Miss Watson with Nikki and Mrs Mason
Nikki was tense enough as she had driven into the car park, knowing that as soon as Miss Watson arrived that she was going to get six strokes of the cane. She may well be Miss Watson’s secretary and forty-two, but Miss Watson was very strict with her which to be fair was something that Nikki was happy with because it made her focus so much more.
As she parked the car, and being tense, she could’ve done without one of the mums hooting her to make her anxious along, and, after they had both got out of their cars at the same time the other mum was particularly rude to her, wagging her finger aggressively and the like. However, she didn’t argue back but just said, “Sorry,” even though she wasn’t in the wrong at all and hurried into the building and to her desk in the outer office to the Headmistresses Study. As she got to her desk, and looked at her watch, she knew she was just minutes away from being caned.
Mrs Mason was tense as sheentered the car park. She was thirty-eight and her daughter had just recently started at the college, but she knew that she was one of those very pushy helicopter mums, and also knew that the headmistress didn’t like pushy mums. Today was her first meeting with Miss Watson, and she had heard all sorts of stories about parents being caned by her as part of the discipline regime that all parents had to sign up to as well as the students attending the college. She knew the reason that she snapped at the young woman in the car park was because she was so tense and felt bad about it. However, her thoughts were now focused on the forthcoming meeting with Miss Watson.
Nikki looked up as the door opened and saw Miss Watson walk in. Almost as though she was a student at the college she stood up to show her respect, and said, “Good morning, headmistress.”
Miss Watson had to admit she quite enjoyed it when Nikki stood up to show her respect for her, as not many, if any, secretaries stoo up when their boss walked in. Miss Watson knew it helped her get back into her alpha female mode after being distributed by Elizabeth last night, which was every bit as painful as when she could the students, but with the added benefit of sensing orgasms as they made love afterwards.
Miss Watson was well aware that she was going to cane Nikki. It was a silly mistake that she had made, but it would’ve earned any of the students a double detention, and so the cane. Miss Watson was very strict with Nikki, but both were happier with that regime rather than dealing with errors in a more formal way.
Miss Watson smiled at Nikki and explained, “I have Mrs Mason coming in to see me. She wanted an early appointment, but it won’t take long because all I want to do is explain to her that she needsn’t be such a helicopter mum and that she can relax more. After that, you will come into my study, and I will deal with you.”
Nikki replied, “Yes, headmistress, thank you, headmistress.” Nikki didn’t mind being so respectful, although know that Miss Watson wasn’t always the alpha female, at least on those times when Miss Watson made the mistake and was the one who got caned. She was the only one at the college who knew that Miss Watson made mistakes from time to time and was the one who distributed her in the same way that Miss Watson distributed her and the students. Well, it was her turn Today to be able to be caned by Miss Watson and she was going to get six strokes of the cane herself.
Just then the door opened again, and Nikki realized that Mrs Mason was the mother who was rude to her in the car park. She could tell from the surprised look on Mrs Mason’s face that she realized now who she had been rude to as well.
Mrs Mason was wearing a floral sleepless dress and it was hot out and she had bare legs. Nikki was wearing a blue skirt, also with bare legs, and a short-sleeved white blouse. Miss Watson was in a short-sleeved light blue dress, with bare legs.
Mrs Mason saw Miss Watson, who she recognized as being the headmistress, and simply said, “I am Mrs Mason, and I have come for a meeting, Miss Watson,” and looked at Miss Watson, remembering how she was so well-known for disciplining parents, usually with the cane.
Mrs Mason recognized the young lady standing by Miss Watson was the one she had been rude to in the car park. However, she saw an opportunity to perhaps divert Miss Watson away from disciplining her, and, looking at Nikki but directing her comment to Miss Watson, said, “As you were so rude to me, I hope you are here to be distributed by Miss Watson.”
Nikki was quite taken aback as it was Mrs Mason, at least now she knew it was Mrs Mason, who had been rude to her and replied, “I beg your pardon?”
Mrs Mason continued, “You were very rude to me in the car park, that is what I mean.”
