The Headmistress Ch. 02

Miss Watson and Elizabeth Daniels

Jennifer Watson, thirty-six and the headmistress and alpha female at the sixth form college, was making her way home feeling quite tired after yet another hectic and stressful day. It had been detention day at college and three girls had double detentions all of whom were dealt with by Miss Watson who gave them a mixture of three, four and six strokes of the cane. They were lessons well learned, and Miss Watson never held back when using the cane because she found discipline to be a very important part of her job, and it was something she knew gave the college a good reputation compared to others where the discipline regime was far more relaxed.

However, whilst Mrs Watson was happily the alpha female at college, she was just as happy being submissive at home where she lived with her long-term chummy mummy girlfriend, Elizabeth Daniels, who was sixty-two and, herself, was quite the alpha female.

Pretty much every time Jennifer arrivaled home from college, she collapsed on the sofa aiming to recover from her stressful day. Elizabeth appreciated that and would happily make them both a cup of tea with some biscuits and sit and chat about Jennifer’s day.

More often than not Jennifer would have recovered and joined in with Elizabeth to prepare the evening meal, and discuss what they would do during the evening, just as girls would do.

On Some evenings, however, when perhaps Jennifer was that bit more tired than usual, the relationship was less like equal girlfriends, and more like a stressed chummy mum and awkward misbehaving even bratty daughter, and that was easy to understand because of their respective ages.

Today was one of those stress-filled chummy mummy and lazy bratty daughter days.

Elizabeth tried to rush things along because she and Jennifer were due to take part in an online quiz so had to get through dinner rather quicker than usual.

Having almost finished preparing the meal Elizabeth was already a little frustrated because Jennifer had stayed in the living room watching TV. It came to a head when Elizabeth went into the living room and asked, “Can you please lay the table, Jennifer.”

To be fair, Jennifer wasn’t looking forward to the quiz because she didn’t have a particularly good general knowledge although know that Elizabeth did and, as girlfriends knew that she had to do something that Elizabeth wanted to do more than she did. However, she was focusing on the TV and quite forget herself as she replied, “Oh can you do it, Elizabeth, as I want to watch this program.”

Elizabeth had had enough of Jennifer acting more like the students at her sixth form College rather than the adult that she was, and she got really annoyed and reverted to the chummy mummy and daughter relationship as she said very sternly, “I’ve had enough of your attitude, Jennifer. I know you probably don’t want to do the quiz, which is fine, but there is no need for your attitude, so let’s take it that the quiz is off. However, naughty girls get dealt with as they should be and as you do to the students at college. Your rudeness has just earned you a double detention so go up to the spa bedroom and get undressed and stand on your naughty spot with your hands on your head. I will be up to give your bare bottom a really hard but well-deserved spanking and twelve strokes of the cane.”

As Elizabeth was scolding her, Jennifer realized that she had deserved to be told off and, no doubt, also deserved the punishment she was going to get. She certainly wouldn’t have liked any of the students at college speaking to her or to one of the teachers as she had just done, and it was a standing rule that Jennifer had to be as well-behaved as she expected the students to be, or else she suffered the same punishment. Well, not quite the same because, whilst she was certainly going to get the cane, Elizabeth also felt that before every caning Jennifer should go across her lap and have her bare bottom spanked. After all, their relationship was that she was the maternal chummy mummy to her daughter, helped by the age difference of course, and also helped by the fact that when at home both actually got aroused by their respective positions of dominance and submission.

So, Jennifer swallowed hard realising too late she was annoying her chummy mum, as so often happened, and as she stood up, she replied, “Yes, mum,” so their respective positions were endorsed, and neither even gave a second thought to the fact that Jennifer was thirty-six-years old and happily referred to Elizabeth as, ‘Mum,’ when about to be disciplined.

Elizabeth was never surprised at how quickly Jennifer submitted to her because she always did, and ordered, “Once you have undressed get the cane out of the cupboard and put it on the bed, and then go and stand on your naughty spot. I will be up in a while.”

