[You will likely enjoy this story more if you have read the previous installations. Please do not read further if you are upset by bodyly functions. All characters are over 18 years old.]
Janet Saunders finally returned to her apartment that evening still reeling from the humiliation of being punished by Principal Crawford in front of a fellow teacher, Valerie Warren, and worse yet, a Prefect, 19-year-old Dorine Kaufman, who apparently was a protégé of Valerie, the experienced Latin teacher who frequently served as Duty Mistress to punish misbehaving pupils sent to the discipline room at day’s end.
Janet had only that week began her work as senior English teacher but the moment she gave in to a moment’s indisposition and stated to pupil Marcie Williams that she would be punished by being subjected to the feared ’57’ punishment, things had gone very much awry for the thirtyish auburn-haired English teacher.
Now, Janet constantly felt the violence of her personby the horrid adult diaper Irene Crawford had sentenced her to wear until the next morning! She also realized that Irene expected that the diaper would be put to use by Janet so the now perplexed English teacher hesitated to open the diaper when she needed to relieve herself.
But soon she became hungry and needed to fix herself some dinner, so she went to the kitchen and made a nice plate of salad greens with some tuna, a sort of mini-salade nicoise. As Janet sat down at her table to try to relax and enjoy her meal, she felt the imminent pressure in her rear channel that indicated she would soon need to have a bowel movement. She recalled that she had not had one yet that day and probably this was accounted for by her missing her usual morning coffee because she awoke late and needed to worry to school.
As Janet ate, the pressure in her rectum became ever stronger. Finally she understands at some level that she was now about to retrogress: she was going to soil her diaper.She held in the movement for as long as she could. Finally, she was forced to relax her tired and strained anal sphincter and she felt the waste slide out of her anus in a long piece that wound round in her crotch and soon filling the diaper.
Janet wanted to go remove the diaper and clean herself but she hesitated because she feared feeling the sting again of Irene Crawford’s nasty little whippy cane. She went to bed and tried to sleep with the filled diaper constantly pressing on her pubes. Soon she needed to pee and she just let go and let the warm liquid fill the diaper almost to bursting. After that she fell into a troubled sleep and roused herself in time to dress and report to school early, hoping that Miss Crawford would take goal on her and release her from wearing the shameful diaper.
When she arrived at school, she immediately headed for the principal’s office, anxious to avoid anyone else who would get a whiff of the strong fecal smell emmanating from her now caked diaper under her skirt. Somehow she avoided running into any other teacher or pupil at this early hour and knocked on the principal’s inner office.
She heard Irene Crawford’s cheerful voice bad her to enter. She walked slowly into the principal’s commodious office, only to grow wretchedly upset while trying to control any display of emotion. Standing next to Irene was the Prefect who had witnessed Janet’s caning the previous day and her being ordered to wear the awful diaper—the senior, Dorine Kaufman, who wore a constant smile that believed her delight in being permitted by both her friend, the regular Duty Mistress, Valerie Warren, the Latin teacher, and Miss Crawford, to witness the disciplining of a teacher, indeed the new English teacher, Janet Saunders.
“Good morning, Janet,” Irene said brightly by way of welcome. “I take it you are reporting to me as directed.”
“I am,” Janet responded slowly.
“And how would you describe your situation this morning?” Irene queried, with only the slightest grin, shared by the clearly unsympathetic Dorine.
Janet bit her lip and merely replied, “I’m sorry, Principal, but I was forced to use the diaper for my body functions. I did not want to, but I realized I needed to follow your instructions.”
“So you need to be changed?” Irene went on.
“Yes,” Janet answered miserably. “I was also Hoping that you would allow me to stop having to wear the diaper. I understand my mistake and I also apologize for my egregious behavior yesterday when I …lost control here.”
“Well,” Irene said in a conversational tone, “perhaps we should see what has happened here. Dorine, will you assist me in opening Miss Saunders’s diaper? Janet, please lie on your back on the coffee table there. Pull your dress well up out of the way first. You will be in the well-known diaper position.”
Janet buttoned her lip, bid good-bye to her pride, pulled up her dress, and lay on the table on her back, pulling her legs up so the obviously-filled diaper was now exposed.
