The Good Girl Ch. 02

“Pst… Morgan, you wake? C’mon it’s time…” Delilah knocked gently on the door to her roommate’s private bedroom. Morgan had drifted off to sleep not an hour earlier in another small punch of sin. It was only after Delilah tried to open the door that Morgan began to hear her subtle reminder of her promise to help.

She scooted out of bed and pushed up against the door, “ok ok, I’ll be right out.” Morgan had no idea what she would wear on such a night of singing but she figured black would be best as not to be seen. She clamored through all the long conservative skirts and dresses she had to find anything that seemed fairly “normal” she didn’t want to draw attention to her or her room anymore than need be. Finally, Morgan spied a dank pantsuit she had gotten for her grandmother’s funeral, and decided it would be the best to the occasion.

As she pulled loose fitted black pants over her fresh pair of panties, Morgan began to ask herself why she was doing this. She hated getting out of her norm and as she buttoned down the black bloom over her tightest white bra, she only had feelings of dread coming over her for the travels to come. She throw the jacket over her shoulder and pulled her ponytail out to let it sway behind her. Finally, in all black, she looked in the mirror, and put her thick glasses on. Normally she wore contacts but she wanted to add to her disdain, and hopefully hide her face from the adventure to come. Morgan surprised and looked one last time in the mirror at herself, seeing taking only some comfort that she was well covered and blended in well with the night sky.

“Alright I’m ready. Delilah…?” Morgan’s jaw dropped as she opened her door to see her friend across the way. In the three hours of “study time”, the School gave them after dinner and before lights out, she had transformed herself from the barely conforming young lady that wore her uniform with disdain, into the blazing hellion hellcat she was. Delilah had managed to amp up the color in her hair, to hottest rod red, expose enough of her body not to be arrested, and sprayed herself with a musky scent. Her eyes were painted red as her hair and lips, and the heavy rouge on her cheeks seemed to only pale her face more to the comparison of all else on her head. She was wearing a barely held on tank top that made her pert little breasts seem to push out even further off her chest. The thin black material of the sports bra gave her support, despite having no need for it, but the shirt obviously hung on by anything it could grab to, most notably her hard tits.

From just under her bust to the absolute lowest point that could still be considered her hips, was bare, proudly displaying her taut abs, and belly button ring. In fact it wasn’t until Morgan had saw the belly button right that she realized there weren’t stars dancing on her friends’ ears, lip, and nose, that they were indeed small piercings. Had Morgan took the time to count she probably would have given up after eleven. Her eyes continued down past the hem of her friend’s skirt, which was nothing more than a tight tube of plastic masquerading as a skirt. Morgan wondered how her friend managed to shrink wrap herself without being burned horribly by the blow dryer.

The hem of the skirt would have just covered the bottom of her panties, and happy would any man be who saw her bend over, but one inch below that hem, began a set of loose fishnet stockings feeding all the way down her shaped legs into the highest set of heels Morgan had ever seen. The entire ensemble would have told Morgan that Delilah was seeking her Samson tonight, if Morgan had been able to concentrate on anything but keeping dry the beast between her legs.

“What are you wearing?!?”

“C’mon slow poke, Sam is waiting in the car just over the gate and we need to worry if we are going to be back in time.”

“Sam? Delilah you didn’t say anything about boys…” Morgan felt herself beingdragged by a woman whom had much more experience in high heels than she had ever hoped for.

“Oh shut it, Morgan. Are you going to complain the entire time and get us caught?”

“No, but…”

“Then stop complaining and help me over this wall will you.” They had gotten past the sleeping hall monitors and out to the courtyard.

“Here gives me your foot, then.” Delilah had already took off her long siletto heels to trust through the soft earth of the grounds, and Morgan had no trouble lifting her compatriot up to reach the 7ft wall. The two slipped over and were greeted by an old Honda Accord turning on its lights.

“Sam! Not yet!” The lights went out as quickly as they went on, and Delilah quickly stuffed Morgan in the back seat of the car. Leaping into the passenger seat, Sam attempted to tear off but did nothing more than spray a little mud till he slowed the engine a bit and took off back towards the main road.

As they tore off into the night Delilah,turned up the music and rolled down the windows, feeling the breeze through her turgid hair. Sam drove with a laugh and a smile, talking about how “good it is to see you, baby” and “damn you look hot tonight.” Morgan didn’t know what to do with herself so she crossed her arms over her chest and looked up at the full moon coming over the horizon.

