I walked into the bedroom and dropped my bag full of textbooks and notebooks and my laptop, dropped my winter coat and my lunch bag, took off my boots and then my socks and somehow I couldn’t stop there. I unbuttoned my jeans and wrestled them down and off my feet. I crossed my arms and grabbed the itchy wool sweater pulling it over my head, my hair clinging to it with little crackles of static electricity. I unclasped my bra and slipped it down my arms tossing it on top of the pile. I placed my thumbs beneath the lace of my panties and slowly slipped them down to my ankles. Stepping out of them, I climbed onto the bed and tuned underneath the comforter until I was completely enangled in a downy nest. Only then, when I had shed everything but still felt weighed down, I let go and burst into tears. I had been holding them back all day, reinforcing the walls I always kept up to dam them in. Finally, I was alone and could let the dam break.
I sobbed uncontrollably for severalminutes just letting the tears and snot run down my face half hoping they would drop me. Completely undignified ugly crying and it felt pretty damn good.
Why was I crying? What horrible incident had brought me to this level of grief? Did my dog die? Had I just found out I was finally ill? Was I being kicked out of my apartment?
No catastrophe of such magnitude was the cause of this particular cry fest. I berated myself with all of the legitimate problems others were facing while I was having a royal goal party for one.
Ok, maybe it’s not quite that bad. God, I get so dramatic when I’m upset. I still wasn’t facing the next world war, or anything, but my problems were legitimate enough to warrant some tears, and even a few wrapping sobs.
It was my last semester. I had been taking classes non-stop, even through the summers, since I had gone back to school almost three years ago. I was nearly done. But as is my usual, I had pushed myself to the compromise of a nervousus breakdown.
I wiped my disgusting nose. Probably past the brink, really.
I never should have taken that sixth class. What the hell was I thinking? I didn’t even need the credits, but it was such a great class and so pertinent to my major, I just didn’t want to miss it. And it had been a great class, I learned so much and loved (nearly) every minute of it.
But six classes are too many. It was almost finals and I had so much to do without any mental or emotional energy to do it. I couldn’t fluunk out of my last semester, that would be beyond ridiculous. I had to finish, but I just didn’t see how I could pull myself together.
Plus there was the GRE to study for and a grad school to apply to. I was planning on a research internship this coming summer. And then there was family to take care of, my two young girls depending on me for just about everything. The house was a disaster (as usual), groceries needed to be bought and I was pretty sure there was something really important I was forgetting. Something at the girls’ school? Someone’s birthday? Goddammit, I don’t even know any more.
I bit the comforter and wrapped it as tightly around my face as I could then let out as blood curdling a scream as I could manage. It was subpar, I would never have made it in a horror movie.
I heard the bedroom door open and his footsteps as he entered the room. He closed the door softly and a moment later I felt his weight as he sat next to me on the bed. I continued trying to suffocate myself with the comforter while I Shook with a few silent sobs.
He felt around through the blank trying to find a part of me to comfort. His hand landed on my thigh and he patted a few times. “What is it?”
I instantly felt terrible. I was completely overreacting and I know it, but I really couldn’t help it. I swear to god I don’t do this for attention but I always know people will think I am doing it for attention and so then I feel guilty and freak out even more. “I..I’m..f..f..fine!” I burst into fresh sobbing.
He witnessed and I felt even worse, like I was annoying him with my outburst. I hated to annoy people. I tried to stifle my sobs with the comforter again.
He tugged firmly at the comforter and managed to pull it off me with two sharp jerks. I covered my face with my hands feeling nervous and exposed. He grabbed my elbow and turned me over onto my belly and before I could react, he slapped my ass once, hard. I cried out at the sting and looked up at him in shock.
“That is not only an inappropriate response, it is an outright lie! What’s wrong?”
My lip trembled, but I managed to keep enough control to respond. “You’ll just think I am overreacting, that I’m just a big baby. I’m just so stu..u..u..pid.” I let out a new batch of tears and covered my face again.
“Ow! What the fuck?”
