The Hawk's Nest

Breathing hard from the step climb, Bob said, “I think it’s just a little farther. Probably just past that next crest.”

Ellen stopped for a second. “Or the next or the next or the next. This place had better be good.”

“Don’t worry,” he replied. “I’m sure you’ll find it worth the climb.”

Bob and Ellen were both grad students at a college over in Virginia, a couple of hundreds miles distant. They were both twenty-three and had been going together since the middle of the semester last fall. Now it was late May, school was out, and they were climbing a step trail in the West Virginia mountains on some land that Bob said was owned by his cousin’s family. Or was it a second cousin? Ellen didn’t remember and really didn’t care. Bob had said there was something special up here but she was just happy to be done with school for a little while and to be out in the fresh air for an overnight hike.

They had driven for nearly two hours after leaving the interstate, firston a state highway, then a small asphalt road, and for the last half hour or so on a gravel road scarcely more than one lane wide. They had turned off this into a long driveway which had ended at a closed house that appeared to have been empty for quite a spell. Bob had said his cousin’s (second cousin’s?) Family had lived there until about six years ago when the grandfather had died and the father had moved closer to civilization – and a paying job. But they had kept the land, several hundred acres of it, even if most was nearly straight up and down. Since they had first talked about a hiking trip Bob had been mysterious about what was at the end of this climb, but assured her it would be something special.

The trail had zigzagged through forest constantly climbing higher. Ellen shrugged her shoulders to ease the Pressure of the small pack and the breeze touching her sweat soaked shirt sent a shiver down her spine even though the air temperature was well into the eighties. At least her pack was light. Bob carried most of the load and had insisted they wouldn’t need a tent. He had said there would be a good place to sleep but Ellen still wasn’t too sure about just spreading their sleeping bags on the ground. Then she smiled to herself. At least the new sleeping bags they carried were zip together models. She and Bob had been lovers for half a year and she looked forward to spending the night with him in a sexy cocoon. “The sleeping bag won’t be the only thing spread on the ground tonight,” she thought and then had to stifle a laugh to avoid having to explain to Bob.

She was looking about five yards ahead of her at Bob’s broad back – or more honestly, at the tight twisting muscles of his ass encased in the tight denim cutoffs when he stopped and turned back to face her. “I can see it up there.” He waited until she caught up and then together they moved around a turn in the trail. Ellen stopped and stared. The woods ended and a vista suddenly opened beforeThey were about sixty feet from the edge of a cliff which dropped away for several hundred feet, revealing receiving ranges of forested hills with tiny valleys between them. The May sun was still high enough to send shafts of bright light into the depths, exposing meadows, trees, and streams, but almost no sign of civilization. Ellen could see one road in the distance, but no traffic at all.

But what had Her staring was not nature, but a stone tower, nearly twenty-five feet tall, standing about ten yards back from the cliff edge. The tower was square, about fourteen feet on a side, and built of moortared fieldstone. A single door broke the line near the center of the near side, but no windows showed less than fifteen feet off the ground. The stone had the look of age as though the tower had stood here for centuries.

“How? What? Where did this come from?” Ellen asked in confusion.

Bob laughed at her puzzlement. “Welcome to the Hawk’s Nest. I told you it would be worth it. Wait until you see the view from the top.”

“Alright. I’m impressed. But where did it come from?”

Bob relented. “Originally one of my ancestors built it. About 1760 I think. He was a Scot highlander who escaped to the mainland after the rising of 1745 – Bonnie Prince Charlie and all that. In a couple of years he made his way to North America and settled back here in the mountains. We’re not sure if he built the tower for defense against Indians or the King’s men, but for whatever reason he created a fortune here. The wooden parts eventually rotated, but the stone stood. About thirty years ago my cousin’s family rebuilt it. When we were kids we used to come up here and camp and pretend all sorts of things – Scots warlords, pirates, knights, and so on. Later we just used it as a great place to spend the night. Let’s put the packs inside and I’ll show you the view.”

