The Headmistress Ch. 05

Jennifer Watson, the thirty-six-year-old alpha female headmistress, still wanted to rub her singing bottom from the six strokes she had received at college today from Nikki, her forty-two-year-old secretary PA. She knew that, as always, she totally deserved the caning for yet another mistake she had made and which Nikki had picked her up on, and so had been the one who made coffee for them both and went out and brought back sandwiches for them both, and she spent the day calling Nikki, ‘Miss Calvert,’ at least when no one else was around, which showed the respect she had for her. She also knew that once she got home she was, thankfully, no longer the alpha female but readily admitted to feeling far more comfortable being the submissive daughter come girlfriend to her sixty-two-year-old chummy mummy, Elizabeth.

Of course, Jennifer had with her the punishment slip, signed by Nikki and herself, which she knew she had to give to Elizabeth who would then instigate the standing rule that when caned at college, she was spanked and could again when she got home. So, she knew that she had come to her both a long and hard bare bottom spanking, and then yet another six strokes of the cane. Having said that, she wouldn’t have it any other way because she knew that Elizabeth was the perfect maternal figure for her, and, while she was the most wonderful loving partner when she was a good girl, Elizabeth was Always very strict with her when she was the naughty daughter, also in a maternal way, with spanking and the cane the accepted methods of discipline.

Elizabeth was waiting for Jennifer to get home, having prepared supplier, and knowing that they were due to watch a film together on TV and would then spend the night together in their bed, making love. However, Elizabeth had received the message from Nikki telling her that she had had to cane Jennifer and that she would be bringing back with her a punishment slip. Nikki told Elizabeth each time as they agreed that dommes should work together when dealing with the same submissive.

Jennifer didn’t know that Nikki told Elizabeth each time she could her, but then so far Jennifer had never failed to tell her whenever she had been able. She wondered whether today might be different, as, joining them for supplier, and to watch the movie, were two of her friends, Janet and Sonia, both of whom were sixty-two-years old, like Elizabeth. Also, like Jennifer and her, they lived together and were lovers, but without the discipline element to their relationship.

Jennifer unlocked the front door and walked in, knowing that Janet and Sonia were going to be there, and toyed with the idea of ​​only telling Elizabeth about the punishment slip after her two friends had left. However, she just didn’t feel right lying to Elizabeth in that way, and Actually reconciled that it was no bad thing that their friends got to know that Elizabeth spanked her when needed, either because of something she had done atCollege, or because she had broken one of the many rules Elizabeth had set, or simply just disobeyed something she said had to be done, or as even quite often happened she acted like a bratty daughter when at home. Anyway, Jennifer felt at ease that her being spanked and could was publicly known by all of their friends.

It was certainly true that Jennifer happily kept secret from everyone at college, except Nikki, that she really was submissive whilst portraying herself as the alpha female headmistress. She was even happier when Nikki disciplined her because that was like a release valve, taking away some of the pressure from herself, and had certainly helped to reduce the number of mistakes that she made at work, and that reinforce in her own mind the need for Elizabeth to be increasing strict with her and discipline her for the slightest indiscretion at home.

So, Jennifer knew she needed to be disciplined in front of the two friends, and as she walked into the living room she said, “Hello Janet and hello Sonia. It is so nice to see you.”

Elizabeth had already told Janet and Sonia that she was going to spank and cane Jennifer when she got home, so there was no surprise when Jennifer came and stood in front of Elizabeth holding out an envelope, and said, “Hello, mum, there’s something I need to discuss with you about what happened at College.”

Jennifer always referred to Elizabeth as, ‘Mum,’ when under discipline and that told Elizabeth that Jennifer had been distributed by Nikki at college. Also, putting a quizzical look on her face because she had not told Jennifer that Nikki would already have messaged her telling her about the discipline, she held out her hand and took the envelope, asking, “So what’s in this? As you are calling me, mum, I presume you have been able again?”

Elizabeth had asked Janet and Sonia to keep a straight face if Jennifer did admit to being disciplined, and they did just that.

