She was kneeing on the floor in a corner, the steel collar gleaming in the dark when she heard the door opening. Silently, she moved towards the desk on her fours, like a swift ferret. Even if she wore an eye mask, she had learned how to find her position, and be ready when he sat on his chair and unzipped his trousers. She had learned to take his penis and let it rest in her mouth as if it was his natural raw leather box. The agreement was clear when he had hired her; her position as Marketing Assistant no more than a disguise of her actual position which was…well, she couldn’t say.
They had met on a dating app, where she had been intrigued by his very specific requirements.
He was not very tall, balding, but she had sharp, demanding eyes. She had a soft body, without being fat, a little round nose that she thought made people laugh, long lips to which she liked to apply a lipstick a shade too red. They had sex after dinner and a few more dates later with no strings attached. She felt she could fall in love. Then he made the proposal which at the beginning sounded like a joke or a kinky game. In truth, she loved the feel, the smell of his penis; how it filled her mouth; how it expanded, how it shrank, the silky skin moistened by her saliva.
After hearing it, she laughed at his idea, but then it started to haunt her, to be the last thought before sleeping. It felt like a dare: could she do it? Once she woke up with the very real feeling that she had kept his penis in her mouth for the whole night: she turned at the other side of the bed, but he was not there (he had never slept in her flat, as a matter of fact); still, the acrid taste of his sex lingered in her mouth. After breakfast, she messaged him: “I’ll do it.”
His reply arrived only at lunchtime after she had spent a restless morning, Thinking one hundred times to recall the message or deny it, or simply demand an answer from him. When it arrived it said: “Come to my office at 6 PM.”
When she arrived at the small building, he came to pick her up at the door. Everybody had already left the open space that they crossed to reach his private office.
He sat at his desk and looked ironically at her, standing in front of him. “Undress.” She looked around, suddenly shy.
“You’ll spend most of the time naked in this office,” he added smiling. ” You have seen my body before…” she objected feebly. He just looked at her smiling and silent, until she started pulling off her jumper, her skirt, and then the rest until she was naked in front of him.
The heating was off, so she suddenly felt cold and goosebumps run over her body.
The only thing she could do was to wrap her arms around her chest.
“For a start, you will come to the office at seven-thirty. You’ll wait every day in that corner, naked, with an eye mask and this collar.” She showed her a thick steel collar, with a ring for a leash. “When I come in, you’ll rush to the desk and takemy penis in your mouth.No sucking or pulling off, unless I instruct you. This will last one hour. Then your start your job, and at six you will come back, and hold my penis for another hour. Later I might change this arrangement, if so it pleases me. Are you fine with this?” She could only reply with another question. “You said there will be a job..I mean, to justify my presence…”
She was surprised by how real all this sounded. “I think…you could be a marketing assistant..collect information, organize fairs…you will be paid, of course.” She wanted to object to the latest part, she was no whore, but then she realized it was the only way that this could work and support her presence there. “Let’s start now.” “Now?” she replied started. “Yes…you’ll need to practice to reach the table from the corner.”
He stood, put and locked the collar on her, attached a leash, covered her eyes with a mask, and made her knee. The collar was cold and heavy, it took her into the spaceof submission; she dropped to the floor without a word.
He led her blindfolded through the room until she lost her bearings. Sometimes she hit some pieces of furniture, as she moved clumsily around. “Raise your knees from the floor.” He ordered. They continued moving, sometimes he pulled the lean to change her direction and this made her neck ache. Finally, he ordered her to stop and rest. She breathed heavily.
“This is your corner. Wait here, your ass high, until you hear me coming.” He quickly pushed her thighs sharply against her chest, so that her buttocks were obscenely outstretched. ” I will take you to the desk.” He led her until she felt pushed against the drawer chest, her head brushing the bottom part of the desk.
He did it a couple of times, back and forth, and then she unhooked the leash and just gave her orders: “Go!” “Back!”
Sometimes he hit her, probably with a ruler, if she didn’t get it right.
Her body was sweating – it was not cold anymore – and she was exhausted.
“All right,” she heard him say at last, and then he took off the mask, made her rise, took off the collar, and told her to dress up.
When she was ready, she waited for him, who was working at the computer, to acknowledge her presence.
When it happened, he simply said: “You can leave now. This is the key to get in the office tomorrow morning. Be punctual. Good night.”
She left in the cold night, alone.
She had hoped that they would have spent the night together but he seemed to think differently.
She thought of the sensings while she was naked on the floor, sometimes she wanted to rebel, sometimes she felt she had Most of the times she had just hoped that the perverse game could end and that they could make love brutally on the floor.
She couldn’t help feeling aroused and wet, even after the shower she took when she reached her flat.
Still, she couldn’t touch herself, afraid to acknowledge the emotions that had stirred her body.