Still slightly dazed Ellen followed Bob through the heavy wood door into a single large room withtimber beams in the ceiling. The room contained two beds with vinyl covered pads, a small table and three chairs. Everything but the pads was made from rustic logs and poles. Against one wall a step flight of stone steps led upwards. They climbed the stairs which opened into a second room. This one had a narrow window on each side and two more of the beds and pads. They continued following the stairs up through this room and it finally opened through another door onto the roof. The roof was flat flagstones and surrounded by a four foot high stone wall with small holes at the base to allow rain to drain off. As Ellen followed Bob around the edge she saw that he hadn’t been kidding about view. She could see for miles and nearly everything looked much as it probably had two hundred fifty years ago when the tower was first built.

She was about to say what a splendid view it was when Bob suddenly put on a stern face and demanded in a voice which promised that it would accept no compromise, “My Lady Ellen, what are you doing on my lands?”

Most girls would have been at a total loss with this sudden change. From one second to the next Bob had completely changed personalities, becoming suddenly critical and demanding. However, Ellen was not taken aback in the least and instantly replied, “It is not your land, Lord Robert. These are my family’s lands, Sir. Pray tell, what are you doing here?”

The games had first started last January. Bob and Ellen had been lovers for nearly two months and spent more and more of their time together even though each still had his own apartment. Late one afternoon Bob was driving home when he saw Ellen standing on the sidewalk waiting for a bus. He pulled to the curb and tapped the horn. Ellen looked around and as he rolled down the window teasingly said, “Hey, sailor. Want a good time?”

Playing along Bob answered, “What did you have in mind, Beautiful?”

Grinning, Ellen answered right back, “How about you buy me dinner and then we can go back to my place.”

“And just how much will this dinner cost me?” Bob asked.

“Oh, we can just pick up a pizza and take it back with us. It shouldn’t run more than about sixty bucks.”

Bob didn’t hesitate and said, “Sounds like a bargain. Hop in, Honey.” Laughing Ellen climbed in but as Bob started to drive off she said, “Hey. Aren’t you forgetting the sixty?”

Bob had just cashed a paycheck and – unusual for a grad student – had nearly a hundred in cash on him. He peeled off three twentyties and handed them to Ellen who made a show of stuffing them inside her blouse. Then shaking his head Bob drive off.

They did stop to get a pizza and when they arrived at Ellen’s apartment, kept up the act. After they finished eating them were so flushed with excitement from the play acting that they ended up on the living room floor, Bob pounding into Ellen and she urging him on. In fact the excitement continued the rest of the evening as they made love twice more with Ellen demanding another ten dollars to give Bob a blow job.

The next morning they discussed the episode and agreed that it had been a real turn on. Ellen thought the playing had excited her a lot more than she would have expected, even though she had to give Bob back the seventy dollars.

A couple of weeks later Bob had initiated an episode. Coming up to Ellen at the food counter of a campus drug store he became a film producer who suddenly “discovered” her. A “casting couch” session leaves to another night of hot sex.

Since then every two or three weeks one or the other of them would suddenly start some scene. One night Bob called Ellen into the room where he was sitting at his computer and threatened to fire his secretary for poor work performance. Ellen begged him and said she would do anything to keep the job. She did a lot of anythings that night, to the enjoyment of both.

And about three weeks ago Ellen, dressed in a plain skirt and blouse, her blonde hair hanging down below her shoulders making her look more like a freshman than a graduate student, had walked up to where Bob was doing homework and said, “Professor, I’m sorry I cut class and didn’t get the report in on time. Is there anything I can do to still get a good grade?”

Catching on immediately, Bob turned and said, “I don’t know. You shouldn’t have done that. I think maybe I need to talk to your parents.”

“Please don’t do that. Isn’t there anything I can do to make it up?”

“I can’t think of anything, can you?”

Ellen looked down to the floor and in a tiny voice said, “Maybe you could punish me some way?”

Bob hadn’t expected that, but without breaking stride answered, “Maybe I can. Alright. Across my lap young woman.” Looking very timing Ellen bent across his knees. Bob let his hand wander over her tight rear then brought it down with a hard slap. Ellen sucked in her breath and wiggled against him.

