The Headmistress Ch. 04

Miss Watson and Miss Calvert

Miss Watson, the thirty-six-year-old headmistress of the sixth form college, was due another of those meetings with her secretary. As had happened previously, whilst Jennifer Watson was an alpha female at college, and a truly submissive at home, Miss Calvert, as she called her on these occasions was the one person in her work life who dominated her. So, today, just Like the previous occasions, Jennifer Watson would be the submissive to her secretary’s disciling authority over her.

Jennifer Watson was reconciled to the fact that it didn’t matter that Miss Calvert was just a few years older than herself because she lived with Elizabeth, her sixty-two-year-old chummy mummy, and so her own mum’s age, and was regularly distributed by her at home. At College, though, Miss Watson knew that, except for Miss Calvert, it was only she who gave the cane quite happy not only to the students but also their parents who had to participate in the collegeDiscipline regime, which even Miss Calvert was also subject to.

Jennifer Watson arrived at college feeling tense because of her meeting with Miss Calvert, but knowing she deserved to get the cane again. She walked into the outer office to her Study and saw Miss Calver sitting at her desk and said, “Good morning, Miss Calvert.”

Nikki smiled as she enjoyed these occasions when she was in charge of her boss, and replied, “Good morning, Jennifer.” Nikki continued, “We need to deal with the mistakes you made yesterday.”

Over the previous several months Nikki had got it more and more in her mind that she should be able to cane Miss Watson if she made mistakes rather than it being one way only. That wouldn’t prevent Miss Watson from continuing to be the alpha female in the office, subject only to the discussion of her secretary.

So, one day they had had that discussion when Nikki pointed out some mistakes and Miss Watson had asked her not to tell anyone. Nikki said she wouldn’t, subject to her disciplining Miss Watson, and to her surprise Miss Watson agreed. Since then Nikki had been able to Miss Watson quite regularly.

Nikki stood up and said, “Let’s go into your Study and deal with you, Jennifer.”

Miss Watson accepted the instruction, as usual, but then she knew that whilst most of the time she made all the right decisions at work, there were These limited times when she didn’t, and she always felt better when she was disciplined because of that. One time she thought she could go home and admit to the mistakes to Elizabeth and have her cane her. However, she didn’t want to mix home life and work life, and having Nikki discipline her was the way forward. She was also quite sure that it wasn’t so unusual for alpha bosses to submit to discipline control by their PA’s.

Jennifer replied, “Yes, Miss Calvert,” knowing that addressing Nikki so respectfully with Nikki calling her by her first name, set the correct structure for what was goingto happen.

Nikki had also explained things to Miss Watson that helped. “I know we don’t discuss our private lives, but for quite a while now I have been living with a woman your age, in a loving relationship, but one that involves mother-daughter discipline. I had originally anticipated that it would be my chummy mummy, Hannah, who would discipline me because she is very like you and is an alpha female and in a very senior position at work. However, she wanted to relax when at home and have all decision-making taken away from her and quite quickly told me that she needed me to take the maternal role and her daughter’s role at home, with discipline strictly enforced at all times.”

Miss Watson then explained to Nikki her own home life with Elizabeth, who, after all, was Nikki’s mum’s age, and so it seemed as though the relationship was very similar to the one that Nikki was now describing, except, of course, in her relationship Miss Watson was the daughter and Elizabeth thestrict maternal discilanarian.

So, accepting the two households were opposites, but seeing the similarity, she had asked, “So, Miss Calvert how does discilline work for you and Hannah?”

Nikki explained, “It started off where there was a set of rules and if one was broken then I would give her a spanking. That would mean her across my lap and me spanking her bare bottom with my hand, which then progressed to using a hairbrush as well.”

Nikki saw that Miss Watson was listening attentively and then added, “Then I bought a couple of canes online and added caning to the style of punishments. I discovered my chummy mummy hated being caned but then became so password afterwards, and since then I have bought many more canes because they do crack after being used several times, as you know, Jennifer.”

Miss Watson did know how the cane created erotic feelings in some, including herself, and so know that Nikki’s description was correct. In fact, as she was listening toHer she found her voice suddenly so hatty and one that she could quite easily obey because it was similar to the way that Elizabeth spoke to her at home. So, Miss Watson found the loss of control on these occasions quite natural and she said, “In that case, Miss Calvert, I do need to be dealt with for making those mistakes and accept it will be you who will deal with me.”

