The Fashion Influencer Gets Robbed

Jim was amazed he thought of the idea.

Robbing a house for a TV or some jewelry could make you some money, but it didn’t seem worth the hassle just to get a couple items. However, robbing someone you knew had thousands dollars of clothing? That was the kind of heist that could provide you with a steady source of income.

Jim had been studying a fashion influencer for months and was amazed at how Often she was posting with videos with dozens of outfits, seemingly with completely new clothes each time. She had designer coats, boots, bags and all that good stuff. He wasn’t a fashionista by any means, but he knew that nice clothes would fetch a pretty penny, especially if he managed to rob an entire closed filled with them.

The influencer also wasn’t particularly secret about her location, which Jim knew was pretty stupid for someone advertising how many expensive items she owned. Jim was about a 3-hour drive away from her and for the money he’d make off the trip, the gas would more than pay for itself. He made sure to rent a van just to store all the clothes, but that also was going to be just a drop in the bucket once he had enough expensive clothes to survive a store in the mall.

Of course, Jim also knew the easiest way to conduct his robbery would be if he tied up the influencer while he stripped her closet down to nothing but the hungers. He brought rope, duct tape and of course a gun in his van for his visit to the influencer.

On the day of the robbery, he broke into the house by picking the lock with ease and then quickly found his way to the bedroom where she filmed everything. He cracked open the door to see her in the middle of filming a new video. She had no idea it’d be her last one for a while.

“FREEZE” he yelled as he broke into the room and the influencer obliged after a few seconds to process there was a stranger with a gun in her bedroom.

“W-what do you want?” She asked while wearing an expensive coat pairedwith a similarly valuable pair of boots and handbag.

“What you’re wearing, for starters,” he replied.

“What are you a pervert?” She snapped back perhaps too bravely for someone in the midst of a robbery.

“Nope, just someone who wants all your expensive shit” he returned before reminding her that he had a gun he was hoping not to fire today.

“My clothes?!?!?” She replied as if he was asking for her first-born child.

“Yes, I know you have lots of them and they’re very expensive so I figured they should be mine” he explained, figuring there was no point in lying about his goal.

“They’re for my Instagram! How am I gonna make money if I don’t have any clothes?” She cried out, still not entirely gripping the idea that this was a robbery at gunpoint.

“That’s not my problem. Now turn around and put your hands behind your back.” he replied, getting irritated that she thought this was somehow a negotiation.

The influencer begrudgingly obliged as rope got wrapped around her wrists, but quickly started complaining that it was too tight. This earned her a tape gag, finally giving the robber some peace and quiet to handle his business.

He figured he might as well start the robber with the clothes she was wearing and unzipped her black boots, as she tried and failed to kick him. He realized he couldn’t really remove her coat if the arms were tied together, but at least figured he could still take her skirt and tights off, even if those wouldn’t be the big moneymakers. The influencer tried harder and harder to get out her binds and he was unsure if she was more upset about him being able to see her panties or the thousands of dollars of her property he was about to take.

As Jim began to sort through her closet, he figured he could have some fun with her collection of winter scarves. He wrapped one around her face for a blindfold and used a few more to keep her legs secure.

“I’ll let you keep those when I leave sweetheart” he said with a big laugh.

Jim picked mountains of coats, shoes and bags into trash bags, his future wealth increasing with each item he grabbed. He even throw in the sweaters and skirts for good measure. If you’re gonna rob someone, might as well really commit, he thought.

Once Jim picked the closet clean of everything besides her underwear, he untied the influencer’s arms to grab the coat she was currently wearing. She tried to hit him, but being blindfolded with her own scarf means she was largely just swinging at air. He took off her sweater too, and the influencer was now down to nothing more than her bra and panties.

“Maybe your videos can show people what underwear you’re wearing” he teasingly suggested.

Jim thought about stripping her down to nothing, but figured the bondage and robbery would be enough. However, her ass was too much to resist and after tying her arms back together, he gave her a few hard spanks as a parting gift.

“Good luck with your Instagram!” Jim said as he left, taunting the influencer one final time before he departed with trash bags filled with her most expensive items.

The influencer had no idea what would happen to her account, but more urgently, she had no idea how she’d even get out of this bondage.


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