“I can’t believe that asshole! It’s a blizzard out there, how could he make you stay late?” Jenny said, he voice tinny and distant from April’s cell-phone. April looked up at the fat, gray clouds, almost impossible to see through the veil of snow falling around her as she walked down the street.
“It’s my own fault, I didn’t even say no.” April replied.
“Bullshit! He can’t just walk all over you like that!” Jenny said. A crackle of static came across the line.
“Hey, I think I’m gonna lose you. The storm must be messing with reception.” April said. Jenny replied, but her words were garbled and meaningless. April pulled the phone away from her ear and checked the screen, no bars, no reception. April shinghed, and put the phone in her purse.
April tried to make out the houses and shops on the street around her, the veil of snow making navigation by landmark next to impossible. She glimpsed a red, black, and green sign reading “Domingo’s” above one of the dark shopdoors and smiled. April turned left at the next intersection, happy that at least she was going to be able to find her way home. Her pace increased as she counted off the buildings, hers was the forth on the left, the Gothic gate always left unlocked.
Except, as April pushed on the gate, she realized it was neither Gothic or unlocked. April turned looked up at the windows of the building, and gasped. “Oh god, no, no, no, no.” She said. This wasn’t her apartment building, it wasn’t a building she recognized at all. She dug in her pursuit for her phone, the blue green display informing her she had no service. There were no lights on in the buildings around her, and yelling for help didn’t occur to April.
April turned and went back up the street hoping to retrace her steps. She reached an intersection and turned left. And through the blizzard she went.
She wandered through snow up to her shins, and growing ever deeper, looking around in growing panic for a light on in a house or a shop, a police car patrolling the streets for lost citizens, any chance for someones help. April tripped on some piece of frozen trash hidden in the snow, her fall cushioned. She staggered back to her feet and faced the opposite side of the street, and saw the distinct red and blue burn of a neon ‘open’ sign cutting through the murk of the falling snow.
Who knows how many chances for escape she missed by forgetting to look to her right, but April seized upon this one and began trudging through the snow towards the light. She drew closer to the sign and a door, light leaking out from the darkened windows, materialized from the snow. She flung herself at it and her forehead smacked into the paned glass, the door locked. April let out a moan and sunk to her knees, curling upon herself.
There was a clatter at the door, and it opened, blissful scalding heat assailing April’s exposed skin. April felt, more than heard, someone speaking from above her the sounds making no sense to her chilled body and mind. She opened her mouth to reply, but only the croaks of a cold ravaged throat escaped her lips. April heard a noise of concern, then felt strong, hot arms lifting her away from the world of cold and snow. She felt herself being carried into a room, and the harsh glare of fluorescent lights made her eyes ache and she squinted. The man carrying her became an indistinct blur, his features assigned and exaggerated by her adjusting vision, a cruel smile of hate present on his lips.
April screamed.
The man carrying April almost dropped her. “Let me go!” April yelled. The man set her down and backed away, hands held up in surrender.
“Fuck, okay, sorry. I’ll drag you in next time.” The man said. April’s eyes had adjusted to the light, and she took in her Surroundings. Racks of camouflaged jackets, hats, pants, and gloves stretched in front of her, the smell of old unwashed bodies, dirt, and death filled her nose. Hung on the walls around herwere packs, bags, hats, and every kind of tool one could need to survive in any location on the planet. All old, some rusted, most incomprehensible to April. A glass counter stretched along one of the walls, filled with a staggering and absurd array of weapons of death; guns, rifles, knives, swords. April groaned with the realization of who had taken her in, and where.
“You okay there?” The man asked, suspicion and Wariness tainting his voice. April looked over at him, her face blank. He no longer looked like something from a nightmare, just the kind of man you expected to see running an Army Surplus. April turned from the man and stroke to the door.
“Whoa, hey!” The man called after April. “You’ll freeze out there, you can’t go back out!” April didn’t hesitate and reached for the door. The man lunged forward and grabbed April’s wrist. Something primary inside April asserted itself and she spun and raked her nails across the man’s face.
“Christ! Insane bitch, you wannago kill yourself I won’t fucking stop you!” The man yelled as blood oozed up from the wounds across his cheek. April looked at the man, looked out the door, and surprised. The must of the store invaded her lungs.
“Can I borrow a jacket?” April asked, her voice a small rasp. The man snorted.
“You wanna off yourself, you ain’t using any of my shit to do it.” He replied.
