The Grovel Lesson

Submission had become his life. She was his life – his Mistress of sublime, sexual torture. The constant throbbing in his groin that he now felt was the result of his obedience to Her last command. He was to masturbate to thoughts of Her – and only Her – as often as he possibly could. These last two weeks had been an awakening of over-the-edge pleasure and pain, as the more frequently he masturbated, the more intense the climax became. And She was right about another thing: not only would he discover that his semen was increasing in volume with each subsequent ejaculation, he NEEDED to cum more often – as if his balls could not take the burden of weight of the fluid inside them. During these two weeks of Her commandment, he also was brought to another awakening.

She was his only reason for being. He was owned by Her – mind, body, and soul.

He had, in his attempts to please Her, placed the mask over his eyes. With hands claped behind his back, he had also attached the velcro handcuffs together with its snap closure. She had given them to him at their first session, telling him they reminded Her of his soft demeanor – the perfect person for a slave. Aside from the mask and velcro handcuffs, he wore only a dog collar; a symbol of his status in Her eyes – a little puppy.

“Wear only these three things, slave. They will be all you require,” She commanded earlier that day. Little else had to be said, for he knew what his Goddess expected of him. Or, so he thought.

She entered their chamber – he could hear the door open; then quietly shut. He was on his knees, as he knew he must be, in the center of the chamber facing away from the door She had just entered. He could hear the soft crackle of the burning candles on the floor surrounding him, but heard nothing else.

What seemed like an eternity later, he feel Her long nails gently rake over his shaken head.

“That’s My little puppy,” She murmured, “You have pleased your Goddess thus far.However…” She paused and hung onto that word for what seemed like another eternity. “This time is going to be a TRUE test of your devotion to Me”. She went on, “Have you compiled with what I commanded you to do these last two weeks?”

“Yes, my Goddess,” he said,” I have obeyed. I have masturbated as often as humanly possible. I have…”

Her nails now suddenly dug into the back of his neck and down his shoulders as She hissed, “But you are not human! You are a little pet created for My amusement and teach to fulfill My every demand – and infinitely more!”

Her nails were now embedded into his arms as the hissing continued. She was hissing like a serpent, and although he was frightened, She was a serpent of desire to the lowly slave.

“Today, My pet, you will learn the meaning of REAL willpower, TRUE discipline, and most severely…”

Having followed the sound of Her voice, She was now standing in front of him as She continued.

“And most severely,” She re-emphasized, “you will learn how to grovel. You will beg for release from your Goddess – and beg you shall until I feel you have truly learned the lesson for today.”

She was on Her knees in front of him, judging from the warmth of Her breath on his face as She spoke; Her lips just inches away from his own. She was now kissing his face softly, and Her hiss became a murmur once More. He loved how his Goddess could be granite-hard and cruel one moment; then suddenly soft and sensitive the next. Yet another reason he was so helpfully lost in his devotion to Her.

Her hands were caresing his chest; Her fingertips barely touching his hardening nipples. She continued to kiss his face, his forehead, his cheeses; even his eyes over the mask that remained the visual barrier between them. She continue to kiss his neck; moving the collar away from his skin with Her tongue. He felt Her hot, moist tongue flick in and out of his ears – like his cock caresing the soft petals surrounding the bud of Her celestial womanhood. Her teeth pulled gently on his earlobes as he heard his Goddess’ fear moaning. His cock was fully erect, bobbing each time Her tongue darted into his ear. Although he knew not what this “grovel lesson” would entail, he DID know he wanted this day never to end.

Her hand now descended to his groin; once again using just Her fingertips to touch his pulsing shake and throbbing cockhead. A tiny gasp escaped his lips as his Goddess caressed the slit on the tip of his cock; gently pinching it open with those fingertips.

“How long has it been?” She queried.

He knew what his Goddess meant. She wanted to know how long it had been since he came last.

“I masturbated to thinks of You first thing this morning when I woke up,” he said.