“Watch your language, young lady. And I never want to hear you call yourself stupid.” He rubbed my singing rear and tilted my tear-stained face up towards his. “Now, tell me what the problem is or I will spank you until you do.”
I sniffled, hesitating. I still felt ridiculous for my dramatic tears, but I was too overwhelmed to stop them. He lifted his hand to strike me again.
“Okay, okay!” I let out a shuddering breath and sniffled some more. He handed me a tissue and I loudly and wetly blew my nose. Lips trembling, I tried again, “I’m just so overwhelmed. I have so much to do and not enough time or energy to do it. I just don’t know if I can handle this anymore. And what about after I graduate? What next? I can’t just register for a job next semester like I could with classes. I am never going to make it! I’ll never be a professional and I will end up an unemployed but well-educated loser. I should just hide in the closet for the rest of my li..i..i..ife.” The waterfall started again and I waited unattractively into the mattress.
He petted my hair softly for a little while as I cried. Then he roughly grabbed my hair and pulled my head up to face him. I gasped at the pain and felt a thrill between my legs. He looked sternly right into my eyes and held my gaze. “You will be fine.”
I sniffled and my face picked a little, “But…”
“No. You will stop thinking these destructive thoughts and you will be fine. Say it to me.”
His forcefulness was better than a tranquilizer pill. I felt the painful vice release in my chest and my breathing slowed. I closed my eyes with relief.
He tightened his grip on my hair and slapped my ass again. “Say it!”
My eyes shot open with the pain, “I will be fine.”
“I will be fine, what?”
My pussy swelled and I felt moisture spread. “I will be fine, Sir.”
“Good. Now, you are going to sit on this bed and make a list of everything you need to do between now and graduation. After I have put the kids to bed we will go over it together to prioritize and plan out your lastcouple of weeks.” He looked around at my clothes and school things straight about the room. “Then I will spank you for this mess and eat you.”
I feel a jolt of excitement shot through me and my pussy ached with wanting. I bit my lip and tried not to smile.
The corner of his mouth lifted slightly, “You smile now, just wait until I get back. Now, get to work on that list.” He got up off the bed and left the room.
I laid on the bed for a bit basking in the glow of being dominated. He always knew just how to bring me back under control. I pulled on a nightshirt, knowing the kids would want to hug and kiss me goodnight, then I grabbed a notebook and my school schedule and figured out what exactly I had to get done before graduation. Even before he came back and we prioritized I could see that while there was a lot to do, it was managed and not nearly as much as I thought there was.
The bedroom door opened and the girls rushed in to hug me goodnight. I smiled and snuggled them close wishing them good dreams. Then they ran off to be tucked in and I put the finishing touches on my list.
He came back to the room and I felt a complex mixture of nervous and excited and deeply aroused. He removed his wallet, keys and phone from his pockets and placed them on the bedside table. I fidgeted with the pen and paper.
He looked around the room and I gave a start as I realized I still hadn’t picked up my things. I looked up at him guiltily. His face was stern, “Maybe I need to spank you first. You are awfully forgotten today.”
I jumped up to clean up my mess. “I’m sorry, Sir.”
He sat on the edge of the bed and watched me as I hurriedly put away my clothes and prepared my school bag for the next day. When I finished, I stood a few steps away shuffling my feet.
He patted his knee, “Come here.”
I obeyed, approaching him and bending myself over his knee, my ass nice and high and vulnerable.
He rubbed my backside throughthe thin fabric of my nightshirt. I trembled at his touch, so soft and gentle knowing it would become much harsher very soon.
“I know you were stressed today, but that is no excuse for getting lax on the rules. You know how much I hate a messy room.”
“Yes, Sir,” I stated, breathlessly. My pussy was wet and throbbing and I just wanted him to get on with it.
“You were Also careless in your address and in telling me your problems. I can’t help you if you don’t tell me you are upset. You should have let me know earlier that you were feeling overwhelmed before you became this upset. This will be a reminder of that as well.” He continued his ageing gentleness, lifting my nightshirt then caresing my ass and thighs and so very lightly brushing my sex. I trembled, the anticipation growing, my slit swelling.
