1. November 10, 2003
Kim opened the door of her bedroom hesitantly, and looked around. She told. Arnie was out doing the Leukemia run-a-thon, and Becki Lynn was visiting her folks in Maryland today. How did Kim know this?
No one spoke directly to her in a conversational tone. And Denny, thank God, was at a Sci-Fi convention. Kim stepped into the hall, and gathering Courage, Kim trotted down the stairs. She bounced her tennis racket against her tigh, and hummed for the first time in days. The front door. Go!
“And where are you singing off to, cockroach?” Kim turned at the bottom of the stairs and saw Tacy sitting on the living room couch. Kim tried to smile, and Tacy gave her the finger. Kim lowered her eyes.
“I-I was just going out to the mall… I scrubbed all the bathrooms this morning and made a casserole for our dinner tonight, so I thought going shopping, and then maybe a tennis game at the Y?”
The last part was a question, and Kim cursed silently. Damn it, I don’t have to ask if I can go out. I’m not a sub here. I pay rent like everyone else—I have the only M.B.A. in the house—DAMMIT. Kim looked up at Tacy, who was smiling grimly.
“I don’t think so, sperm-hog. Remember at the house meeting in March, we were talking about saving up to pay Jose to scour and repaint the walls and floors in the rec room?” Kim nodded, her heart sinking. Tacy smiled wider.
“But, under the new circumstances. .why pay when we have you, with all this time on your hands.” Tacy smiled
“You are a consultant, right?” Kim ground her teeth. Even before, when they were best friends, Tacy had always resented Kim’s material success. How Tace hated being a legal secretary.
Kim breathed hard and looked levelly into Tacy’s eyes. “Tacy with the project my staff and I have been working on, and all the stuff that’s happened here lately.” Kim blushed.
“..Going on here now, I need just a little break um, Ma’am.” Kim bit her lip. Damn it! Why’d you call Tacy Ma’am? Talk about giving her ammunition! Submission should be a choice—but it had never been for Kim.
All of a sudden Kim felt an intense whack on her ear. Tacy had jumped up and boxed her ear!
“You call me Ms. Goldman now, cunt-face.” Tacy grabbed a handful of Kim’s curls with her right hand. DO-YOU-HEAR-ME?” Every word was punctuated by another slap to the cheeses and ear with Tacy’s left hand, as she maintained her grasp on Kim’s hair.
Tears streamed from Kim’s eyes, but she felt the all-too familiar moistness in her panties. Tacy dragged Kim’s scalp down and Kim hit her knees. Despite her horniness, Kim began sobbing bitterly.
The women looked up as there was a sound of the front door opening. An obese man Wearing a ketchup fragmented “Power Rangers” T-shirt had just entered. Dennis peered over his aviator glasses at the scene of Tacy holding Kim on her knees on the floor.
“Well…I was just coming back to get my laser beam for theconvention, but this looks interesting.” Denny smiled, and took off his baseball cap, scratching a bloody scab on his brief patch of graying hair.
The scab had been there for over a year, because he just wouldn’t leave it alone. Kim and Tacy exchanged a look of disgust and then gave their “Loser” nose-twitch, perfected in the Second Form at Miss Porter’s School.
For a minute Kim’s heart warmed. Tacy just then had shared a moment of the old friendship with her!
But then her hopes dropped as Tacy smiled at Denny, who was industrially polising the Red Man Chewing Tobacco stains off his upper dental plate with the sleepe of the T-shirt.
“Denny, I think Kimberly should spend the weekend cleaning and refinishing the basement…and she wants to play tennis instead!” Tacy Shook Kim’s mop, and slapped her again.
“What can we do to encourage her to do the right thing?” Denny smiled grimly, unbuckled his heavy leather belt and doubled it in his fat fist. ” Constance , let me assist. Whore, strip now!”
Kim looked up at Tacy imploringly. Don’t you remember when we used to joke about how his voice still hasn’t changed at forty-seven? Tacy gave Kim the second fuck-you finger of the day. “I think Mister Fowler—” “Tace, I like Sir Denny.” Dennis smiled grimly, the grin looking odd with his front teeth missing.
Tacy nodded “Sir Denny gave you an order. Strip now, and service him.” Kim gagged, and Tacy gave her another roundhouse slap.
“NOW!” Kim burst into a fresh torrent of tears. Wearily, she began undressing, as Denny watched with greedy eyes. My weekend is ruined—again, Kim thought. But her panties were soggy now, and had she been freed, Kim probably wouldn’t have gone shopping at all, just run for her vibrator. The nipples of Kim’s heavy breasts were fully hard as she pulled off her shirt
September 29, 2003 8:00 p.m.
24 year old Alex looked at Paul lazily. He leaned back in the passenger side of the BMW two seater, and smiled.