Dorine came over next to her and ceremoniously undid the diaper tapes, and let the diaper cropch drop from Janet’s crotch.
“Ooh, Miss Crawford,” Dorine gushed, fulfilling Janet’s worst fears about the reaction to her shame, “she really did a huge jobbie in this diaper. Do you want me to take it off and…clean her off too?”
“Yes, Dorine, if you would be so good as to do that,” Irene replied, in a very businesslike way.
“Janet, I had hoped you would manage to withstand the temptation to do your business in the diaper,” Irene said, as if talking to a child.
She then watched as Dorine with great care put on plastic gloves and picked the pieces of shit stuck to Janet’s public hair and crack from that area and into the filled diaper. Dorine then wrapped up the diaper and put it in a plastic bag so as not to extend the smell into Irene’s outer office.
Finally, the petite junior Prefect took a damp cleansing clothes and wiped Janet’s most intimate area quite roughly to remove any remaining fecal matter or dried urine.
“She peed in it too,” Dorine stated very bluntly to Irene Crawford, who showed a frown of disdain at the news.
“Janet,” Irene now declared, “I’m going to give you one last chance. You will wear a clean diaper at school today and if it is clean at day’s end, you will merely be punished at the end of the Duty Mistress’s session. Dorine, I will give you a note to tell the Mistress that I will designate you to discuss Janet. After that, Janet, your punishment will be completed.”
Before Janet could react, Dorine tapped her roughly to lift her hindquarters so that a new diaper could be placed beneath her haunches. Dorine expertly did that and then taped the new Diaper around Janet’s hips. She then tapped Janet’s bottom and told her she could get up and let her skirt down.
After Janet left the Principal’s office, the day moved slowly. Somehow she did not drink anything so she did not need to urinate, at least not enough to mess the diaper. After making it through her classes without anyone appearing to notice that she had something bulky on beneath her grey flannel skirt, she slowly walked down to see the Duty Mistress in the discipline room.
The Duty Mistress was none other than her old friend, Adele Douglas, a science teacher who had first stirred Janet’s interest in coming to work at the school. She managed to take Adele aside and tell her friend what a horrible time she had been having.
Out of earshot of the girls awaiting discipline and Dorine, who was the assigned prefect, Adele committed with Janet and told her she had received the note that designed Dorine as the discilivian who would punish Janet.
“Irene can be rather peculiar at times,” Adele said plainly, “and I suppose I should have warned you about her. But I’m afraid it’s too late for that. Take your medicine and this should be the end of it. Iwill remind Dorine, by the way, that she had better not gossip about this.”
Janet sat next to Adele as the Mistress administrator several canings and strappings to girls who had been reported by their classroom teachers or the preferences. None know why she was there and some wondered why there was a new teacher present but assumed she was learning the ropes, so to speak.
Finally the last one was dismissed and Janet marveled that Adele had given the girls what Janet felt were quite severe canings and strappings. The last girl, Wendy Haines, cried out when Adele’s strap landed directly between Wendy’s spread thighs and obviously had hit her doubtlessly risen clip as it landed on her pudendum.
“Very well, Janet,” Adele said with a bit of sternness. “Lift your skirt and lie down on the Punishment table here. Dorine, you may untape Miss Saunders’s diaper and inspect same. Kindly report to me on its condition.”
Without letting her smile dissipate, Dorine rose and attended to her assignment. She loved it that Miss Crawford was letting her punishment a new teacher. She peered into the open crotch as she opened the diaper and was disappointed to find that Janet had refrained from urinating or defecating into it.”
“She’s clean, Miss Douglas,” Dorine reported, in a voice calculated to humiliate Janet even as she had managed to succeed in not soiling the horrible diaper.
“Very well, then, Dorine,” Adele went on, as if reading from a script, “Miss Saunders will now rise from the table and position herself on the punishment block. Place your feet into the slots, Janet and then you may affix the cuffs to her wrists, Dorine.”
Janet stepped into the slots for her feet and felt her legs spread as she did. Then Dorine placed Janet’s wrists each into soft velvet cuffs that stretched her arms way out and above her body. Dorine gave Janet’s skirt a final pull up, pinning it, and now exposing the English teacher’s bare bottom, and her intimate charms peeking through her spread chefs. Dorine was by now accustomed to seeing girl pouting labia through the legs of those being punished. Janet’s not only pooched out but had much more hair around them that went back through her split.