She was now massaging his balls – kneading them in Her palms like bread dough.

“My balls feel quite heavy – very full, slave. Do they need relief? Do you need to cum, My little pet?” She asked this between Her hot kisses and little love bites on his torso.

“Yes, Goddess, oh, yes!” He was flooded with a sense of euphoria – anticipation that his Goddess wished to witness an example of Her two week commandment. He had momentarily forgotten this was to be a very different lesson this afternoon – the grovel lesson.

Her relieve to his heavily cum-burdened testicles was the sudden, sharp sting of Her whip as She swung it across his cock – the strips of leather cascading over his erection and flogging his balls. Her sudden motion took him by surprise – so much so he could feel his cum churning inside his sac like a blender on frappe`.

“Goddess…please…,” was all he could choke out.

“You certainly didn’t think it would be that simple, did you?” his Goddess asked of him,as he felt the cat-o’-nine tails stroke his bobbing cock. She twirled the leather over his shake, and down to either side of his groin. Oddly enough, the burning sensing that had been tHere seconds before, was replaced with this sensuous feeling of rawhide teasing his cock.

She continued this play –sharply striding his cock with the whip – then tenderly gliding the leather strips on a journey involving his cock, groin, balls and tighs as their destination. He knew She knew this drive him crazy – the avalanching effect of pleasure and pain, pleasure and pain. With each subsequent contact of flesh and whip, the more his cock jumped, creating a tug on his scrotum that made him very aware of just one thing: he needed to cum, and cum hard. The pressure in his balls was becoming so intense, he was tempted to release the clap of his handscuffs, grab his cock, and pump himself empty. But he knew his Goddess would be both enraged and disappointed. Again, the hard and the soft of his Mistress that made him love Her immeasurably.

The sexual torture went on and on. She would intermittently slither up his kneeing body to suck on his tongue and lips, and then resumeHer teachings of the lesson. Still under the darkness of his mask, he found his other senses to be more acute in his response to his Goddess. She was wearing Her signature perfume – the scent was addictive to his nostrils – as was She to his being.

He now feel Her wet, hot mouth on his shake. The ongoing whipping to his cock had some sensed it; making Her lips feel like a soothing balm on his throbbing member. She loved giving him head and although he was in existence to do Her bidding, She considered the act of sucking Her slave’s cock to be that of dominance. She had complete control, and exercised that talent whenever She desired. Evidently, She so desired now.

He allowed the sense of touch to take control of his thoughts, and as his Goddess’ tongue made its way up one side of his hard shake and down the other, the churning in his balls resumed. The feeling began to rise; his cum climbing up from his balls as his Goddess began to close Her mouth around the base of his shake, and suck ever-so-slowly up towards his awaiting cockhead. Her deep throwing was excitingly incredible to him, and the knowledge that his Goddess enjoyed this sexual act so much, made it feel like an out -of -body experience to him each time. When She reached the tip of his cockhead, She began to suck harder – taking only the head into Her mouth, and making his cum rise even further up his shake. She He knew this, too – another of Her unbelievable talents. She continued sucking at a faster pace on his cock – as he now feel himself pumping back at Her mouth – fucking Her mouth; feeling the fluid rising up his shake like mercury rising in a thermometer – and completely forgetting the true reason he was there that afternoon…

She abruptly pulled away; leaving him pumping at the air in their chamber.

“You have not begged nearly enough, slave! You don’t deserve to cum, yet – you may never get to cum in My presence again!” She continued in a matter-of-fact- tone, “In the past, I have been too good to My slave – giving in to My desires was really giving in to you. That is not acceptable.”

“Forgive me, Goddess,” he responded, still trembling from Her abrupt interruption of the lesson. Fear began to creep in – the fear he was no longer in Her favor, or that he was failing the catechism of the day.

“Allow your pathetic slave one more chance to honor You, my Goddess,” he pleased, with masked head bowed, “I serve only You. I worship only You. I want to please only You.”