“No. I’m not going out.” April said. “I’m just really cold.” The man looked at the water dripping off her thin coat, saw her slender pale frame trembling underneath. “I’m sorry about your cheek. You just scared me.” April said. The man told.
The man stepped behind the glass counter, and bent down. April heard a box being shuffled around and opened, and Then the man stood and held a coat above his head. An officer’s great coat made of pure black wool, shining golden buttons worked their way up either side of the chest to a high collar with gold epallets on the shoulders. Silver thread wove an intricate pattern of leaves and ivy along the cuffs. Made for a man of average height, the coat would cover her from neck to boots. April fell in love with it.
April snatched the coat from the man’s hands, and climbed into it. She stroked the wool, the feel of it against her hands and neck reminding her of affection she had not felt for years. She told.
“Yeah. It’s a great coat. Kinda surprised how good it looks on you.” The man said, filling the silence between them.
“April.” She said. Her gaze was stuck on the coat, her hands stroking the buttons with soft fingers.
“Oh. Uh, I’m Jake.” He replied, extending his hand. April nodded, then closed her eyes.
Nothing April had ever dream had felt so right. Sleek and beautiful the coat evoked an aura of control. It radiated the calm and measured aggression of supreme dominance. This was a coat that measured its security and protection in the awe in fear it inspired, the elements themselves afraid to tarnish somethingg so beautiful and so violent.
Jake noticed the fear in April’s scent, the exhaustion in her eyes, from the second he saw her laying in the snow in front of his door. She shook violently when he carried her inside, and she wobbled on her feet when Jake put her down. As April played with the coat this all disappeared. Her body flushed with renewed vitamin and her body seemed to fill out the coat more, her features grow sharper, more beautiful, her confidence became a physical presence pushing upon Jake’s mind.
April opened her eyes and found Jake’s. He saw lust, anger, and dominance flash through her eyes. Jake’s pulse quickly, arousal and fear competing in his mind. April stepped closer to Jake, her eyes never leaving his.
Jake flinched.
He looked down to the guns in the glass counter and They seemed to mirror the emotions he saw swirling in April’s hazy green eyes. His heart pounded in his ears.
“Well. Glad you like the coat. Get ya’ some water?” Jakeasked, avoiding April’s sudden indomitable gaze. April gazed at the guns Jake’s eyes lingered on, and a smile, cruel, smile tugged at her lips. “Jake.” April said. Jake’s heard jerked up at the command in her voice. “Why don’t you step away from that counter. We wouldn’t want anyone else to get hurt.” April said, gazing at the blood oozing from the wounds on Jake’s cheese.
“Yeah. Sure. Sure. That’s fine.” Jake said, his hand hovering over his cheese.
“In fact, why don’t you come out here with me? I’d feel so. Much. Safer.” April said, giving Jake a mocking pout. Jake grimaced and covered with a smile.
“I should call ya’ a cab. It’s not too bad out there. Better than stuck in here with me, anyway.” Jake said. His gaze never drifted from the snow pipe outside the door.
April stepped towards the counter, her hips pressing into the glass top. “But, Jake, what if the taxi gets stuck? You want me stuck in a car with some strange man, forced to cuddle naked with him tosave body heat?” April said. Her eyes gleamed, a smile pulled at her lips.
“No, no. I just gotta close up the shop, and, uh, I can’t have customers around. Insurance. Ya’ know.” Jake backed away from April. His back made contact with the wall behind him.
April put a finger to her lips, pondering. “Well, we could go back to your place then. Yeah! Close up shop Jake, let’s go.” She walked around the edge of the counter, trailing her fingers along the glass top. “I’ll even help you close up.”
“Uh, I mean. That, uh. We’d go our separate ways.” Jake said. His voice grew weaker with every word.
April stopped. She looked at the coat she wore. Its beauty sang to her, pushed her to be everything she had always wanted to be and was to terrified to be. Everything that she was never supposed to be.
“Take off your pants, Jake.” April said.
“What?” Jake said. He stared at April in horror. April stepped forward, planted her hand on Jake’s chest, and shoved. His skull thudded hollowly off the wall, a spot of blood marking where wall and bone had made contact.
“Take off your pants. Now.” April said. Jake’s stomach felt like it was clawing its way up through his throat, his eyes were blurry, too unfocused to notice the fury upon April’s face.
“Look, I’ve got a wife, I don’t…” Jake started. April slapped him.
