All involved are consenting adults. Yes, I know I probably need an editor, but I have not got one. 🙂
The Headache
It was one of those days when it seemed like everything was going wrong. I’d tired up that morning and realized I hadn’t charged my cell phone the night before and it was down to its last bar of life. I intended to charge it in the car on the way to work, but the car charger wasn’t working. My last pair of hose had snagged on something as I was putting them and gotten a run, so I had to stop by a store to grab a replacement before work. I usually wore thigh highs, as requested by my Daddy and because I actually preferred them, but the store I stopped at only had regular panty hose so I grabbed them and ran. All this had put me behind schedule and had me arriving a couple of minutes late to work, which gave my usual punctuality was not a huge issue but made me feel behind. On top of that I’d ended up skipping breakfast and so by 10:00 am I was starving. Usually there was a small café in the building where I worked, so I could slip down and grab something fast, but they were closed that day for reasons unknown.
By 11:00 am I could feel the headache starting to creep in, but I tried to ignore it. By 11:30 am I realized that this might be more than just a minor stress headache coming on. I grabbed a pack of crackers, which I hated to do because of the lack of nutritional value, and a Dr. Pepper for the caffeine and took some over-the-counter pain medicine in the hopes of avoiding the migraine I knew was coming. Unfortunately, the pain just kept getting worse. Having a major report to complete, I tried to work as quickly as possible, knowing that things would progress rapidly and soon I would get to the stage where I was incapable of thinking. My manager came into my office for an update and realized something was wrong and promptly ordered me to go home. I briefly tried to argue because I hated leaving the report undone, but shepointed out that with the migraine, I really wasn’t making progress anyway. She also playedfully offered that since it was Friday, I was welcomed to come in on Saturday to complete it. I probably would have laughed at her comment, but by this point the pain was quickly becoming overwhelming. She asked if I was okay to drive home and being the somewhat stubborn soul that I am, I insisted I was.
So by 1:00 pm on a Friday I was in my car on the way home. That’s when it occurred to me that I needed to call Daddy. At a red light I reached into my purse and grabbed my cell phone, only to realize that its battery was now dead. I knew that Daddy was expecting to come over and cook that evening and spend time with him. We were fairly new in our relationship and Daddy and I maintained separate residences. In fact, though I had been interested in bondage and submission for years, Daddy was the first Dom I had ever had a relationship with. He was patient with me, and was trying to give me thetime I needed to accept things. That’s not to say Daddy was a pushover by any stretch of the imagination. He was very clear in what he expected, but for the moment, the expectations were not overwhelming.
Daddy traveled often, so when he was in town, usually after work I would go to his house and cook dinner, we would spend time together, sometimes doing vanilla things and sometimes doing kinky things. I helped keep Daddy’s house clean as well. However, by mutual consent, I had never stayed overnight. I will admit to having been out pretty late once or twice and/or arriving pretty early, but never completely staying the night. I sensed sometimes Daddy would have preferred for me to stay, but this was one of the decisions where he let me take the lead. I had no delegations though that he was letting me decide and that this could change at any time. Daddy was often good about letting me make choices. However, when he wanted me to do something, he made it perfectly clear and I was growing in my submission and trust. I know some might not have seen this as true submission, but for us this worked. Our relationship was also changing and dynamic, so I could see that it would not always be this way.
Anyway, as I sat at that red light I suddenly didn’t know what to do. The light was hurting my eyes, the pain was fast approaching the point where I would be completely non-functional. I knew once I got home that I would have to take the prescription medicine to combat the migraine, which means I would be pretty much knocked out. It would be very likely that I wouldn’t wake up for hours and then Daddy wouldn’t know what had happened or where I was. For some reason in my beardled mind, I decided I should drive to Daddy’s house first and leave him a note, since I couldn’t call him. Yes, yes, I know anyone else probably could have thought of dozens of other solutions, but that’s all I could come up with at the moment. So I drove to Daddy’s house.