Her response was non-verbal, as She pushed him first to his side off his knees, and then down onto his back. She played his legs apart, and descended once more. She sucked his balls into Her mouth; painting them with Her tongue; up and down and all around, until he Thought they would be devoured whole. His cock resumed the stance of a soldier at attention; his balls bathing in his Goddess’ mouth. Once more he began to feel his cream abandon his balls, and rapidly travel up his trembling shake to the slit where his Mistress’ tongue now hungrily awaited its arrival. And once more, She stopped cold – seconds before the volcano would erupt, and his molten lava would spew forth.

She was relentless in Her quest to teach Her slave the need to beg; the need to grovel; the need to desperately need. He came to this revelation as She orally tortured him; driving home the lesson repeatedly. Over and over and over again, She was relentless in Her demanding tutelage.

And then he heard himself; a low, guttural groan escaping from somewhere deep within his lungs.

The sounds continued. She ignored his pleasures.

Over and over She slide Her mouth down onto his spasming shake; over and over again She drew his cum further up his cock – inch by throbbing inch until it reached the base of his head. Then, using her fingertips as a cockring, She put pressure slightly below his now convulsing cockhead to prevent the climax he so desperately wanted and required. It was like trying to hold back a sneaky already in progress – painful and nearly impossible. But a Goddess can do the impossible, as he was becoming aware.

The lesson went on endlessly – until the low groans became whimpers; the whimpers became sobs; the sobs became long, pitiful wails. The mask that covered his eyes was now soaked with tears.

Her slave had finally learned the lesson for the day.

The words, “Please, PLEASE my Goddess, PLEASE let me cum!” restored as ongoing echoes in his head. He felt as if he was going insane. Reason was unobtainable. Cumming was unobtainable. He believed he was fighting unconsciousness. He at last found himself screaming out the words.

Amidst the pleading screams, he heard Her voice question, “Do I hear My slave finally begging in earnest? Does he now know the true nature of our lesson?”

“Yes, Goddess, I am begging You; PLEADING with You to let me cum! I NEED to cum so bad! You are my Goddess and I love You – Iwouldn’t – I COULDN’T do this for anyone else… hold out this long.” He was rambling now – almost in hysteria – trying to make his Goddess understanding that HE understand.

She did understand, and now removed his tears soaked mask. He squinted at first, even in the dim candlelight that still flickered in their chamber. But as his eyes adjusted, they fixed on the face of his Goddess – who was smiling lovingly at Her lowly slave.

“There, there, My little puppy,” She crooned; caresing the sides of his face now. “I believe you have worked very hard to complete the lesson today. You are now ready for your reward, My pet. Shall we began the graduation exercises?”

Her smile had returned to Her face once more, as She looked into his eyes for what they both knew would be his answer.

Here was the soft, sumptuous Goddess in the chambers now. It was now very clear to him that he loved Her before they had ever met.

She went down on him once again, but this time there were no bounds of control. She had removed his handscuffs so that he would be free to do what She loved him to do.

Her hot, wet tongue began its exploration of his cock – licking its every pore and enjoying its every twitch as it grow in size and hardness. He watched as his Goddess made love to his cock, as he entwined his fingers into Her long, black hair. He closed his eyes, as he felt his fluids beginning rising to meet his Mistress’ throat, and knowing, this time, there would be no stopping its flow. He began pumping his shake into Her mouth in rhythm to Her sucking – trying with all his might to drive his cock down into Her chest. He pulled Her head closer to his groin – now with both hands entwined in Her hair. She sucked faster, and began moaning as his head throbbed in its warm and wet cavern.

As he exploded, all the cream he had in his balls emptied into Her awaiting mouth. After the hours of learning the lesson, his climax nearly took his life, sending jolts of current throughout his body so severe it made him mistake and convulse in excite pain. He could hear Her gulp his cream down Her throat, as he pumped every last drop over Her tongue.

Ecstasy was his. But perhaps … it was not his alone.


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