Again, Jennifer replied, “Yes, mum,” and immediatelyturned and walked out of the room and made her way upstairs, and, as she did, she knew that if they weren’t going to take part in the quiz that means that the punishment could take even longer than normal. Jennifer had little doubt that Elizabeth would leave her standing on her naughty spot for quite a while giving her time to ponder her unacceptable behavior, certainly for a girlfriend, but perhaps not so uncommon for a bratty daughter so long as the consequences were well-known, as they were here.

So as Jennifer got to the spa bedroom she grimaced as she looked around the room and saw the high-backed chair which Elizabeth sat on to take her across her lap, and would also be where she would have to bend over and clap hold of the seat of the chair for the cane.

Jennifer was now very different to the way she was at college and was in her submissive persona. She changed so quickly and even as she unzipped her dress and pushed it down to the floor, catching her knickers onthe way and pushing them down as well, stepping out of both, she was already feeling just like she thought the girls at college felt as they were preparing to be able.

Jennifer quickly put her hands behind her back, unclipped her bra and slid it down her arms, catching it and put it with her other clothes, and, once she was undressed, went and stood by the wall on her well-established and so often used naughty spot, pressing her nose against the wall as she placed her hands on her head. She knew that there would be quite a long wait, but she didn’t mind that and used the time to quietly scold herself for being so naughty. Standing there, thinking those thoughts, also helped her to calm herself down. She knew, on many occasions when alone in the house, she had done exactly this and placed herself on the naughty spot with her hands on her head, her nose pressed against the wall, fully naked, thinking how she needed to improve, the only difference being that it didn’t end up witha spanking and caning. However, it was definitely the next best thing for her.

Being fully naked had never been an issue for either her or Elizabeth. As lovers, they were used to see each other naked, but when discipline was involved, they found it helped their respective positions, with Elizabeth being fully dressed and Jennifer naked.

As Jennifer waited with her nose pressed against the wall, she Hear Elizabeth on the phone to one of her friends explaining that they wouldn’t be taking part in the quiz tonight. Their friends know their chummy mummy daughter relationship, so it was no surprise to Jennifer to hear Elizabeth explain just how naughty she had been, and that she was about to spank and cane her. Jennifer was sure that Elizabeth was speaking loudly on purpose as she knew that listening to the conversation added to her humiliation, and degradation, although all their friends saw it as being something that was quite natural given their age difference. Most of them had even watched as Elizabeth spanked her, and they even egged Elizabeth on to spank her harder and to cane her harder as well, to teach the ‘Naughty girl,’ a good lesson.

Jennifer did lose track of the time as she kept her nose pressed against the wall and even kept her eyes open staring at the blank wall just an inch from her eyes because that really did put her in her place and helped calm her down from her bratty tantrum state, making her think more like an adult, or, rather, thinking more like a student who wanted to be more like an adult. However, the reality was that it was very much a chummy mummy dealing with her daughter and it didn’t matter that the mummy was sixty-two and the daughter was thirty-six-years old, but what was important was that one of them was in charge and the other had to obey or suffer the Consequences. Jennifer loved the idea that there was never any question over the fact that Elizabeth was the one in charge and she was the one who had to obey and was the one who suffered the consequences, sometimes several times each week.

Jennifer was snapped out of her thoughts as she heard Elizabeth come into the room. However, she also heard two other voices she recognized as friends of theirs, Lucy and Beth, both Elizabeth’s age, and was shocked. However, she heard them laughing with Elizabeth and what they discussed was that the two of them would enter the quiz using the tablet, and, even as Elizabeth spanked and coulded Jennifer, they would ask her if she knew the answer and, between them, still expected to win the quiz. Knowing that she was going to be spanked in front of two friends, who admittedly had seen her spanked before, but that they were going to work with Elizabeth on the competition even as the spanking carried on, was clearly an added humiliation for Jennifer.

However, Jennifer did reconcile that with when teachers took detention, they quite often marked college work as those in detention had to do whatever theywere told to do, so maybe it wasn’t so different.

