I was in a kind of fugue as Jan led me gently upstairs to the master bath. She pushed me into the shower and washed me in an almost maternal fashion. The warm water mixed with the persistent, but soft movements of her hands submerged me in comfort with higher thought hidden away. Without being conscious of the transition, I found myself leaning against the shower, legs spread, unresistant has her finger slide in and out of my ass. How quickly one yields. How quickly one falsers. To be honest, though, the comfort I was lost in was heavily tinged with a craving for possession- as in, to be possessed. I don’t know how to describe it if you’ve never had a hint of it. It’s a deep need to make someone else happy mixed into an alloy with lust and it seems to slowly spread over you until you’re locked in. Until you love being locked in.
“You’re being so good, baby”, she murmured as a second finger slide in on one of her thrusts. “Kar was just like you- that’s how I know you two are perfect.” Perfect? She was right, in a way. It was clear that Karen had a similar history with Jan. What I didn’t understand is how I missed all this the first time. I also didn’t have time to think about it, gasping as her fingers vanished. She stepped out of the shower and the water went icy. “Stay,” she barked as I went to hop out. She twirled a finger around and I dutifully spun, the ection I was barely aware of vanishing.
“Out,” she ordered, ending the brutally cold stream. I should be ashamed to say that I marched like she wanted, without uttering a word of protest, but I’m not. It was the moment. She moved me about, drying me off with a large, soft towel. Her motions remained a kind of affectionate mixed with business-like. At the end of the toweling, she was kneeing in front of me, her own body still damp and perfect to me. She grinned and licked her lips before asking, “Remember how much you liked the feel of my tonsils?” Her hand stroked over my balls, my cock twitchingand beginning to slowly harden. “Close your eyes, think back.”
She was obviously good at sucking cock. I’ve had a wide range of blowjobs in my life, but the she did something more. It will sound ridiculous, but she made love to cock and using her hands, her mouth, her tongue, the occasional fleeting grazing of her teeth, she created a new state. You can imagine my disappointment when I feel the cage slip over me. I started to protest as she quickly locked it into place. It was almost as if she had practiced. She ignored my plaintive, “No! Please!”
“There’s something you should know,” she said as she stood. She hooked one hand around the back of my neck and suddenly shoved me over, pushing me until my face was against the cool surface of the sink. Her other hand slapped down onto my ass, the noise echoing in the bathroom. “Little boys,” she began, her hand clapping down again. “Little girls. Little… in between.” Each pause was punctuated by her hand. My ass was growing hot,the singing edge towards fierce. I could have stood up, but I rested my head there, taking it. “Don’t. Say. No.” Her hand bunched in my hair and I followed her lead to stand up. She took my face in both hands and slowly kissed her way around it, ending by nipping at my bottom lip.
She drew me back into the bedroom, positioning me in front of the bed. Have you ever been guided into a pair of pink panties with the words “cock lover” printed on them? No? It’s a unique experience. Try it locked into a chatity device with thoughts of your girlfriend being used by both the woman doing the guiding and a man with a giant cock, if you want the absolute full effect. Maybe that will explain why I knelt down quietly when she snapped and pointed. She raided her bag again. She scolded me to stay in place when I turned to look- she was playing with the television, putting a dvd in. After a moment, she settled down on the bed. She nonchalantly drew her knees up, spreading her legs apart. She snapped her fingers and pointed at her pussy as she toyed with the remote with her other hand.
Yes, I crawled up the bed. I could have found a more dignified way or I could have stepped away. I could have yelled out the safe phrase now, when Karen couldn’t over hear it. No, I literally crawled up, kissing my way up her legs. Soft, wet kisses paired with cool gusts of air. I wasn’t Just hoping to it, I was invested. I wanted to be what she wanted, someone who knew to lick when she snapped. My tongue flickered its way along her lips, teasing them. I inhaled her as I did my best to, well, worship her.
She started letting out soft sounds of happiness as I slowly teased with my tongue. I was aware of her reaching for her phone again, her fingers twitching out messages. I inhaled deeply and tried my best to not worry, but each buzz caused a pavlovian reaction; my tongue would speed up and I could feel my cock twitch inside its cage, desperate to grow. When she’d set the phonedown and watch the screen, I found myself slowing again, switching to a more luxurious pace. Her thighs clamped down on my ears as she had a slow orgasm, almost growing at me as she came.