When I got thereI knew I had to worry because I knew I was getting close to non-functional; the truth is I was probably already to the non-functional point and should have not been driving. I went to Daddy’s office and found a paper and pen then went to the kitchen and wrote a brief note stating that I had a migraine and had to go home and take meds. I apologized for not calling, and let Daddy know my phone was dead. I ended the brief note by saying I would contact him tomorrow.
Just as I was gathering my keys and heading back out the front door opened and in walked an upset Daddy. “What is going on, I’ve been calling you?” he stated in his quiet, serious tone that was always so much more effective than yelling. I couldn’t help it, the pain was overwhelming so I did the completely stereotypical girly thing and burst into tears, which didn’t help my headache.
I will never forget the next moment when I felt Daddy’s arms around me. I was babbling about dead phones and headaches and I’m sure Ididn’t make a bit of sense. He just held me for a moment and then said, “Come with me.” Daddy took me to his bedroom, which was a bit of a surprise, though I admit the surprise didn’t really register at that moment. When we played, we usually played in his spare bedroom. He undressed me, though I do remember him muttering something about the pantyhose, and had me laid down on his bed face down. I tried to protest because I needed to get home to get my prescription medication, but he “shushed” me. He used some essential oils and began massaging the back of my neck, I admit some of the tension did release, and soon he was telling me to sleep, and I was obeying.
I woke up several hours later, judging from the light coming in through the window. My migraine was reduced to a dull headache, for which I was thankful. I went in search of Daddy. I found him in his office working on something. He smiled concernedly as I walked in and asked, “How are you feeling?”
“Much better, thankyou Daddy,” I replied.
“Good, I’m glad,” he said with a smile. Then his tone changed to his quiet, serious tone and he said “I need to finish up this one thing and then I want to talk to you. Go wait for me on the couch.”
Of course I did what I was told because that tone didn’t bode well. I waited on the couch nervously. I figured I was in trouble for the cell phone being dead thing. It seemed like forever before Daddy joined me, though it probably wasn’t that long. Daddy came and sat down behind me and then indicated I should knee in front of him, which I did. He opened his legs on either side of me and took my face in his hands and kissed my forehead. It was such a sweet gesture I really felt cherished.
“I’m disappointed in you, baby girl,” Daddy said and I dropped my eyes to stare at the floor.
“I’m sorry Daddy,” I said almost automatically.
“What exactly are you sorry for?” Daddy asked quietly.
“For forgetting to charge my cell phone so I couldn’t call Daddy and for not getting your dinner made.”
“Anything else?” Daddy asked and I knew that I must be leaving something out.
I knelt there and thought a moment and I had a vague memory of Daddy grumbling about my pantyhose when he undressed me, so I said, “For wearing pantyhose instead of thigh-highs.”
“Anything else?” Daddy asked again and I thought and thought but couldn’t come up with anything else.
“No Daddy.”
He frowned and I know this was the wrong answer. “I think you are missing the most important reason for my disappointment.” He took my face and tipped it up and stared directly into my eyes. “How did you get here?” he asked and for a moment I was thrown by the question.
“I drive Daddy.” Then it occurred to me that I blocked him from pulling into the garage, “I’m sorry I blocked you from being able to pull into the garage Daddy” I offered.
He shook his head at me again and asked, “Where were you going when I came in?”
NowI was really confused by his questions, “Home Daddy.”
His eyes bored into mine as he asked, “Were you safe to be driving?”
His question brought out my stubbornness and my chin went up a little. “Yes, of course, Daddy,” I replied with a touch of attitude.
Daddy’s eyebrow raised and said, “Is that the truth?”
I knelt there looking into his eyes and thought for a second before replying sensing the answer was important. I thought about the situation and then realized that Daddy was right. My eyes dropped down from his and I shook my head and whispered, “No Daddy. You’re right, I probably should not have been driving.”
Then Daddy asked, “Do you know why your driving in that condition upsets me most?”
I thought for a moment and before replying with a catch in my voice, “Because I could have hurt someone.”