Elizabeth opened the envelope and took out the piece of paper and looked surprised when she read it, but glared up at Jennifer and said in a stern tone, “It says that you have been given six strokes of the cane. You know the rule means I will spank and cane you now you are home.”

Jennifer blushed as she replied, consistently, “I know, mum.”

Elizabeth continued in a stern maternal tone, “I am going to deal with you straight away, so you need to prepare yourself in the normal way. Supper is salad and is already prepared, and we can start the film when we choose, so we have ample time now to deal with you. Hopefully, you will have finished crying by the time supper is over and we start to watch the film, but, if not, so be it.”

Jennifer knew that she was not going to argue and readily accepting her chummy mum’s decision, she got undressed there and then with the two friends watching.

Jennifer unzipped her dress and slipped it down her arms, folding the dress and then putting it on one of the chairs. She then put her arms behind her back and unclipped her bra and slid it down her arms, caught it, folded it, and put that on top of her dress. She then pushed her knickers down, bent down, scooped them up, folded them, and put them with her other clothes.

As Jennifer turned away from the ladies, she heard Janet says, “Those six welts must sting,” and Sonia replied, “Yes, but it must be right that if she was able at college then she should be spanked when she gets back home.”

Janefer then added, “Yes, certainly spanked, and then I think that Elizabeth said that she will give her naughty bottom six more strokes of the cane.”

Sonia replied positively, “Absolutely, and that is so right as well.”

Jennifer knew that all of that was correct, and as she turned back and faced Elizabeth, she automatically put her hands on the top of her head to show her full submission to her mum. Her silence also made it clear that she was waiting for Elizabeth to give her all the instructions, showing that full maternal control was transferred to her mum.

As Jennifer stood with her hands on her head, fully naked, she glanced towards Janet and Sonia and saw that they were looking her up and down, with grinins on their faces, almost as though they were siblings who were about to watch their sister being spanked. Now she was experiencing that, she actually thought that was a really good added humiliation to her punishment, not just with them watching, but the fact that she was fully naked whilst they were fully clothed. In a way, it wasn’t so different to being in the lady’s changing room at the gym, although with the added humiliation of being spanked, rather than having a shower.

Elizabeth had kept Jennifer standing with her hands on her head for longer than she normally would so that her Friends could savour the sight of a naked woman young enough to be their daughter, but knowing that she was the headmistress of the college and therefore in a senior position at work. However, what it also showed them was how submissive Jennifer was when at home, and that was about to be shown even more so as Elizabeth went and turned a dining chair into the room, sat down, glared at Jennifer, and ordered, “Come here and get across my lap, you naughty girl.”

Jennifer immediately obeyed and walked across to Elizabeth, looked down at her lap for Just a few tense moments, and then eased herself downwards, balancing with her hands on the far side of the seat, and then lowered herself fully, catching her fall with her hands on the floor until she was in the position she had so often found herself when at home, across her mum’s lap and having her bottom rubbed in circles, and never once objecting. This time, she did look sideways and saw Janet and Sonia quite close to her but still upside down and with broad grinins on their faces, and they were clearly going to enjoy watching her being spanked.

Elizabeth got Jennifer’s attention with, “These six welts must certainly sting still, but don’t expect the spanking to be anything other than long and hard, nor that the strokes of the cane will be anything other than painful. You really must learn that making mistakes at the office will lead time and again to punishments like this at home.”

Elizabeth kept rubbing Jennifer’s bottom as she looked across to her friends and explained, “Of course, when Jennifer breaks one of the rules I set for her or disobeys me, she gets a spanking.”

Sonia replied, “I totally agree with that form of punishment, and that being her age is certainly no bar to being spanked as part of corrective measures in the home. As you say, Elizabeth, the spanking has to be long and hard, and, no doubt, it will only be when the naughty girl is crying uncontrollably that the spanking really starts to have an effect.”