Elizabeth kept a stern look on her face but smiled at the sight of Jennifer with her nose pressed against the wall and her hands on her head and fully naked with her bare bottom on show. She smiled at her two friends who were also looking at Jennifer’s bare bottom and remembered seeing her several times before now stretched out across Elizabeth’s lap as she landed spank after spank and turned both bottom cheeses darker and darker shades of red before doing the same to the backs of her legs.

Elizabeth knew that when Jennifer played up, she got stressed like normal mum’s did, and it was only when she was giving her chummy daughter a hard spanking following by several hard strokes of the cane that the stress was eased out of her and was passed down her hand and onto Jennifer’s bare increasingly singing bottom. She also saw it as quite natural to be in charge of a woman young enough to be her daughter even though in her workplaceshe was the alpha female and dished out the punishments quite freely. She didn’t see it as unusual at all for Jennifer to be dominant at work and submissive at home, or, just as equally, to be the opposite. So, when she walked into the bedroom and saw Jennifer being obedient as she always was when at home, she knew she was going to spank and cane her just as hard as she always did, and perhaps harder because she had actually wanted to do tonight’s quiz with her because it was a subject that she loved and knew all about and they stood every chance of winning even with Jennifer’s lack of general knowledge.

So, feeling justifiably annoyed with her girlfriend, she went and sat on the high-backed chair, glared at Jennifer, and ordered, “Come here and get across my lap you very naughty young lady.”

As Jennifer turned and saw Elizabeth glaring at her and pointing at her lap, she thought how often she had given the instruction to one of the girls at college to bend over for the cane so she could discuss the girl for whatever misbehaviour she had been sent to her to be punished for, and always the girls were contrite and obedient, just as she felt now. So, as she got to where Elizabeth was sitting and looked down at her lap, seeing that her dress had ridden right up her thighs and knew that her tummy would be lying on those thighs, she obeyed her chummy mummy and eased herself downwards, balancing on the far side of the chair and then lowering her full weight on to Elizabeth’s bare thighs, and was quickly in position with her bare bottom perched in just the position necessary to be spanked.

As she lay their, her face just inches from the floor, as much as Jennifer knew the spanking would hurt she was always surprised that her pussy quivered with excitement, similar to lovemaking but with added tension, and knew that Elizabeth felt the same way.

Jennifer wondered what thoughts the girls at college had as they bent over and clapped hold of the seatof the chair knowing that within just a few moments she was going to be crying with tears dribbling down her face, and reckoned that at least some would be thinking that it was quite a turn on to have their bottom could by the headmistress. Most, though, would be thinking this was just going to be a pain-filled several minutes, and afterwards their bottoms would be singing for hours to come, and they would be constantly squirming around on any hard chairs. That wouldn’t be a turn-on for those girls, but then it was a properly deserved punishment.

Just then, Jennifer had the realisation that this too was just another discipline spanking and caning. She shouldn’t have caused Elizabeth so much stress and certainly not come close to having her miss the quiz. So, as she looked sideways and saw the two pairs of ladies’ bare legs, upside-down of course, she too saw this as a well-deserved punishment spanking and caning which shouldn’t have good girl sex afterwards, because even after her well-deserved punishment she still won’t be a good girl. Indeed, that was how she thought about the girls she could at college as well.

So, as the spanks started to land on alternate bottom cheeses and she squirmed around on Elizabeth’s lap, she totally accepted that once again this was such a well-deserved spanking as she looked at the floor and the backs of Elizabeth’s upside-down bare legs, all the time realising more and more just how she was a naughty girl and deserved every last spank that she was now receiving. She was struggling as she always did and then realized that as much as she was being spanked so hard, it was Elizabeth who was the centre of attention because her two friends kept asking her questions and Elizabeth was giving her answers, and Jennifer realized that Elizabeth Lucy and Beth were actually focusing more on the quiz than on her no doubt increasingly red bottom, which put her even further in her place, which was a far cry from the alpha female she normally was at college.