Miss Watson looked from Nikki to Mrs Mason but had a feeling by looking at Mrs Mason’s face that she was the one whoho was lying out of the two of them. After all, she knew Nikki very well, and whilst she made silly mistakes at work, being rude was not one of them. So, she decided to call a halt to the discussion and said, “Why don’t we go into my study, Mrs Mason, and have our meeting.”
Mrs Mason couldn’t stop herself from making one last comment, “Well I’m just saying, Miss Watson, there is no need for this lady to have been rude to me.”
Miss Watson didn’t say any more but opened the door to her study and beckoned Mrs
Mason to go through.
Once alone, Nikki decided that she would look at the CCTV that covered the car park and knew that it would show their respective body language. Once satisfied that it did show exactly how aggressive Mrs Mason had been to her, she sent the film on to Miss Watson so that she could see it before giving her the cane, just in case she thought additional strokes were just based upon Mrs Mason’s lies.
Miss Watson happened to be lookingat her computer just as the message arrived, and judging from the fact it said that she would be interested in watching the CCTV footage and that it involved Mrs Mason, she played the video but in such a way that Mrs Mason didn’t realize, and it didn’t take Miss Watson very long to realize that it was definitely Mrs Mason who had been rude and not Nikki, just as she had expected.
Mrs Mason was still concerned that Miss Watson would do more than just have a discussion with her. She had never been able to herself, but friends of hers had and she knew just how much they said it hurt them and didn’t want to experience it herself. Equally, she had been told by friends who were parents of other college students that they were always worried about having a meeting with Miss Watson because she was such an alpha female and saw discipline as such an essential matter.
Miss Watson interrupted Mrs Mason’s thoughts as she said, “I think you are right that we should have a discussion with Miss Calvert about what happened in the car park.”
Mrs Mason replied as confidently as she could, “Absolutely, Miss Watson.”
Miss Watson then said, “Good, and I think we should hold the discussion in the punishment room.”
That got Mrs Mason rather more concerned again and tried to focus Miss Watson away from herself as she said, “I agree, and hope that lady is made to understand how rude she was.”
Miss Watson replied, “I agree, Mrs Mason.” She then asked, “Out of interest, Mrs Mason, do you think someone being so rude should be able?”
Mrs Mason knew she had no choice but to agree and replied, again as confidently as she could, “Definitely, Miss Watson.”
Miss Watson guided Mrs Mason back out into the outer office and said to Nikki, “Right then, Miss Calvert, I have agreed with Mrs Mason that we will have a discussion in the punishment room about what happened in the car park. Just so you know, she has agreed that whoever is at fault will be able.”
Mrs Mason bit her lip when she heard that comment because she had only agreed that Miss Calvert would be the one who would be able, and she knew that she was the one that was at fault. Anyway, she told herself that what she had to do was keep denying that she was the one who was rude and felt that Miss Watson would cane Miss Calvert. In fact, she thought it would be quite good fun watching the young lady being caned.
The three of them walked along the corridor towards the punishment room in silence, all thinking their own thoughts.
Once inside the punishment room Miss Watson went and sat behind the desk and left Miss Calvert and Mrs Mason standing on the other side of the desk looking at her, both like naughty college girls about to be disciplined. Miss Watson looked up and asked, “So, Mrs Mason, just tell me which of the two of you was rude.”
Mrs Mason immediately replied firmly, “I actually couldn’t believe just how rude this lady was, Miss Watson.”
MissWatson asked, “You still agreed that someone that rude should be able?”
Mrs Mason was getting more worried because of the persistent request to confirm that whoever was rude should be able. She kept on telling herself, however, that she just had to maintain the story and Miss Watson was bound to agree with her, being one of the mothers rather than whoever this lady was. It was then, though, that she actually wondered how come that lady stayed in the outer office when she went into the study with Miss Watson. Was she a member of staff in fact? If she was then what was she doing whilst in the outer office?
Mrs Mason realized though that she had no alternative but to repeat her agreement, and so said, “Yes, Miss Watson.”
Miss Watson knew she was manoeuvring Mrs Mason, but then alpha females knew how to do that, and Miss Watson had lots of experience at it because of dealing with the students.
To portray the fact that she wasn’t already aware of the answer, she turned to Nikki and asked, “Do you also agree that the one who was rude should be able, Miss Calvert?”
Nikki respectfully answered, “Yes, headmistress, I do.”
