This slave’s excitement was rising as the time for Master to arrive and fetch one drew near. The list of things one had checked so many times, containing the items one wished to bring in case they were required, was in tattered shreds in one’s hands as one twisted and smoothed it over and over… one’s nervousness quite evidence in the gesture. Each item was carefully displayed for Master’s approval or rejection before being packed for the journey.
The call to prepare had come late last night. This slave had scarcely slept a wink as one meticulously selected the items Master mentioned and added a few one wished to share with Master and sissy and then prepared Master’s body for presentation at His command. Everyone else who lives in this house was gone at the moment on various errands so one had little other to occur one’s mind except the events of O/our first sojourn into repairing this relationship and speculation as to what would happen during this visit. Just thinking aboutone’s being taken so many times in so many different ways as one was then has made Master’s pussy so very wet, and knowing He will be arriving shortly only adds to the mood coating His slave nether lips. The musky odor of His nectar wafts up assailing one’s nostrils and stirring, even more, the fires beginning deep in this slave belly.
A sight escapes one’s lips as one hears Master’s car pulling up, one wishing one had time to refresh before presenting His possession in this condition, but alas… there is no more time as He is here. Naked… as His slave should be… one knees inside the door to await His knock with creamy, alabaster thighs parted widely, shoulders squared over displayed ample hips, arms wrapping behind one at the wait, palms resting together, long light brown hair drawing shoulders and back as one slowly opens the door and eyes seek that point before His boots indicating He is at last here. This slave body gracefully slips forward, voluptuous breasts seeking the floor between His slave tighs as slave’s face stops just short of the floor as one speaks softly saying…
“Greetings Master, This slave bids You welcome Home and begs You seek comfort from the cold, outside, in the warmth of this house… that one may greet one’s Master as His slave properly should.”
Master steps inside, His boots stop just before the face of this one as He closes the door, looks around a moment considering one’s manner of greeting and stands still waiting. His slave moves just enough to place a devoted kiss upon the toe of each booted foot before rising to a knee slowly before Him, seeing Master opening His fly and, with hands still clap behind one’s back, taking His cock into His cunt, sucking all of Him inside at once in a devoted slave greeting.
After a moment, Master removes His cock from His greedy slut cunt, replacing it within His garments and fasting the fly as He commands His slave,“Greetings My angel… one’s greeting has pleased Master very much. Now up on that bed and present what is Mine for inspection, slut!”
“Yes, Master,” one replies as one curries to heed His command and crawls to the bed, assuming the proper position upon it, hoping against hope that Master will not be displeased with the moist condition of His treasure after such intimacy with Him as well as the effects of one’s thoughts just before His arrival… for His pussy by this time is seeing His nectar, glistening in the light as it is displayed for His view.
“Why is my pussy so wet, slut?” Master demanded as two of His fingers slip deeply between His slut’s nether lips, struggling the clip and slipping deep inside His soaked slutty pussy, plunging hard and fast, in and out, again and again, rapidly.
This slave moans softly at the onslaught as one seeks control and composition enough to answer Master, saying,“This girl is sorry Master as one still has not learned to control the effect thoughts of Your possession have upon Your slave body, Master, let alone the effects of Your touch. This slave begs Your forgiveness, Master.”
Master lights His touch in His use of one as He begins to tease His slut pussy and clip, adding a third finger to His treasure as He whips His slut into a frenzy of desire. As one nears the point of begging Master for release His touch is suddenly removed altogether, His fingers are presented for one to clean, and one is told‘that will be enough’ as Master inquires as to whether one is ready to leave.
This girl shows Master the items one has prepared for His approval before packing the remainder to leave and explains at His command what each item is for before He approves or denies its inclusion… as one either packs it away or replaces it in its proper storage place for another time. That task having been completed one dresses in the attire of Master’s choosing and one awaits His command to depart, kneeing at His feet toindicated one is finished and ready to do His bidding.