Nikki knew that It had been a bit of a gamble saying what she did say to Miss Watson, but now that she was the dominant person in her own relationship, and Miss Watson clearly needed someone to dominate her on occasion at work, she saw that she was the natural choice. So, she said to Miss Watson, “I thought as much, and so I will put the, ‘Do Not Disturb,’ notice on my office door so we are not interrupted, and I will deal with you now.”

Miss Watson could see that Nikki had thought this through, which showed her that her secretary had a seriously dominant nature, and she would now find out whether she was as effective at caning her here in the office as Elizabeth was at home.

Nikki then made the point, “Whilst when under discipline you will address me as Mr Calvert, I will address you as Watson.” She didn’t add anything but just glared at Miss Watson, expecting no response.

Miss Watson heard the instruction, knowing it put her very much below her secretary in the discipline Order, and so know that in future she would be able to be able to be by her forty-two-year-old secretary. She knew that it did change the balance of their relationship, and wondered whether Nikki would now refuse to be able to be able in future, but somehow doubt it. After all, the cane was used effectively when Nikki made mistakes, and there was little doubt that she would continue to make those mistakes. She would therefore have quite a simple choice of continuing to accept the cane or having to go through more formal discipline proceedings. So, if all that changed was that they would can each other, then that was somehing that could very easily work.

So, Miss Watson showed her agreement quite simply by replying, “Yes, Miss Calvert.”

That was the first time Nikki had been able to Jennifer, and now there was yet another occasion. So, as Miss Watson went into her Study, Nikki got the ‘Do Not Disturb,’ sign from her desk, put the sign on her door outside, closed the door again, and went back into the headmistress’s study, to carry out the punishment.

Miss Watson knew that control had passed to Nikki, or rather Miss Calvert as she called her, at least until her punishment was over, but knew that she deserved to be able, and so as Miss Calvert came into the Study she stood up and put her hands on her head as though she were the naughty college girl, and stayed like that when Miss Calvert went and sat on the visitor’s chair and looked up at her sternly.

Nikki obviously delighted in keeping a stern look on her face as she enjoyed seeing her boss standing with her hands firmly on her head.

It all seemed so strange to both of them, although both felt quite relaxed albeit that Miss Watson wasn’t looking forward to the cane, but then she never did. However, just like Nikki’s chummy mummy, she did always get aroused afterwards with Elizabeth, although the caning was definitely seen as discipline and what happened afterwards as good girl lovemaking. Then as she thought about it, the more she realized she was feeling the same way with Miss Calvert and this would be very much a discipline caning and so would wait until she got home to see Elizabeth before admitting once again that she was able to at the office, knowing that Elizabeth would then give her a discipline spanking before they went to bed and both had the most amazing orgasms.

Nikki knew that Miss Watson deserved to be able, so it had to happen, and she readily accepted the need for her to do it. So, she looked up and saw that Miss Watson was waiting for an instruction and ordered, “Please take your knickers off, raise the hem of your dress above your waist, and then bend over and grab the seat of the chair.”

Miss Watson was in, ‘Submissive and do what she was told,’ mode, and quickly lifted her dress up above her waist and then pushed her knickers down to the floor, bending down and scooping them up. She put them on her desk before turning and facing the chair, looking down at the seat, just as she had done on those Previous occasions when Miss Calvert had caned her. Having been given the instruction she bent over and grabbed the seat of the chair, placing her legs apart knowing that her bare bottom was presented in just the way that the now authoritative Miss Calvert liked it.

As she bent over looking at the seat of the chair and then at Miss Calvert’s legs behind her, she saw being distributed by her secretary as rather sexy as well as meaningful from a discilarian perspective.

Nikki watched as Miss Watson stepped out of her knickers and then bent over, just as Hannah did. She even placed her legs nicely far apart so she could see her pussy hair mound. So, once she was happy that she was in the correct position to be able to be able to Nikki positioned herself and rubbed the cane from side to side across Miss Watson’s bare bottom. As expected, it didn’t seem anywhere near as erotic as when she was doing the same thing to Hannah, but then this was discipline in the workplace and something that would be repeated whenever Miss Watson made her mistakes.

