Much had changed over recent times in the relationship between Miss Jennifer Watson, the thirty-six-year-old headmistress at the girls sixth form college and forty-two-year-old Miss Nikki Calvert, her secretary come PA. Instead of Miss Watson being the sole disciplinarian at the college, as she was the epitome of the alpha female at work, her real submissive personality took over when she got home and was subject to the Discipline of her sixty-two-year-old chummy mummy, Elizabeth, which was now duplicated at work with being subject to the discipline control of her secretary, Nikki.
Miss Watson had given Nikki authority over her, not just verbally but she put in writing, accepting Nikki’s sole decision on whether she needed to be disciplined whenever she made a mistake in the office. The discipline was always the same, in the form of the cane on her bare bottom, which was the standard form of discipline at the college.
At the same time, Miss Watson continued to be a disciplinarian to Nikki, dealing with the mistakes that she made, also by giving her the cane, so it was a mutually accepted relationship.
Whilst Miss Watson continued to be the alpha female at work, so far as everyone but Nikki was concerned, she did make mistakes and was able by Nikki each time she did. However, she didn’t hold anything against Nikki because she knew that every single time she deserved every single cane stroke she was given because of those mistakes.
Nikki knew that she was doing the right thing when she caught Miss Watson making a mistake and caned her for it. After all, in her home life Nikki lived with thirty-nine-year-old Hannah, also an alpha female at her work, who, when at home, needed Nikki to be the one in charge making all the decisions, and, having made a long list of rules for Hannah to keep to, caned her whenever she broke a rule or failed to obey her. So, Nikki became the discilarian both at work and at home and was comfortable using the cane on both women.
Miss Watson also changed in other ways. Still being the alpha female for everybody else at the college, quite often she was the one who made Nikki a cup of coffee, went out and got her lunch, albeit always hiding the fact from everyone else. It made sense to Miss Watson, however, to reverse the roles in this way, and what happened without question was that Miss Watson made fewer mistakes and consequently accepted Nikki becoming stricter and stricter with her to ensure she maintained even higher standards at the office.
Today followed that format, which happened when Miss Watson knew she was due a caning later in the day. Miss Watson was in her study and Nikki was in the outer office, but it was Miss Watson who
came out with a cup of coffee, and said, “Your coffee, Miss Calvert,” as she put the cup on her PAs desk.
At lunchtime, Miss Watson went out, telling other members of staff that she was going to meet a friend for a sandwich, but then cameback with two sets of sandwiches, and, as she walked into the outer office she went up to Nikki and, putting one of the sandwiches on her desk said, “I have your lunch for you, Miss Calvert.”
Nikki readily accepted that Miss Watson had to go out specifically to get both of them their sandwiches for lunch as today it was Miss Calvert who was in charge, and Miss Watson the one who had to be obedient. It was done pretty regularly that way, instead of what had happened for so long, which was that it had been Nikki who always made the coffee, and who went out to get the lunch for both of them. It wasn’t a major change, except it made Miss Watson feel a lot better because she was doing something useful for her PA. Nikki liked it as well as then she had time during her lunch break to go onto the social networking site she had discovered, called, “PA’s in Charge.”
Soon after that first time that Nikki had caned Miss Watson, she thought she would try to discover whether other bosss submitted to the discussion authority of their assistants or PAs. It took only moments to find this social networking site, and she quickly joined. It was then that she discovered how common it was for secretaries PAs and assistants to hold disclinary sway over their direct bosses. Every day there were several entries explaining where the boss had received a bare bottom spanking as well as a serious verbal reprimand, all of which the boss accepted and encouraged because it helped them improve their standard of work knowing that each failure means another punishment.
Once she was settled into the site, Nikki made several entries about how she had discilinary authority over her boss lady, although never gave her real name, but explained that she was the headmistress of a sixth form college and alpha female in the office, but a submissive at home. It was clear that so many other bosses were the same, and, like Miss Watson, needed one person at the office to also have that control over them.