Jennifer was glancing sideways at the two women her mum’s age as she was listening to the exchange but knew it was all correct, and that it was so humiliating for her to hear that discussion whilst she was across her mum’s lap. However, it kept her firmly in her place, which, to be fair, was exactly what she knew she deserved and needed as there was far less pressure on her this way, other than to behave and obey her mum or get paid again just like was now happening.

Elizabeth had rubbed Jennifer’s bottom before when it had six welfares painted across it and it felt rather sexy, and knew Jennifer’s bottom was already singing and so the spanking would have an even greater painful effect. Knowing that that would make Jennifer give her some tremendous orgasms after the spanking, she raised her hand and brought her palm down really hard on Jennifer’s far bottom cheese, and then proceeded to spank her on alternate bottom cheese time and again, watching as her hand flattened her naughty daughter’s bottom cheek each time, and then as it bounced back so it swirled around as the other bottom cheek was spanked. As Elizabeth landed harder and harder spanks, without any break in her well-practised rhythm, slowly but surely she was turning Jennifer’s bottom darker and darker shades of red, which was always a pretty effect given the raised welts that were there.

Jennifer was gasping almost immediately because the singing was so much more intense than normal because of the caning she had got at college. Even so, her favorite status of being the submissive to Elizabeth’s alpha dominant maternal female means that all she had to do was lie across her mum’s lap and take spank after spank, even as her bottom stung more and more and she squirmed around on her mum’s lap but keep her hands firmly on the floor to make sure there was no attempt to cover her bottom, which of course every submissive had to do to show their total submission.

After several minutes of spanking Jennifer’s increasingly red bottom, Elizabeth changed to spanking the same bottom cheese several times in a row before spanking theOther bottom cheese several times in a row, and Jennifer was letting out even louder gasps and was squirming around even more markedly. Janet and Sonia were also smiling as they were encouraging Elizabeth to spank even harder, by nodding their heads and making comments to each other, which Elizabeth and Jennifer could both hear, that the spanking was a good one but Jennifer wasn’t yet crying and so the real spanking had not actually yet started.

Jennifer knew that she wasn’t yet crying because as she looked sideways, she still clearly saw the upside-down legs of both Janet and Sonia and, close-up, the upside-down legs of her mum and saw how her calm muscles tensed each time she brought her hand down with such force to spank her bottom cheeses. However, she knew that it wouldn’t be long before her eyes filled with tears, and also, from having been spanked so many times by Elizabeth, that the spanking only seemed to get much harder and sting more after she did start crying.

Elizabeth was exchanging smiles with Janet and Sonia as she continued to land spank after spank on Jennifer’s bare bottom, adding for good measure very hard spanks to the backs of her legs which produced even louder gasps and yelps from the thirty-six-year-old. However, continuing to firmly believe that the age of the person being spanked was of no consequence, nor their status at work, she knew that her job as the maternal Disciplinarian was to correct Jennifer because she was the naughty daughter who needed to be reprimanded, scolded, spanked, and caned, on such a regular basis. Once Jennifer did start to cry so Elizabeth proceeded to spank her bottom and the backs of her thighs even harder than before, because, as had been said so clearly, it was only now that she was crying that the real spanking started.

Jennifer got to the stage that she Always did when she was no longer able to cope with the spanking and after that quickly dissolved into sobbing and then crying. She knew it had to happen because the singing pain always made her dissolve into the crying naughty daughter that she was and it certainly made no difference that two of her mum’s friends were watching, even though from the comments they were making they were certainly encouraging her mum to spank her harder and harder. So, having now dissolved into uncontrollable crying, knowing tears were dribbling down her face, she lay there as you always did, accepting every spank her mum decided to give her, knowing they were landing on top of the six cane welts that Nikki had given her just a little while ago at the office.

Once Elizabeth was happy that she had given Jennifer a sufficiently long and hard spanking, she knew she had to finish off with the cane, which always hurt more after such a hard spanking. Some thought that a good spanking would be a warm-up for the cane, but today, bearing in mind Jennifer had already got six strokes, and now a spanking, six more strokes were certainly going to beVery difficult for Jennifer to handle, and she would find sitting down afterwards, for supper and to watch the film, only about possible with the thick cushions she had for just that purpose.

