The Goddess Club: Interview

A reporter from the Philadelphia Herald had stumbled upon a group called the Goddess Club and was intrigued to find out more. He quickly learned the club promoted women transitioning from traditional forms of intimate relationships that were based on equality and instead move into relationships that are decisively female dominated. The group strongly advocated and encouraged women to own, train, lease, sell, swap, and barrow submissive men as slaves. The Goddess Club helped both women and men develop themselves so they could be ready to adopt the lifestyle for themselves.

Sounding like a great story, Mark the lead reporter at the Herald, asked to interview the Head Mistress for the Northeast region and one of founding members. He hoped to learn the whole story behind the club and create a video documenting her life style, and if lucky, an article in the Sunday special interest magazine. Needless to say, he was overjoyed when she agreed. They scheduled the interview at her homeJust outside of Philadelphia. He showed up with video and audio recording equipment, ready to learn what he could and create an exciting and interesting article and video news piece. He had no idea how interesting and exciting it was about to get.

Mark had always been curious about the kinky arts and dabbled with his lovers from time to time but this was something entirely new. This was way outside any Kindy fans he’d ever had. Unfortunately for him, the Mistress he was scheduled to interview was simply gorgeous. From the few pictures he saw, the Head Mistress Marie was stunningly beautiful. Staying focused and on-task had to be his top priority, he’d have to be extra careful to remain professional and get the story.

He arrived early and knocked on the door precisely on time. The door opened and a man appeared wearing a butler’s uniform.

“Good afternoon sir, may I help you?”

“Yes, my name is Mark and I’m here for a 12:30pm interview the Mistress Marie.”

“Very good, the Mistress is expecting you, please come in.”

The man showed Mark to the living room and invited him to make himself comfortable. In the living room was two chairs and two tables besides the chairs. One chair was a leather locker and the other was a wooden stool that was about three feet high. The butler pointed to the stool and table and said, “Please prepare your equipment. The Mistress will be with you shortly.”

Mark thanked the man and quickly set up his recording equipment. There he sat for another 10-15 minutes until finally he heard the sound of heels clicking on the floor. The next moment Mistress Marie appeared with the butler walking quietly behind her. Mark quickly stood up hoping to make a good impression.

“Hello Mark, thank you for your Interest in our organization and helping us educate the public.”

“The pleasure is all mine Mistress Marie, thank you for taking time to speak with me.”

With that she pointed to my stool, “Please sit”.

Nothing could have prepared him for what he saw, it took every ounce of strength to remain standing as his knees went weak. Mistress Marie was more beautiful than she appeared online, she was simply the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. It was immediately obvious that her beauty and grace gave her a power that could only be described as outstanding.

Mark sat down as Mistress Marie took a seat on The much more comfortable locker. The butler took a position slightly behind and to the left of her, standing at a relaxed attention, placing his hands behind his back and slightly tilting his head downward. As I took my seat I hit record on my camera.

“So if you’re willing Mistress, let’s start from the beginning? How did you become a founding member and Head Mistress of the Northeast region of the Goddess Club?”

“Well Mark, after several failed relationships that simply could’t give me what I needed or wanted, I decided to take matters into my own hands.From as early as I can remember, men had always been falling all over themselves to be with me and serve me. After each break up, every one of them went through the same routine of begged and pleading to have me back. Swearing to do whatever they could to be with me. Finally, I decided to let a few do exactly that. It was easier than I imagined! With very little effort on my part, I had boys running errands, cooking, cleaning, and getting me everything I needed. With each new slave, my stable grow. After a while, I wanted to train slaves to sell or give them away to new mistress. It was so good, I knew I had to share this with other frustrated women, and so the Goddess Club was created.” ‘That is very interesting, so you now have slaves? How many do you have and what do they do exactly?”

“Everything! I currently have seven positions that take care of both my properties and personal needs. I have one slave that cares for the outside properties, a landscaper /maintenance boy. I have two money slaves that work eventually to provide for all my financial needs. Both slaves have high paying jobs and of course, live on metr budgets that I have created. Every two weeks, like clockwork, they arrive with my cash. I have one oral slave and one sex slave who remains on-call 24/7. I also have a chauffeur who is also on-call. And of course, my houseboy.”

Pointing to the fellow standing silently to her left.

“That is John, he is three weeks into his new positon and he’s not likely going to make a fourth. You see Mark, I have extremely high standards and a zero tolerance for anything less than perfection. He knows, as do all my slaves, they are constantly at risk for being dismissed and replaced. Every day I get more and more men pleading for an opportunity to join my stable.”

With that, she slightly waved her index finger and John moved quickly to knee besides her.

‘Fetch some tea and cookies, Mark would you like something, tea, water?”

“No thank you, I’m fine.”

And with another slight movement of her finger John quietly and quickly got up and left the room.

“You mentioned that John may not make it another week? Why, if you don’t mind me asking?”

“John seems to be taking his place for granted, making small mistakes that he knows will not be tolerated. He is a good houseboy but with so many to Choose from, I have no reason to hold on to him. Not that I would get rid of him completely, he is very well trained, obedient, and loyal. Most likely just demote him to serve only my house parties or loan him out to new mistresses. We’ll see how this week goes.”

