Subject: The changing of the guard…
Dear W.S.
I have acquired documents that may be of some interest to you, see attached.
The documents are police transcripts of an interview with a friend. His name is Hector, tall, handsome, athletic, doesn’t drink or smoke, he’s a volunteer lifesaver, speaks German and he’s an architect. As you’ll soon find out he has a thing for detail.
I think he could be the one.
Always yours
Rule Number 6: Never lie, never lie, never lie and never tell the truth
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CASE NUMBER: 28-1508212
March 18, 2013 @ 20:28:00
PEPPER: Please state your surprise.
HECTOR: Hector
PEPPER: And your first name?
HECTOR: Seth, but you can call me Hector.
PEPPER: Is it true thatyou have been stalking Ms Clare Milford?
HECTOR: No. We’re having an online relationship. You could say I’m in love with her.
PEPPER: I’m not saying that Hector, but what I will say is some people would consider your feelings for Ms Milford as an observation and I believe your actions in recent months would be found to be stalking.
HECTOR: That’s Your opinion. Unless you know this woman you wouldn’t understand.
PEPPER: How did you meet Ms Milford?
HECTOR: I met her online.
PEPPER: Do you often meet people online?
HECTOR: Only when I want to fuck.
PEPPER: You mean masturbate.
HECTOR: No, that’s different. I go online to find people who want casual sex.
PEPPER: So you don’t frequent bars or nightclubs to meet people?
HECTOR: Sometimes. If you want to get off your face and get prick teased then you go to a club. If you want to fuck then you go online.
PEPPER: How long ago did you meet Ms Milford?
HECTOR: Ummm, about 9 months ago. It was just by chance. We met in a chat room. We exchanged Skype and email addresses so we could stay in touch.
PEPPER: How often did you keep in touch?
HECTOR: Once or twice a week in the beginning and then everyday when things heated up between us.
PEPPER: What did you chat about with Ms Milford and how long were your chat sessions?
HECTOR: We chatted a lot, sometimes 1-4 hours, just small talk, we made each other laugh. We shared personal stuff; secret fansies that kind of thing. She sent me some photos and then I fell for her.
PEPPER: What kind of photos did Ms Milford send you?
HECTOR: What kind of photos do you think she sent me, pictures of her family portrait and pets?
PEPPER: We need as much detail as possible if this goes to court. It could assist you in your defence.
HECTOR: Have you met Clare in the flesh?
PEPPER: (inaudible)
HECTOR: I’ve been with a lot of beautiful women, but none of them would rate in comparison to Clare.
PEPPER: How would you describe Ms Milford?
HECTOR: What kind of question is that?
PEPPER: If you saw Ms Milford in a public space do you think you would recognize her?
HECTOR: What are you kidding? I’ve seen her photos and watched her on video calls.
PEPPER: Can you describe her?
HECTOR: Tall, brunette, slim build… You guys into online porn? You like porn stars right? You hear of the cam girl Vicious Love?
PEPPER: (inaudible)
HECTOR: Anyway, this chick is an absolute glamour, her body is out of this world and the tits… perfectly natural, the world stands still when those babies come out. Her body can turn any self-proclaimed sex machine into a 2-stroke blurber boy. Well, what I’m getting at is Clare’s the same calibre of girl to look at anyway. Clare’s also very intelligent.
PEPPER: Do you find Ms Milford attractive?
HECTOR: Is this a trick question?
PEPPER: No, it’s not. I’m just trying to understand your feelings for this woman. Do you look at Ms Milford in a sexual way?
HECTOR: It’s impossible to look at Clare in any other way. She’s intoxicating. What chance did I have not to fall in love with her? She’s the full package… (inaudible) also intimidating.
PEPPER: Can you speak up Hector? What do you mean by intimidating?
HECTOR: She’s attractive, intelligent and she’s got experience. She’s done stuff I’ve never even heard of… I’m talking about full throttle hardcore sex. Most people would feel threatened by her.
PEPPER: You don’t feel threatened by her?
HECTOR: Not really. I’m experienced with women. I know how to handle them, but Clare is different. I won’t deny she hasn’t planted a seed of doubt in my mind.
PEPPER: What do you mean by that?
HECTOR: The more I got to know her the more I wondered if I had what it took.
PEPPER: To do what?
HECTOR: To meet her expectations, to pleasure her, to fulfill her fantasies.
PEPPER: So have you participated in sexual activities with Ms Milford?
HECTOR: In a virtual sense?
PEPPER: Is that a question or a statement?
HECTOR: It’s a question. Do you mean have I masturbated with Clare on the phone, or online or actually had sex with her?
PEPPER: All of the above.
HECTOR: We’ve messed around online, on video, web cam. She’s called me and told me things that have turned me on. Sometimes she hasn’t said anything at all. I could hear her masturbating or having sex.
