The Goddess of Romonus

“The Romonus are approaching!” A woman’s screams echoed through my small village.

In the far corners of my mind I knew this day would come. My grandmother, the most powerful witch of The Volusion tribe, had foreseen this event. She saw the horses galloping in the smoke, the crackling of splinters signing the fire of gunshots.

Somehow they knew my presence. Even though all the village women swore oath to protect my identity. I was no Volusion girl, I’m Acadian. My grandmother found me as an innocent, raised me as her own. As I grew older the other women in the tribe began to notice my appearance. All Acadian women are born with black hair. Volusions have a lighter pigment to their hair but the Romonus had the fairest hair of all, almost white.

In fear, they hid me from the outside world, from The Romonus. They are the most feared worries of our kingdom. Slave merchants, powerful soldiers that conquered my race and the Volusion tribes. Acadian, my race were killed. Thousands of my people were killed in war due to the fact that we are a peaceful race. The older generation knew nothing of violence or war. They were an easy target.

My people stood at the blink of extinction. I never encountered another Acadian in my 20 years of life. I knew I wasn’t the last, I could feel their energy. However the Romonus captured the remaining but still searched for the last Acadian female. Only the women are born with our unique powers. Manipulating the weather and plant growth and healing, of course. These abilities are needed by the Romonus due to their ever growing population and their Amazonian size.

My heart burst with fear as I leapt up from my sleeping clothes. My head felt dizzy from my lack of balance. I couldn’t sense the presence of my grandmother. My arms stretched out in front of my body to feel for the wooden door.

The cold May breeze sliced ​​through my body. Chaos erupted all around me. I heard explorations followed by the horrid screams of villagers. The strong scent of gunpowder overwhelmed my senses, the smell of thick smoke making me cought painfully.

Load knocks on the ground from galloping horses came directly towards me. I dashed in the opposite direction, avoiding the sting of ice between my naked toes. The galloping increased and so did the shouts of soldiers. I tried to remember my surroundings. Ah yes the lake! I turned a sharp left and felt the Steep slope that led to the lake. I slide down the freezing mud, I searched for the ice with my trembling hands. I banged on the ice to see if it could support my weight but I could hear the volume of the approaching soldiers increasing.

Without a second thought, I ran across the frozen lake for dear life. The air becoming too heavy to inhale my lungs stung with pain. I could barely feel my face but I continued running over the ice. My limbs ached, my tongue dry and toes numb. I pushed through not willing to surrender my freedom to the Romonus.

Don’t give up. I thought. My body began to shut down as hypothermia sank in. My run turned into a jog, my jog turned into a slow walk until I sank to my knees. I crawled with bare knees on the slick ice. My knees burned from the cold ice which felt like scorching coals against my skin. I refused to give up. I would rather die than be captured by a Romonus soldier!

I slowed catching my breath. Still on my knees I banged against the ice in front of my paled body. I could sense the soldier’s coming closer to me. I banged harder against the ice, determined to break it. I banged my numb hands against the ice hearing the fearest sound of cracking. Renewing my efforts to take my own life. Hoping it would shatter and send my body down to the depths of the still lake.

Excruciating pain sliced ​​through my brain as a bullet ripped through my flesh. The bullet shot through the flesh of my thigh and made a small hole into the ice. I fell forward gripping my throbbing thigh. I looked down at my thigh only seeing a blurry image of crisis blotches against my pale skin.

“Don’t kill her!” A man shouted with fear.

The energy of strong men surrounded my limp body. I couldn’t run, I couldn’t break the ice to send myself into the ibis by my own doing. All I could do was sob weakly.

“We have strict orders from the General. She needs to be alive.” The first soldier commanded.

The ice vibrated against my skin as the first soldier climbed off his horse. He walked towards my bleeding body. I could tell from his harsh breathing that he was scared. Like a Deer sniffing through the grass, not knowing what lurked.

“Take my hand Acadian.” The first soldier said. I pictured him extending his hand.

“Are you deaf little girl?” He laughed. I Found nothing amusing in his question. The fact that he thought I was deaf and still asking a question allowed me to question his sanity but his assumption of my age because of my small status was ignorant.

Ispat in his direction hoping my action would give him a clear answer and to show him how little I thought of his intimidation.