The first day it was unreal to wait naked in the corner, to rush to the desk, but then, when his penis rested in her mouth, it felt oddly rewarding.
She had to fight the desire – no – the impulse to suck him, and she could feel he was fighting too the temptation to fuck her mouth: the penis has sudden movements, uncontrolled thrusts.
She felt he wasn’t up to much, unable to work while she wrapped his sex – this seemed her sweet revenge.
It wasn’t easy, to keep the position, to stretch the jaws…time passed until he slipped his dick out and told her to dress and go.
She shared the open space where she had her desk with his assistant and four more employees sat.
Nobody seemed surprised by her presence, and by the fact she was there before all of them and left later.
The assistant was a wiry woman in her thirties, who could have been attractive if she could just try to go beyond plainness.
She was the one that taught her basics and assigned her tasks.
They had often lunch together, discussing small office issues, fashionable restaurants, or exchanging gossips on celebrations.
If it wasn’t for the morning and evening rites, she felt like any other working girl she met in the crowded subway – sometimes she even had the odd thought that they too – all of them – had secrets to hide, just like her.
When she had this thought she smiled at them, and the fact that they smiled back seemed to prove she wasn’t wrong.
Sometimes he let himself go. He simply pulled the leash, and she started to suck with energy until he came.
When this happened, she let his load flow gently in her throat.
The ejaculation was no reason to stop. Actually, he liked to keep his penis inside, resting.
A few times it had grown hard again and When this happened he fucked her mouth hard like it was her fault and she had to be punished for it.
He was a man of rites: in any case, he let the hour pass, until, as a final act she cleaned the cock, with her lips and the tongue indulging on the red, rubbery tip.
“There’s no need to hide it,” the assistant told her once over lunch.
“W…what?” she replied, blushing involuntarily.
“The whole office knows what’s going on…you’re not the first.”
She looked at her, at her eyes, hard and piercing.
“You know…I date…the boss…” she stuttered.
The assistant laughed hard:” I won’t call that dating. But don’t worry…we don’t care. Just…I believe that the arrangement should be changed. Let’s talk to the boss later, at six.”
The assistant didn’t say anything more, and she didn’t dare to ask. Did she really know? Did all of them really know? Who were the other girls? But then, why she should be the only one? He was so sure in his words, in his orders: surely there had been others…if so, how it had ended? Had he grew tired of them? Or had they felt the humiliation, the degradation of that routine and had escaped it?
She contemplated leaving before six. Of course, if she left, she couldn’t and wouldn’t come back. All her efforts…would have been useless. She would not know how all this would finish.
While all these questions and doubts filled her head time passed, and suddenly there were only few minutes to six, and she felt paralyzed, the hands of the large round clock on the wall moving forward, inexorable, until it was six, and it was time to go to serve him.
Today nobody had left yet and when she walked to his office, she exchanged a glance with the assistant, who looked at her and simply smiled, reassuring.
She entered the room. He was having and call.
She undressed and got ready in the corner.
He whispered “Come,” and she slipped under the desk, unzipped his trousers, and took his cock in her mouth.
After the turmoil of the afternoon it was relaxing, she had the silly thought that it was a large, alive pacifier.
He stopped talking and for a moment there was silence. Both of them had become, with practice, more skilled. There was no useless resistance in her, no unbridled awakening in him: the penis rested, like a little, warm bird on her tongue.
Someone knocked at the door: was it the assistant? She had a sudden reflex and he pulled the leash, pushing her against the penis, which rubbed the back of her throat. She gagged, and then he loosened the leash a little and she relaxed and steadied.
“Come in,” he said.
Her heart raced, imagining what the assistant would see: her naked ass below the desk, the rest easily guessed. She remained still, this being the only possible course of action.
“We all know about her, sir. There’s no need to hide it, and we think you want to take this further.
The little work she does out of this room is useless, and it can be managed by me and the other staff, as we have always done.
She can spend all the time here serving you.
We understand you have your hobbies.
We have only a request. It feels odd that out of this room she is just like any other employee.
It’s more appropriate that she undresses in the open room in front of us, and that I take her to you by the leash. I will feed her and I will take her to the toilet, when necessary.”
“Very well then.”
Being told that her job was useless was not surprising but humiliating, and being distributed of like an asset without asking her consent seemed more than she had settled for.
Initially, she had stepped into this arrangement out of free will but now it was understood she had surrendered it, and that someone knew better what was best for her.
He slipped his cock out from her mouth, and she felt she was pulled to stand by the leash.
She realized that this time it was the assistant to hold her. She was ashamed to be seen like this by her, to be pierced by her eyes. She tried to cover her body with her hands; he hit them with a ruler.
They waited for her to relax, to let her arms slip along her body until she accepted the eyes of the assistant on her.