Paul spoke “I just want to know, are you going to keep seeing this woman?”
The older man was very upset. Alex had had female slaves before, but he was seeing a lot of this Kim. Still, he looked so dazzling with his acid-blond hair and those crazy mirrored sunglasses! He’s hurt them since I met him, except of course at the Club.
. “Alexander has dropped out of Swarthmore…drinks Margaritas all day…out every night with strange leather people” Paul’s brokerage partner had told him.
” Tell him that if he re-enrolls, I’ll buy him a Miata.” Paul had wandered into the back room, where a languorous youth was smoking a joint and watching “All My Children” while immersed in a large Jacuzzi.
“Alex, your dad wanted me to talk..”The 19 year old turned his head, and, staring at Paul, removed his mirrored sunglasses, and Paul recognized the fellow who had horsewhipped him at the Tawse Club the night before. Paul had wondered what made of Miata the boy wanted.
Eightteen months later, Paul now said
“It’s not the infidelity that I mind, Alex. I’m your submissive, and never complained in the three years you’ve lived in my house about your other slaves, or the men you’ve had me service—”For a month, Paul had been thrown out of the master bedroom and locked in a backyard kennel, and he’d had to bring breakfast in bed to Alex and their landscaper, LeTupac, before sucking both men off before he’d go to work.
“You see her all the time! I put in a hot tub, a steam room, you have two Miatas, what do you want?” Paul’s voice had gone up to a whine and Alex yawned, and briefly admitted himself in the rear view mirror.
Suddenly his hand shot out, grabbing Paul through his right nipple with lightning quickness, twisting it dangerously through the Burberry pullover.
Between the shades and the gathering twilight, it was amazing that Alex had found Paul’s nipple through the sweater, but oh, how Alex was twisting it!
The nipple was already sore from a morning of “Mouse Trap therapy.” Alex and a young man who called himself Master Wisconsin had cuffed Paul, naked to the branch of an oak in the yard and taken turns knocking 47 mousetraps from Paul’s underarms, neck, nipples, stomach, cock balls and ass.
The morning had been three days ago, but Paul’s nipple still hurt, and now it REALLY hurt.
As he continue to squeeze and twist the agoized nipple, Alex grinned.
“Is Lady Pauline going to mind her own business?” Turning and pulling Paul’s breast, Alex finally let go, and Paul collapsed on the seat, crying.
A moment later came a muffled “See who you like, Master. I exist to serve you.” Alex took off his sunglasses and rolled his eyes. “Ah, what a cliché. Paul struggled up, gripping the right side of his chest.
Alex touched his cheek. “Fear not, Paul. I’ll be home before you go to work. I’d rather lie on your deck than be cramped in a shoe box of a rooming hotel…with a twat.”
Paul chuckled, at Alex’s description of the group house, and then they both laughed. For about ten minutes before Alex got out of the car, Paul’s head bobbed up and down on Alex’s crotch.
“And to think. in a convertible in a public street…You used to want to meet in Motel 6 on the highway, you were so scared.”
Becki opened the front door, and gazed at the apparently airheaded surfer-dude, perhaps wondering what her 180 I.Q.housemate, once runner-up to Miss Rose Bowl could possibly see in him.
Alex stepped into the living room, where Kim was tossing a Koosh ball to the perky tube top who’d once dropped her off, Tacy? Yes. And a fellow, who must be Arnie.
Tacy spun around “Hey, Alex! Dig Kim’s shoes” Alex squinted at a pair of brilliant yellow clogs.
“She got them when we were out this morning.” said Becki Lynn. “We’re thinking of having her stop traffic on Reno Road.”Tacy snorted, narrowly dodging a pillow that Kim laughingly throw at her. Kim walkedup to Alex and he let her kiss him on the cheek, reluctantly.
“Hey, Alex, Kim” Arnie said “You guys don’t want to go see ‘Kill Bill?’ “What about ‘Mean Girls?” Kim asked over Alex’s shoulder, and Tacy laughed. “No I live with that.” Arnie shot back, and Becki grabbed her jacket and went with him.
A fat fellow in a sweat suit that hadn’t been wasshed in three days walked in at the same time. “Dennis.” Kim shouted. “You’re late with the rent again…and could you clean the bathroom?” Tacy rolled her eyes.”Yeah. Soon.” The sweat suit guy blushed and went upstairs.
“Can we get the fucker out of this house, you think?” Kim demanded of Tacy. “Well, Denny is the house’s longest resident” Tacy apologized. “Dennis is such a creep.” Kim was the tough one. Kim then smiled at Alex. “Let’s go to my room.” She slapped Tacy playfully on the butt before they went upstairs
In Kim’s room, Alex locked the door as Kim peered at him, hesitatingly. She wondered if she looked all rightt in her snug knit pullover and miniskirt. “This is soundproof, this room?” Alex asked her languidly, as he pulled a coiled buggy whip from inside his shirt. Watching Alex handle the evil leather thing made Kim’s thighs tremble.
