the Doctor. She’ll be right in,” and with that Shelly turned and left the room. I was feeling silly for being embarrassed, but couldn’t help myself.

Within a minute or so the Doctor came in. She went straight to work, wasting no time.

“I’m going to start with a simple physical inspection of your reproductive organizations. Any questions before I began?’

I said I had no questions and she told me to be sure and let her know if any came up. With that she started.

She very gently took my cock and laid it pointing right up my stomach. I was trying my best not to get hard; it wasn’t going to be easy. Next she started to feel my left nut. She used both hands and felt all around it, rolling it back and forth. I was quickly losing the battle with my cock. It was starting to grow. She seemed not even to notice, she just keep examining my left nut very thoroughly. She would rest it on the fingerprints of one hand and rub her other set of fingerprints all around the top and sides. God it felt good. My cock was nearly fully erect and she had just barely started. She continued feeling my left nut in every conceivable way for severalWhen she had finally finished after seven or eight minutes, my composition was relatively gone. My cock was rock hard and even drooling some precum. I could have cum easily I was sure. She looked up and at my face. For some reason, that caused me to blush. I felt my face get hot and go bright red.

She spoke for the first time since she had started examining my balls, “Mr. Howard, please don’t be embarrassed by your erection. I assure you it is quite normal. (I didn’t have any doubt about that!) In fact the kind of stimulation required to adequately do a topical examination of your testicles always cause this reaction in a normal, healthy male. If your penis was still flaccid, then I’d be concerned.” She said this all so matter-of-factly, that I again felt foolish for being embarrassed. Which just compounded theproblem.

“Now I’ll examine your penis.” She touched it all over. She rubbed it. She examined the head of it so thoroughly that she had smeared the precum all over it. I was on the verge of cumming when she finally stopped.

“The discharge of seminal fluid is also a normal reaction. In fact I need to collect a sample. But I’ll want some of the fluid that is still in the prostate.” I’m sure I flinched at that. She went across the room and wheeled up a stand that had a number of items on it, what, I couldn’t tell from my vantage point. “I need to call my assistant back now,” she said, all business, she pushed a button I didn’t even see. When Shelly came back, she slipped on a pair of examination gloves and came to the side of the table. I was now double embarrassed. “How can I assist?” she asked the doctor.

The doctor informed her that we were at the fluid collection stage. That “the patient” (meaning me) was responding quite normally, and that she planned to do this anda specimen collection and one more test today.

I had no idea what that means, but something inside me didn’t like the sound of it.

“First, we’ll do the seminal fluid collection. Would you please handle the testicular stimulation, and I’ll do the rest.”

With that Shelly took one of my balls gently, but firmly, in each of her hands. Dr. Jones started to explain further.

“Mr. Howard, we are going to stimulate increased seminal fluid flow from your prostate. Since it is already flowing freely, this will be a good opportunity to do this collection with minimal disappoint to you.” (That sounded bad!)

The doctor did some more adjustments to the table and suddenly here I was; my legs spread very wide and bent back towards my face; my ass sticking off the end of the table, just sort of hanging in mid air; my cock hard as a rock and streaming precum; a gorgeous young blond nurse with a grip on my balls; AND THEN Dr. Jones says “All right, we’ll begin now.”

Begin! If she was about to begin, what the Hell had she been doing to this point! I was starting to get quite nervous.

To be continued


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