Master rises suddenly and commands His slut follow, surprising one as He moves away from the door instead of towardss it. He signals for one to draw His slut body over the arm of the couch, and commands one spread one’s lips and ass cheats wide for Master’s cock to use what is His. Hurrying to move as He commands, one does so quickly, His cock pressing first between His slutty pussy lips and kissing His clip as He slips the head across it, then through the moisture and deeply into His starving slut pussy… with one motion entering and filling one completely as His hips press hard against His slave ass. His hips pound against one’s ass again and again as He takes His pussy hard and fast, His pussy juices flowing freely and coating His swollen clip and balls with each outward stroke.
Moaning from the sensings Master’s cock sends shooting through His slut with each thrust, Master commands one to cry out louder and let Master know how much His pussy begs to be used by Master. His slave complies happily as one has missed Master’s use for so long and craved to pleasure His cock every day in which W/we have been apart.
His slut begs Master for more and as the heat rises to an almost uncontrollable level one hears one’s own voice begging Master for release rather than to be punished for cumming without permission. Upon hearing one’s pleasures, Master commands one to cum for Him… which one does instantly at the sound of His voice.
When one’s internal spasms begin to subside Master removes His still hard sword from His pussy, placing the head at the entrance to His ass, taking it much in the same manner as He possessed His pussy only moments ago. Slave tries to fight the natural inclination of the body to pull away from such an invasion… as one truly enjoys Master’s possession of His ass… forcing one’s body to relax and press back toward Master, accepting His cock readily into His body as He desires. Master’s cock fills His ass and one feels the muscles stretching from His girl as one has not been used by any but Master in this manner for many a year and even less as of late. Master pauses for one to catch one’s breath before continuing His possession and pressing the remainder of His cock into His slut ass, filling His ass completely as He pulls out slightly and enters again, fucking His ass while holding His slut firmly by the hips.
“Take all of Master’s cock, slut…beg your Master to take His ass… I want to hear you begging, slut.” Master commands as He begins to fuck His ass harder and faster.
Moaning“Yes Master,” one begins to beg in earnest as the sensings Master’s cock are creating within His slut fuel one’s heat and one becomes breathless with the desire for more.
“Please fuck Your ass, Master… take what is Yours and pleasure Yourself within this vessel, one begs You… but for Your pleasure, Master, not one’s own. Oh god, Master…” one moans as the heat within reaching fever pitch and Master’s ass is pumping back to meet each thrust of His huge hard cock.“Please, Master… fill Your ass with Master’s cum and mark one as Yours… pleeeaasssee… oh please, Master… please allow one to cum with You, Master… oh please… one begs for Your command, Master… pleeeaasssee…” His slut moans again squirming as impaled upon His shaft one rides the waves of heat and desire Master’s cock has built within His possession trying desperately not to cum before His command.
Master’s breath becomes haggard as His release draws near and He commands His slut“Cum now, slut… cum with your Master!” His seed spilling and filling His ass as His slut obeys and cries out with the force of the orgasm that rages within, still pressing back against Master’s hips and suckling His cock with the spasms it has created in His whore body.
Master withdraws His cock from His ass and moves to lie acrossThe bed instructing His slut to procure a clean rag with which to wash Master and then to clean oneself and arrange one’s clothes as the time has come to depart. His slave hurries to do as He commands, first bringing a fresh clean clothes to wash Master’s cock and a towel to dry Him before returning to the bathroom to prepare oneself. When one returns to the room Master indicates one should knee before Him and one moves to obey His command, kneeing with hands clap behind one’s back, chin held high with pride in one’s slavery and eyes cast at Master’s chin so one may discern Master’s mood by His expression as well as speech.
“My one has done very well, My angel… Master is very pleased with one’s efforts this day. Master wishes to know if His angel is also happy? and how one feels about this visit with Master and sissy… are there any fears or misgivings One should know about within you, slut? Is one sure one can handle four days with U/us all together… Master does not want fighting or jealousy to have to be dealt with between any of the three of U/us.”