Elizabeth stopped spanking Jennifer and, whilst rubbing her bottom in circles, she ordered, “Okay, you naughty girl, get up and bend over and clasp hold of the seat of this chair and prepare yourself for six More strokes of the cane.”

Even though Jennifer was crying she was consciousness of the fact that the spanks had stopped landing, and knew what that means. So, hearing the instruction, she eased herself up from Elizabeth’s lap, and, after Elizabeth had stood up, she bent over and clapped hold of the seat, just as she had done this afternoon at college for Nikki, and as she had done so many times before for her mum.

Janet and Sonia were in awe as they watched Jennifer ease herself up from Elizabeth’s lap and then proceeded to bend over. It was quite wonderful to watch a thirty-six-year-old fully naked adult woman bend over, with her head lowered, but still probably unable to see under her full dangling breasts and was having to look to her side to see Elizabeth’s legs as she positioned herself, but did so and clearly grimaced as she felt the cane being rubbed from side to side across her bottom.

What Jennifer could never understand was that as the cane was rubbed from side to side across her bottom, she felt flutters flying around her vagina. It always throw her when this happened because she wondered whether it happened to the girls at college who she caned. She knew at least two of the girls invariably went to the toilets after being caned, and once she stood outside and even from the cornidor had heard their loud orgasmic gasps. Equally, she knew other girls who went to the toilets afterwards and were still quite simply crying their eyes out and were clearly not aroused at all. Jennifer reckoned that they were the majority, which was why she continued to use the cane so often even on those girls who she knew got aroused by being caned, because even though she was getting aroused herself by the imminence of being caned she hated the actual caning itself which hurt so much, and so knew she fell into the category of naughty girls who needed to be caned even though they got aroused. After all, the need for a pain-filled punishment overrode their arousal by being caned.

Elizabeth glanced at Janet and Sonia and saw they were watching with clear fascination on their faces, and actually followed the cane with their eyes as she raised it upwards, but then she turned away and focused on Jennifer’s bottom to make sure that the cane landed exactly where she wanted it to. As she whipped the cane down and watched it bite into Jennifer’s bottom, and heard the expected loud yelp, so she glanced again at her Two friends whose eyes were jumping from Jennifer’s creamed-up pain-etched face to her very red already welted bare bottom, and thenback to her face, with looks of wonderment. However, they then looked at each other and nodded, which told Elizabeth that they could see what a good implementation the cane was in teaching those who misbehaved and disobeyed a good lesson.

Elizabeth focused again on Jennifer’s bare bottom as she landed the second stroke and listened to the loud yelp, and saw that as usual, Jennifer made sure that she stayed bent over Even though struggle to do so, and when the third cane stroke bit into her bottom again so Elizabeth saw how Jennifer’s knuckles were turning white as she fought to stay bent over. Of course, Elizabeth was well used to see Jennifer struggle this way but then she and Jennifer both knew the penalty of Jennifer getting up wasn’t just one extra stroke, but was six extra strokes, and that was the best incentive for Jennifer to remain in place no matter how hard each stroke was.

Jennifer shouted again when the fourth stroke landed, and she was already crying uncontrollally and focused solely on staying bent over. She had introduced to the college the additional stroke each time one of the girls stood up during the caning. Whilst the rule here at home if she got up was that she would get six extra strokes, she found that at college one extra stroke was enough to incentivise the girls and their parents to stay bent over.

When the fifth stroke landed, whilst Jennifer struggled to stay bent down, she didn’t have any qualms about yelping louder and louder or shaking her head from side to side or hissing in and out through clenched teeth, because all of that was acceptable and showed her mum that each stroke was causing her so much pain. After all, she deserved every stroke from her loving chummy mum and certainly preferred even this much pain to having to discuss what she had done wrong because that was Just too boring and certainly didn’t help her improve her behavior. That again was why she used the cane at college as it was so much quicker than a long discussion with a girl who would feel she was getting away with doing wrong, rather than suffering because of it.


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