Bob gave her another half dozen hard swats. Then he suddenly pulled up her skirt onto her back and was surprised to see she wore no panties. The sight of her bare ass, already slightly pink from the spanking, caused his cock to instantly hard. He stroked her warm flesh a few times and then gave her rear a really hard swat. Ellen cried out but didn’t try to escape. Encouraged, Bob continued to rain blows on her defenseless bottom which soon had turned from pink to red.

When he stopped Ellen had tears streaming down her face but she was squirming against him and nearly went wild as she pulled his clothes loose. Bob was equally turned on and they practically raped each other right there on the floor. Bob took her twice more that night. The second time he bent her over the back of a stuffed chair and shoved his hard member into the now naked young woman. Ellen was more turned on than he could remember her ever being when he suddenly withdraw from her sopping pussy. Smearing her juices higher he placed his slick cock against her smaller rear opening and started to press against her.

Bob and Ellen had never had anal sex before but now both were so excited that Ellen tried her best to relax and Bob pushed harder until the head of his cock popped inside. Ellen gave a small cry but when Bob started to withdraw stopped him. “No, go ahead. Just take it a little easy,” she encouraged. Bob did just that and before too long both were pushing harder and faster. When Ellen came she had to bite down on the chair to keep from screaming. And a half minute later when Bob began to shoot the first of several spurts into her stretched rear he had to stifle his own cries. Later they both agreed that anal sex would now be a part of their play.

That episode and a second spanking session a week later had given Bob ideas and this time when he started their game it was not spontaneous, but planned in advanced. He had chosen this location with a particular scenario in mind, and now when Ellen had said, “It is not your land. These are my family’s lands, Sir,” he was ready to begin.

“These are not your father’s lands, Lady. This time you have come too far afield. You have crossed to my lands and now you will pay for the teasing you have done safe on your side of the border.” With this he pulled a piece of rope from his pocket and, catching Ellen’s wrists, held her fast against her struggles While he bound her hands behind her.

Once she was bound Bob broke character for a few seconds to look a question at Ellen. What he saw in her eyes looked like pure lust and the reply he received was a slight nod to proceed with the game. “OK. Remember ‘Red flag’ if you need it.” Before the second spanking session the couple had talked about safe words and agreed on “Red Flag” as a code meaning stop. Otherwise, their acting could continue with any begging, pleading, or demanding being totally ignored.

Bob pulled her tightly against himself and covered her mouth with his own. Continuing her role Ellen held her lips closed until Bob’s persistence forced her mouth open and his tongue began to tangle with hers. When they broke the kiss, both a little breathless, his hand went to her breasts, claping her left globe in his hand. Ellen moaned slightly and Bob said, “Not so stand-offish now, are you, My Lady?”

He continued to squeeze her breast and used his other hand to begin unbuttoning her Shirt. He loosed the last button, pulled the tails from her cutoffs, and slide the shirt over her shoulders until it was stopped by her bound wrists. Ellen had a slender build and while her 34B breasts were not huge, they formed two firm hemispheres standing out from her chest unencumbered by a bra. Her nipples hardened even more at Bob’s relentless touch. Once more he pulled her hard against him for a deep kiss, one Hand sliding down her bare back and then tightly claping her firm buttocks through the tight clothes of her shorts. Ellen could feel his arousal through their clothesas her tongue mixed with his.

Bob pulled back and as Ellen replaced her breath she continued her act. “My father’s men will soon be here to bring me back. You do not dare to violent me.”

Bob laughed. “Your father’s men will be met by mine at the borders of my land. They will ask if you have come this way and my captain will reply, ‘Can you imagine the Lady Ellen coming onto Lord Robert’s lands?’ Both troops will laugh at the idea and your father’s men will go elsewhere to search for you. You are mine for as long as I want and to do with as I please. I think perhaps the first thing should be to break you of that haty attitude.”

He held up a short, leather encased riding crop about eighteen inches long. Ellen’s eyes opened wide and her breath caught in her throat. She hadn’t seen the crop and assumed that Bob had had it in his pack and must have held it concealed under his arm or something while they were climbing the stairs. She stared at the flexible shaft with itsSmall leather loop at the end like the proverbial small animal confronted by a snake, but her breathing quickly. Bob slowly moved the end of the crop with its soft loop across her bare breasts causing her to shudder. He moved it back and forth across her nipples and over her shoulder. Then suddenly he brought it down in a sharp stroke across the tight fabric of her shorts. Ellen cried out from the surprise even as she Felt a flood of moisture between her legs.

