The Feared '57' Ch. 01

For Kathy—whose presence has inspired me and added joy to the world

Note: This story about a private girls’ school features only characters who are 18 or over.

Janet Sanders had been teaching for several years when she was recruited by an old colleague to join the faculty of a new experimental private school—they preferred to be called “independent,” of course—in a Somewhat more prosperous area near where she lived. Janet was a highly able English teacher who had enjoyed her work but also relished the possibilities that her new teaching position might present.

For one thing, Adele, her long-time friend and colleague, had told her that the students at the new school had to pass a rigorous entry exam. Not only that but the school required parents to consent to “corporal Punishment.” This means, Adele added with a grin, that “all those miserable kids we always wished we could spank” back at Midtown HS would now become a student body bound to show more respect, especially to a skilled teacher such as Janet.

Janet’s senior English class was filled with attractive and obviously relatively well-off boys and girls. They were all 18 and could drive by now and Janet had few illusions that very many of the girls, or the boys, for that matter, retained their virginity. She found the young but obviously capable principal, Miss Irene Crawford, fascinating, too.

When Janet arrived for her initial interview, Miss Crawford smiled and said that Adele had filled her in on Janet’s capabilities.

Then she turned the conversation to Janet’s ability to impose discipline if necessary. “We will supply you with the instruments of your choice,” Miss Crawford rather blithely observed. “These include a cane, tawse, paddle, or riding crop. More exotic instruments may be employed,” she added, “but I’d appreciate your lettering me know ahead of use so I can be prepared for any repercussions…not that I would expect any.” She grinned at Janet.

Janet smiled and said that she appreciated the situation and hoped that the mere existence of the teachers’ ability to impose physical punishment would result in better student behavior.

“I do admit, Miss Crawford,” she said, “that there have been quite a few pupils of mine I’d have preferred to educate on their bare bottoms if you get my drift.”

Irene Crawford smiled and told Janet she seemed to be the Perfect teacher to complete their fine English department. “In fact, Janet,” she added, “I would be very pleased if you would agree to be the chair of the English department. You clearly have the most relevant experience.” Adding that there were extra compensation for the responsibility of being chair, Irene ended the meeting by hoping that Janet would be willing to assume her duties at the start of the new term in two weeks.

Janet smiled and thanked Irene.

“Janet, you are a lovely person and Adele was quite accurate in her description,” Irene said sincerely.She did not mention that she adored Janet’s flamed red tempers and hoped to learn if Janet’s were truly au naturele. She also enjoyed Janet’s pleasant dressing style, suitably conservative but very stylish, with a smokeing scarf and lovely accessorizing.

It did not take Janet long to signal her acceptance and soon the first Monday of the term approached. In the meantime, Irene had sent Janet some materials About the school. In one packet—marked “Highly Confidential—For Teachers Only”—Janet read with some interest the various suggestions Irene had spelled out for teachers to consider when imposing physical punishment on pupils.

“I have found that the most effective punishments are both physical and psychological,” she began. “It is important that a misbehaving student be made to feel that not only will Her bottom be warmed but her scholastic standing may be imperiled and her parents may be advised of her naughtiness,” she added. This means, she went on, that notes home toparents when a pupil misbehaved were highly favored. “Be sure the note is sealed and that you require a signature of the parent,” she advised.

Janet was especially intrigued by a rather creative and diabolic punishment that Irene had apparently introduced at the school, which was known as Oakhurst. This was known to all, and feared greatly by the students, as “the 57.” If a student misbehaved and merited severe discipline, Irene recommended that the teacher inform the student in front of the class that she was going to be recommended by the teacher to Miss Crawford for “the 57.” The mere mention of this possibility usually brought pleasures of better behavior and for the teacher to change her mind.

“For that reason,” Irene said in the guidebook, “I suggest that you do not refer to the 57 lightly. Students will react viscerally and before you even reach my office, they are likely to be pleading their case to me. I will almost always grant your request but please do reserve this for major episodes of unacceptable conduct.”

So what was the feared 57? First of all, it means that unless the student behaved without any further incidents for the rest of the term, her grade in the class would be a 57, eight points below passing, which was 65. Irene explained that setting the failure at this level would make it clear that it was a failure and not a mere miss of passing by a point or two. But it would also not ruin the student’s average so savagely as the award of a grade of zero for the term.

Nevertheless, it was the other aspects of the punishment that were even more diabolic, Janet felt, even upon reading them, as she realized the prospect of imposing this kind of punishment was causing her panties to become quite wet with her excitement.

