The Gynarchic Alliance Ch. 01

Voluntary Enslavement to the Gynarchic Alliance

Chapter 1 – Volunteering

Alex had always felt, deep down, that women were the superior sex. He reasoned that they were rarely the ones starting wars, rarely the ones destroying the environment and reaping the rewards of greed.

Always lacking the killer instinct, he felt like he was making little progress in his career. When the Gynarchic Alliance invaded Earth, his first thought was to fight. This turned to despair as the Gynarchic Alliance made short work of all Earth’s military might, then to hope when the GA revealed its plans for the planet and its people.

To integrate Earth into the GA, ten million adult male slaves were demanded by the Alliance for transport to its other planets. Males would become members of matriarchal households, expected to serve their matriarchs and their wider society, as had been their way for the 500 years since they had wrested control of their home planets from the destructive ways of their males.

The GA let it be known that males in these households could be more than simple slaves: artisans, gardeners, even artists, all under the careful supervision of their matrixes.

GA propaganda left out a few choice details, such as the matrixs’ control of males’ sexuality, and the fact that males were perhaps closer to intelligent pets than fully human members of society.

It was said by the GA that volunteers would be reserved for matriarchal households with the highest social standing. This was earned through building up social credits, the GA’s only type of money. These were earned by contributing to the common good, rather than through avarice and competition. Lacking faith in his future on Earth, Alex decided to present himself at the nearest male volunteer registration centre.

The registration centre was a large, gleaming prefab building erected in a field outside of town. The male farmer who had owned it had been an early convert to the Gynarchic Alliance’s cause – he was now a gardener and sex slave on an alien world, maintaining a botanical garden in the day (wearing nothing but a skimpy control harness), and worshiping his owner at night.

The building was easily 500 metres long by 500 metres square, with ample grounds surrounding it. Beyond it in the distance a spaceship sat, ready to take males to their new lives. Entering the building, Alex observed a row of registration desks, each manned by an alien female. These aliens were green-skinned, with pointed ears and a variety of hair styles and colours. Each was quite beautiful.

Large signs informed Alex to be respectful at all times, to speak when spoken to, and to follow all instructions. He approached one of the desks labelled ‘new volunteers’ and drew breath to introduce himself to the woman sitting behind it. Alex stopped himself just in time – remembering to speak when spoken to – and waited.

A minute passed and the woman looked up from her computer. She smiled at Alex and spoke to him, ‘You’re a new volunteer then?’

‘Yes, um, that’s right.’

‘Well then dear, let’s get you started towards your new, better life’ she replied, with words carefully calibrated to calm down anxious males. ‘You’ll need to fill in these simple forms, then we’ll start you on your way.’

With that she handed Alex a sheaf of forms and directed him to a table and chair. Much of the information was routine – name, date of birth, age and so on. Some related to his qualifications and work history. Some of the questions were more telling – gauging his attitudes to women, the invasion, and the gynarchic future. It took him half an hour to complete them all, coming at last to the declaration of volunteer service.

‘I volunteer to place myself in permanent service to the Gynarchic Alliance. I renounce my selfish interests and agree to serve the common good, through total obedience to the Gynarchic Alliance and its matrix. I understand that this declaration is irrevocable. I understand that following this declaration I will no longer own my own destiny and that control of my life will be ceded to superior women.’

Alex hesitated for some time. He thought of the future he might have on Earth, which faced years of reorganisation and chaos. He thought of the prospect of joining a fully fledged, well-functioning matriarchal society, and finding his role there. Weighing the two, he signed on the dotted line and took his forms back to the reception desk.

The woman sitting there fed his forms into a machine and smiled at the sight of the signed declaration.

‘Well, honey, best you follow me’ she said, leading him out of the reception area and into the first of the registration and testing areas.

Female guards armed with stun sticks and handcuffs were dotted along the corridors. The receptionist led Alex into a changing room, where a few males were slowly removing their clothes under the eyes ofTwo watchful guardwomen. In the middle of the room stood another of the green alien women, wearing a white coat with a variety of gadgets in its various pockets.

She looked over at Alex and spoke, ‘You’ll need to remove your clothes and put them in the locker there. You’ll go for your medical next.’ Alex felt his face flush and froze. One of the guards looked over at him and held him in her gaze.

