The Greenhouse

I knew I’d disappointed you. Of course, there were reasons why I’d failed you, but I also knew that excuses were just that in your eyes. It was ultimately my own fault. I didn’t tell you that I couldn’t complete the project you were relying on me to do and, beyond that, waited for nearly two weeks before telling you I wasn’t going to make it. I knew that making you wait was unacceptable, but impacting a client’s account was even worse. It was obvious I wasn’t going to get out of this with just an apology when you summarized me as if I was just another one of your employees.

You’d sent me a text earlier saying that at 5pm I was to go to the greenhouse, remove all of my clothes, face the table against the back wall, and keep my legs spread. Fear shot Through me when I’d read it, and yet there was also……anticipation? I sent a reply back letting you know I’d be there and asked if you would be meeting me, but there was no reply. My heart sank. I looked up at the clock and saw that it was only 3pm. I needed to leave work by 4pm to be sure I wasn’t late. I knew that I was facing the longest two hours of my life as I worried about what I might have to face at the appointed hour.

Arriving at my destination, I gazed over at the greenhouse. Its windows glinting in the sunlight, beckoning to me ominously. I looked at my watch and saw that it was 4:50. Panic set in and I knew I needed to worry if I was going to be on time. I took in a ragged breath, fear welling up inside me, and began walking towards the door. As I reached the doorway I noticed that it was unlocked, so I walked in and was immediately met with the warm, moist heat captured within its walls.

Bringing my eyes to the back of the room, I saw that a space had been cleared in the center of the back potting table. I slowly Walked over to it, my mouth growing dry with each step, and saw a folded note atop a neatly arranged strip of black fabric. I picked it up and recognized the handwriting instantly. Yours. My hands began to shake as I read, “Tie this around your eyes after disrobing. Leave your bra, stockings and heels on. No panties. Place your hands on the table. Spread your legs. Lean forward. Do not make a sound. Do not move. If I find that you’ve not secured the blindfold and are not in darkness, I will not be pleased.”

Setting the note down, I quickly began to take my clothes off. I knew I didn’t have much time left, so I hurriedly unbuttoned my blouse and slipped it off, folding it neatly and setting it on the table next to the blindfold. I unzipped my skirt, bending to carefully step out of it and my panties, then set them aside as I reached for the blindfold. Raising it to my eyes, I wrapped it around my head and cinched it tight, adjusted it carefully, making absolutely sure I couldn’t see a thing. Then I reached forward to place my hands on the table, spread my legs, and waited.

The silence was deafening. Time seemed to stand still as my mind wandered into dangerous territory, torn between my deepest desires and terrifying unknowns. My heart started to race as I struggled to control my breathing, all the while images of you floated through my head. The way your hands felt on my skin, the sting on my ass as you struck and the soothing feeling as you rubbed the pain away, the powerlessness I feel when you held my neck and pulled me back towards you only to have you whisper how much you needed me in my ear. The intensity dichotomy only serving to enhance my growing worry and desperate need for you.

The silence was broken by the sound of your car coming up the drive. My stomach clnched as I heard it come to a stop and your car door open. My senses so heightened I could hear your foot hit the ground, then your other as you closed the door behind you, the slam starting me. I could hear each step getting louder as you made your way to the greenhouse, opened the door, stepped inside and closed it behind you.

Then, silence. I listened intently, trying to hear your footsteps, your breathing, anything at all that would tell me if you were inside the room with me. My mind scrambling to figure out what was happening. Was it even your car that I heard? What if it was someone else, and I was standing here naked and blindfolded? Everything inside of me was telling me to take my blindfold off and turn around. My mind was reeling with every possible scenario, and just as the fear that began spinning out of control was about to win out over my fear of your disappointment, I heard your voice.

“I see you did what I asked this time. That’s a step in the right direction. Good girl.”

I was so relieved that I started to tell you how happy I was to hear your voice, but then I remember why I was here. You had said not to make a sound. I was here because I didn’t follow your directions and I knew that not following them now would probably not go over well. So I stayed still, silent, and tense. Your footstepscame slowly, the sound getting closer and closer until I heard them come to a stop just behind me.