“I asked a question.” He snapped. Placing his hand on my chin, the soldier tilted my head back. “Open your eyes.”

Slowly my lids fluttered open. The brightness making my eyes teary. The first soldier looked blurry but the light bouncing off the ice was too much and I pulled my face out of his grip. My head sank to the ice and tears of pain trickled down my cheek. My eyes burned like the skin on my knees. Like fire.

“My God, she’s blind.” The first soldier excerpted. Shocked by his statement the other soldiers gasped.

“Would she be able to perform the ritual?” Another voice asked. “What are we going to do with her?”

“Calm down Rick.” The first soldier said. “The General will know what to do. For now we just follow the orders.”

The first soldier picked my body from the ice and flung it over his shoulder. I understood in his hands,trying to free myself. My cheek pressed against warm flesh, I turned my head and sank my teeth into the soldier. I bit down until I tasted a metallic liquid, blood. The first soldier grew at the pain and throw my body away from him. I landed on the hard ice. Pain spread across my body as I could pretty hear the breaking of bones. Not sure where it came from I curled into a ball of pain. Load screams came from my mouth as the excruciating pain only increased. My senses we’re overwhelmed. My body only knew one sensing, pain. I opened my eyes and the glowing white snow was sprinkled with black. The sprinkles of black became smokes until total darkness spread.


I awoke to the faith humming of a soldier. My hands felt numb but not of the cold, it was warm. I felt the warm cares of the sun’s rays against my face. I opened my eyes but all I could see was dark green blotches moving along. I could barely inflate my lungs with air as I feared my broken ribs would puncturethe soft flesh. The pain was faded into a dull ache but it hurt nonetheless.

My tummy felt hollow and my limbs weak. My toes! I remember the ice. I wiggled each toe and each finger to see if I haven’t lost one of them to frostbite. Oh thank the Gods! They are,all there.

My eyesilds felt extremely heavy. The darkness of sleep called my name. Who was I to refuse to take the call. I was Surely not capable of escaping now. They said their General needed me alive and I doubt one of these men would touch my bloody and mud covered body. Darkness held out her hand and I graciously accepted it falling into a deep sleep.


“Time to come inside.” Said the sweet voice of my grandma.

I’ve been playing in the warm water all day long. The pretty rocks ticked the soles of my feat. Mamma always said that all the colours in the world can be found in the lake. Each pebble was unique, you wouldn’t find two stones with the same colour, shape or texture.

The water soothed my senses. It made me feel calm. I could relate to the waters. Its energy spoke to me. On the shore, the lake burst with energy. The waves were small but held so much power. But as you swam to the middle of the lake, the water was calm.

That calm feeling deep inside me was always present. Somehow I knew it was because of my deprived sight. I could truly find peace within myself. But on the outside I felt free and powerful.

Just like that lake.


“Wake up slave.”

I recognized the first soldiers proud voice. I can’t find any reason why he should be proud of himself. He destroyed a peaceful village of women, probably killing half of them. He shot an innocent woman who only did the sensible thing and defended herself. Oh yeah. He also broke my ribs.

“It is time to meet your master.”

My head snapped up toward him. Master? I am my own master. I am NOT some dog that needs to obey someone else. Anger warmed my body and I slowly stood. My legs feltweak but my will stand strong. Although the first soldier towered over me, his energy was weak, tiny.

I tried to move my hands in front of my chest but they felt heavy. Chains! They chained my hands? That seemed a little silly. I couldn’t escape now. I didn’t know my surroundings well enough and running blind would be suicide. The dream of the lake gave me new hope. I knew I needed to survive.

The first soldier grabbed my hair in a fist pulling me in front of him. I cried out in pain as the slightest movement made my tight pulse and throb with pain. I could not limp because my ribs would only crash into my lung. The lightest movement proved too much and I cried out again, and again. I hissed at the first soldier. He laughed.

We paused for a brief moment until the first soldier slide his hand to my lower back. At first I was disgusted but then shocked when he pushed me through double doors. I crashed into the room on my knees. The scabed flesh bursting open from the sudden impact.

My lungs strained for air. It smelled of cherries, dark oak and expensive cigar. The smell is repulsive. My senses are only used to the smell of clear mountain air. Something else distracted me. I sensed someone else in the room. I flaired out my own energy in search of another. The energy was immensely strong, almost overpowering. But tense.

