You Will Serve Me – Pt. 01

You will serve me tonight.

That was the opening message. The next listed her instructions and the punishment for failing to comply did not need to be stated. She knew in her heart she could not disobey him. And like that, all other chores of the day were pushed aside. She had more important matters to attend to.

One final look in the mirror. Perfection was required where she was going. The clothes didn’t matter, but for her, it was important to still look presentable. Smoothing her red hair with her hands was the finishing touch she needed before she felt confident enough to step out her door and go on her way.

Everything about her was seemingly plain. She was by no means an ugly duckling, but she never quite made it to the swan beauty that ran in her family genes. Skin fair and clear, her hair razor straight and flat, the glow of health that surrounded her being her only saving grace. Her apartment said the same of her, her space more museum than a home sweet home. Sterile but inviting. Impersonal with just a hint of warmth. Her car had more personality that her and her apartment combined. The rattling death trap got her from point A to point B, even if it was only running on her belief in her good girl. The creaky complaint of the door as it opened was only a minor issue, the shuttering of her four-door shit box when the door closed made her wince.

She held her breath as she inserted the key, praying for an easy start. When the car just groaned in protest, she swore under her breath. She knew if it didn’t start on the second shot, she wasn’t going to start at all tonight… Not that it would keep her from her duty. She would gladly walk to her destination, the fried winter air be damned!

“Come on baby… You can keep me from work all you want, but tonight… Come on baby, work for me! Don’t take this away from me. Please baby… Start!” With a weak rumble, it took a second before the car fully, loudly, roared to life. “Yes! That’s my good girl!” With a few pats to the dashboard as thanks, she was cruising down the town’s one major road, the radio didn’t even register to her. All that was on her mind was the tasks in her immediate future.

The city lights flickered out of sight one by one and following a couple of ice rinks they call country roads later; she pulled in front of a house she was growing rather fond of. On the outside, the log cabin looked small and unassuming. Anyone could give a guess to the interior and who lay inside but it would never be close to correct. Cutting off the sputtering engine, she took in the silence that filled the empty country air. In the summer, the air would be alive with the various insects that lived around, but as winter was here, there was no cricket symphony. Not that she thought. Here, peace was all she knew. Picking up her phone, she checked the clear instructions that were left in her inbox, making sure she understands them to the letter. This time, the instructions different just enough to give her pause… But there wasn’t much she wouldn’t do for his pleasure.

Exiting the car, she couldn’t help the regret that popped into her head when she realized just how deep the snow here actually was… Not that she’d back out now. He called upon her services for a reason. She refused to fail him. She put one foot in front of the other until her feet were planted firmly on the Front of the modest porch facing the door. Her heart began to pound louder, the spit she swallowed loudly sliding down her throat. Looking to either side of her, she checked for nosey neighbors. With no one in sight she did a slow inhale exhaust…

And started to strip.

The coat was first, stuffing it quickly into the provided bag, her shirt and bra were quick to follow. The hiss that snuck past her lips as the cool air licked her nipples into hardened rocks was involuntary but not shocking to her. She paid her discomfort little attention, her focus on getting bareas quickly as possible. Leaning down, she unzipped her boots and did her best to take the rest of her clothes off in one fluid motion. But the moment her first unprotected foot touched the snow; her whimper was clear as day. Much colder than anticipated. The shock as she set her second bare foot down on the icy step brought another whine past frozen, parted lips. With her clothes put up, she knocked on the door before looking around once again. The neighbors would definitely be able to see her if it wasn’t past their bed time. She wrapped her arms around herself, shivering violently as the winter wind blew through her. It wasn’t until the cold was eating away at her that the door opened and she was greeted with a warm smile.

He took his time inspecting his toy, her desperate desire to leave her cold torture held the smile on his lips. After a few moments more, he stepped aside, beckoning her forth. With her bag of clothes and boots in hand, her feet had her stumbling across the thReshold. The heat was a cursed blessing, her body covered in pin prizes of fire as the temperature difference fight off the cold, leaving her nerves to feel as if she was boiling alive. She shook her limbs, trying to erase the static that had invaded her body. Finally, she recovered her wits and stood before him properly with a large smile of her own.

“Thank you for allowing my service once again, Sir.”

Her ability to follow his protocol with eagerness and without protest or question always delighted him. Perhaps it’s true that what we need finds us when we stop looking. He would always be proud of her service. He stood before her; arms open to start their ritual. Every meeting started and ended the same.