‘Do be a good boy and get those clothes off – all the other males here are doing it too’, said the doctor. Alex began to strip and put away his clothes. After all, he thought, he’d get them back soon enough. ‘Into the locker with them’, said the doctor.

She noticed that several of the males still had their underwear on. ‘Everything off please, this is a full medical after all and this is the most efficient way.’

‘OK, um, doctor?’ replied Alex.

‘Call women you don’t know ‘miss’, dear. It’ll save a lot of time and embarrassment.’

Alex removed his underwear, painfully conscious of the women’s eyes on his body. He moved his hands to cover his genitals, drawing another admonishment from the doctor.

‘Be proud of your body, young man. We have no nudity taboo, you know. Our nanotechnology can keep us warm in any climate, and we see little need to hide perfection. Why, at home I’m often naked as the day I was born, but I wear the clothes of my profession When I’m at work. Hands by your sides, then, and stand here next to me.’

Remembering the signs dotted around, and the declaration he had signed, Alex obeyed. The doctor smiled – she knew a good slave when she saw one, and Alex would definitely become just that. Once all the males were lined up, they were instructed to follow the doctor through to a medical room.

There, doctors and nurses (all women, of various alien races) tested their bodies for disease and ill health, took blood samples, examined the males’ reproductive health, and generally poked, produced and humiliated the men. Alex and the nurse attending him both jumped at the sound of steel hitting the floor.

One of the males had freaked out and knocked over an equipment stand. Moving at great speed, a guard charged through the room with her stun stick drawn. Slamming it into the male’s naked abdomen, she caused him to crumple to the floor. She bent down and removed a pair of cuffs from her equipment belt, shackling the male’s hands behind him, then shackled his ankles to a longer chain.

It took another thirty seconds for him to come round, after which he was given a milk sedative, to make his processing pass more easily. With the medical completed, one of the nurses patted Alex on his bottom, motion him to follow the guard through to the next stage of processing.

“When do we get our clothes back?” said Alex.

“Shh.” said the nurse as she led the men through the corridor to the next processing room. “Speak when you’re spoken to.”

“But I’m naked!” he replied. The nurse motioned to a guard. A shock coursed through Alex’s body and he fell to the floor.

“Cuff all these males,” said the nurse to the guard.

With a grin, the alien female cuffed all five males’ hands behind their backs, leaving the new batch of slaves completely exposed and helpless. The nurse helped Alex to his feet then moved close to him, so that he could feel the white cotton of her blouse against the bare flesh of his chest. She placed her hand on his abdomen, moving it slowly down to grap his cock. She looked straight into his eyes and held his gaze until he looked down. Holding his dick, she led him wordlessly down the corridor and motioned for the other males to follow.

In the centre of the room were a set of water nozzles mounted three feet high, pointing in all directions. Nozzles were set in the ceiling and the walls too – Alex could tell this room was designed for washing the new males. From the ceiling hung sets of shades, each designed to hold a male’s handsclose together so he couldn’t cover his body.

A corresponding set of shades was bolted to the floor. One by one, the nurse and the guards worked together to uncuff each male and place their hands into the restraints. Alex watched the nurse remove a remote control from her belt. At the press of a button, the restraints carefully received towards the ceiling, leaving each new slave’s arms and hands held taught above him.

The head nurse had taken a shine to Alex; she practically skipped up to him, then rested her hands again on his chest, thumb and forefinger lightly pinching his nipples. Another nurse entered the room with a trolley that carried pots of goo. The head nurse took one and began to cover Alex’s body in it.

The goo tingled on his skin; she had applied it everywhere except onto the hair on his head. He opened his mouth to ask what it was, then caught himself. Speak when spoken to.

One of the males began to cry, as the humiliation became too much for him. The nurse who had brought in the trolley went over to him and began to stroke his face. Using her remote control to lower his restraints, she put pressure onto his shoulders until he was kneeing, then unzipped her blouse, revealing her ample green breasts.

She enjoyed mothering slaves, and had dabbed a relaxing vapour between her breasts in the hope of just such an incident. There usually was one, and she liked to show new slaves that they could be well treated and cared for. With his face between her breasts, the new slave’s sobs slowed to tears, then stopped.