Oh, it had only been four days since the incident at the Marriott…Kim’s mind reeled as she remembered the whip cracking across her breasts as she screamed futilely in the gag, Alex backing off over and over again and lashing, lashing…
Kim felt a pain in her chest. Alex was twisting a nipple through the knit top. “I asked you, darling. Is this room soundproof? You apparently are too cheap to rent a room now.” Kim dropped her head. “Master, I just don’t think I can afford it right now. I–” Alex’s hand released the nipple and cracked sharply across Kim’s jaw.
“Master, please…” Another slap. “Don’t call me Master, you idiot. Do I look like an extra in a Charlton Heston film?” Kim gritted her teeth.
“Alex, dear. I can’t afford to go tothe Marriott all the time. We went twice on my expensive account and once I paid out of pocket. I don’t have the money. I’m so sorry.”
Kim looked through bleary eyes at Alex, who was uncoiling the whip. “Why the hell did I come here tonight? Now I’m going to be worried that those vacuum little morons downstairs are going to hear me giving it to you, you’ll be screaming.” Alex rolled his eyes.
Kim shook her head. “No, Alex. I swear you won’t. I’ve got the gag, Tacy’s watching a video,” Alex grabbed Kim by the collar and shook her easily, though she was nearly a head taller. “There’s no room to swing this thing.
When your brats are out, we use the basement, but if I throw the whip back, I’ll knock over that stupid world globe…and you are too cheap or too broke to rent a hotel room? Instead, you buy those stupid shoes.” Alex was irritable.
“Undress.” Kim took off her knit top quickly and undid the miniskirt. Soon she was in bra and panties, and Alex had to admit that he was quite aroused at the demure redhead’s fabulous body, the breasts pushing the lacy cups out and what a perfectly flat stomach!
Alex throw the whip on the floor. “Stop undressing. Do you have my wooden paddle here?” Kim quickly trotted to the closet, still in her clogs. She came back with a large paddle and handed it to Alex, who sat down on the bed. “All right, I guess I can’t knock the room apart with this.” He smiled at Kim, who felt like her heart was singing.
September 29, 2003 11:30 p.m.
It had been a brutal but satisfying session in Kim’s room, and now they were going to Club Scourge for a bit of night life…
“Oops!” Kim stumbled on the way in the Club. “Oh, excuse me!” “No problem, you cheating whore.” Alex had coughed, and Kim had looked up surprised, seeing a tall woman with majestic breasts and platinum blond hair. “Oh, Alex, this is Anne, w ho I was seeing before…
“SLAP! Anne’s backhand started Kim, and tossing her bright blond hair, Anne walked on, before Kim had any recourse Alex laughed. “You’ve got to learn not to piss off your Mistress there, girl!” Alex walked in the Club, and Kim followed, her head spinning. Of course he wouldn’t defend her, that wasn’t a Master’s job, she guessed.
As a tear rolled down her cheek, Kim remembered her last session with Anne, which had not intended to be a session.
Kim had just dropped in to tell Anne that she’d met someone, and Anne had suggested they have one last go around. “C’mon, take down your pants!” Anne had been wearing a tight black and white print Indian summer dress that had shown off her magnificent chest, and Kim’s knees had gone weak.
Well, one last time. Kim had removed her pants and panties, and Anne had motioned her to bend across the wooden construction horse that Anne had kept in her living room.
“Here’s my Fortunate Friend” Anne had snickered, holding her Blue Ice walking cane, called so because of the marbleized blue and whitehandle. “I love this cane, sweetheart, it’s made anatomically correct for my left hand.”
Anne had grinned, and then began lashing Kim’s heaving white cheeses WHACK! THWACK!
“So you’re dumping me for a boy–WHACK WHACK WHACK Kim had felt the strands of fire across her globes, and heard Anne’s laugh, “You pathetic whore..you think a man’ll be better for you?” WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK “No, ma’am..it just wasn’t…”Kim had screeched as Anne’s cane had lashed again and again against her defenseless bottom.
“You WHACK WHACK WHACK think a man’s WHACK WHACK WHACK cock is better than my WHACK WHACK sweet cunt?” Before the evening was over, Anne had stripped Kim completely, and had covered her with welts, switching from the cane to a straightened coat hanger.
This, when Anne had gotten bored, and then made Kim lick out Anne’s fireplace, until her face had been covered in charcoal, and then had her “Minstrel face” suck off the drunken frat boys next door…Anne had not taken the breakup lightly!
