The Goddess Club: Interview Ch. 02

The Goddess Club: Interview with Head Mistress Marie

Chapter 2

At this point Mark’s hormones had all but taken over. He had to muster all his strength to remain focused. Truth be told, he couldn’t believe how intotoxicating her beauty was. He was overcome with the most intense desire to fall to his knees start begging her to train him too. She was so incredibly sexy! All he could think about was how much he wanted to worship this Goddess. As his hands begin to sweat, he took a deep breath and tried to ask the next question but before he could, she answered her own.

“You see Mark, the most important thing you understand, and more importantly what your audience understands, is that this is not a game or some silly boys fantasy. This is how we live. We demand and get, absolute respect and obedience from every man in our lives, that includes you Mark. Do you understand?”

Feeling like he had rocks in his mouth he mumbled that he did.

Mistress Marie snapped back, “Then you will address me as you should, Mistress! Is that understand?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Very good.”

“As the head Mistress of the northeastern region of the Goddess Club, I’ve taken it upon myself the help both men and women take their rightful place. I often take women under my wing and help them find and fully express their power and beauty. I also do The same for men that are ready to surrender to Female Supremacy.”

“Do you understand Mark?”

“Yes Mistress.”


Feeling like he had been taken into a deep hypnotic state, all Mark could do now was listen and try to keep his composition.

“If I may ask Mistress, how do you choose to the men you train for the Goddess Club?”

“The club has a vast network and post club functions often. I post once a year for candidates to apply for my six-month slave training program. Twice a year I will choose three boys for a six-month training program. I receive hundreds of application and afterweeding through the truly horrible ones, I conduct phone interviews with about twelve. After that I choose seven to personally interview.”

Mark pondered that for a moment and asked, “That would be a fantastic process to capture!”

“Well Mark, today is your lucky day! I have scheduled those interviews for today. They will be arrived very soon. I will start by conducting a group interview, testing each one’s commitment to surrender control to me. I will continue until I have only four left and then begin one-on-one interviews. The three I choose will immediately begin a six-month training program that will totally train them to properly serve the Goddesses of our club. If they survive the six months, they will be presented at the Goddesses Club seminual gathering. The head mistresses from other regions will also have their successful traines there. The slaves will be on full display and will compete to prove who’s “Best in Show”. It’s always very competitive and my reputation for producing the finest slaves is renowled, having won the last three competitions! It’s only a matter of making sure I have only the most committed and hardworking boys to train. And that is why today is your lucky day. “

Mark was very interested in getting as much access to this selection process as he could. He was really grateful to Mistress Marie for her generosity.

“You will document the process and help other boys understand what it takes. You will also be helping to educate all those women out there that could greatly benefit from joining our movement. Too many women are wasting their precise time and energy on making their men useful and appreciated.”

“Is that clear Mark?”

“Yes Mistress! I would be delighted to and thank you so much for the opportunity!”

“You’re welcomed Mark, I’m sure you will do a very good job sharing with your audience the important work we are doing. Isn’t that right?”

“Absolutely, I will do my very best Mistress.Thank you!”

Mistress Marie then gracefully picked her tea back up from the tray and took another couple slow, relaxed sips. Moving to place her cup back to the tray she noticed the slightest trembling of the tray. Clearly Johns arms were getting tried and, despite his efforts, were beginning to fail him.

With a look of complete disgust, she placed her cup down and waved her index finger forward. John Instantly rose to his feet and moved quickly and quietly out of the room. Moments later he returned, taking his place behind and to the left of the Mistress.

“Just to be very clear Mark, as was discussed, I will have complete editorial control for everything you produce. Not a single thing will be produced and made available without my permission and approval. Is that understand?”

Knowing full Well that he had his editor to content with back at the Herald, Mark throw all caution to the wind, “Absolutely Mistress, I will not betray your trust and confidence in any way. Thank you Mistress, I truly appreciate the access and opportunity to promote your organization. Whatever I can do, I will.”


With that I heard a faint knock on the door.


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