When the punishment was approved by Miss Crawford, the teacher was Then free to impose five cane strokes or seven strap strokes on the pupil’s bare bottom in front of the class. Each class had a punishment horse that the teacher might require a pupil to bend over after her bottom had been barred.

Depending on how the pupil behaved during punishment, and how she behaved each day from the date of the episode to the term end, the teacher could, as noted award the grade of 57 as the term grade, or revise it as she wished to recognize improved behavior. Irene suggested that teachers not disclose in advance how they intended to adjust grades for this purpose. The teacher also had the authority to award a failing grade in Conduct on the student’s report card. This too was entirely discretionary except that any teacher who imposed the 57 after approval had the absolute power to change the Conduct grade to a failure between that date and the term end.

Janet realized that what probably made the punishment even more imposing was that Miss Crawford would send Parents a registered letter outlining the punishment and the reasons for its imposition. Parents would now know that their daughter was in great danger of failing senior English (in the case of Janet’s class) and receiving a failing grade in Conduct that would be sent to colleges the girl had filed applications to attend.

There was one last discretionary punishment that Irene had allowed to be included in the discipline package that the 57 was. The teacher might require the girl to wear the school’s punishment uniform for a full week. This uniform consistent of a very short skirt that exposed the required full white panties that were required to be destroyed with it, and a light white blouse that made it totally evict that the punished girl had been deprived of the privilege of wearing a bra. The costume was quite embarrassing and Janet had observed one girl wearing it in the hallway when she came to the school for her own interview. Janet noticed how frequently the girl’s panties were on view because of the short skirt.

Irene’ guidebook informed Janet that there were other punishment options. Students could be put on the daily report, which means they were required to stay after school and be punished, usually by cane, by the duty teacher, who was aided by precisions. This was regarded as another highly embarrassing punishment.

Each day a list was circular late in the day that contained, in addition to the names of absent pupils, the names of those who were now on the 57 and those placed on the daily report. This list was posted where all could see it in every classroom.

Janet filled out all her employment forms and smiled as she checked off on the implementation form that she would require a cane as her preferred punishment instrument. Janet wondered if Irene Crawford could tell that Janet had significant experience in both using and receiving the cane as a disciplined instrument.

Janet’s first few days teaching English to the seniors, as well as other classes, went well and without incident. On her fifth day, however, one quite attractive girl named Marcie responded to aquestion Janet had posed by stating rather bluntly that the question was quite stupid.

Janet realized that the girl was spoiled and had responded that way based on her personality but also that she had missed the point of the question. Marcie was a lovely-looking but pouty blonde who wo stylish and tight clothes that emphasized her delightful figure.

Calmly, Janet pointed out that the question had asked for a response that Marcie clearly had not considered because she had not thought the question through.

Marcie’s face darkened as she began to appreciate the unpleasant situation she had created. She started to request forgiveness but then assumed this new teacher would not punish her so she refused.

“Marcie,” Janet began, “you fail to appreciate that in addition to misunderstanding the question and reacting insultingly to this teacher, you have earned yourself some discipline, my girl.”

Realizing that she had guessed wrong, Marcie flinched and softly said she was sorry if she had said anything out of order and hoped Miss Sanders would forgive her.

Janet recognized Marcie’s insincerity for what it was—an effort to avoid punishment by making the most limited sort of apology. “So I am sorry, my dear, to advise you that I shall request Miss Crawford’s approval to impose the 57 in your case.”

Marcie’s mouth dropped. None of her friends had received the 57 that year. She knew well what a horrid punishment it was, especially since she would have to please Miss Sanders for the rest of the term if she wanted to avoid an ignominious failure of 57 and a U in Conduct on her report card, much less the other discretionary possibilities, all awful to Marcie.

As the class ended, there was much undercurrent among the pupils about the surprise that Marcie’s misbehavior had caused. “Did you hear that that new teacher Miss Sanders told Marcie she was going to get the 57?” was on all the girls’ lips.

“I hear you’ve had an encounterer with the spoiled Miss Marcie,” Irene said when Janet arrived at the principal’s office and mentioned she was requesting approval of the 57 for Marcie.

“Yes, she clearly considered me as a dunce,” Janet said calmly to Irene, “but I think your rather imagined punishment will correct that attitude.”

Irene secretly was delighted that Janet had requested permission to punish Marcie with the 57. She smiled as she told Janet that her request would be granted so that Janet should proceed to draft her official report that would be transmitted in Irene’s letter to Marcie’s parents. Marcie would have the weekend to worry about whether Janet would use the cane or the strap on the girl’s bare bottom Monday.


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