“Fuck,” she panted out. “So easy to forget how good you are at that.” Her hands began to stroke my hair as she urged me with a throaty whisper, “Again. Do it again.” She reached out, fiddling with things as I began over, kissing her thighs once again.
“Thumb,” she ordered. I closed my eyes and surprised, as deep a sight as I believe I’ve ever known. It came from deep down in parts of me that didn’t want to finish yielding, didn’t want to just cave, but that sight was the sound of those parts quitting. I unlocked my phone for her, gave her access to everything. To my surprise, she Just opened my earlier exchange with Karen. I returned to worshiping her clip, jumping when my phone buzzed, dancing a bit on her lower stomach.
Karen: I miss you, baby!
Jan wagged her finger as I went toreach for my phone, pointing. I didn’t argue, just began licking again. Jan’s finger wagged each time it buzzed. Her message was clear; she came first.
Karen: Don’t you miss me?
Karen: Baby?
Karen: You better not be getting in trouble without me!
The fifth time it buzzed with a picture. I lifted my head and frozen- Karen had sent a picture and she was dressed to the nines. If I had been out with her, I’m sure I would have been strutting. Usually, she has a classic style, almost demure, but she had almost ventured into trashy. Her makeup and her cleavage- surprisingly highlighted- painted her as a woman with an urge.
Jan reached out again and handed me dildo from early. She smiled as I ran my hands over it, felt its weight. She spread her thighs more, an invitation. I feel my anxiety growing as Karen’s picture starred up at me. Jan must have turned of the sleep feature and this new, hungrier Karen was watching as I positioned the heavy toy and began to push. Jan’s hand clenched my hair.
“Something this big needs lubrication, but you wouldn’t know that.” I’ve always thought my cock was a good size, but I actually felt that land and cling like a barb in my ego- the comparison was brutal. It was hard to feel confident with my hands filled in a way they had never been by my dick. She watched my eyes flick to the phone. “I’ll answer for you, but Only if you add the lube.” She tapped my mouth. It struck me how often she had said “suck my cock”, playfully, while we dated. I jerked as the phone buzzed twice.
Karen: Should I undo another button?
The next picture was showing even more of her. What can I say? I opened my mouth, surprised at how wide it had to go just for the tip. Jan snatched up my phone and tapped out a reply.
“Lap it! Lap at it with your tongue and I’ll let you see.” I immediately slid my mouth off, thought back to the porn I’d watched, to the best blowjobs, and I’m afraid I tried to mimic it. My tongue was dripping wet as I lapped around the toy- around the giant cock- as if it were the most delicious thing I’d ever tasted. It would have been easier if it had already been deep inside Jan, if it had been covered in a taste I was beginning to crave again. Instead I felt like one of those cam whores I’d see on streaming porn sites. She rewarded me by showing me my phone.
Me: If you undo another button, you won’t be able to control the audience.
Karen: Oh yeah? Would you blow me if that happened?
Me: Some of it would be your fault, but you can’t control how perfect you look.
“That should be wet enough, darling,” she said as she pulled the phone away. “Ask me nicely to give me what I need, a nice fat cock.” She moved the phone in front of her and started tapping, altering the stick with the carrot. I begged. I begged her to let me fill her with it. I blushed when I told her how I didn’t compare and I wanted her to be happy. You don’t know what insignificance feels like until you watch your ex’s pussy slowly spread and swallow a toy that’s only ALMOST as big as one of your current girl’s past lovers. It took time and effort, in a way I had never needed before, before I was slowly fucking her with the monster. She flashed the phone at me again.
Me: On the other hand, you’d owe me one. I’d want two for one passes.
Karen: You monster! It’d serve you right I came back with six for you.
Jan pulled my phone away, throwing her head back as I picked up my pace. I was beginning to truly fuck her with the toy. Her head snapped back up. “That’s it, that’s it! More! Fuck me like a man would!” I began to sink inch after inch into her, pulling back as quickly as I could. “Lick! Lick me while he pounds my cunt!”
I lost myself in the task. My Karen was out showing herself off and I wasn’t stopping it, instead following orders like a puppy, lapping at Jan’s clip while she imagined someone else actually filling her. Was this the truest me?
“Look,” she commanded. I kept my tongue working, the hand working the enormous toy into her slowing as I took in her phone.