“Lick them, boy,” the nurse said, softly. He began to lick her breasts gently, his cock getting hard as he did so. The nurse stepped away. “No more tears, darling. We’ll take care of you. Just be a good boy for us.”

“I will.” replied the relaxed slave, as the head nurse brought his arms back up above his head.

Alex almost felt jealous. He had to begin to notice a sensing of heat spread over his bodywhere the goo had been applied. The heat steadily rose, passing through pleasant and becoming alarming. The head nurse knew the signs and knew the timing. She and the other staff left the room and moved to the control station outside. The new slaves were plugged into the pitch dark as they left.

Alex heard the doors mechanically lock. Seconds passed in the pitch dark, and Alex was aware only of the heat and the sounds around him. A whirring noise filled the space. His whole body bucked as jets of water hit him from all sides. Every part of his body was being scoured clean, and where once the goo had been starting to burn, now the water took away that heat and left cool, clean skin behind.

Alex felt something different about his skin but couldn’t say what without being able to see or touch. Outside, the head nurse flipped a switch to turn the walls into mirrors so the new slaves could see themselves. Each was started, though some more than others. Alex had never been a hairy man, but now his body lacked all hair except on his head.

His skin glowed a little, with a faint oily sheen that he would discover was all the rage in fashion for males. He had never felt this naked. At the same time, he had never felt so grateful, so helpless, or so wholly owned. Blasts of hot air dried the slaves as they stood , some luxury in the new sensings, others afraid.

The head nurse and her team re-entered the room. She looked into each male’s eyes, one by one. For Alex, the male who had cried, and a tall asian man who was gently smiling, she ordered them let down and left unrestrained. She sensed some fight or flight left in the other two males. These, she ordered cuffed once more.

The head nurse couldn’t get enough of newly depilated, oiled male slaves.

“Stand Still, legs apart, hands on heads,” she ordered the three unrestrained males. Each compiled without hesitation, almost automatically.

She traced her nails up and down their fronts and backs, lazily drifting her hands across buttocks, teasing cocks. She stood in front of Alex and placed her index finger in his mouth. He began to suck automatically, and she beamed in response.

“Good boy, Alex,” she said, noticing his erection. She did the same to the two other unrestrained slaves. “Good boy, Michael,”, “Good boy, Dev.” With that, the slaves were led out and onwards, into a new room.

This room was filled with women performing various roles. Alex gave a start. Three of the new women stood together and were wearing normal clothes and white lab coats. Another wore only a labcoat, which was left open all the way, revealing her naked body and completely shacked vulva. The third wore a white harness, medically clean, on her bare chest, and a smart skirt. The harness accented her small, pert breasts, which were left free and naked.

One of the fully clothed women addressed the males, “I am Doctor Sing. These two women are Doctors Plitz and Gatz. And finally, in various states of daringly fashionable dress, these are two of our medical students. Address us as ‘miss’. I don’t expect you to remember our names.’

There were five large white chairs, obviously reclining. Alex thought they could have been dentist’s chairs, except for the metal restraints that each hold.

“Each male to a chair.” said the doctor. “Now!” she snapped when the new slaves hesitated.

Alex bolted into a chair and sat down. The lab-coated student walked over to him and met the gaze of the head nurse, who had followed Alex.

The head nurse spoke “I think you look fabulous, darling.” she said, “Be nice to this one, I like him.”

“Thanks Nurse Sing. Your wife doesn’t quite seem to approve though.”

“She’s a sweetheart really. Bark’s worse than her bite.”

The medical student followed Alex’s gaze, which was locked on her pussy. She slipped his wrists and legs into the seat restraints with practiced grace. The head nurse and her team left to take a break and get ready for the next phase.

Doctor Sing spoke, “Your attention!” She held up avial filled with a swirling mass of red liquid, seemingly moving on its own. “These are nanites for males. These tiny little machines will keep you warm no matter what the outside temperature. They will cure diseases before they even develop. They will cure conditions you already have. You-” she pointed to the tall asian man. “did you know you have cancer?”

“N-, w-, er. No, miss” he replied, panicked and shocked.

Doctor Sing laid her hand on his thigh, just beyond where his cock lay flaccid. “These will cure that in an hour. Don’t worry.”