“Master’s slut is looking forward to the visit, Master and eager to see sissy again. This girl is happy to be again allowed in Your presence and to be a tool for Your pleasure, Master. This girl’s only fear at the moment is that one will not be strong enough to leave Y/you both after four days and return alone again, Master.”
Master smiles at one’s words and His hand steals to cradle one’s cheek, guiding one’s gaze up to meet His as Master tells one He loves His angel and that one is His. His slut returns His smile as one’s love and devotion shines out from within for His eyes to see mirrored in one’s own as one agrees one is His and will belong to Him always. Master leans forward and claims His lips in a light kiss as He rises and bids one bring one’s possessions and follow.
This slave does as commanded, the short skirt and the spaghetti stick top providing little protection fromthe elements as one moves to the car and places one’s bag inside, swiftly climbing into the passenger seat and closing the door as the chains suspended from His nipples cool quickly and send shivers through one at their touch against one’s flesh. The dildo and the foam ball Master instructed one to bring rest atop one’s pursuit awaiting His command for use, whatever that might be as one settlements back to begin the journey that will bring one to Master and sissy’s Home once more.
The beginning of the journey is uneventful as one sits quietly beside Master… one’s thoughts resting upon a wish one has for when sissy returns Home from work this evening. This girl is hesitant to ask anything of Master as one wishes all to proceed by His desire and not one’s own, but, one would very much like for sissy to enjoy one’s Visit from the start and one would like to aid in helping sissy relax by showing her and giving her a full body massage if Master approves. This slave had thought that Master could go and fetch sissy from work without one along… so one could prepare the surprise… and perhaps one would prepare a little surprise for B/both upon T/their return… in the form of a similar greeting such as Master received earlier… but… how does one present Master with one’s idea without angering Him with one’s boldness?
Having reached the interstate and the day fast fading, one is started from one’s thoughts by Master’s voice as He commands one to lay back one’s seat to the prone position, slip one’s skirt up to one’s hips and remove one’s top so Master may have free access to view what is His.
Quickly doing as He commands one lowers the seat back to rest upon the back seat, removes one’s top before reclining and lifting one’s skirt to reveal His treasure to His eyes and A/any W/who might ride high enough to peer inside the vehicle. Hips combining naturally one shifts one’s hips for more comfort and rests motionless awaiting Master’s further command. The chains attached to one’s nipples resting between the valley of one’s breasts is suddenly grapsp by Master as He applies tension and tortures His nipples for a few seconds before releasing the chains and again letting them rest against His slut.
“Where are the foam ball and the dildo Master commanded one to bring, slut? Get them out and fill Master’s pussy with the dildo. placing the foam ball against that clip… do not let it drop, slut, or you will be punished. Fuck Master’s pussy, girl. I want A/all W/who can to see what a good little slut Master owns.”
“yes Master,” one answers as one places the foam ball against His clip and shoves the dildo deep within His pussy… plunging it in and out slowly, not wishing to gain heat too fast and risk Master’s anger. Knees part even further to make access easier as one continues to fuck Master’s pussy with the dildo. His slut can feel the heat beginning deep in one’s belly as His pussy is fucked harder and faster at Hisurging.
It is nearly dusk and not a lot of traffic is evidence for the moment when suddenly a line of trucks exiting the scale ramp move out onto the interstate. Master maneuvers the car to ride to the left of the trucks, slowly passing each one on the left so a clear view of His slut is given for those W/who choose to look, pacing His car to ride beside each cab for a few minutes before pulling up to the next one in line and repeating the action.
“Don’t stop fucking that pussy, slut, or you will be seriously punished for disobedience when W/we arrive at O/our destination. Is that understand?” Master barks.
“Yes Master,” one answers breathlessly as this use of one has an extremely erotic effect on His slut body.
“Reach into the back seat and place that pillow there under one’s hips so Master and A/all may have a better view of My slut… and do it quickly!” He commands one.