Your fingerprints brushed against my back, pushing my hair over my shoulder to expose my neck, where I feel your lips place a soft kiss as your other hand gently wrapped around my throat, pulling me back against you as you breathed into my ear, “You look so good baby…so hot… and I am going to fuck Every inch of your body inside and out, but first you need to learn that you can’t just do what you want. When I ask you to do something, you do it. Now, bend over, turn your head to the right and lay it down. Hands and arms on the table out to the sides.”

Your hand released my neck as you moved away from me. I moved my body into position, but apparently made the mistake of moving my legs together too closely. I feel a swift slap on my ass, causing me to wince, that came with a verbal reminder that you did not tell me to close my legs. I quickly spread them apart.

Suddenly,I felt your finger between my legs as you groaned, “mmm, you are so fucking wet…,” sliding it deep into me, then two, as I pushed against you, my legs shaking and my body burning with desire.

You already knew how hot I was and you contemplated whether to let me cum or not, but you need it as badly as I did, so you wrapped your other arm around my body and teased my clip as your fingers continued to push in and out of my pussy. Your lips found my ear and I heard your demand for me to cum… and cum HARD for you… right now. That was all it took and I fell part, your arms holding me up as my muscles clnched and rolled around your fingers, my head falling back against your shoulder as my screams echoed against the glass walls.

“That’s all you get, my naughty, disobedient girl,” you told me as I felt you move away after placing my hands and arms back into position on the table.

“Legs apart. Head down. Ass up. That’s right. Good girl.”

I did everything you askedof me, although my body was desperately wanting to lay down, the orgasm you just gave me leaving me feeling as if every muscle had been spent already, but I knew that resting was nowhere in sight. Your hand began to cares my ass, one cheese then the other, languidly rubbing each one, and even though I wasn’t able to see your face I knew that you were appreciating the view. I wriggled just a bit in an effort to tease you and I know that was a mistake the moment I did it because I felt your hand stop and clnch my ass, saying,

“You really don’t want to tease me right now…” and that is when I feel the first slap.

My breath hitched as I bit down hard on my lip, winning in pain as you spanked me, raining four hard smacks on my soft and tender skin.

“That was for teasing me… I told you not to move.”

Your hands began to massage my tender skin then spread my ass apart, holding it open, making me feel totally exposed. A feeling you knew I wasn’t comfortable with at all. I feel your thumb dip lower into my slit, my wetness coating it instantly as you dragged it back up, stopping at my asshole. My body began to shiver as you circled it, with a gentle pressure that made sure I knew what was coming without you having to say a word. You pushed harder and the tip of your thumb slid into me, forcing an audible gasp from my lips.

“Shhh…”, you quietly me, Knowing that the silence in and of itself was painful. As you slide your thumb all the way in, your hands keep me spread wide as you moved in and out of me. I feel your thumb twist inside my ass and then feel your fingers slide into my wet pushy, making me cry out. This time you allowed it, as you brought them back up to my ass and replacing your thumb with two wet fingers, pushing them all the way in.

“Mmmmm baby, your ass is so tight. Do you feel that? My fingers in your ass? You like that, don’t you? I know you do, my hot little slut… Tell me how much you like it. Tell me what you are.”

That was all the encouragement I needed to break the torturous silence, and everything I’d been holding back came flowing out.

“Yes… god… I love your fingers in my ass. I love your hands on me. I love you touching me. I want you so bad, please … more…”

You pushed them in harder, deeper, still slow and methodical as you worked my body into a frenzy.

“Tell me what you are…”, you demanded.

“I’m your…”

“You’re my what? Tell me…now,” as you started to tease my clip again, your fingers still assaulting my ass.

“Oh god… YES… I’m a fucking slut. I’m a whore. I’m a dirty little whore…”, I whimpered breathlessly, my mind barely keeping up with what was happening around me or to me.

“That’s right, you’re a dirty little slut… and who’s little whore are you?”

“Yours… oh god… yours.”, I cry out.

Your voice reaches through my mental haze and asks, “My what?”

“Your…”, I cry out breathlessly as you deftly circlee my clip, my body on the brink of another orgasm.

“My what?”, you say again, demanding my answer, slamming your fingers hard into my ass.

“Your SLUT…” I yell, my legs shaking uncontrollably as my ass rocks back, meeting you stroke for stroke.