Some of the newbies to the site had been worried that disciplining their boss was not the right thing to do, but whenever anyone wrote that they were flooded with examples of other PA’s who distributed their boss and knew they were doing something very worthwhile and which their boss actually wanted. That invariably settled the matter in the mind of the newbie, and just a few days later they would describe how they had Then paid their own boss and knew it was the first of many many punishments.
For Nikki, it became a regular requirement that she had to discuss Miss Watson. There was always a thirty-minute gap left in Miss Watson’s diary at lunchtime when, if she didn’t need to be distributed, she would be in the staffroom, but if she did need to be distributed then a fake appointment would be put in the diary for Miss Watson, and she and Nikki would stay in the headmistress’s study and the caning would happen. A similar half-hour gap would also be kept in the diary in the final hour of college so that any punishment that was needed in the afternoon could be given before any of the college activities that the headmistress had to attend, albeit with a singing bottom
This system of keeping gaps in the boss’s diary was developed by others on the PA’s in Charge site, and it was a system that worked well for so many people.
Indeed, it was put into operation today because Miss Watson had a lunchtime detention class where three students had to attend her study for the cane, after which Nikki would be caning Miss Watson, finishing in time for the first meeting after lunch when Miss Watson had yet another parent coming in to see her who needed to be caned.
Nikki sat at her desk eating her lunch listening to the thwacking sound and the yelp as Miss Watson was dealing with the last of the three students who were in a double detention held at the beginning of lunchtime. The girls never actually sat the detention but hadto sit in the outer office with Nikki, and were called one by one into the study where Nikki knew once inside the girl had to remove her knickers and lift her college dress above her waist and bend over to present her bare bottom for the cane. Nikki was more than used to watch a crying student come out of the study, sobbing, and clutching what she knew from her own experience were their singing bottoms as they came over to her desk and handed her the punishment slip confirming the number of strokes finally given, which of course may well have been more than the initial tariff if they had stood up after a stroke or tried to cover their bottom before a stroke, which naturally earned extra strokes.
As the still crying girl walked towards the door so Nikki would look towards the next girl and tell her to make her way into the headmistress’s study. Of course, Nikki saw the grimace on the girl’s face as she stood up and, it seemed automatically, ran her hands down her bottom as though straightening out her dress, but in reality, could not get out of her mind the fact that within just a few moments her bottom was going to be singing crazy.
Right now, the last of the girls, Olivia, came out of the study, and, like the previous two, was rubbing and clutching her bottom and tears flowed down her face. Nikki knew that the tariff for Olivia was six strokes, but was pretty certain extras had been given and when she looked at the punishment slip saw that she had been given eight strokes. She knew that Olivia had never been able before but had been late for the third day running, and, on the same day, was rude to a teacher, and so earned the full six strokes.
As Nikki looked at the punishment slip, Olivia said, “The cane hurts so much, Miss, and I couldn’t stay bent over after Two of the strokes, and so earned two more.”
Nikki looked up at Olivia and saw her tear-stained face, and tried to appear her with, “Well at least you stayed down for six stRokes in the end, Olivia. Anyway, I’m sure you will do better next time.”
Olivia had a look of horror on her face as the seventeen-year-old replied, “Next time, Miss? I won’t be misbehaving again because I never want to be able again. It was just so horrible.”
Nikki’s immediate thought was, ‘Job done then,’ but she said, “I’m sure that if you behave in the future, you won’t be sent to the headmistress to be able again, Olivia.”
Emma was still sobbing as she turned and walked out of the office like the others rubbing her dress-covered bottom. As the door closed, Nikki knew that she now had to go into the headmistress’s study to deal with the mistake that she discovered that Miss Watson had made. Nikki took the “Do Not Disturb,” notice from her desk and was once again going to pin it to the outside of her office door. However, as she was about to open the door there was a knock and she opened it and saw Mrs Forde who she knew had the appointment straight after she hadcaned Miss Watson.
Mrs Forde was one of the helicopter mums’, and was wearing a pretty sleepless dress, and Nikki saw she had bare legs which would make undressing for the cane that much easier.
Mrs Forde was blushing because she knew that she had come to be caned, yet again, but that she was early. She said, “Hello, Miss Calvert, I’m sorry but I am very early. Will the headmistress be able to see me now, though?”