“Thank you miss!”

“You can thank me later”, she said with a smile, walking back to the centre of the room.

“You will each be injected with a supply of nanites. They will keep you warm and healthy and safe. They will also help us shape your bodies, make things just how we like them.” The medical student standing next to Alex looked straight at his cock.

Doctor Sing continued, “They will track you, so females in authority over you will always know where you are. They can incapacitate you if you attempt violence. In extreme situations, they can even cause you pain. Inject.” Each male was injected with the nanite solution. Alex motioned with wide eyes to the student who had injected him, wishing to be allowed to speak. “Speak, young man” she said.

“Will this hurt, miss?”

“No, not at all. Relax, young man. Relax.” she stroked his hair then cleared away the injector.

Doctor Sing addressed the room once more, “The next injection will help you tell us all about yourselves. Inject.”

Each slave was injected with a few cc’s of a clear liquid. The woman attending each patient picked up a computer tablet, and waited for thirty seconds as a timer counted down. Alex felt a sudden rush of euphoria, a sensing throughout his whole body of ease, warmth and trust.

The half-naked medical student addressed him, “Alex, be calm.”

“Yes, miss”, he murmured.

“I will ask you many questions. Tell me the complete truth. Do not lie. Good boys tell the truth.”

“Yes miss.”

“What do good boys do, Alex?”

“Tell the truth, miss.”

“That’s right Alex. You are a good boy and you will tell me the truth.”

Alex was overwhelmed by a sense of connection and warmth. “Oh yes, miss. Anything miss. The truth.”

“Then let’s begin.”

“Do you believe in the superiority of women?”

“Yes miss.”

“Can a man be superior to a woman?”

“No miss,” Alex was surprised by the intensity of his own answer.

“Why did you volunteer?”

“To serve women, miss.”

“What will you get out of serving women, Alex?” she asked, careful to mirror his phrases as she had been taught.

“I will be safe and owned, miss. I will find my place, miss.”

“Good, Alex. In the next series of questions, I’ll ask you about your sexual prEferences, likes and dislikes, and then we’ll move on to your skills and experiences.”

“Yes, miss” replied Alex.

The questioning seemed to Alex to fly past in a haze of warmth. He told the truth and nothing else, learning much about himself as he went. After two exhausting hours, the medical staff had finished questioning each new slave, and could now build a complete psychological profile to pass to the compliance department. The new slaves, exhausted, were taken to cells and given sidatives. Each slept deeply, waking naturally many hours later.

Alex awoke on the cell bed. He was hungry, thirsty and very horny. He looked around his otherwise empty cell, and reached down to his cock. His fingers felt cold metal. Astonished, he looked down to see his manhood encased in a stainless chatity tube, that keep it pointing down. There was no obvious lock and no matter how he tried he could not remove the device.

Males in the gynarchic alliance were not allowed unsupervised access to themselves. In the night, the nanites in his body had exuded metals and formed the cage. It could only be opened by someone whose nanites granted them access. Right now, that was the medical staff. Eventually, it would be his owner.

Alex heard voices approaching the cell. “Where do you think this one will end up?” asked the first woman.

“He scored high on petmale and equale tendencies, strong on domestic servitude too. Wants to be owned, fucked, cared for. He’ll make someone very happy.”

The door opened.

“Slave, knee and present.”

Alex knelt but looked bewildered. The woman issuing the orders was the same medical student who had questioned him yesterday. Today she wore interlocked utility harnesses, and was again otherwise naked.

“I forget you’d Not been inducted yet, slave. When I say ‘present’, spread your legs to shoulder width and put your hands behind your head. Present.”

Alex compiled, utterly exposed before the two dominant women. The second woman, dressed in a nurse’s uniform, spoke to Alex, “Stand up and follow us while we gather the rest of the new slaves.”

One by one, each of the males who had surrendered the previous day were collected from their cells. They were taken directly to a canteen where they ate and drank from an excellent array of foods. From there, each was led separately to a small room, large enough to hold a chair and a screen that took up most of one wall. The nurse pointed to the chair and Alex sat in it. The chair automatically extended restraints around his arms, legs, chest, neck and head. Utterly immobilised, he was left in the chair as the nurse shut the door on her way out.


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