John reappeared with a tray, neighborly on it was a cup of tea and three precisely stacked cookies on a small plate. He moved quietly back to her side and gracefully knelt while extending the tray to within her reach.

“You see Mark; the houseboy position is the one of the most expensive positions. The houseboy is privileged by the opportunity to serve mePersonally, in my home. While I certainly don’t need him for any sexual pleasure, he is, of course, always eager and available to please me in that and any other way I wish. But most importantly he is kept very busy, he works 16 hours a day doing every task and chore I assign. Everyday John is responsible for cleaning the entire house from top to bottom, prepare and serve all meals, do the laundry, tend to all my daily appointments and schedules, manage the other slaves, provide all personal services I may want including my daily 2hr massage and at least once a day 1hr foot/hand massage, bathing, etc. John sleeps 4.5 hrs. a night in his cell, and is required to complete a daily 3-hour workout routine. John eats and drinks only what he’s been given and only after his work is complete and I am satisfied. If for any reason I wish to punish him, I simply will. Let me demonstrate, John fetch my favorite cane.”

“Yes Mistress.”

John laid his tray on the coffee table and quickly left the room. A moment later John returned and knelt directly in front of his Mistress. There he presented the cane with his palms open to his Mistress.

“Every slave here knows that at any moment, for any reason, I will beat them or have another slave beat them. I will whip them for the smallest infection. They must always know their place.”

The Mistress gracefully picked up her cane and waved a finger. John instantly got up and took a step back and quickly dropped his pants to his ankles exposing his waist to his feet. He remained bent over from the waist with his hands on his ankles.

The Mistress stand up and took a few steps towards John.


And instantly John stood straight at attention as his Mistress drew close to his side. With one hand she traced from his leg to cock and straight up his chest. She gentle opened his shirt and pinched his nipples. I could see him getting obviously excited.

“You asked earlier why John may not make it another week, well, unfortunately John has yet to control his cock. Of course, as I’m sure you know, it’s use is strictly under my control. Yet John continues to defy me………… John, what is the first rule regarding your cock and ections?”

“Only with the permission of Goddess Mistress Marie will I be allowed and expected to have an ection or cum.’

“Exactly, very good John, so John why is your cock so erect and dripping pre-come? Look at this cock, how dare you embarrass me like this?”

SLAP! And his cock whacked off his balls and back up. Mistress Marie then slowly traced her perfectly sexy finger nail from the base of his cock to his tip, next using all her nails, she did the same on both sides of his cock. She then gently and smoothly cupped the head of cock and gave it a little rub. Mistress Marie then grabbed his cock and slowly began to tease and rub, up and down until his cock grow to as big as it could.

“How dare you John! SLAP!! You better lose that erection this instance!………… Is it time to cut you loose? I need a new stud houseboy to train!”

“Please Goddess, I beg you.”

“Be quite bitch, don’t piss me off more than I already am!”

Looking about as sexy as she could, Mistress Marie continued her teasing for another minute.

“I know you can’t control your cock John but you better not lose control of those balls! You let even a drop of cum hit my floor and I will have you in chatity for a year. Do you understand?”

“Yes Mistress.”

Mistress drew close to John once again and placed her lips close to his ear and neck, drawing a little lick and bite to his ear lobe. She traced his body again and continued her taunting and teasing, pinching and pulling one nipple while slowing rubbing his cock. She allowed her tights to slide back and forth on his hip. Within a minute John was getting very excited and starting looking like he was about to lose it. Very soon he was squirming and twitching all aroundd.

“Don’t you even think about it! Don’t you dare drop that filter on my new heels! I will take you down stairs and have you whipped for a straight hour!”

And just as I thought for sure John was about to exploit from every hole, she stopped and walked away.

Mark was now turned on more than ever before. He couldn’t believe how rock hard his cock was and despite squirming in his chair to open an area in his pants, he couldn’t hide his dick from pointing straight up from his pants like a donkey. He prayed Mistress Marie was not going to notice.

“What’s the matter Mark? That cock of your getting you in trouble too?”

“No, no, not at all, I’m sorry Mistress Marie, it’s just, well damn, you are so sexy!”

“I know Mark, but don’t forget why you are here, do you need a little help to remind you?”

“No Mistress Marie, thank you though.”

Looking back to John, Mistress said, “Down!”

And back down he went, engorged cock and all.

Pointing andtapping the cane on John’s ass, Mistress Marie said, “Don’t you dare move an inch!”

“Yes, Mistress.”

And with that Mistress Marie unleashed a barrage of vicious blows, each one making me when. Unbelievably, John remained still throughout, taking every last one of her 10 blows. Although breathing heavy and 10 new deep welts, John took it well.


John immediately pulled up his pants, stood straight and dropping to his knees. With his back straight from head to his knees he placed his hands behind his back and lowered his gaze.

The Mistress walked slow back to John and gently placed her hand on his head and stroked him.

“You see Mark, being my houseboy is not easy but has its rewards. It’s a privilege being at my beck and call, John knows he must work very hard to stay in my favorite. Isn’t that right John?”

John replied quickly, “Yes Mistress”.

She then made another quick motion with her finger and hand and just as quickly as before, John was back kneeing with his tray back by her chair.

She pulled the tray a little bit closer forcing him to extend his arms up and straight. She took the cup and enjoyed a couple of slow sips, looking stunning in the afternoon light.


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