PEPPER: So would you say Ms Milford was a willing participant in your sexual activities?
HECTOR: (laughs) Yes. She instigated them and encouraged me.
PEPPER: In what way did she encourage you?
HECTOR: She would say something provocative, talk dirty to me.
PEPPER: Can you elaborate on these activities?
HECTOR: You want me to give you more detail?
PEPPER: Yes, for the record.
HECTOR: She would often chat with me whilst at work from her smartphone. She’d tell me how horny she was and then start masturbating at her desk. On one occasion when most of her colleagues were in a meeting with the boss, she took her laptop into her boss’ office and started playing with herself on a video call with me. She took her panties off and slide her wet pussy all over his leather furniture. She was riding armsrests, rubbing stress balls on her cliporis, inserting pens, phalic sculptures and ornaments into her pussy. It was out of control. I was nervous that her boss would walk in at any moment, I didn’t know if I should be laughing or be extremely turned on by the show she was putting on for me. I guess I was both, laughing nervously and turned on at the same time. And the more I showed my pleasure, whilst watching her, the more she got turned on.
PEPPER: How did you show “pleasure” to Ms Milford?
HECTOR: She loved watching guys masturbate. She thought it was hot.
PEPPER: So did you masturbate in front of Ms Milford?
HECTOR: I don’t want to answer that.
PEPPER: Why? Do you really think a lawyer can get you out of this mess?
HECTOR: (inaudible)
PEPPER: (inaudible)
PEPPER: Actually, you don’t need to answer the questions. We’ve seen the evidence.
HECTOR: What are you on about?
PEPPER: The videos you sent Ms Milford. We’ve been handed over all the evidence needed to successfully apply for a restraining order against you.
HECTOR: (laughs)
PEPPER: Do you think this is a joke Hector?
HECTOR: No, it’s a game.
PEPPER: What? You think we brought you in just because there’s nothing on TV Monday nights? Stalking is a crime, Hector.
HECTOR: I’m not a stalker!
PEPPER: Hector, tell me, when was the last time you actually spoke to Ms Milford?
HECTOR: I don’t (inaudible)
PEPPER: What was that?
HECTOR: I said I don’t know.
PEPPER: Let me tell you. (opens file) Two months ago!
HECTOR: That long?
PEPPER: Yes, Hector. It was 2 months ago since you last communicated directly with Ms Milford. But since then you have sent Ms Milford over 200 SMS text messages, 40 voicemail messages, 3000 Skype instant messages and over 20 MMS from your phone, most of which were pictures of your penis.
HECTOR: (laughs) You’re a funny cop.
PEPPER: I’m glad you find me amusing. Hector, this is serious and you have a fucking problem. You could lose everything if you don’t stop.
HECTOR: So now you’re the concerned cop?
PEPPER: Hector, I agree with you, I think you’re being played, but I’m a police officer and I have to do my job to enforce the law. The evidence is against you. The restraining order will most certainly be granted. You must not breach the order. If you are found to be in breach of the order, you will be arrested and face the consequences. You have to get on with your life. She’s not worth it.
HECTOR: You’ve met Clare, haven’t you?
PEPPER: Hector, I’m a professional.
HECTOR: No, offence Sarge…. But you’re just a man.
Rule Number 7: There are more than two sides to every sex game
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CASE NUMBER: 28-1508212
May 12, 2013 @ 22:28:00
PEPPER: Please state your surprise.
HECTOR: Hector.
PEPPER: And your first name?
HECTOR: You know what to call me.
PEPPER: So Hector, is it true that you have breached your restraining order granted to Ms Clare Milford?
HECTOR: No, that is not true. Clare made contact with me.
PEPPER: When did Ms Milford contact you?
HECTOR: Friday at about 10am.
PEPPER: Last Friday?
PEPPER: That would be Friday May 10, 2013 at 10am. What was the nature of the call?
HECTOR: I’m not sure. I could hear Clare, but she wasn’t saying anything.
PEPPER: What could you hear?
HECTOR: Clare was being slapped or whipped. It was hard to tell exactly.
PEPPER: Did it sound like somebody else was with her?
HECTOR: I didn’t think so at first, but considering what has happened in the last 48 hours, its likely she was with somebody when she called.
PEPPER: What was The duration of the call?
HECTOR: Umm, I was on the phone listening for about 30 minutes.
PEPPER: During that period of time did you communicate with Ms Milford?
PEPPER: What did you do for the duration of the call?
HECTOR: I listened to Clare have an orgasm and then the call ended.
PEPPER: Did you hang up?
HECTOR: No, the call disconnected at her end. Then within 5 minutes I received an SMS from Clare’s mobile.