Bob gave another sharp blow to her bottom and then two soft taps to the ends of her hardened nipples. “I think I should take you below to my dungeon where I can teach you a proper lesson in respect.” Moving the crop slowly to his left hand, he placed his right arm around her bare waist and helped her to safely descend the steps.

They went down to the ground floor room. Bob removed three candles from his pack and set them on protruding stones in the walls. After he had lighted these he closed the door, shutting outNearly all the light. With no windows at this level and the door to the second level closed, it was nearly as dark as night without the light of the tapes. Looking directly at Ellen Bob picked up a heavy wood beam which he fit into heavy iron brackets on the doorway, baring the door to all but a determined try with a large battery ram. He turned back to Ellen and said, “Now, My Lady Ellen, no one can disturb us. I think to repay you for the years of teasing. Tonight I will punish you for that and then I will take all of your virginities.”

At the thought of still having a virginity for Bob to take Ellen had to stifle a laugh to remain in her role. “You would not dare, My Lord. You might punish me but you would not dare to ravish me. I am, after all, a high born lady.”

Bob retrieved something from his pack and turned towards Ellen. She saw that he held a pair of leather cuffs. Bob had been busy, planning this, she guessed. He moved directly towards her and when he arrivedhe took her arm in a firm grip. Quickly he untied her wrists and, letting the shirt slide to the floor, buckled the sturdy cuffs around her wrists. Ellen found them soft and actually quite comfortable but decided they looked very strong. Bob clipped the two attached steel D-rings together in front of her. He then took a piece of rope and tossed the end over one of the ceiling beams. He tied a free end to her cuffs and then pulled the Other end, stretching Ellen onto her toes.

As Bob tied off the free end of the rope, Ellen was surprised at how excited this stretching was making her. She had never been tied during sex and, in fact, could only remember once – that for a club initiative – having her hands tied at all since she was a little kid playing cowboys or some such. Now she was stretched on her toes, naked to the waist, her nipples rock hard and sticking out and her pussy flooded. She found she was actually looking forward to the sting of the crop more than she had almost anything.

Bob slowly began to walk around her, swishing the crop from side to side. Occasionally he would reach out with the crop to slide the smooth leather tip across some sensitive part of her skin or to give a small snap against her back, side, or bottom. As she jerked to each touch her breathing increased and she began to squirm at the increasing heat concentrated between her legs. Stopping along side her, Bob raised the crop and suddenly brought it down in a fast arc, the thin, flexible shaft landing across the fabric covering her taut bottom.

Ellen screamed. Bob hesitated long enough to assure himself that the scream was one of release rather than pain. When he saw that Ellen looked eager for another stroke, he delivered it. And another four. Then he stopped and reached for the zipper on the side of her shorts. He released the button at the waist band and slowly pulled the zipper down. He lowered the cutoffs to her ankles. He stopped there long enough to remove her hiking boots and then the shorts. Ellen was left with her slender five foot six frame stretched even more tightly and covered only by a skimpy pair of high cut light blue panties. Bob moved up to her again and let his hand cares her ass and then across her straining nipples and was rewarded with a moan. He hooked both thumbs into the waistband of her panties and slowly lowered them, placing them aside with her other clothes.

Bob stood back and looked at the lovely girl. Ellen had well toned muscles and no excess fat at all, but she wasn’t all bones and sharp corners like some girls. Her curves were well defined and nicely proportioned from the firm, rounded hemispheres of her breasts, to her narrow waist, and back to the slightly rounded shape of her hips before they narrowed into long, slender legs. Her bright blue eyes shone with lust and her shoulder length hair, honey blonde slightly streaked with lighter sun bleached strands, hung down to below her shoulders. Bob could see her excitement, her squirming against her bonds, her hard and extended nipples, and the trail of moisture seeing down her legs. Across her ass were six light pink streks from the earlier strokes of the crop.


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