Miss Watson knew as the cane was rubbed across her bottom that she needed to get ready for the pain that was to come, just as she knew it was the signal for the students she could. Then, as the cane wasn’t rubbed across her bottom any more, and she looked behind and saw Miss Calvert’s calm muscles tension, so she knew the cane was about to land. The next moment it did, and she felt the pain she always did with that first stroke when she told herself that she deserved the caning just as much as any of the girls she caned here at college. It never mattered to her that she was an alpha female here at work because she knew that that was a facade, although one that she did maintain sufficiently well for everyone other than Miss Calvert to believe was what she really was, but in reality, she was submissive and preferred to be under someone else’s control. So, as the second stroke landed she also knew that she would continue to cane the Students, and the parents of the students who broke the rules under the parent discipline scheme, but, just like being the headmistress, that was her job, and one she carried out very well.

Now though, as Miss Watson felt the third stroke biting into her bottom, she was actually pleased that Miss Calvert was so regularly disciplining her. In fact, she had even handed Miss Calvert a written punishment consent form giving her sole authority to decide when she needed to be able so she didn’t have to give it a second thought but only do what was right in thecircumstances.

Nikki brought the cane down for the fourth stroke with a loud thwack, landing it just below the first three strokes and listened to Miss Watson’s yelp and how she hissed in and out through clinched teeth, so she knew that she was teaching her the lesson that she needed to learn. As she then landed the cane for the fifth stroke, she knew that women Miss Watson’s age happily accepted a Punishment like this, just as her own chummy mummy Hannah did, albeit that was followed with the most amazing lovemaking and orgasms. She knew that wouldn’t happen with Miss Watson, but did wonder whether she would be as aroused as she was, as she knew her own knickers were already dampening with the excitement of caning the headmistress.

Miss Watson again yelped with the sixth stroke but at least she knew Her punishment was over. However, she stayed in place bent over clapping hold of the sides of the seat just as she expected Miss Calvert to do when she caned her, and all of the parents and students, which reinforced their obedience to her.

Nikki savoured the sight of the six raised welts for a few moments before saying, “Okay, Jennifer, your punishment is over. Please do not make the same mistakes again. Now, get up, put your knickers back on and straighten out your dress, as you have a meeting with a parent in five minutes.”

Nikki then put the cane on the table and walked to the door, opened it and walked through to her office before closing it and going and sitting down at her desk. As she did, she could not stop herself from easy her fingers under her skirt and along her pussy lips and as she gasped erotically so she felt just how damp her knickers were. She would be going to the toilets, she told herself, when the parent arrived for her meeting with Miss Watson, and knew she would have a huge orgasm there.

Miss Watson heard Miss Calvert leave her study and pushed herself up to a standing position and immediately clutched her singing bottom. She didn’t quite do a spanking dance, but did rub feverishly to try and deal with the singing, but knew that never really helped. She then remembered Miss Calvert saying she had a meeting in five minutes and she knew it was with Mrs Stafford, one of the parents, whom she knew she was going to give six strokes of the cane. She wasn’t concerned at all she had just had six strokes herself, but was more concerned with sorting herself out so when Mrs Stafford came in she wouldn’t be able to tell that she had been able.

Miss Watson stepped back into her knickers, easing the elastic over the welts, and then straightened out her skirt. She then went into her toilet attached to her study and quickly washed away the tears-stained make-up, and re-applied it. Happy that everything looked in order, except for her red eyes, she went back into her Study and sat down, easy herself gently into her chair on which she had already placed a rather thick cushion, although that didn’t stop the stinging sensing right across her bottom.

Less than a minute later the intercom sounded and Miss Calvert said, back in respectful secretary mode, “Miss Watson, Mrs Stafford is here for your meeting.”

Miss Watson replied, “Thank you Miss Calvert, please send Mrs Stafford in.”

As the study door opened and she saw a worried looking Mrs Stafford walk in, she returned to her alpha female mode and reminded herself that Mrs Stafford had done her daughter’s homework but was caught out and that earned her six strokes of the cane, or rather another six strokes as this was the third time Mrs Stafford had come to her knowing she had earned the cane. She even smiled to herself as she saw Mrs Stafford looking wide-eyed at the cane Nikki had left on her desk, and found it funnier that the cane had last been used on her own bare bottom.

As Miss Watson was again the alpha female berating Mrs Stafford, she knew that everything was back to normal, and Mrs Stafford would be getting the six hard strokes of the cane she needed.


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