Nikki never wanted to disrupt the diary for one of the naughty parents, and so said, “I’m afraid not, Mrs Forde. However, you can come and sit in the office but she is dealing with one of the girls right now.”
Mrs Forde made the presumption that dealing with the girl means caning her, as on two previous occasions that she had come here to be able she had sat in the outer Office and listened as two others, one college girl and one other parent, were able before her. Mrs Forde bit her tongue because whilst she was one of those helicopter mums with very strong views, she knew that if she argued that it would lead to an increased number of strokes. Six strokes were bad enough, and she certainly didn’t want to earn any more, so she replied, feeling like a naughty college girl, “Of course, Miss Calvert, I do understand and I will sit and wait.”
So as Mrs Forde went and sat on one of the chairs that the college girls had to sit on when waiting in line to go into the headmistress’s study, Nikki went to her desk and pressed a button on her phone and said, “I’ll be just a few more moments, Miss Watson. I am just speaking to Mrs Forde who has a meeting with you. She then looked at Mrs Forde and said, “Miss Watson wants me to witness the caning, so please just sit still and wait to be called in yourself, Mrs Forde.”
Satisfied that Mrs Forde was going to do as she was told, Nikki went to the door to her office and placed the, ‘Do Not Disturb,’ sign outside the door and closed it again. Nikki then walked to the door to the headmistemper’s study and opened it, once again without knocking, and closed it behind her. She turned and looked at Miss Watson who was already standing on the visitor’s side of her desk, looking down at the now vacant chair, with her hands placed firmly on her head. Nikki noticed that a senior cane was on the desk which no doubt was the one that Miss Watson had just used on the three college girls.
Nikki walked passed Miss Watson and went and sat down in the vacant chair and glared up at the headmistress. They had already discussed the mistake that Miss Watson had made, and to which Miss Watson gave no defence, and by standing there with her hands on her head she admitted freely that she would accept whatever punishment Nikki decided she needed.
Nikki explained to Miss Watson, Thankful that as usual, her voice was quiet enough not to be heard by Mrs Forde in the outer office, “Mrs Forde is waiting outside. She is your next meeting and will be getting six strokes of the cane fromyou. I have explained that you are in the process of caning one of the girls and that you want me to witness it. I will have to explain that the girl left through the other door and I will have her punishment slip with me. So this time you won’t have five minutes to straighten out your clothes and redo your make-up and you will have to be a lot quicker. Still, you’re the one that made that mistake, Didn’t you Jennifer.” It was said as a statement, not a question, and she used just her first name to put the headmistress firmly in her place.
Miss Watson always felt so obedient when Miss Calvert spoke to her in her hatty authoritative tone of voice which she always used when she was about to discipline her. It made it so much easier to obey her secretary PA.
Miss Watson also knew that as Mrs Forde was sitting outside any yelps she made would be heard by her which put more pressure on herself because even though she had been able before with others sitting outside just likeMrs Forde, so far she had managed to hide the fact that it was her being caned. Still, she knew that Elizabeth spanked and coulded her in front of their friends when at home, and that she was always seen as the submissive obedient girlfriend, in what was a loving mother-daughter relationship, whilst here she was supposed to be the headmistress and alpha female, so hardly the one who was spanked or coulded.
Nikki knew what Miss Watson was thinking and had to admit that she enjoyed giving her the cane when someone was sitting in her office outside, knowing that they could hear every stroke as it landed and every sound that Miss Watson made. She always felt the same when she listened to the college girls being canned because they knew she could hear everything, and saw their tears as they came out afterwards with their punishment slip. It wasn’t quite so embarrassing as being watched as you were being caned, but was almost the same because anyone in the outer office saw you come out andHe knew you had been able and so you couldn’t deny it to anyone else.
Miss Watson was in her usual, ‘Do as I am told,’ mode as she was whenever Elizabeth punished her or Nikki could her. She knew that both Elizabeth and Nikki only distributed her when she earned it, but she was doing that more and more often now, probably because they were both being far more strict with her. It worked for everyone with the ultimate aim of discipline being to correct misbehaviour or low work standards, and Miss Watson knew it definitely worked for her. So, when she heard Miss Calvert instruction, “Right then, Jennifer, remove your knickers and lift your dress up above your waist,” she did so immediately.