“So who’s our passenger, baby? She’s cute.” Sam opened his mouth as he leaned over and caressed the bare thigh of his lover Delilah. The two had been dating on and off for the past four years, and it never helped Sam’s case that he was now twenty four years old to Delilah’s eighteen. Morgan had since kept her harsh line of protest, but was slowly drawn into curiosity as the trio pulled into the traffic of the major road.

“Oh, I almost forgot, baby. This is my roommate Morgan, I wanted to get her out and show her a good time.” Delilah smiled as she shifted her crotch towards her boyfriend’s hand, holding back her own sex drive for the sake of her annoyed friend in the back seat.

“Pleased to meet you, ummm… Sam, was it?”

“Yeah, my real name’s Samson, but nobody calls me that. Sam does just fine, or ‘horse’ whichever you prefer, ha ha!” Sam attempted to make a joke but Delilah quickly hit him in the ribs as they drove.

“Oh, stop it you. Don’t you worry about him Morgan; I’ll keep an eye on you.”

“Ok, ummm so where are we going?”

“Well that’s more up to you two ladies, you’re the ones who are going to turn into pumpkins if I don’t get you back before sunrise. “

“Well I thought we should take her to a club, nothing too rowdy her first time out.” Delilah looked back to the back seat with a grin, and it was the first time she noticed that Sam’s hand wasn’t on the shifter, but instead in Delilah’s lap. She ignored it as best she could.

“How bout, Queens Cross Thames, they are pretty respectful over there.”

“Yeah that sounds good, but I think there was something going on over there tonight wasn’t there.”

“Nah, it’s pretty chill overall.”

“Um, guys, what time do you think we will be back? I don’t want the precisions or Headmistress to find out we snuck out. I feel bad about this already.”

“Oh don’t you worry Morgan, we will be back before your morning prayers, and maybe you’ll have a real reason for your laps after tonight… ha ha ha ha!”

Morgan did not like the sound of that at all, but it was certainly too late to get out and walk back now.

As they parked in the dirty streets of Newark, the trio piled out of the car and Morgan finally got a good look at her surroundings. She was frightened and appreciated about the whole thing from the start, hoping that somehow they would have run out of gas, or had gotten caught coming out past the wall, but her curiosity had still been winning out. All three of them stretched a bit as they piled out of the small Honda, Delilah especially as she stood with her legs more than shoulder widthapart and cracked her thin back, exposing for a brief moment the see-thru black panties that barely covered her shamen cunt. Morgan felt her own pussy, gush at the sight and tried to look away, but instead got her first eyeful of Samson since she saw the back of his head.

He was about 5’11” and as far as his body was concerned, completely average, if not lanky and thin. He was unbuttoning the collared shirt he wore with barbed wire designs and torn sleeps to reveal a fishnet shirt that exposed his nipples well and barely did anything but darken his nearly white flesh a little in the artistic light of the street post. His baggy pants looked as though they could fit Delilah, Samson and Morgan in them and still have room left over. The arm bands around his wrists were a disjointed color with designs of what Morgan could only perceive to be his preferred performers. Morgan wanted to go home.

She barely spoke as the fear and excitement of nighttime in a big city crept slowlyover her body. Morgan held closer to Delilah, and followed the two as they headed down the street. Bums and winos decorated the street corners as they passed through the streets of downtown Newark. It was a familiar sight to anyone who had spent more than a few moments within the city limits of the city, but to Morgan, each corner unfolded about her as the surface of an alien world.

“Who are these people… they are Just laying out in the street.” Morgan spoke with a bit of fear in her voice.

“What you’ve never seen a bum, chic… where you were living under a rock.”

“Morgan’s never been much outside the world of the school and her home, so you be nice Sam! Don’t worry Morgan, keep close and we’ll be at the club soon.” Delilah said with a smile and a happy bounce in her step.

“But, don’t these people have somewhere to go, shelters, homes, anything.”

“Try not to think about it much, ok. We are out here to have fun, not be missionaries.”

“And besides,chic, they would be too busy staring at those tits to even realize your chair-it-tea!” Delilah smacked her boyfriend hard in the supposedr for his crude remark. Morgan even had to chuckle a bit at how crude he was, but kept quiet as she noticed a few more eyes on her than made her comfortable.