She didn’t hesitate to step into his embrace. In some regards, this was her favorite part. The hug helped pull herself together, enough to feel human. He never pulled away first, letting her cling to his warmth as long as she needed it. A happy submissive is a productive submissive after all. Maybe an hour had passed, maybe it was just a few moments, but the break came too soon. His grip around her shoulders only dropped after her own arms had fallen away from his chest. It was time. Her smile was anything but subtle as he lifted the play collar she had come to adore.

“I offer you my play collar tonight. While you wear this, you are mine to do with as I see fit. I will push your limits; I may even make you hate me by the end. Our safe words and nonverbal signal are the same as always. Tell me what they are.” He knew she knew the answer. She knew he knew he knew. His commitment to safe, sane and consensual was one of the reasons she kept coming back.

“Green means keep going. Yellow means pause to talk about needs. Red is a full stop. If I cannot speak and need to use my safe word, I am to snap.” She snaps first with her left hand, then her right to demonstrate her ability to comply. There was that approving smile again. The reason she obeyed witout question. She did good, the knowledge giving her pride and making her eagerness to start, grow. The inevitable good girl made her wiggle with pride. With a few more safety checks, he posed the question that always made her heart race.

“Do you understand and agree to my rules? Will you submit to me tonight?”

Her body vibrated with adrenaline. All memories of the cold moments before were erased and replaced with this single most important decision. Since their first session, her answer has always been the same. She was his, collar or not.

“Yes, Sir. It would be my utmost honor to serve you tonight.” ‘And always…’ she finished in her mind. She had to be careful to keep that last bit inside. This was purely no strings fun, no matter the devotion that was stuck deep in her heart. No matter how loudly her brain told her to scream it. She lifted her shoulder length hair and held it out of the way so he could wrap his symbol around her throat. The soft inhale was followered by her eyes closing as the plain leather strap was fixed into place. The delicate smell of leather and the soft tinks of the metal fastener locking into place was a great source of comfort for her.

He took a step back to admit his temporary toy. The first time he put his collar on her, she reacted just as she did now. It was the first indication of her true submissive nature that he saw of her. Standing before him, naked as the day she was born. He was struck by her beauty. It wasn’t her body that made him think so, but rather the transformation she underwent every time she striped and wore his collar. Almost like the collar gave her the confidence to be her true self. With her eyes still clothed, her fingers gently explore the strap, stroking it lovingly with a surreal smile on her face growing ever more. There was nothing sexier than a girl who knew where she belonged and craved to be there. He knew once her honey optimistic heart opened, she’d be fully his. He’d let her float in the bliss of the temporary ownership, and until then, he would admit his good girl.

And then there were. Liquid caramel flowed, shone with her avid need to serve. Serve him. And wasn’t that just delicious?

“From this moment, you may not speak without permission. Is that understand?”

She learned quickly the first time that a posed question does not necessarily equal to permission so he was not surprised at her silence. She was a quick study which only reinforced to him that he chose wisely.

“You may answer me.”

“Yes, Sir. I understand.” Her smile told him he didn’t need to pray her verbally, she knew she did well… But that wouldn’t stop him of course. He liked her reactions.

“Good girl. I have some set up to do. Stand in the doorway and present yourself.”

Not a moment of hesitation in her steps. Blindly accepting her fate. What a fine female of worth. In the designed doorway, she turned to face him. She stood in place, checking her spacing before she worked her way into position. She made sure to spread wide enough to make herself easily accessible to him, her hands folding together, fingers locking behind her head. There she waited, everything open to his gaze, ready for inspection. The position she was most uncomfortable with in the beginning had become comfortable, more than just bearable. She would hide nothing from him. Could hide nothing, especially how he could affect her without a single touch. The evidence was slowly dripping down her thighs in a thin line. A few moments more and he approached her with cuffs in one hand, his bag of pain and pleasure in the other.

She knew better than to move without instructions to do so. His verbal command of stillness working better than any steel bonds. As he kneeeled before her and started putting the cuffs on her ankles, she revealed in the anxiety that grew from the restrictive feeling. She didn’t think the anxiety would every go away, but that was OK.He had calmed her fears the first few times he restrained her, working hard to assure her of her safety with him. She knew the imprisonment would eventually set her free. The panic would wash away from her when he broke her… And that’s exactly what she needed in this moment.


The concise order did as it was meant to, her eyes finding and holding his hard gaze. He wasn’t displeased, he Just enjoyed the way she shrinks under his power.

“Good girl. Now, left wrist.”

Keeping her right hand in position, she gave him access to her wrist. In a matter of moments, the cuff was locked and her arm was secured in place above her head in the doorway much like her ankles were bound below her. The next command came without verbal cues, just the leather cuff stretched out straight. The last cuff always went slower than the rest, her assumption being he was giving one last chance to back out.


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