Now Kim came in, and caught up with Alex, who demanded she pay the $50.00 gate fee for both of them.
Kim reluctantly handed over her MasterCard, and then looked up for another unpleasant reunion…No, not them too! “What’s wrong now?” Alex asked, with laughter in his eyes. “Goddam you complain a lot!”
“There are. North and his new Girlfriend.” Kim was stunned and Alex squited at the pudgy, bitter looking couple standing by the bar at the Tawse Club.
None of Kim’s “vanilla” friends could imagine why their sexy, regular friend could have married the brutish North, but the scene people had all understood. North was a vicious Master, his whippings hurt for days, and he dramatically had expanded Kim’s limits in the years that they’d been married, but he made her wet with his power. It might never have ended if it hadn’t been for Angela.
Kim was used to North’s infidelities, and had borne it without complaint when he’d take some girl into the master bedroom for the night and consign Kimberly to the hall closet.
But when he’d announced to Kim that Angela, who he’d met when she’d taken his order at Denny’s was moving in the house for good, Kim had been quite upset, though not as upset, as when she’d learned that Angela was going to be assisting in Kim’s training.
The first incident had arisen on a Tuesday morning, when Kim had brushed by Angela in the hallway, and Angela had hauled off and slapped Kimberly.
“What the hell?” Kim asked in astonishment. There was a smile on Angela’s face as she said
“You brushed on by me without saying’ ‘Excuse me Miss Pitts.’ Kim held her scarlet cheese in one hand as she responded ” Are you kidding? Angela, I have an eight a.m. teleconference with Madrid . I don’t have a four o’clock waiting shift that I can sleep til–“
Suddenly North had appeared at the door of the bedroom. “Kimberly! How dare you speak that way to your mistress.”
Kim had ended up being forced to postpone her meeting and strip naked, taking a rather sloppy caning from Angela and kissing her fat feet, before making breakfast for the happy couple and kneeing in the corner of the kitchen while they ate, her blazing bottom on quite obvious display.
Within a few weeks, Kim’s life was a madhouse, as she had to run home from work, strip to begin cleaning the apartment before Angela got in. Both North and Angela were constantly disciplining her, but Angela was unusually brutal.
Angela would use any excuse to viciously twist Kim’s lovely nipples, sometimes with pliers while Kim, strapped to the bed would lunch and scream.
Angela whipped Kim’s full buttocks and legs with lengths of barbed wire that she found on the way home from work, and once made Kim eat an entire bar of laundry soap with her hands tied behind her back.
Kim would wonder, as she was sobbing in her closet, red, singing wealth covering her back and ass, whether Angela was so vicious because Kim’s beautifully shaped figure contrasted with Angela’s obese, flat-chested body, or was it that Kim had two master’s degrees and Angela had been explored from a Special Ed high school at the age of nineteen?
Eventually Angela began grabbing Kim by the hair as soon as she entered the house in her business suit, pulling her down on her knees. “Oh, please, Mistress Angela, Don’t–” Angela, ripping Kim’s skirt up and her pantyhose down, would scream. “I told you to call me Miss Pitts, you scumwhore!”
And then another beating would begin, Angela grabbing anything from a discarded fan belt to the fireplace poker. Angela had never learned the etiquette of giving a slave a day to recover after a punishment session; every day seemed to be a roundhouse of boxed ears, whipped breasts, and humiliation.
Outrageous situations, like Angela forcing Kim to knee on rice on the floor, just because she’d spilt a bit making their dinner… North just laughed when Kimcomplained to him, and then one night, it was just too much.
Kim had had her breasts and bottom painted in dartboard stripes, and Angela had cuffed her hands and mercifully put a fencing mask over Kim’s face, and had her spin around and around.
This as Angela and her ex-inmate friends from the Baltimore Women’s Correctional Facility had tossed darts, the singing quoits landing in the soft skin of Kim’s breasts and buttocks as she screamed and cried, spinning as best she could. After which, Kim had spoken to North quite earnestly.
“North, my Master. I have faithfully served you in the three years of our marriage, but this is just too far beyond what I am used to, Sir. You must ask Angela to leave this house. I bought it, Sir, and–” North had slapped Kim across the jaw, Laughing, and he and Angela had given her quite a night to remember.
Kim had ended up having to leave the house by nightfall, and she’d moved gratefully to her best friend Tacy’s group house, andgiven up the house she’d bought, and the bank accounts to North, in return for his not harassing her. She had not seen either North or his pig girlfriend since then.
Kim looked at North, who almost smiled at her. She couldn’t believe she’d subjected herself to that pig when she had this beautiful blond boy Master. But it looked almost as if North was coming…to approach her.
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