Daddy lifted my head up and looked into my eyes again and said, “No, because you could have hurt yourself. Yes, hurting others would have been badtoo, but you are what matters to me.”
It was such an unbelievably sweet thing to say that tears spilled over my eyes. I’d been in a few relationships in my past and had been told that I was loved or wanted or needed, but it was not until that moment that I actually felt like I mattered to someone not related to me.
Daddy continued, “When we began this relationship and talked about limits and safewords, I told you that your safety at all times was very important. I can read signals your body gives me or listen to the words you say, but in order for me to keep you safe, you have to work with me and keep your safety in mind too. Today you did not take your safety into consideration when you choose to drive.”
All I could do was nod and say, “I’m sorry Daddy.”
Daddy took my hands and said, “I know you are baby girl.” Then he asked, “Even though you are sorry, you know you’re going to have to be punished, right?’
Again, I nodded and said “Yes Daddy”
“For not remembering to charge your cell phone and the pantyhose you are going to get a hand spanking with 10 strokes. For not being safe you are going to get five strokes with the belt.” Daddy pronounced my punishment and I cringed. I had only had hand spankings from him so far, but as a child I’d gotten a belt spanking and my mind remembered that they hurt a lot.
Daddy continued, “However, since you have been ill today, I’m going to give you choice whether you think you are up to receiving your punishment now, or whether you want to wait until we are next together.”
I thought about that for the moment. I both wanted and didn’t want to be punished, but in the end, I knew I deserved it and appreciated the limits Daddy was imposing on me. A small part of me wanted to put it off hoping that Daddy would forget. But the main part of me wanted to go ahead and get it over with so it wasn’t hanging there over me. I evaluated how much my head still hurt and if I could truly take a punishmentment right now and decided that I could. So I answered Daddy, “I want to do it now; I want to get it over with.”
“Are you sure, baby girl?” he asked, and I knew it was a consideration I would not normally receive.
“Yes Daddy, I’m sure.” I answered.
“Stand up and bend over the arm of the couch,” he instructed.
I did as he requested, bending at the Wait so my hips were propped against the arm of the couch and my hands were braced on the couch cushion. Daddy stood up and moved behind me, trailing one of his hands over my bottom before asking, “Why are you being punished.”
“For forgetting to charge my cell phone so I couldn’t communicate with Daddy, for wearing pantyhose, and for being unsafe.” I’d only been punished once before, but I knew then Daddy had instructed me that when I was punished, it would always be for clear reasons and I would have to acknowledge them before the punishment could begin.
“Do you accept your punishment?” Daddy asked.
“Yes Daddy,” I replied.
“Then you will count each stroke and thank me for it and ask for the next until the last one is reached.”
“Yes Daddy,” I said, taking a deep breath.
Daddy didn’t make me wait long. He scratched my right cheek hard and I gasped, and then remembered to count, “One, thank You Daddy, please give me another.”
The second landed on my left cheek, “Two, thank You Daddy, please give me another.”
The third landed on the same cheek, then fourth and fifths were back on my right, then six and seven went back to my left. By this point I was squirming a little and my bottom definitely hurt. For the eight and ninth he alternate right and left again, then landed the tenth stroke on my right cheek. “Ten, thank you Daddy, please give me another.” After that it was quiet for a moment and then I heard the rustle of clothing and realized Daddy was undoing his belt. I really wondered if I’d chose the right course of action in doing this right now.
IHe heard the swish of the belt and couldn’t help but tense and then I felt the pain of Daddy’s belt catching my right cheek and the sting slide through me, making me gasp. Then I dutifully said, “Eleven, thank You Daddy, please give me another.” He alternated between my two chefs for the next three strokes which stung and made my eyes water, and my voice catch, but I thanked him for each one and asked for the next. Finally, the last stroke fell hard, across both cheats and I gripped the cushion tight, fighting my body’s natural reaction to shoot up and run away. “Fifteen, thank you Daddy,” I said in a tear-filled voice. Then I felt his hand gently rubbing over my sore bottom.