“Good girl. Now stand up.” I hear you say as you pull your fingers out of my ass, off my clip, and take them away, leaving me shaking, shivering, and desperate.

I raise myself up slowly, feeling the heady rush threaten to topple me, but then I feel your strong arms reach around to steady me. Feeling grateful for your presence, even though I still haven’t seen your face, I do my best to straighten my body and stand up. I feel your fingertips brush down my arms to my wrists and pull them back. One at a time, cold metal wraps around my them as I hear the familiar sound of your handscuffs closing and trapping my hands behind me.

“Turn around and face me,” you say, “and knee.”

Turning my body and kneeing, I heara rustling of what sounds like fabric, then your belt unbuckling and being pulled quickly through its loops then being set on the potting table with a click. My body began to react to what my brain was telling it… you were taking off your clothes.

“Open your mouth,” were the next words I hear say and I promptly obey, my mind no longer capable of questioning, wondering, or even worrying about what was to come. All I knew now was raw hunger, like a feral cat in heat.

I feel the smooth head of your cock brush against my lips, the sweet and salty taste of your arousal against my tongue as you push into my waiting mouth. I feel you slide in as your hand cups the back of my head, bringing me forward as a deep moan escapes my throat, rattling against your rock hardness.

You groan, arching your back, and say “Suck it hard,” your need for me apparent as you continue to thrust into my waiting mouth.

I suck, lick, and reveal in your fucking my mouth like I was starving for you. I whimper, moan, and gag as you reach down to grab my breasts, pinching my nipples and keeping me distracted, but constantly focused. Your cock swelling in my mouth, your hand gripping tighter on my head, my mouth holding you inside, taking you deep, and just when I think you’re going to empty yourself into me, you pull out and I can hear your sharp, ragged breath as you pull off my blindfold and stare into my eyes.

Never looking away, you bring me back to a standing position and kiss me deeply, your fingers wrapping themselves in my long, dark hair, your tongue probing my mouth. Claiming it. Marking it. You drop your hands from my hair down to my breasts again, my nipples hard pebbles that are searing into your chest. You step back just far enough to take them between Your fingers and roll, twist, and pull them. Spreading my legs again with one knee, this time even farther, as you cup between my legs with your hand then push two fingers deeply into my soaking wetness. Your name escapes my lips just as I feel your fingers slip out of me and your whole hand come down hard on my clip with a loud slap.

I scream as another blow comes down on my pussy, the wet slap echoing through the room, then your fingers are inside me again.

“Look at me…,” you tell me. I try to lift my head to lock on your eyes but feel lost and disoriented, my only awareness being your fingers inside of me, your hand on my breast, and your voice.

You raise your hand from my breast, place my head in your hand and bring my eyes to yours.

“How many days did you make me wait before telling me you couldn’t finish the project in time?” Your voice stern, as your fingers continued to slowly fuck me.

I stammered, “wh… what?”, trying to understand what you were asking me.

“We are here because you failed in doing what I had asked and, beyond that, waited to tell me. Now, I’ll ask again, how many days did you make me wait before telling me?”

I gulped, feeling an overwhelming sense of pleasure, pain, guilt, and nervousness, as I whispered, “Ten..”

“Ten what?” You said, holding my face firmly.

“Ten days…” I said, even softer than before.

“Ten days what?” Your patience clearly wearing thin as you glare at me.

“Ten days… Sir.” I stammer.

“That’s better,” you said, clearly ready to move onto what I could only assume was the punishment I was here for. “Now, turn around, bend over the table, body flat, head to the side.”

I turned around, laying flat on the table and felt my fear rising up again. Your hand caressing my ass slowly, spreading me again wide. I hear a squirt and feel something cold and wet drip down over my asshole and then feel something against my tight opening. I wince as you push it in deeper and I feel the hard intruder slide into me, stretching me wide.

“That’s right baby, take it all in,” and I know that it’s your favorite plug that you love to have me wear.

“Now, you said ten days that you made me wait, and you also made me worry about it. You know I don’t like to worry, and you know you should never make me wait. For that you’re going to be spanked. How many times?”

Racking my brain for a number I stammer, “I… I don’t know… I…”

Leading me, you say, “How many days did you make me wait?”