Janice: I have a video that you know who would love!
Karen: No! Don’t!
Janice: Did you say no?
Karen: I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Please don’t!
Janice: Maybe. I want to see Moremore.
I had almost completely stopped moving the toy, Jan apparently satisfied with the slow movement of my tongue, stroked my hair and flicked the screen down. I had never seen it written out before, but I recognized the nickname I had heard a few people use with Karen. I assumed it was based off her last name, but I had a sudden sinking suicide that it was completely unrelated. The picture that came after that was the same one she had shown me. She wasn’t tarted up because I was ignoring her, she wasn’t playing. She was following orders just like me.
Janice: Is there a reception tonight?
Karen: Yes.
Janice: How many guys have hit on you.
Karen: Four.
Janice: Let me know when you’ve felt one hard against you.
Karen: NO!
Janice: You know what that means.
Karen: Fine.
“You look uncomfortable,” Jan said softly. “Let me help.” How had she known my cock somehow dripping, even trapped? Why was it doing this? How did I end up here, helpless to stop? “Close your eyes,” she directed, voice honey. Her hands started roaming over me, the same firm, but gentle cares she used in the shower. She tugged the panties down, the cool air surprise. I swallowed when she left them there, around my knees. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve done that during a quickie, but suddenly I realized the taboo experience of being someone who is about to be used. The Feeling of my cock sliding free as she unfasted the lock on the cage was so unexpected that it caused my entire body to twitch. I was already reacting like a trained animal. She moved me around- I can only imagine how awkward I looked with myeyes squeezed shut- until I was the one sitting against the headboard. Her left hand wrapped itself around my cock and started stroke. Like a faithful service, it immediately hardened. “Keep them closed,” she whispered and then her mouth was slipping over me. Immediately I was lost in the sensing. I don’t know how long it was before she pulled away and told me to open my eyes. She was holding both phones.
Me: Big talk. Pull a lot of trains?
Karen: Wouldn’t you like to know!
The other phone just had a picture, shot in bad light. It was a man’s crotch, covered with slacks. You could clearly see a large lump in his pants. Karen had taken a picture of someone’s hard, teased cock for Jan which means Karen had made some stranger hard. I felt a surge of desire to know how she had done it. She set the phones down and started to stroke my cock.
“It’s okay, sweetie. It’s not her fault. Just like it’s not your fault that you’re getting milked while she’s out making cocks grow.” Her hands twisted and moved, sliding down and gently massaging my balls. I was staring at some guy’s bulge, being tugged to the edge, and I didn’t do anything beyond thrust my hips some. I didn’t rant, rave, rage. I didn’t storm off. I just wondered how many men were out there with bulges like that and why was Karen so adept at finding them? “You know what she’d have to do if I told her to, right? Can you imagine?”
I shook my head no, refusing to voice it. Refusing to acknowledge that I was throbbing and dripping precum while Karen somewhere close to that cock.
“You don’t know? You can’t even guess? Remember how easy it was to end up with my cock in your little boy pussy? Remember how quickly you came? Now, guess!” She punctuated the last with a sharp slap to my cock. I yelped, clnched my eyes, and answered.
“Whatever you’d want. She’d… She’d probably do this”, I stammered out. I knew it would be more. I knew because I was still sitting here, stillhard as I’d ever been. If Jan could cause these kinds of sensings in me, I could easily imagine her breaking down my sweet Karen.
“Do you think she’d do more? Do you think she’d let him pound her little pussy?” Her hands were dancing on my cock again, destroying my ability think. “Would you tell her it was okay? It would be fair, after all.” Her thumb started wiggling against the underside of my cock; I had thought I was on the edge before, but she was holding me constantly at a single heartbeat from orgasm. “I can stop. I can leave, if not.” Her hands released me.
You already know. You’ve probably known since the first sentence I wrote. You know I paused, but you know it was just for show, a hint of resistance. We all know what I did.
“Don’t”, I panted out. “Don’t stop. It’s fair!”
“Tell me”, she taunted as her thumb started again. “What’s fair?”
“If… If… If she takes cock. She can take his cock. It’s fair!” I was almost crying from over stimulation. She was masterfully playing me. “If you want! Whatever you want!”