“Ah here we are.” Delilah spoke as they turned the corner. Morgan looked around trying to see just where they were, but all she saw was more of the same. A dimly lit alley way, and a few other similarly dressed kids heading towards a freakishly large man in the middle of the block. In the distance she could see the Municipal building for the city, which loomed over the small alley as a fortune would a battlefield. There was no sign, no lights, no cars, and absolutely no signal that they were anywhere else but lost.

“Where is here?”

“Queen’s Cross Thames, goth meets techno, with a little bit of spice, chic.”

“Will you stop calling me that! My name is Morgan, Sam. At leastI took the time to remember your name.”

“Oh you’ll fit right in here, then won’t you…”

“Take it easy you too, we are here to have fun remember. Sam you remember it’s girls get in free, right?”

“Yeah yeah, usually cover for me. But you’re buying drinks, Del.”


“Shhh, just follow me.”

“I.D.” Was all the walking wall said as he stood between the trio and the heavy steel door, decorated and un-decorated with various band stickers and promotional flyers that would have blended the door in with the rest of the disheveled wall, if it weren’t for the crystal door knob next to it.

“Here’s mine, but my lady friends forget theirs and didn’t realize it till we got out the car.”

“No I.D. No Admittance…” His deep voice loomed over them as he kept his arms crossed.

“Oh there must be some way we can get in, after we all came so far.” Delilah smiled and bounced a bit. Morgan was so confused about the whole thing, wondering why they were putting up a fight; she really started to feel the need to go home.

“Try to convince him.” Sam whispered into Delilah’s ear after her failed attempt at whining her way in.

“By doing what…”

“You know, like last time?”

“Oh fine, but you keep an eye on Morgan.”

“Keep an eye on me while you do what.” Morgan whispered back to Delilah and Sam, not sure where this all was going.

“Look do you want to get in or not?” Delilah was still whispering but there was more stress in her voice now as she looked back over her shoulder at the heavyset bouncer who had not moved an inch the whole time.

“I don’t’ even know where we are. You’re the one who dragged me here.”

“Alright stay close to Sam, I’ll get us in.” Delilah turned to her friend and turned back to the bouncer, slipping up to him and rubbing her fingers up and down his polyester windbreaker.

“She’ll get us in no problem, she knows the proper leverage.”

“What are you talking about Sam?”

“Just watch, Morgan, you might like what you see.”

“C’mon, John, isn’t’ there anything I can do to get us in. You remember like last time.”

“Last time was the Last Time, Del. My boss is gonna have a fit, you know it’s Doms and Dames night.”

“All the more reason to let us, in John. It’s not like you didn’t like it last time.” She spoke as she laid her head against his chest and reached down the rounded belly that stuck out over his belt. Morgan could’t’ believe how she was coming onto this bouncer, and the effect it was having on her. The fear of being caught helped fuel and yet retreat the lust that had been steadily growing in the receptions of her mind, and as she watched her best friend Delilah drop to her knees before the bouncer, she knew that she would have another entry in her notebook by tomorrow evening.

“Let me just convince you a little more, ok, John.” Delilah spoke as she slipped underneath the Huge Heavyset Bouncer, and unzipped his blue jEans pulling out his cock in plain view of the entire alley. Sam smiled, but Morgan’s jaw dropped, and she unknownly clenched her knees together as she watched her best friend pull the huge man’s small soft cock out and envelope it with her mouth.

John didn’t move more than an occasional wince in his face and the look left to right, while Delilah went to work on him. She sucked and licked the cock as it Grew in her mouth, quickly getting hard and pointing northward. Sam smiled and helped keep a watchful eye for passerby’s as Delilah stroked the hard white cock in her hand, cooing and moaning as her lips continuously worked the pole and her fingers stroked his balls.

“Mmm it’s so big John, how do you ever hide it.” It was all part of the act for Delilah; she knew dirty talk and exclamations about the size of the bouncer’s cock would make him cum that much sooner. Part of her was enjoying getting watched as she sucked the 5 ½” cock into her mouth before her friends, part of her just wanted to get to the fun part in the club.

John began to pump his hips a little as he placed his meaty paws on either side of Delilah’s spiked head and fucked her mouth slowly. His cock easily fit completely inside her well distributed throat and she flicked her tongue out every once in a while to lick his little balls. Her teeth were well hidden behind her lips as the hard throbbing meat passed over them repeatedly. John felt nothing but smooth tight flesh against his own hard pole, purple and engaged from the young experienced cocksucker serving him. Sam stroked his own cock a bit watching his girlfriend gives the same head he enjoyed so much and placed his arm around Morgan as Delilah deep thrown the cock and moaned.