Nikki watched as Miss Watson yanked her dress up and eased her thumbs inside the elastic of her knickers, pushed them down to the floor and bent down and scooped them up. After placing the knickers on the desk, she pulled her dress up to above her waist and held it there in position.
OnceMiss Watson had finished adjusting her clothes, Nikki ordered, “Bend over and clasp hold of the seat of the chair, Jennifer.”
As Miss Watson bent over and clasp held of the seat of the chair, making sure her legs were placed nicely apart so that she was as submissive as possible and presenting her bottom as fully as she could, she reminded herself how she was always tense before the caning started, and always Found the first stroke so hard to cope with, but know all she had to do was stay bent over and take each stroke no matter how hard they were. She also accepted the loss of control and definitely didn’t want a safe word as he trusted both Elizabeth and Nikki to be firm and make the caning extremely painful, but safe. After all, she never allowed a safe word with the students she could, and their crying didn’t stop the severity of the caning either.
Nikki was happy with the way Miss Watson presented herself as she rubbed the cane from side to side across her bare bottom, pulled her arm back, thought for a moment how Mrs Forde would hear what was about to happen, brought the cane down with a loud thwack, and watched as it almost disappeared as it bit into Miss Watson’s bare bottom cheeses, and then listened to the yelp that Miss Watson gave. She was pretty sure that Mrs Forde would be grimacing just then knowing that it wouldn’t be much longer before it was going to be her bare bottom that was going to be able and know that feeling made the girls even more worried about their own caning to come as they sat near the study door and heard the punishment taking place.
As Miss Watson yelped with that first stroke, it was just a few moments before the second stroke landed and she yelped again, clapping hold of the seat of the chair even more firmly to make sure that she didn’t stand up. The third stroke landed and again she yelped, consciousness of the fact that if she actually said anything then it would become very clear to Mrs Forde outside just whowas being caned. In a way, she even preferred that additional pressure as it put her further in her place.
Nikki watched the third welt develop as she landed the cane again, making the stroke even harder than the first three strokes, and as that fourth welt developed and Miss Watson shouted again so she saw that the headmistress was struggling much more, what with shaking her head from side to side and hissing in and out Through clenched teeth. She then gave Miss Watson the fifth stroke and watched the fifth parallel welt appears as once again she listened to Miss Watson’s pain-filled yelp and watched her struggle to keep hold of the seat of the chair. She only let a moment pass before bringing the cane down for the sixth stroke, making it the hardest stroke of them all, knowing that the caning had to be as painful as possible to teach Miss Watson yet Another well-earned lesson.
As she again watched Miss Watson struggle to deal with the very hard cane stroke but stay bent over and so delightfully submissively, Nikki was satisfied that Miss Watson was learning, and the six raised red welts showed just how well she had been able. She also knew that Miss Watson would struggle with her singing bottom for the afternoon.
Nikki did smile to herself as she listened to Miss Watson sobbing, knowing that until just a relatively short time ago she admired her for being a full-on alpha female, and respected her so much for that, but, now that she was in charge of her, she actually respected her even more for being an alpha female at the office who accepted she needed to be distributed as the best way to help herself improve. Indeed, Nikki knew from the PA’s in Charge site that so many other bosses who were alpha female and male in the workplace accepted discipline from their PAs in just the same way, and with just the same very positive results. Of course, that was different to her being in discilanary control of her chummy mummy, Hannah, at home, but keep herin charge there as well.
Miss Watson knew she had to stay bent over and wait to be released by her authoritative PA secretary, but she respected Miss Calvert for being so strict with her and dealing with her so firmly. Maybe she didn’t have any erotic feelings about Nikki because she saw each caning as being strictly one of discipline, which was how she felt whenever she could any of the college girls. After all, it was so well known that discipline involving a caning working so well whether you were a college student or an adult if that was the accepted method of discipline which, for Miss Watson, like for so many others, was definitely the case.
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