Jennifer became aware that whilst Elizabeth had been spanking her on alternate bottom cheats that had now changed to her spanking the same bottom cheat several times before spanking the other bottom cheat several times which Jennifer knew was going to cause her bottom to sting even more, and as she looked again at Elizabeth’s bare legs so she knew that the singing would only get worse as the spanks continue.

In a way, Jennifer was actually quite impressed that Elizabeth was able to give her such a hard spanking whilst at the same time chatting to her friends and exchanging questions and answers, and Jennifer also heard giggles coming from the two friends with several comments encouraging Elizabeth to spank her even harder, and because Elizabeth and her friends were more interested in the quiz than her spanking, it made her feel even more contrite. Well, that was how she wanted the girls at college to feel when she was caning them, and, if nothing else,This was teaching her that really did work.

Jennifer began to gasp even louder as Elizabeth started to spank the backs of her legs. Jennifer always felt this was the most painful part of the spanking, although of course nowhere near as painful as being caned.

Although Jennifer had already dissolved into tears, she did hear the instruction, “Right, girl, stand up, bend over and grab the seat, and get ready for the cane.”

As much as Jennifer found being spanked humiliating, so she found being caned just so painful. Of course, she kept on comparing her own position to that of the girls that she dealt with at college and know that the whole purpose of the cane was to paint red welts across the girls’ bottoms, which lasted at least a day or two, and was such a good reminder for the girls. In the same way, Jennifer knew that Elizabeth always could her really hard, and the red welts were really thick making it very difficult for her to sit down for at least a day or two.

As Jennifer eased herself up from Elizabeth’s lap, and even though her vision was blurred, she was certainly conscious of the fact that she was fully naked and with a bright red bottom and legs, whilst the other three ladies were in summer sleepless dresses. As she positioned herself in front of the chair and then bent over, clapping hold of the seat and moving her legs backwards and apart, so she knew that her breasts would be dangling beneath her which was something she never made the girls at college do, and that whilst the cane was the same crook-ended type that she used at college, nothing else was the same. The most that she would have at college was one of the other girls watching, knowing that she would be bending over straight afterwards and having her bottom could as well. This was much more like being distributed at home with friends Watching, and they cracking jokes because they know their bottoms weren’t going to be spanked straight afterwards. So this was far more degrading, although, once again, Jennifer reminded herself just how well deserved it was.

Jennifer felt the cane being rubbed from side to side across her bottom and she looked behind her, but her vision was still blurred and although she could make out Elizabeth’s legs there was no way that she would be able to tell when her calm muscles tensed to tell her that the cane was on its way downwards.

The next moment Jennifer yelped as the cane bit into her bottom and as the pain cascaded backwards and forwards across her bottom, so she heard more giggles and words of encouragement from Lucy and Beth followed by the excited exclamation, “Well, we got the first answer correct, ladies.”

As Jennifer heard Beth says a gleeful, “Whoopee,” so she yelped as the second stroke landed on her bottom and she knew that she throw her head back as she yelped. She didn’t have much time to recover, though because the third stroke landed, and she once again yelped as she fought to keep hold of the seat of the chair to stay in her ben-over position because the last thing that she wanted was to earn extra strokes, which was a rule that she imposed on the girls at college.

The fourth stroke quickly followed as did the fifth stroke, and now Jennifer knew that she was hissing in and out through clenched teeth and she shook her head to try to cope with the pain. She knew it was never easy, just as she realized that the girls at college struggled when she could them, but one thing she constantly reminded herself of, and again as the sixth stroke landed, was just how good a lesson the cane was. Even as the seventh stroke landed, she told herself that she would continue to use the cane at college and be as strict as always, and she reminded herself that her secretary, Nikki Calvert, who was forty-two, was due to be able to be able first thing in the morning for the mistakes that she made when producing a report. Jennifer knew of the importance of giving the girls at college at least aday’s notice of being caned because that gave them time to ponder the prospect of struggling with the pain, which was an added part of the lesson, and one that Nikki had told her worked from her own dread at knowing at least a day ahead that she was going to be able.


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