“Ah you found her!” The new voice was male. The source of the powerful energy. His tone seemed excited and surprised

“Yes sir.” The first soldier said. His voice dripping with respect but not just any respect, respect out of fear. This man must be the General.

“I can tell by your wound that she was difficult.” The General said concerned.

“Yes sir.” He laughed. ” She bit me.”

“She’s a wild little thing, isn’t she?” The General seemed surprised. I couldn’t help but feel a great deal of anger washing over me. Referencing a human as a ‘thing’.

“Please clean yourself off Jackson and you may take theday off.”

“With all due respect sir, I would much rather help with preparing the Bonding Ceremony.” Jackson said confidently.

“And there is one more detail I need to mention.” Sounding just a little nervous.

“Please continue.” The General insisted. I could tell the General was fond of Jackson. He didn’t seem angry that he disobeyed orders.

“The girl, she is blind.”

Both men became quiet. I guess Jackson waited for the information to sink onto the General. I don’t see the problem. Although I am blind I am not incapable of fending for myself, something the first soldier should remember when the wound on his neck itches. Thus far my ‘problem’ seems to have soften their harsh treatment but somehow I found that offending. I’m not weak although I am injured. They will see how incapable I am once I am healed.

“I will ask Ronda to heal her. What else is wrong with her?” The General asked calmed. His breathing increased. He was angry but his voice was smooth. Not showing weakness of any kind but just soothing.

“Brett shot her sir. She tried to kill herself by breaking the ice.” He said quickly. “But I take full responsibility.”

“No that is not necessary. She is still alive.” The General breathed.

I could feel his energy shift, he was walking towards me. The hardwood floor squeaked under his heavy strides. His movements seemed calculated and confident.

“Tell me slave, what is your name?” He asked. His voice smooth like milk.

I did not answer. Why should I?

“What is your name?!” He demanded.

Receive no reply the General’s weight shifted on the floorboards. His massive foot came down on my injured thigh. The leather boots digging into my raw flesh. My scream echoed through the room. I could feel the General’s energy glow with power. He enjoyed it. It made him feel powerful.

“Last chance, what is your name? ” he grew sending fear covered chills up my spine. His weight pressed hard against mywound. The was pain dizzying.

“Katia!” I screamed at the top of my lungs to make sure he heard me, that he wouldn’t ask again.

“What a beautiful name Katia.” He breathed. “Come, we need to get you healed.”

I imagined he extended his hand but no. He grabbed my neck and pulled me to my feat. I see they enjoy escorting me by my neck. I giggled at the thought that they felt the need to keep me at arm’s length. I struggled ,but yes, I stood. I gasped at the pain in my leg and chest.

The General lead me out the door. Each groan of pain only seemed to irritate him further. Naturally I groaned louder. Doors swung open and a cloud of steam welcomed us. My feet went from cold hardwood to warm tiles. In the distance I could hear a group of people talking and just the weak sound of trickling water. When was the last time I bathed?

Guiding me by the neck the General edges me in the middle of the room. He took both my wrists clamped together and extended them above myhead.I let out a weak groan of pain as I felt my broken bones scrape against my skin.

The General paused for a brief moment, contemplating his next move. I heard the tearing of Velcro and then he fiddled with the hem of my night dress.

“No please stop.” I pleased meekly.

“Ah she speaks!” He exclaimed. The tearing of clothes echoed around the room capturing the attention of the other groups of people.

My heart pounded against my chest and the rhythm pounded against my eardrums. Panic set in. I understood in hopes to loosen my chains but to no avail. The tasks of clothing fell to the floor and gasps spread among the people. Even the General gasped in shock for reasons I didn’t know.

“What have you done to her?” He General asked. He traced along the area of ​​pain along my chest. My breath hitched in my throat. Tears pooled in my eyes but I refused to let them roll down my cheeks.

“What have you done to her?!” The General asked infuriated. Jackson murmured something under his breath that I couldn’t make out. The General’s harsh tone made me cringe.I wanted to cover my exposed body but I couldn’t.

“Get the fuck out!” The General demanded. Soon after footsteps followed. “Call Ronda.”

To my guess Ronda was a healer, an Acadian. She pushed through the door. Her energy was electrifying. It didn’t glow but it radiated with power.