Miss Watson then asked Mrs Mason, “Can you please explain what happened.”
As Mrs Mason gave her version, which she knew was a lie, Miss Watson switched on the computer that was on the desk and opened up the file of the film showing what actually did happened. When Mrs Mason had explained the exact opposite of what actually happened, she turned to Nikki and asked, “Please will you give your side of the story, Miss Calvert.”
Nikki then gave the truthful answer, of course knowing that she had the proof in the CCTV film.
As Nikki was giving her explanation, Miss Watson looked towards Mrs Mason and saw from the look on her face that she clearly knew that Nikki was telling the truth.
When Nikki had ended her explanation, Miss Watson announced, “It just so happens that we have CCTV in the car park, and your confrontation was caught on camera.”
Mrs Mason immediately gasped and put her hand over her mouth, although realized that she had literally admitted lying by doing that but hadn’t yet seen the film. How silly was that of her, she told herself.
Seeing the reaction, Miss Watson asked Mrs Mason, “Do you want to change your story, Mrs Mason?”
Mrs Mason fell apart at that question and, acting just like one of the college girls who was caught lying, she pleased, “I am so sorry Miss Watson. I was so tense as I got to the car park as I’d heard so much about your reputation for caning the parents and was sure that that was what you were going to do to me. I lost it with Miss Calvert here and felt awful about it but was too concerned about our meeting to apologise. Then, when I saw her in your outer office I wasn’t thinking straight and I thought I would acuse her to divert your attention away from me but know that was wrong.”
Miss Watson said in her usual firm tone,”Not just wrong, Mrs Mason, but it could’ve led me to cane Miss Calvert, and that would be very wrong indeed.”
Mrs Mason had no response to that, swallowed hard and, blushing and speaking in a much quieter tone, said a doleful, “Sorry, Miss Watson.”
Miss Watson then sat back in her chair as though thinking for a moment but knew exactly what she was going to do. After those few moments she leaned forward and said, “Well, Mrs Mason, you have admitted that you lied and was the one who was rude, and you agreed in my study that the person who was rude would be the one to be caned. It so happens I wasn’t going to cane you today but just explain to you not to be such a helicopter mum, but, quite separately, you have earned a caning and so please prepare yourself by removing Your knickers and lifting your dress up above your waist.”
Miss Mason wasn’t thinking straight as she pleased, “Surely as it is my first offence you could let me off, Miss Watson?”
Miss Watson replied in her normal stern alpha female headmistress voice, “The choice is simple, Mrs Mason. You will either get six strokes of the cane or your daughter will be explored with immediate effect.”
Miss Watson and Nikki were silent whilst Mrs Mason was breathing heavily, but knew she had no choice as her daughter had only just started at the college and would find it so hard to find another one, Particularly one with such a good reputation as this one, so neither was surprised when she said in a quiet submissive tone, “I will take the cane, Miss Watson.”
Miss Watson knew that Mrs Mason had no choice, and ordered, “Then do as I have already asked, Mrs Mason, and remove your knickers and raise the hem of your dress right up above your waist, and then go and bend over the caning table and stretch your arms to the far end to hold yourself in position. Just remember, if you let go and stand up that stroke will not count and I really don’t care if I give you six strokes or sixty, you will stay in place for six of those strokes.”
Mrs Mason was distraught at that threat, but suddenly focused on the need to obey this ultra-alpha female headmistress.
As Miss Watson and Nikki watched Mrs Mason lift up the hem of her dress and then push her knickers down to the floor, bend down and scoop them up, and put them on the desk, they looked at each other and realized that Miss Watson had managed to extract the confession from Mrs Mason without actually showing her the film. It made Nikki respect Miss Watson even more than she already did.
Miss Watson and Nikki continued to watch as Mrs Mason kept the hem of her dress raised and held tightly around her waist and walked over to the caning desk and bent forward, making sure her dress stayed in place above her waist, before stretching her arms out to the far end of the table just as instructed. Of course, they both knew there was no reason at all why parents shouldn’t be as obedient as the students when about to be distributed because their age didn’t matter, just their attitude.