I wrestle with an answer, realizing where this is going, “Ten… ten days.”

Smiling knowingly you ask, “And how many times should you be spanked?”

“Ten.” I say meekly.

“Good girl, now.. you’re going to count for me. Don’t move. If you move, we start over. Do you understand?”

Oh god, I think. My brain gripping for anything at all that will get me out of this, but coming up with nothing, I say, “Yes.”

“Yes, what?”, you growl.

Shit. “Yes, Sir.”

The first one came fast, hard, and made me jump. I tried to move away as I cried out “One!”

“No, that’s not one. You moved. Start again.”

I feel like crying as your hand came down on my other chef, sering through my skin with an audible slap. “One…” I whimpered, but held completely still.

“Louder!” you said.

“ONE…” I yelled.

Just as you said “Good Girl”, the next blow came down and I yelled out “TWO” through gritted teeth.

Three and four came in rapid succession as I tried not to move, but it became harder and harder each time. Tears were streaming down my face, and my ass felt like it was on fire.

“FIVE…… SIX…,” I sobbed, as I felt myself starting to slowly slip out of my head into the black hole of the pain.

“SEVEN…… EIGHT….,” your arms tightening around me, as if you know that these last two were going to be the hardest for me to keep still for and you didn’t want me to move because you really didn’t want to make us start over.

“NINE…” I cried, desperate for it to end.

Then, the last blow landed on my ass and I screamed “TEN” as my body went limp across the table.

Your hand began to gently care my tender skin that feel as if it was on fire, your fingertips tracing the welts left by your hand, then dipped lower into my wet folds. You gently pull the plug out of my ass and I feel the head of your hard cock straining against my opening. I moan as you plugge into me, you grunting as you grab my hips and begin to slam into my ass with abandon. My cries of pain turning to cries of password as I meet your hips stroke for stroke, pushing back into you. You place one hand on my shoulder and the other hand into my hair and pull my head back, neither of us aware of anything but the feel of our bodies locked together.

“Fuck… you feel… so good…”, you moan.

I have no ability to say anything beyond making incoherent guttural sounds that only serve to make you drive harder into me. I don’t know where I am, what I’m doing, or why I’m doing it. I only know that your cock is buried in my ass and I never want you to stop. My legs start to shake, my stomach starts to quiver, my juices are dripping down my leg and I’m about to cum.

“Don’t cum… not yet…”, you say and I do everything I can to stop myself. You take your hand off my shoulder and reach down between my legs and begin to tease my clip, circulation it, rubbing it, rolling it in your fingers, knowing that you’ve brought me as close to the edge as you can without pushing me over and still you keep going.

“I… can’t.. going… to.. fuck.. god.. cum… stop… please”, and that’s when I feel myself start to topple off the edge.

“Cum…now. Cum for me, baby…”, you say huskily.

My orgasm comes hard and fast the moment you tell me to. I scream your name loudly and just as I feel the first clench of my muscles around your cock you spurt deep into my ass, filling me up, as my muscles roll and grip around your length. My juices continuing to flow out of me, dripping to the ground as my screams begin to quietly into uncontrollable whimpers and mewls. You lay flat along my back, both of us completely out of breath and totally spent, revealing in the out of body experience we just shared.

You shift and stand up, pulling yourself out of me slowly. I hear the jingle of keys and feel movement on my wrists as you unlock the handscuffs and release me. You help me up off the table and turn me into you slowly, bringing my head to your chest as you stroke my face and kiss the top of my head, holding me up because my legs haven’t come to their senses yet. You turn around so that your back is to the table and lean your body against it, letting my body fall into your arms.

“You okay?”, you ask, a bit of concern in your voice.

“Mhmm,” I answer, still unable to really talk.

“You won’t make me wait again, will you.” Clearly a statement and not a question, as you drag your fingers up and down my spine.

“Huh uh…,” I mutter.

“I didn’t think so,” you laugh.

I turn my head up to look at you and capturing yOur eyes I say with a teasing grin, “but if you make punishment such a hot experience all the time, where’s my incentive to be good?”

“You really don’t want to tease me right now…”, you growl playfully, leaning over to nip my lower lip.


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