PEPPER: What did the message say?
HECTOR: Nothing, it was an address.
PEPPER: So what did you do then?
HECTOR: I drove my car to the address.
PEPPER: You haven’t heard from this woman in over 4 months, so you decide to breach your restraining order and drive to the address she texted you?
PEPPER: What time did you arrive at the address?
HECTOR: I must have got there just before lunch… about 11:45am. It was impossible to concentrate on anything but Clare after her phone call, so I took the rest of the day off work.
PEPPER: Then what happened?
HECTOR: I went and checked out Clare’s house. I walked down the side of the house and knocked on the back door, but nobody answered, so I went back to the car and had something to eat while I waited. I was waiting for a while. I got out walked up and down the street to stretch the legs, then went back to the car and fell asleep. I woke up to the sound of a taxi speeding off from outside Clare’s house. I didn’t catch a glimpse of her, but I just saw the front door close. I jumped out of the car and walked back over to the house.
PEPPER: What time was this?
HECTOR: I don’t know a couple of hours later.
PEPPER: Continue.
HECTOR: Anyway, I knock on the front door. Nothing. I ring the bell. It’s broken. So I knock again and wait. Still nothing. So I decide to try the back door again. I walking down the side of the house when I go past the bathroom window there’s Clare in the shower.
PEPPER: Was the window open? How could you see?
HECTOR: I could see through the window. The glass wasn’t obscured. She’s a beautiful woman; she’s got nothing to be ashamed of and so I guess there’s no need for privacy.
PEPPER: I see. So did you try to break in at this point?
HECTOR: Let me explain the situation. Clare was in the shower, but she wasn’t just making herself squeaky-clean. She was masturbating-
PEPPER: (inaudible)
HECTOR: This wasn’t your average girl playtime in the shower discovering my body kind of thing either. This was fucking hardcore smacking my pussy, whilst I’m hanging from the shower curve rod.
PEPPER: What do you mean?
HECTOR: She was fucking hanging herself whilst getting off.
PEPPER: Asphyxiation?
HECTOR: Erotic Asphyxiation! Chicks call it scarfing. It’s also called double clutching. Guys have one hand around the throat and the other around their-
PEPPER: So what then?
HECTOR: I started singing to myself.
HECTOR: I don’t know. It was at that moment I had a revelation from my youth. I realized the meaning to some lyrics to a song by Faith No More. The song was called RV.
DANNY: I remember that song. How does it go again?
HECTOR: (singing) “I’m a swingin’ guy. Throw a belt over the shower curve rod. And swing…”
PEPPER: Hector, stop singing this isn’t fucking “Stalkers Got Talent!!”
HECTOR: Sorry, I loved that song as a teenager.
DANNY: I thought that song was about suicide. He hates himself so much he wants to die. The next lines were something like, “throw me inside a hefty and put me in the ground.”
HECTOR: Yeah, I always thought it was about suicide too. “But the swinging guy,” line has a sexual connotation about it. The fact that he wants to be tossed inside a hefty and put in the ground, not even given a proper burial, makes me think his family would be ashamed to find their father dead, hanging in the shower with a hard-on. To die masturbating would be the most undignified death. Can you imagine? Your family kicks in the bathroom door to find dad dangling like a plucked chicken. Your final farewell is a one-gun salute with a line of cum shot across the bathroom floor, a goofy look slapped on your face and your tongue hanging out of your mouth. What a dad… what a wanker?
DANNY: No, I disagree. “A Big Hunk o’ Love” is the most undignified death.
HECTOR: What the fuck is that?
DANNY: When you die on the crapper with your pants around your ankles. I’ve had a couple of callsouts forThose. Messy business helping parameters move a dead body out of a condensed bathroom space. They’re usually big-
PEPPER: All right, that’s enough Bevis and Buthead. You’ve covered all three topics on an entire season of MTV, music, masturbation and talking shit.
HECTOR: Sorry.
DANNY: (inaudible)
PEPPER: So where were we? You saw Ms Milford through her bathroom window allegedly hanging from the shower curve rail masturbating. So after you serenaded her, what did you do next?
HECTOR: I watched her and made sure she didn’t slip.
PEPPER: Did she know you were there by this stage?
HECTOR: Of course she did. Clare’s been planning this for a very long time. This whole fucking bullshit with the restraining order is all a big twisted fantasy sex game of hers. Do you really think I put those cruels around her neck?
PEPPER: Hector, this has got nothing to do with what I think, this has everything to do with what can be proved.
HECTOR: Well, I’m telling you Clare was swinging in the shower hand fucking her pussy.
PEPPER: So you stood outside her window and watched her like some guardian angel sent down from Kings Cross to protect her.