He struck, suddenly, spanking firmly and steadily. Warmth spread across my backside and I bit my lip to keep from crying out. Each strong smack stung painfully but also sent jolts of pleasure through my entire body. I’ll never understand why spanking does that to me, but in the moment as he slapses my rear and it gets redder and hotter and stings so nicely, I just don’t fucking care.
I didn’t count the strikes and I don’t have a good concept of time even when looking at a clock, so I have no idea how long the spanking lasted. He punished me seemingly tiredly and I did my best to submit.
Finally, he struck with one last and hardest strike and I groaned with the paradoxically painful pleasure. He lightly brushed his fingers across my tender skin enjoying the sounds I made as he did so. Then he brought his hand down to my smooth, recently shaven folds and teased my swollen clip. I moaned with pure delight.
He lifted me off his lap and laid me down beside him on my back. Then he knelt down in front of me and bent his face towards my dripping, aching pussy. He nuzzled me a little and moaned himself breathing in my scent and dippingHis tongue forward to taste me. I loved the feeling of his hot breath and gasped when his mouth contacted my sex. He worked his tongue flat all around the opening then took my lips into his mouth and bit them softly. His hands reached up to tweak my nipples and he began to focus his attention on my clip.
My breathing shallowed and I closed my eyes as he continued to pleasure me. I climbed closer and closer, the sweetness spreading. He slipped his fingers inside and thrust them deep. I moaned loudly and tried to wriggle away from the intensity. He held my legs firmly so I couldn’t get away and continued to lick and finger me until I thought I would pop.
And then I did. It felt almost like a small snap and I saw spots of light as the pulsing started in my vagina and I was completely overtaken by the orgasm. I Couldn’t make a sound for a few seconds and then the waves of pleasure spread and I moaned loudly with each one. He slowed his pace and I rode the last wave back down to earth landing on the soft bed and singing deeply.
I couldn’t help smiling as I opened my eyes to look at him. I bit my lip and giggled.
Then I noticed the look on his face.
“You didn’t ask for permission.”
My eyes went wide. I had forgotten to tell him I was about to come and ask for permission to do so. I was instantly aware of my already singing rear, afraid he would spank me again.
He stood and beckoned for me to approach him, his lips firmly set.
I meekly obeyed, my head bowed.
“Undress me.” I compiled, slowly unbuttoning his shirt and slipping it off his strong shoulders. I traced my fingers down his chest, unable to resist touching him as I reached for the button on his jeans. I worked the button open and unzipped them, then pulled them down to his ankles. He stepped out of them and stood waiting. “Kneel.”
I knelt and reached up to pull down his boxers his erection scanning against the fabric. He sprung out as I pulled them down and his hot, hard cock hit my face. I gathered his clothes off the floor and throw it into the hamper behind him, then waited on my knees my face upturned.
He grabbed my hair and pulled my face right up to his cock. “Open your mouth and suck.”
I swallowed once, then opened it ready to take him in. He placed his penis inside my mouth and I closed it around him as best I could. I sucked and worked my tongue around the ridge the way I knew he liked. He groaned with pleasure and closed his eyes. His hand still holding my hair, he began guiding me back and forth along his length, pushing it deeper and deeper.
“That’s good. Now, as punishment for failing to ask permission to come, you will take everything I am about to give to you without complaint. You will swallow and you will not spill. You will Not make a sound. Understood?”
I nodded and readied myself.
He began thrusting into my mouth, hard, fucking my throat. I concentrated on opening my throat for him andNot gagging, taking him as well as I could. My pussy twitched as I felt him grow harder in my mouth knowing he would come soon. It excited me to be used this way.
He kept thrusting his grip on my hair tightening until I felt his cock throb and the hot cum shot into my throat. He moaned as I swallowed and sucked, careful not to spill a drop.
He finished and pulled himself out of my mouth. I collapsed to his feet gasping for air and trembling.
He bent down to grap me by the shoulders and pulled me up into his arms. He walked us both, a little unsteadily to the bed and we fell into it together. He pulled my head against his chest and kissed the top of my hair. “Good girl.”
I glowed.
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