“Take off your fucking pants, Jake. You don’t have a say in this.” April said. Jake felt her fury burrowing into his skull, and he reached for his belt. He undid the clap and then popped the button to his fly. The jeans slide off his bony hips, and Jake stood in his own store half naked. April reached out and grabbed his balls through his boxers, and squeezed. Bile rose in Jake’s throat, his stomach fell into His intestines, and he cought.
April grinned.
“Now take those wonderfully adorable boxes of yours off.” April said, and released Jake’s balls. Jake stared at April, his mind and body reeling from the assault. He hesitated. April slapped him full across his injured chef. Jake fell back against the wall again, and saw April raising her hand again. Jake winced and slipped his boxers off.
“Good. Come here.” April said. She beckoned him with a finger.
“This is fucking insane! You’re fucking insane! Stop this!” Jake yelled. April reached up and grabbed Jake’s hair, and pulled him down to a knee. She pressed her hand to the blood caking in the back of Jake’s hair. Jake yelped in pain, and his vision blurred.
“Stop fucking around, Jake. You’re mine.” April said. Calm. Confident. Horrible.
Jake thrashed in her grip, and April tossed his head to the left and let go of his hair. Jake fell to his side and grunted in pain. April stepped forward, rolled him on his back with the toe of her boot, and put the heel over Jake’s crotch.
“What did I say, Jake? I said stop fucking around. Be a good boy and stay quiet while I get ready.” She pressed her heel into Jake’s crotch. “Understood?” Jake nodded, fighting to not void.
April stepped back. She hiked the skirt of the coat to her hips and bent down to unzip her boots. She fingered the damp leather, stroking it, as she pulled the boots off with an ageing slowness. She looked up at Jake, and turned at him. She stood and unbutton her jeans, pulling the denim and her underwear off her body, her hips gyrating to the beat of her heart as she stripped. She let the coat fall back into place, the rough wool sent a shiver up her spine as it brushed her tights. She kicked her clothes and boots aside.
April stepped next to Jake, and squatted, the coat rising up and exposing her tights. “Jake? You need to do me a favor.” April pointed at his cock. “You need to get that piece of shit up. Okay?” Jake looked aghast.
“No! I can’t just…” April put a finger to his lips and stroked his wounded chef. She reached down and took his cock in hand and stroked the tip of his head.
“Jake, don’t disappoint me here. Come on. If you’re good, I could make it food for you too.” April cooed. She ran circles around the tip of his cock. In spite of himself Jake felt blood rush to his cock. Jake looked away in shame.
“That wasn’t so hard. Now was it?” April asked. She smoked his hardening cock and laughed. Jake closed his eyes, hoping for this insanity to end soon. April mistook his closed eyes, leaned forward and smoked him on the chest.
“No sleeping, Jake! We’ve got work to do!” April said, joy filling her voice. Jake jerked and cought. April moved and hiked the coat up her thighs. She whimpered as the wool moved up her body. She moved over Jake’s erect cock and lowered her cunt to him. She paused an inch before making contact, and looked contemplative. Jake’s heart seized in hope, thinking the nightmare was over.
“Jake, I have an idea! I’m going to do it. It’s okay, right Jake?” April said. Jake could only nod his assent. April let out a delighted squeal, and pulledthe hair tie that held her ponytail in place, cascades of black hair framing her face. She grabbed his cock with one hand and with the other wrapped the hair tie around the base. Jake reached for the hair tie around his cock out of reflex, and April pressed her nails deep into the flesh of his hand.
“No! We can’t have you go soft on me. It stays!” April said. Jake jerked his hand away. She reached down and grabbed his throbbing cock holding it steady as she impaled herself upon him. Although the pain he was in, Jake moaned as April’s cunt devoured his cock.
April began to rock back and forth. Her hands moved up the coat and she began to rub her nipples through the layers of fabric that hide them from her touch, the rough fabric pushing her nipples to extreme firmness.
“This is fucking great!” April yelled. She moved a hand to her cunt and rubbed her clip. As April compromised in pleasure atop him, Jake felt his balls tighten. He concentrated on the pleasure, shoving the pain out of his mind, hoping that the sooner he was finished the sooner April would leave.
“I’m gonna come…” Jake grunted. April laughed.
“No you’re not, honey.” April said. She rocked faster on Jake’s cock, whimpered, and rubbed her clip faster. “But I’m going to come, all over your useless fucking cock!” April said. She slammed her hips down to Jake’s, and leaned forward to pinch his nipples. Jake gasped in unexpected pleasure and felt his balls tighten, but the expected flow of pleasure and release of fluid was no where to be found. He looked around in panic, his cock throbbing and erect full of pain.