Janet’s bottom, of course, bore the marks of the caning Irene Crawford had administratored the previous day. The light red lines across Janet’s bottom were crossed as the senior English teacher had been “gated” by the diminutive principal.
Dorine too was petite but the various Duty Mistresses had frequently allowed her to take on the task of administratoring discipline to pupils sent to the discipline room. She was thus expert in her use of both cane and stick. She did realize that she needed to adhere closely to the directions Miss Douglas would give her.
Janet’s humiliation was at least spared the presence of other pupils, but Dorine was wearing the traditional high school girl’s pleated plaid skirt and Peter Pan blouse. She already boosted aVery full 34B chest and had decided her special assignment today merited her donning smoke pantyhose beneath her skirt.
Dorine had not been prone to gossip about her duties as a Prefect. The other pupils know, of course, that she was present for corrections in the discipline room and that she even wilded the cane or strap on occasion. But the diminutive senior was going out with one of the senior class’s brightest Members, Nick Alcott, who was also captain of the lacrosse team.
The previous night, Dorine had stayed late at Nick’s place, and in the absence of his parents, the two had spent most of their time literally together: fucking in the handsome lacrosse midfielder’s bedroom. Dorine enjoyed Nick’s manly attentions and especially the feeling of his long, thick cock in her tight vagina—she had orgasmed at least four times. During the throes of their ecstasy, Nick asked Dorine if anyone unusual had happened at the discipline room, since he envied Dorine her privileged position as Prefect to the extent that she could uncover girl bottoms before these were spanked, caned, or strapped.
Dorine had blurted out as she felt her inner muscles contract into orgasm yet again that she had been privileged to see the new English teacher, no less, caned by Principal Crawford. This bit of information stimulated Nick enough that he quickly expanded into Dorine’s tight love canal. The petite senior then pleaded with her lover never to say anything about this to anyone but she left his house, with her brain reeling from her fear that he would not keep her secret as her vagina leaked their combined body fluids into her already sopping panties.
Dorine was handed a small tan leather strap by Adele Douglas, who whispered to her that she could apply six good strokes to Janet’s bared bottom. The senior then walked a bit shakily to the prescribed spot behind Janet and announced the punishment.
“Miss Crawford, I will give you six strokes on your bare bottom with this strap,” Dorine said, following the script she had been taught as a Prefect. “It is to be hoped that you will benefit from this imposition and improve your behavior.”
Janet turned at hearing this improvement from a pupil, no less. But then the struggle Dorine began and the straw came whistling across Janet’s already tenderized bottom. She managed to refrain from crying out but by the time the sixth stroke seized her poor nates, she was truly content that she had been able to retain her urine as her now-filled bladder pressed for relief.
“You may release Miss Crawford, Dorine,” Adele ordered, and Dorine proceeded to undo the velvet cuffs.
Janet slowly let her skirt down and walked away from the shameful punishment spot.
Adele made some entries in the punishment book and dismissed Dorine, who left with a wide grin on her face as she thought about how she had wanted to land one strap stroke right between Janet’s open legs on the tender clip in that poochy cunt that the Prefect felt was smiling defiance at her.
When Dorine had departed, Adele drew Janet to her in her arms, hugged her, and told her that she would do what she could to see that Janet stayed out of further trouble at school.
“You’ll see that Irene Crawford won’t be so horrible now that she feels she has broken you,” Adele said.
Janet wasn’t so sure after her ordeal, or ordeals, as she regards the experience. But Adele invited her home for a nice quiet dinner with good wine. As she quaffed a lovely young Pinot Noir from Oregon, Janet thought that she would somehow outlive the awful baptism she had been subjected to at her new school.
She felt even better when Adele bad her follow to the bedroom. There she told Janet to lift her skirt yet again and she spread comforting cream on her friend’s bruised and disclosed bottom cheeses. She then took a pair of her favorite lavender panties from her panty drawer, helped a still shaky Janet put them on, andstripped to her own bra and pale lilac undies.
She took Janet again in her arms, beckoned her to join her, and the two held each other tight beneath the warm covers of Adele’s commodious bed.
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