Her hands began again, slower this time. I realized she was bringing me down, keeping me from boiling over. She cooed sweet things at my cock as she worked me over, occasionally punctuating an expression by taking me into her mouth. I should have been concerned about how many of the comments contained phrases like “sweet little thing” and “such a perfect clip”, but my brain was being taken by what she was doing to me.
“There’s something you should see”, she pursued in her almost maternal tone. “You are going to be so excited! So happy!” She continued to stroke me for a few moments before wiping her hands and picking up her phone. A few swipes later and she held her phone out. I had a moment of clarity, realizing how pathologic I looked. I was naked, aside from a pair of panties slide down my legs, with my cock obviously hard, constantly dripping.
Janice: What’s the proper thing to do when you make thathappen, Moremore?
Karen: Do I have to?
Janice: Answer the question.
Karen: Service it and drain it.
Janice: Which means?
Karen: It means do whatever he needs to get him off.
Janice: So, what do I get if I let you out of your duty?
Karen: Anything! What do you want?
Jan pulled her phone away, swimming some More. Karen was saying she’d swallow that cock. No, worse, she said she’d do whatever he needed. My heart crashed, mixed in with the lust and excitement. It somehow just dragged me deeper into this state Jan was cultivating. Then she returned the phone.
Janice: Are you sure? Anything?
Karen: Yes! I don’t want to do that to him! Please don’t make me!
Janice: I want him, Then.
Karen: You want to fuck him?
Janice: No. I want to train him. Offer him up to me to break him and you can stay just his. For now.
Karen didn’t know that I was already there, so quickly shattered in front of Jan. I would have never admitted that I wanted to be here, regardless of my filter late night searches. I would have told you it would only ever be fantasy. Yet here I was, not restrained at all, but completely captive. Would Karen give me up to stay true? Or would she be bouncing on someone else to keep me pure? Jan swiped again.
Karen: Okay. Okay. If you can.
Janice: Good girl! You can go back to your room now.
Karen: Thank you.
Karen: You won’t do it, really, right?
Karen: Please?
Janice: Make a video for him. Convince him to try something special.
Jan pulled the phone away, setting it aside and they she settled down in front of me, legs spread obscenely. She pulled me forward, guiding me without any sort of foreplay. She wanted to claim me in another way; she wanted to be the first person I was fucked since Karen and I became serious. I felt like a toy as she lined my cock up and pulled me forward. Okay, yes, I helped. Yes, I pushed. Yes, I moaned as I felt myselfslip into her soft velvet warmth.
“Come on, be a good boy,” she chirped. “Come on, fuck me! What can you do?” So I did. Or at least I tried. She had kept me on edge for so long and she felt so good that I had to continuously stop, pausing time and again. After a just a couple minutes she overtly yawned. Then she feigned boredom. At least, I hope she was faking it. “So this what Karen gets”, she taunted. “Does she own a lot of toys, at least?” Regardless of how much I wanted to fuck her, pound her mercilessly, I was too on edge. It cuts to your core, when a woman is becoming for something and you can’t deliver it. “I guess I expected too much. Maybe you need entertainment. Maybe a distraction will help.” She was smiling as she reached for the remote and the TV lit up. I was positioned perfectly to fill her while watching the screen. Her other hand wrapped itself in my hair, clearly to control my head and make sure I was focused just where she wanted. The screen was paused in the middle of a sex scene. I could see an obscured woman on her hands and knees, frozen in the middle of either getting all three holes filled at once or in the middle of taking a cock in her throat and two in her pussy. There was no way this would distract me; Jan was trying to make me exploit. “If you’re going to come anyway, lets make it extra special.” Her other hand pulled me deep into her. Well, as deep as I could go- I He knew that toy had explored more than I could. “Are you ready? Are you sure?”
I nodded, pulling my own hair. Even that tiny little spike of pain caused me to light up. I was devolving into a creativity of pure physical lust. Worse, it was the single most intense feeling of my life. Then she hit play and I learned that it was nothing. The volume was up enough that it felt like I was in the room as two of the men erupted in orgasm. They were guttural in their ecstasy and their words were punctuated with “whore” and “cum dump” as they finished. As the four of them movedaround, my heart froze, my blood turned to ice. Stepping into frame was Derek and with a clear view, I recognized Karen, even with her back turned. I started to hyperventilate as I saw cum clearly dripping down her legs. Then the pulsing reality of my bare cock inside of Jan’s maddeningly soft pussy hit me as well.
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