At Daddy’s request I stood up and turned around, he held me in his arms for a moment and then sent me to stand in the corner for a few minutes. I hate this part of punishment probably more than the pain because it gave me time to think. I knew Daddy had been right and my tears slowly dried and I was glad Daddyhad paid me because in a way that means he really did care.
Finally Daddy called me into the kitchen, though it had probably only been a couple of minutes since I’d been sent to the corner. When I walked in I noticed two plates at his kitchen table. He had me sit down and served me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. He had made himself a sandwich too, with some sort of meat and lettuce and cheese on it. His effort really made me feel cherished and despite some disappoint from sitting, I couldn’t help the smile on my face. I thanked him for dinner. We talked a bit as we ate and then after we finished I cleaned up the plates.
As I was at the sink Daddy came up behind me and began nibbling on my neck, which is something that almost always makes me instantly horny and Daddy knew this. As I went to turn around, the dishes forgotten, Daddy held me in place and whispered in my ear, “Continue.” It was hard to concentrate on doing the dishes.
Then Daddy put his arms aroundnd me and began pinching my nipples, and I began to pick up on his game. So I continued to wash the dishes, though much more slowly as I let my bottom press back against him, smiling inside as I felt his erection through his pants. It was fun for a moment to just enjoy his teasing and to subtly tease him back as our arousal built. As I finished, his hand slipped between my legs, and slowly rubbed my outer pussy lips, letting him find how aroused I had become, my wetness coating his fingers. I arched into his hand, and widened my stance, my body becoming him for more, but he kept his touch light and teasing.
“I’m done,” I breathlessly moaned hope he’d give me more, only to hear him reply, “I know, lil girl.” I saw at the reminder that he was Daddy and he was in charge. I expected him to continue teasing so I relaxed enjoying the build when surprisingly he plunged two fingers in my very wet pussy, making me cry out in surprised pleasure, “Yes, yes.”
“Ride my fingers, showme how you enjoy it,” I heard him say and I immediately began moving my hips, grinding down on his fingers as my climax built rapidly. My eyes closed and I couldn’t help the panting and moaning. My fingers gripped the counter and sink as I continued to ride his fingers on the verge of beginning him for permission to cum.
“Stop,” he commanded and I couldn’t help the cry of protest, but I did stop all movement, pressing my body hard against the cabinets to keep it still. “Good girl,” I heard him praise and I beamed inside, loving to hear those words. The he asked, “Do you need to cum baby?”
“Oh yes, Daddy, please.”
“Then Daddy’s going to fuck your pussy really hard, can you handle that?”
“Yes, yes, Daddy, please.” His words made my pussy even wetter If that was possible and I desperately wanted him to fuck me now. I felt him pushing on back, bending me over more and happily compiled, sticking my bottom out and begging him with my body to fuck me. I heard the rasp of his clothes and then I felt the head of his cock pushing against my pussy lips. I didn’t have to wait long before he plunged his cock inside me and I had that momentary feeling of being too stretched but quickly my body adjusted and welcomed him. His hands moved to my hips, gripping them as he began fucking my pussy hard.
“Yes, yes, yes Daddy, fuck your lil girl,” I moaned and begged as he continued to take me, and within moments my climax was looming like a piece of paradise and I was becoming to be allowed to cum. Thankfully Daddy didn’t make me wait and immediately gave me permission and I found myself cumming all over his hard cock. He continued to pound into me and my next climax built and before I knew it I was cumming again, my wetness spilling out of my pussy and running down my legs.
I don’t know how long Daddy stood there fucking my welcome pussy or how many times I climaxed as I soon found myself drifting in a world of pleasure. Eventually though I sensed a change in Daddy’s thrust and then he was holding still as he climaxed inside me. “Thank you Daddy,” I whispered.
Daddy pulled out of me, our cum drizzling down my thighs. He turned me around and gave me a sweet kiss and said, “Let’s go to bed,” and we did.
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