Morgan felt the arm around her but it was difficult to say if she simply couldn’t shrug it off for mesmerized by the sight of her friend’s diligent fallatio. Or, if she could not rid herself of the arm about her from the sheer need she felt tobe touched by someone. Her thighs rubbed together in time with the slow jerking motions of Delilah. Morgan’s knees tightened and relaxed with each slow bob of her best friend’s head and as Sam stepped behind her and rubbed his own manhood against her firm ass, she could not do more to protest than simply fixate herself on the head being given before her.

“ohhh mmmm ahhh.” The moans finally escaped John’s plump lips as he leaned back against the door and felt his load nearing the tip of his cock. Delilah, whom had half enjoyed the feel of his cock in her mouth, was relieved that he hadn’t been sucked off earlier that night, or else she would have had to suck his sweaty thin cock for another few minutes. Pulling off of him as John’s hands released her head, Delilah stroked his cock fevrently looking up at him, deciding If where she would let him cum. She leaned back as the Bouncer of the club, let out a soft roar and gripped the doorknob, shooting small squirts of white hot semen,out onto the alleyway floor.

Morgan had silently cum at the same time from the feel of sex all around her and composed herself a bit as Delilah put the bouncer’s cock back in his pants and held out her hand. Sam continued to try and grind against Morgan’s finely shaped rear, but she pushed him off, returning to her senses and expressing her disgust of the situation.

“I can’t believe you did that! You, YOU!”

“What, I got us in didn’t I? Give us a kiss…” She leaned over and kissed Sam, the sweaty cock still on her breath. As he slipped a half gone breath mint into her mouth during the kiss, she slipped the bracelet around his wrist, a sign of admission to the club. “Here’s your’s Morgan, you want me to put it on you.”

“One hour, then we go, I don’t’ like being here at all and we need to be back before sunrise! And don’t you kiss me! That was disgusting.” Morgan said as she snatched the bracelet from her friend and pushed past the satisfied if not still disgusting mass of man that repositioned himself at the door of the club, closing it behind the trio as they entered.

The coat check girl watched them enter and her eyes quickly darted back to her book, as a look of boredom radiated out from her face and placement. Delilah was excited already, with a hop in each of her steps as she quickly snatched Morgan up by her arm and headed to the double doors that separated the small reception room and the inside of the club. She could hear the loud thuds of bass, rocking out from the door as she stopped one last time and looked at Morgan. “Now if you get into any trouble, I want you to look for us in the blinde, but if you can’t find us, find this guy.”

Delilah slipped a card out from her tightly packed bra, and placed it firmly into Morgan’s hand. It was white and appeared as a Normal business card size. On one side was a circular element, with what appeared to be elemental signs of Fire Water, Wind and Earth, Morgan recognized them from heranthropology classes. On the other side said simply “Master Swordsman, Queen’s Cross Thames, Consultant”.

“Wait a minute; I am not leaving your side Delilah. I can’t just suck off some guy to get home.”

“No he’s different; he runs the lower level of the club. You’ll like him.” But Morgan had already seen enough of the personnel of the club to believe that if she would be hard pressed to get anywhere if she didn’t keep close to her best friend. Delilah pushed into the club and the heavy sounds of hard techno music rushed out onto the trio.

“Yeah, party’s jumping tonight,” Sam lead off past Delilah, saying his hellos and working his way onto the dance floor immediately begins to bob his head and pump his fists in time with the music. While Delilah smile and took a bit more Inventory of the club, wiping her mouth on her wrist, just to make sure, Morgan felt overloaded by the sight before her. The Main room was much larger than she had expected, and her senses were scrambling to take it all in. She panned taking notice of the sitting areas lavishly decorated with ouches and small tables, using hanging curtains of beads to separate the lounging area from the main dance floor. Stairs lead up to the locke away from the dance floor that was packed wall to wall with men, women, and people Morgan couldn’t decide on what they were as they moved in rhythm to the music. The Dj spun the tracks and controlled the beat from high above the blinde and dance floor, with a separate booth, that was lit in solid blood red lights, that never seemed to deviate despite the strobes, lasers and rainbows of colors that painted the dance floor. The spatial room was an anarchic swirl of colors, smells, warmths and cools. Delilah thought it was heaven; Morgan felt like she was in Hell.


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