“You heard it. From tomorrow there will be a new arrangement. Both of you can leave.”
The other employees were still there. They watched her as she was paraded naked through the open space.
The assistant went back to get her clothes, after having tied the Leash to a chair.
The other employees left, one by one, after taking a good look at her body.
She also saw him leaving, passing by she nodded smile at her, and then the assistant came and throw the clothes on the floor.
“No need to arrive early tomorrow. and give me the keys.”
She dressed in tears and she left with the assistant.
The subway was still busy. The other women were immaculately dressed and made up; she had been a fool to think that they were like her. They looked at her with hatightiness. They didn’t have their own secrets: they all knew hers. Only she was so twisted that needed a man’s penis to claim her mouth for hours.
Yet tomorrow came with a new challenge to look forward to, she thought, overcoming her previous gloomy feelings, Tomorrow she didn’t need to lie anymore at the office, didn’t need to spend dull hours faking a work she didn’t care for; finally, she was going to be used, all the time, in what she was hired for.
The assistant was waiting for her outside of the office building.
They exchanged greetings like nothing had happened, but then when they were inside she asked her to undress.
She was standing naked in the open space aisle, the leash attached to the collar dangling between her breasts.
“Wait here,” she said.
The other employees arrived and looked at her. Her nipples were hard; she wanted to say that it was the cold, that she wasn’t excited; but then, did they care?
He arrived, greeted everybody, and went to his room.
She looked at the assistant, hopingthat the waiting was over.
Still few minutes passed. Then the assistant took the leash.”Time to piss.”
“I don’t need to…” she whispered.
“Later you will have no chance to ask. On you fours.”
She did as ordered. Keeping her knees high, her ass swinging, she followed the assistant who took her to a squatting toilet on the lower floor. The woman who was in charge of her kept the cubicle open and watched her all the time, finally cleaning her pussy with a piece of wet toilet paper.
“I can do it…” she tried to object, but the assistant just put a finger to her mouth.
They returned to the office and finally, she was led to him.
Now that everybody knew there was no need to hide what was happening in the manager’s office, people walked in casually, and she could only guess, knelt at his feet, who had come and left.
Sometimes he had to go outside, so she waited in a corner in the open space, her ass up, her cheek touching the ground, her eyesWandering, watching the shoes of the people that entered her sight’s field. It was boring and she just wished for him to be back as soon as possible.
Now at lunchtime, she would eat from a steel bowl on the floor and after that, the assistant would take her to the toilet on her fours and then back to the desk and the cock.
She wasn’t sure she had signed for all this, or that all of this was really necessary, but it kept Everything simple and predictable, and she liked a simple life.
This lasted days, weeks, months. She knew the passing of the season while kneeling on the floor: she recognized winter by the hardening of the nipples and summer by the sweat running on her back.
That was her job; sometimes she felt sorry that she had to be vague when people asked: why couldn’t she answer: “I spend my days wrapping the cock of a company’s president with my mouth?”
It seemed a routine that couldn’t change.
Sometimes she hoped she could sleep at the office, in her corner, and that weekends didn’t exist; she spent them in bed, lazily, masturbating herself until she fell asleep again.
She didn’t get the small signals, she didn’t get them when they were small so she didn’t get them when they became bigger.
He rarely came now, and often his cock laid limp, lifeless in her mouth.
Then he stopped getting hard and ejaculating at all.
She felt like challenging him, once she tried to suck him, but she pulled the leash and made her stop.
Now days passed with her truly just holding his cock, like the container of a jewel, of a musical instrument, of a watch.
That day the assistant came to take her, like all other days, after he had left.
Curiosity had defeat off, so after he left it was only she and the assistant who remained in the office.
With an unusual gesture, the assistant caressed her breasts. It was a gesture of comfort for a cherished pet, not of desire.
“They are beautiful…” she saidsmiling.
“Thank you…”
“I have a letter for you…”
She took it from her hand and start reading.
“Your task is over and from today you can consider yourself free.
Your compensation will be paid for the next three months, but you don’t need to come to the office anymore.
Desire has always haunted me and I was never able to fight it.
Abstinence is Always considered the best remedy to dependence, but I was never strong enough to practice it, so I chose the opposite course, overindulgence.
I thought I would kill desire by satisfying it continuously, never denying it.
Hence your sweet mouth was kept always available to my penis, whenever awoken.
I learned to take satisfaction of my lust for granted until it stopped giving me pleasure.
Was it cruel to use you, or were you truly performing a job, the job of a healer?
I hope you will take pride in having killed my manhood.”
She had started crying through the letter,and now she sobbed uncontrollably, naked, kneeing on the floor.
The assistant held her, for a long while.
To learn this lesson would take a long time, and she needed a friend to share the road.
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