It started with my phone buzzing, the quick double tap of a text message. It was an ex of mine, long since married.
Janine: He is so good, but sometimes he’s just a bit too big; my cervix is bruised.
I stared at it for a minute, taking it in. Janine- Jan- and I had been an item for a while and had a very fun time, but this was out of character for recent years. After a few more heartbeats- spent considering what too big really means- I dutifully suggested she meant to direct that to someone else. Buzz buzz.
Janine: So sorry, meant for a girlfriend of mine, sorry. But we’ve been apart long enough that you might count.
I rolled my eyes, a long running joke amongst everyone I know that I’m half girl, anyway- I like pretty things and I’m the emotional talky type. On the other hand, I’ve never been single for long so I think it’s worth the joke. My fingers tapped out, “I don’t think I count- my first instinct was ‘pictures or it didn’t happen’ so I I’m disqualified.”
Janine. 😛 Give it time.
I glanced back at my phone throughout the night, but nothing else. I went through the normal motions, my girlfriend heading to bed hours before me. Honestly, my hands had started wandering, flipping through websites. Her message had lingered.
Buzz buzz.
Janine: say please.
Almost midnight. And if Jan hadn’t changed much in the last several years, Friday night means at least a drink or two. A better person than me would have just ignored the probably tipsy woman, but.. “Why?”
Janine: Uh uh. Please or nothing.
I was grinning as I answered, perhaps too quickly, “Please.” The screen stayed the same for one minute. Two minutes. Ten minutes. Buzz buzz.
Janine: OK. night.
I didn’t need the websites after that. I should have deleted the messages, just in case. I stared at them, instead, before finally giving in.
Two days went by without any messages. I felt guilty about the little exchange and guilty about my wandering hands when thinking about it, but the guilt seemed to add something to the exchange. I dug out racy emails and photos, taking a dirty little romp down memory lane. Buzz buzz.
Janine: Ha. I probably owe you an apology and to induct you into the girlfriends’ club, you’re invited out tomorrow.
She added in information for a bar, a cozy little place not too far off. I’d be alone this entire week; Karen was going to be away for work. I toyed with my phone, considering, hesitating. Buzz buzz.
Janine: That should be yes, thank you.
So it was. “Yes, thank you.” That was it for the night, but I made Karen scream happy. Apparently threat was incredible foreplay for me. And perhaps a little of it was me working hard to make up for.. whatever this grey area was.
I was there twenty minutes too early and I had noticed the care I put into my clothes selection. I was fidgeting at the bar when she tapped me on the shoulder. During our hello hug, I angled my hips away, surprised by my reaction. It feel like her lips lingered a moment when she kissed me on my cheek. I was supposed to be a taken man. The next hour was casual, light, airy. It was a reconnection with a good friend. As we prepared to head our separate directions down the sidewalk, she hooked her arm in mine.
“I have a present for you. To welcome you to the Girlfriends’ club. But don’t open it until I say.” I rolled my eyes- I do that a lot, by the way- because Jan had a long history of gift giving, joke gifts as often as meaningful ones. I gave assurances and found myself watching that box for the next three hours. Wondering. Shaking it. It was wrapped with a pink ribbon, a pretty little hand tied bow made from silk.
Buzz buzz. I pounded.
Janine: Okay, ready?
Me: When am I not?
Janine: As long as you realize you have to abide by the girlfriend code now- you have to take all the taboo topics and keep our secrets.
Our secrets? I was biting my lip, gently. Tap tap tap, “Consider me sworn in, under pain of torque should I betray this noble invitation.” Buzz buzz.
Janine: Okay, open up your present!
I had the bow off in million seconds, hands moving on their own. I cocked my head sideways; the box had a large pair of lace panties, soft and feminine. I lifted them to discover a smaller pair underneath, identical except for size.
Janine: 🙂 You can’t be a girlfriend if you don’t have any panties. Welcome officially to the club. Now you get _all_ the juicy tidbits.
I lifted the other pair and frozen, a weak, familiar scent hitting me. I looked around, even though I knew I was alone, before I pulled them closer and inhaled. Buzz buzz. I jumped. I know it sounds silly, but I jumped.
Janine: I think Karen and I are about the same size and I thought it’d be rude to give you something and not her. Besides, now you have something for scale. Night night! Talk to you tomorrow!
I fumbled with my phone, starting to respond. She must have seen the indicator. Buzz buzz.
Janine: Setting do not disturb. Night night girlfriend.
My hands crumbled up the panties and hesitantly brought them to my face. I didn’t jump this time when I heard the buzz. Looking down, it was a shot of a woman astride a man, almost reverse cowgirl, but Sitting higher up, his cock extended up against her panties, the same panties in my hand. I know what she means for scale, now, and I spread out the panties, sliding my hands over them while looking at the picture. I shook my head as I looked at the gap.
I’m not proud of it, but three times that night. Twice before a good night phone call to my distant partner. Once after. And I went to sleep with the phone under my pillow.
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