Miss Watson and Nikki also liked it when the mums were able when they wore sleepless dresses and had bare legs because there was something quite sexy seeing a mum with bare arms stretched upwards and was also bare below her waist, just as Mrs Mason was right now, with her bare bottom now so nicely presented, and with her pussy hair easily seen from behind.
Miss Watson positioned herself and rubbed the cane from side to side across Mrs Mason’s bare bottom. She was always happy to be caning an adult because she knew she could can a parent far harder than a student and had every intention of doing so today, bearing in mind she had proved that Mrs Mason had blatantly lied. It didn’t matter that she did it under pressure because that pressure was self-imposed, and so Mrs Mason was every bit as naughty as any of the college students who lied in order to avoid being caught out by any of the staff. Well, Mrs Mason had been caught out and, as Miss Watson pulled her arm back and focused on Mrs Mason’s bare bottom knowing where she wanted to land the cane, she brought her arm back down fiercely and watched as the cane bit into Mrs Mason’s very adult bottom, and, as Mrs Mason yelped, so she watched the red welt quickly develop.
Mrs Mason was shocked at how painful that first stroke was, but because she had have been so concerned about being caned, she had read up about it and looked online and discovered that even though the first stroke hurt, subsequent strokes hurt even more because of the increasing intense singing caused by each stroke. She discovered that moments later when the cane bit into her bottom the second time and she yelped again, this time throwing her head back, but at least remembering to keep a firm hold of the far end of the caning table.
Nikki had watched Miss Watson cane some of the students, but not many, and she had to admit as the third stroke landed and Mrs Mason yelped again that she did find it fascinating that the threat of an extra stroke if the person being caned let go of the end of the table was normally enough to ensure they stayed in place. It was a technique she knew that Miss Watson used specifically for that reason, and it worked so well.
The fourth stroke landed and once again Mrs Mason throw her head back and honest, and fully understand as a fact that each stroke hurt More than the one before. What she had also read about on the Internet was that some people actually felt aroused by the cane, but as the fifth stroke landed, she told herself that was complete and utter nonsense because how could someone feel aroused when their eyes filled with tears in the way that hers were.
Miss Watson saw the five parallel raised welts and decided that as this was an adult she was caning she would land the sixth stroke, being the final one, on the sit spot where her bottom cheeses met the tops of her thighs and, as she did, so shegot the usual even louder yelp from Mrs Mason. Miss Watson knew that if ever anyone was going to let go of the end of the table it would be because of a stroke either there or even lower down on the thighs, and whilst Mrs Mason certainly struggled, she stayed in place.
Miss Watson smiled to herself as she listened to Mrs Mason sobbing because not all the college girls sobbed when they were able. So much for being an adult, she told herself. However, she didn’t want to wait too long because she still had Nikki to cane and didn’t see any reason why Mrs Mason shouldn’t wait and watch that, because Miss Watson also had the experience of knowing that when classesmates watched one of their own being spanked at the front of the class or even, as occasionally happened, watched a caning in her Study or the punishment room, it Surely made them behave better. Maybe that would work with Mrs Mason, she thought.
After savouring the sight of Mrs Mason’s bottom for a few more moments, Miss Watson ordered, “Okay, Mrs Mason, you can get up now, but please do not rub your bottom.”
Mrs Mason heard the instruction and was thankful that the caning was over, and she pushed herself up. As she turned, she heard Miss Watson says, “The students find it easier to put their hands on their heads to make sure they don’t rub their bottoms because that would earn additional strokes of the cane, Mrs Mason.”
Miss Watson knew she said it simply to test Mrs Mason rather than force her to put her hands on her head, but, as she watched Mrs Mason’s hands slowly rise up and settle on top of her head, the fingers of both hands intertwining, so she knew she was looking at an adult who was acting more like one of the college girls. Anyway, that was a plus, and she was sure that Mrs Mason would look back on This as an educational punishment.
Once Mrs Mason was standing so obediently with her hands on her head, and actually with her dress staying up above her waist, she explained,”Please stand still as I have to cane Miss Calvert for some poor work she did, and I don’t see any reason why she shouldn’t be able with you watching. Would you like that, Mrs Mason?”
In fact, Mrs Mason’s eyes were still blurred, but as she sniffed back her tears she replied, “Yes, Miss Watson, I would like to watch.”
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