This slut does as commanded folding the pillow and placing it benEath one’s hips and forcing Master’s pussy up to nearly window level as the light is fading and one places one’s feet together on the dash… knees spread wide… and one’s hand grasps the dildo again continuing to fuck Master’s pussy harder and faster. The motion of the dildo against the foam ball makes the little ball rub against Master’s clip with each pass forcing one’s inner heat to rise even faster. Master pulls the chains attached to His nipples tight from time to time so each V/voyeur may see one being tortured and displayed for His use.
A few seek one’s attention during the play and Master, seeing this, opens the window beside one to give an even better view to T/them… causing a blast of frigid air to press in upon His slut and cool the mood again gathering upon His nether lips. The shock of the cold air takes one’s breath and one begins to pump more furiously as the friction is the only way to warm what is so distributed. Moans begin to erupt from one’s lips as one’sheat becomes overpowering and one begins to beg Master to allow one to cum for Him.
“No Master,” one utters breathlessly as one strains to hold back until His command is given.
The dildo continues to pump in and out of His pussy as His nectar coats the dildo, the ball and the hand one uses to plumge it in and out of what is His.
His slut moans become louder and almost constant as one begins to beg for release in earnest… one’s hips rocking up to meet the dildo and make it easier for O/others to view the heated action taking place beside them.
“Cum now, slut!” Master orders one, one releasing instantly as one continues to torque His body. The orgasm racks one’s entire being as again and again waves of spasms pass through one fromhead to toe and one cries out from the force of the eruption. Master grasps the chain connecting His breasts and pulls hard… causing spasms to flow through His slut anew as the pleasure/pain takes one over the edge once more.
This girl immediately removes the dildo from Master’s pussy and licks and sucks it clean of His slut honey, placing it in the plastic bag to be cleaned when W/we reach Home. Next one removes the foam ball and cleans it in the same manner, placing it in the bag with the dildo.
Finally one places one’s fingers deep inside Master’s pussy, scooping out His nectar and licking it from one’s fingers as A/any W/who can watch… do.
“Straighten Your clothes and put your seat back up, slut. My slut has performed well this night… but Master has one more task for one before W/we reach O/our destination.”
At a loss as to what else Master has in store for one, one answers in the affordable and obeys His command as one awaits His further desires.
Darkness has descended as W/we near a rest area and one sees Master preparing to pull off into it. As He prepares to park He orders one to go into the rest room and clean oneself and return at once so W/we may continue O/our journey. This slave complies immediately and takes a few items to aid in the task, with one, into the center. Inside one washes one’s toys, uses the lavatory and then seeing no one present wets a clothes with warm water to wash Master’s body clean as commanded. When one is satisfied one is presentable one quickly returns to the car but Master is nowhere to be found. One climbs into the car to escape the frigid air on one’s sparsely clad body and almost at once one’s door is opened as one finds Master standing there beckoning one to follow Him.
His slut does as commanded and follow Him, curious as to why one is being taken to the place where the trucks are parked at the back of the lot. Only three trucks are in evidence at this point and one still hasno idea what Master requires of one, until, suddenly W/we round the back of one truck and four truckers are standing there waiting for Master and one to arrive.
Master orders one to strip and give Him one’s clothes as He invites A/all present to enjoy what is His in any manner T/they require as long as He be allowed to watch and none take His ass as it is for Him alone.
This girl is Shocked at being given so readily and to so many at once but one must admit… Master’s pussy again instantly grows wet at the thought of having a chance to be Master’s who this night. This girl is instructed to enter the biggest sleeper cab with Master following one close behind. Master slips up and kisses His pussy, slipping His tongue between His lips as He tastes the mood again growing there, and when one can again see His beloved face it wears a smile of approval as one seeks the roominess of the sleeper and sees Master takes the driver’s seat from which to observe.
The truckersA/all climb into the sleeper with Master’s whore as T/they try to decide W/who, and in what manner, will go first. His whore looks at Master with a questioning eye and He takes command, instructing A/all to use one at the same time in any way T/they choose except for the conditions previously stated. He also informs T/them that T/they must worry as W/we only have a little time before a previously scheduled appointment must be kept.
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