HECTOR: No, I was fucking pulling myself off watching a sex goddess on a wing and a prayer with a one-way ticket to Nirvana.
PEPPER: So did she slip?
HECTOR: No, she’s done this sort of thing before and she was actually well equipped. She often told me about her choking and rap fansies. I remember she spoke to me about purchasing the very choking device she was using in the shower. It had to be custom made to her exact body weight. The collar was connected to a cable rigged through a series of small pullies that would hold her up with most of her body weight suspended from it. As soon as she went limp and couldn’t fully support herself, the rig was designed to slowly release the cable and lower her safely to the floor. I couldn’t believe people actually designedThese things purely for people who scarf.
PEPPER: I’m surprised how much you know about this choking game.
HECTOR: This isn’t a choking game, that’s another term used by kids fucking around trying to choke their mates. There’s nothing sexual about it. Erotic asphyxiation is for edge-players and hardcore sex addicts. And you’re right. I do know a bit about it, I’ve done my textbook research. I wanted to know exactly what I was getting into with this woman, but trust me I’ve only scraped the surface with Clare. It gets much deeper.
PEPPER: The shower scene… I want to know the details from when you entered the house.
HECTOR: Yeah, well everything I said about that choking device went out the window when Clare decided her fingers wouldn’t sffice. She pulls out this big pink latex cock from behind the shampoo bottles.
AUTHOR: That would make a good Herbal Essence advertisement.
HECTOR: You know the ones with the suction cup on the base? She then playedAround with the pulley system extending the cord so she could knee on the floor. Clare starred straight at me with these fuck me eyes when she sucked on that dildo. For about 15 minutes there, my cock defied the boundaries of flesh and bone and passed through the glass windowpane and into Clare’s wet mouth. She licked my entire shaft with her long tongue before she licked the suction cap and pressed my cock down onto the tiled bathroom floor. At first she was going easy on me, just rotating those hips, whipping her pussy cream, spreading it over the full length of my cock in preparation to consume me. Then she started to pound that thing, dropping her small arse with the force of a wrecking ball, the chaser cord whipped across her shoulders and tits with each impact. By this staged I was struggle not to fog up the window and not to blow my load on the ferns tickling my balls.
PEPPER: Hector, can we please fast-forward your memory to the point in the story where you entered thehouse?
HECTOR: I was getting to it, but first you need to understand the sequence of events that lead to me climbing in through that window.
PEPPER: Carry on.
HECTOR: So I’m mesmerized by her perfect bouncing breasts. At this point my testosterone could make mercury boil; the situation was getting so hot I thought the window frame would burst into flames. I just wanted to smoke through that blazing bathroom window and fuck Clare on the wet floor with my smouldering clothes still on my back quenched by the shower. I suddenly got the courage to find a way into the house. Just as I reached for the window sash, Clare stopped riding the dildo. She was frozen mid thrust. I didn’t know if she was wondering if she left the window unlocked or not, but she gave me this curious gaze.
PEPPER: Do you think she was scared?
HECTOR: A woman that gets off swinging from a rope isn’t scared of anything. That look Clare gave me was like a predator watching its prey come within striking distance, it was the moment she realized everything was about to fall into place.
PEPPER: Was the window unlocked?
HECTOR: We all know the window was unlocked. That was the plan, but I had this feeling that Clare wasn’t ready for me yet.
PEPPER: So what did you do?
HECTOR: I waited until the time was right. As soon as I dropped my arm Clare got down on her hands taking up the slack on the cord attached to her collar. She lowered herself down taking the cock deep inside and started to ride, curling up her rear end she snapped her pelvis backwards and forwards, driving the latex dude against the inner walls of her vagina. I could see her collar class tighter; blood vessels slowly bulged from her slender neck. The colour of her skin started to flush like a poker hand of hearts. My eyes were again drawn to her perfectly shaped tits, the way they hung proudly, swinging from her chest, perfectly curved from her rib cage to the apex of her breast. Her nipples were pale, slightly inverted and dripped with water from the shower. I had an aching thirst as I watched the water stream from her skin, pooling and splashing off the curves of her body. I wanted to drink from her flesh. I wanted to lick her like a dog, lap every puddle and taste every crevice with my tongue. Clare moaned when she started to rub her clip with vigour… I mean really moan. It sounded like a moaning animal that had have hit by a car. I was looking over my shoulder at the neighbor’s house, thinking somebody would come outside any minute to check out where the raucous sound was coming from. Her whole face was like a beetroot by this stage. Her mouth was just open enough to begging for my cock. It was driving me nuts standing outside with my dick in my hand. It was torture. She made me watch her. The sexiest woman I’ve ever seen fucked a fake rubber cock stuck to the floor, whist I stood no more than 8 feet away with the real thing in my hand, swollen and red from beatingmyself up.
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