The room fell silent again with her entrance.

“General, what can I do for you today?” Her voice sweet, almost angelic.

“Her thigh needs healing and I guess she has a few broken ribs.”

“You guess?” Ronda giggled “Emeric her entire chest is black and blue with crueles.”


“She is blind, can you do anything about that?” The General asked. His voice full of hope and uncertainty.

“Yes but it will take some time to heal and I’m guessing you want to complete the ceremony as soon as possible?” She paused. “The best thing is to wait until the ceremony is completed,You know what toll it can have on one’s body.” Ronda exclaimed. Her was voice steady. She knew what she was doing and the General allowed her to do so.

“Why doesn’t she he himself?” Emeric asked. I don’t know why he didn’t just ask me? I mean I’m standing or hanging right here.

“The powers only come to life once the Arcadian is bonded to the Romonus. The Bonding Ceremony will tap into her energy and release it. You will then become one in body and soul.” Ronda said.

“Is that what happened when you bonded with my brother? “

“Yes.” She told. “Soon you will know the feeling, it just about knocked the wind out of both of us.” She giggled. The tone of fondness became present in her voice when talking about her master.

“Have no fear my little kitten.” The General said. His hand slowly ran up my side. I shifted away from his hot touch. I was surprised by his act of affection.

Ronda’s presence grew stronger, I could feel her in front of me. I have neverbeen healed by an Acadian before. I wonder if she can feel my energy, my power and my spirit. I can certainly feel hers. She has a kind and calm spirit even though she is treated like a slave. She has the respect of the General and she possesses much more for him. I can tell he is fond of Ronda because he allows her to use his first name.

“Sweetheart.” She spoke affectionately. “You need to relax. It might hurt but just a little, I promise. “

She placed both palms against my chest. Cringing from the pain I tried to relax my tensed body. Her core explored, washing her energy over my entire body. My eyes were closed shut. I could feel my broken bones mend, the closed blood flowed once more. I inhaled harshly allowing fresh oxygen to enter my lungs with ease.

My heart glowed with gratitude.

“Please.” I gasped as the bones crack once again. The pain was unbearable. The flesh in my injured thigh grew closed but a burning sensing resonated from my once gaping wound. I compromised in panic. My brain felt numb from the harsh feeling. I couldn’t bare it. I couldn’t take it. My fists clnched and my toes curled on the damp tile floor.

“Shhh” Ronda tried to soothe me. Her affection seemed motherly. Memories of Mamma comforting me after I fell came rushing back. She always seemed to follow her curious little toddler around the village. She always tried her best to protect me, shield the blind little girl from the dangerous world. Now I face this world on my own. Alone.


“You’re so beautiful.” Murmured a deep voice. Immediately I woke up from a deep sleep. I must have passed out! Where am I?

Metal digs into my wrists as I pulled at my chains. My hands were pushed above my head , although my legs were free from cuffs I was unable to move.

I felt warm fingers tracing up my sides making me very aware of my nakedness. Pulling harder against my bonds I screamed for help. My throat felt raw.

“Don’t touch me!” I screamed. I jerked my body wildly against the soft fabric that I laid on.

“I can touch you however I want.”

That laugh, that tight, powerful ball of energy. It was the General. “Slave.” He added. His voice proud and triumphant. The General’s body was unfortunately close to mine. His scent invaded my thoughts. He smelled sweet like cherries and mint but the scent of a man was certainly Emphasized.

“I am no man’s slave.” I spat. “I do NOT belong to you!”

“Not yet but soon my little kitten.” The General’s breath was warm as he whispered in my ear. His hand still ran up and down my side, from my thigh all the way up to just past my collarbone. My skin broke out in tiny goose bumps. Never has a man touched my body so intimately.

Eyes fluttering open, They we’re exposed to the light. The room was dim from closed curtains. Although he was a blur of white blond I could’ve guessed how the General looked. From the stories Mamma shared. All Romanus soldiers have a fair complexion,glowing blond hair and brown eyes filled with hate and anger. They have large bodies, tall and sculptured like a status.

The stories of how they concurred the whole kingdom through violence, killing all who stood in their way. They took the Volusion women as slaves or killed them on sight if they did not cooperate. The Volusion men were all slaughtered in battle.


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