“Jake? What did you think the hair tie was for? Sheesh, you’re mine until I’m done with you.” April raised her hips and put a finger in her mouth and sucked on it. She lowered herself back down on Jake’s cock and slide the spit covered digit into her ass. April leaned over Jake, feeling inspired, the coat rubbing across her ass, and wrapped her hand around Jake’s throat.
“Do you want to fuck my ass, Jake? Of course you do. Say you wanna fuck my ass.” April said. She pushed down on Jake’s throat.
“Yeah.” Jake said in a hoarse whisper, tears forming in his bulging eyes.
“Yeah what, Jake?” April asked. She rocked on Jake’s cock while she fingered her ass, her hand tightening on Jake’s throat.
“Yeah, I want to fuck your ass.” Jake said. His voice dropped lower as April’s hand tightened on his throat. The coat dug into both of them, drawing myriad scratches across their flesh.
“Yeah? You wanna fuck my ass? Tell me how bad you wanna fuck it.” April said. She fucked herself faster, her breath coming as short and shallow as Jake’s. Her hand tightened again on his throat.
“I can’t… breathe…” Jake said, his lungs burning for air they couldn’t get, his chest pumping like a furnace. April pressed herself as far as she could into Jake’s hips, her finger pressed into her ass. An orgasm ripped through her and she screamed its pleasures to the heavens. April collapsed and released his throat. They both lay panting for a few moments, then April wrapped her arms around Jake’s neck. Jake flinched.
“Well done Jake. I’ve never come like that before. Shit, I can’t even feel my legs!” APril stood on trembling legs, visible only by the trembling of the coat. Jake surprised, resisting the urge to smile, and reached for the hair tie. April kicked him in the kidney.
“No, Jake, no. You said you wanted to fuck my ass! We’ve gotta give you your pleasure too.” April said, lust gleaming in her eyes. Jake looked away.
“Yes. I did say that.” He said. April smiled and pulled the coat back up to her waist. She squatted over Jake’s head.
“That’s all well and good, Jake, but we don’t fuck asses without lube, now do we?” April asked. She pushed her ass toward Jake’s face. “Get started.”
Jake stared at her pumped asshole, too scared to so much as touch her. April stretched down to his cock and she bitthe tip of his cock.
“Lick my asshole, you fucking idiot.” April said over her shoulder. Jake did as ordered and pressed his tongue to her asshole. She trembled as his warm tongue made circles around her flesh.
“Oh, just like that. We’ll need plenty of lube, Jake.” April said. She lowered her mouth over Jake’s cock and took it down her throat as far as she could go, drool pooling around the base of his cock. April came up for air and scratched the tip of Jake’s cock, and took him back in her throat. Every time April did this, Jake’s balls tightened. Jake felt another orgasm coming, but knew there would be no release when it did. He focused on April’s ass, hoping to spare himself the false release.
April stopped and looked back at Jake. She smiled and lowered her mouth to his cock and moved a finger towards his ass. The spit pooled around Jake’s ass provided ample lube as she pressed a finger inside of him. Jake felt another false orgasm rip through his loins, and he groaned in disappointment and horrible pain.
“Well! That should be good enough.” April said. She stood and positioned herself over Jake’s cock again. Facing away, she squatted and guided his cock to her asshole. She pushed down and inch by slow inch she took all of Jake inside her ass.
“Jake! You’re fucking my ass! Isn’t that amazing?” April said, looking over her shoulder. Jake nodded, smiling grimly. April pushed herself up and down bottoming out on his cock with every thrust. The coat had fallen back down her hips and rubbed on Jake’s raw cock. April took a loose flap of the coat’s material and pressed it to her clip. She shuddered as the wool rubbed her clip.
“Oh fuck, do you see that cock in my ass, Jake? You’re a sick fuck, aren’t you? You wanna shoot your jizz in my ass, don’t you?” April yelled.
Jake knew he couldn’t take much more. The pressure in his cock, the friction, the wool, the assaults, it was just too much to bear. He groaned, stuck in a bizarre land of horrible pleasure and divine pain. April pressed the wool harder into her clip after hearing Jake’s groans, her lust instatiable.
“April, Jesus, stop this! I can’t take it!” Jake yelled. April reached back with her free hand and clawed Jake’s stomach. She felt blood ooze up between her fingers, and she explored into another orgasm. She clawed at her face, at the coat, at Jake’s legs and her own as she rode the wave of her orgasm, primary screams bursting from her throat.
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