The Girl Who would be Valedictorian Pt. 01

It was nearing midterms of Lynette’s fourth year. She had checked her grades again and she was still on track to become the Valedictorian, the extra feather in her cap to guarantee her choice of future career.

She only had two problems: Susan Henderson and Professor Richard Magnus’ Anthropology class. Susan’s grades were also impossible, forcing Lynette work even harder to achieve her goal, and Dr. Magnus was marking really hard this year. Lynette had poured effort into her assignments to date, but his class was by far her weakest grade, though by anyone else’s standards she was doing exceptionally.

Lynette shook her head as the knot of anxiety tightened in her chest, she had not worked this diligently for years only to lose to Susan now because of a required arts course! She had to do something…

Looking up from where she sat in the front row Lynette watched his eyes flit around the room while he taught up at the whiteboard. Ruggedly Handsome, his clothes sat attractically on his athletic frame, he took his fitness seriously and it showed. Standing a little over six feet Rick Magnus was a commanding presence in the classroom as he moved around in front of her desk, towering over her when he walked up to address people in the back.

His well trimmed bear was just beginning to grey, and keeping his head shaved made him look younger than his mid-forties, though sometimes a bit severe. Her mind wandered as a brief fantasy of his strong hands on her skin danced across her thoughts and she caught herself staring at his sleeps rolled up over his thick forearms. Blushing Lynette looked away.

He had seen the flush and coyly averted gaze before when he had caught the occasional young lady lost in thought at his lessons and a little grin quirked his lips as he continued talking to the class uninterrupted.

God, now that the idea had appeared she couldn’t deny the little ticke between her legs. It was something she would have to deal with after school, Lynette told herself. Right now she had to focus on how to improve her grade.

She glanced to his desk, and then back to his ass as he wrote on the whiteboard. Did he know he was clenching his cheeks each time he emphasized a point? Lynette’s mind wandered to the thought of his cool desk under her shoulder blades as his firm ass drive his cock between her legs…

She absently realized she was staring as she came back to reality. She was staring at his crotch. Glancing up, he was still lecturing, but he was looking right at her!

Blushing furiously Lynette looked around. Many people were avidly paying attention to the class, some were on their laptops or phones, and absolutely no one was paying attention to her.

Now that she’d thought of it, she couldn’t get the idea of ​​spreading her legs for Dr. Magnus out of her head. Maybe if she sent him she could kill two birds with one stone? Scratch this itch and guarantee that she would achieve what shehad worked so hard for?

Rick had noticed that Lynette seemed distracted today. Normally she was very studious, one of his best students. He knew that she felt the subject matter didn’t come naturally to her, but she worked really hard and he appreciated that. Personally he didn’t mind being thought of as a frustratingly hard marker. Truth be told, he liked how it kept those who had no interest in the subject matter out of his courses, they could waste some other Prof’s time.

He had always worked to keep a detached air about him, which could be difficult when one had a number of attractive young women in their classes. Lynette was very cute with her nerdy sense of style, and sitting in the front row in her demure little cardigans and smart skirts, looking up at him while he talked, had been endearing all semester, even if he didn’t let it show.

He turned around towards the students while he was making his point and he noted she seemed lost in her own thoughts, her thousandsand-yard star zeroed in on… his crotch. Quickly glancing up into the sea of ​​faces he stuttered as he refused his train of thought. “Was she slowly spreading her legs?” He wondered to himself as he tried to maintain momentum on his lesson while keeping an eye on Lynette with his peripheral vision.

Rick glanced down at her right as she came back to earth, looking up into his eyes as embarrassment washing over her face and she blushed furiously, the hunger in her gaze arousing something deep inside him.

Lynette quietly excused herself from the class heading to the washroom to splash water on her face. What the fuck had just happened?

This was the last class of the day. She could just say she wasn’t feeling well and go back to her dorm. Then a slutty thought in the back of her mind spoke up: or she could stay after class and negotiate a better grade. “Tell him you’ll do *anything* to improve your mark,” she thought to herself.

What was the worst that could happenn? He might be flattered but decline? That would be embarrassing, but even then she could just buckle down harder and improve her grade the way she always had.

But if it worked, the thought of his strong hands on her hips as he pounded her tight little pussy was very independent. “Fuck, I should not be making plans when I’m horny.” She muttered to herself in the mirror.

“If you wait you will lose your nerve,” the slut in the back of her mind chided as she thought about taking off her bra and approaching him at his desk after class. Her cardigan would hide her nipples until she walked up and revealed herself for the dispatch.

Taking a deep breath she reached between her shoulder blades and popped the clap, tugging as she slipped the strraps over her shoulders and around her elbows, then out from under her t-shirt. Standing in the girl’s washroom the nipples of her perky young breasts stand out proudly through the fabric.

She blushed as she turned left and right, noting how obvious it was that she wasn’t wearing a bra, at least through her snug t-shirt. Flipping the laptops of the cardigan forward Lynette checked herself again, “Hmm, not quite as subtle as I was hoping.” She thought to herself as she pulled the sweater tight, noting that her perkiness was still visible unless she left the laptops drawing loose.

Looking down at the bra in her hand she was beginning to have second thought- Bam!

Her heart leaves as the door slammed open and another girl walked into the bathroom. Lynette stuffed her bra in her bag and turned to keep her back to the other student as she left, her heart racing.

Taking deep breaths as she slowly walked down the hall back to class, “I could try to find a washroom on another floor,” she thought to herself as she glanced at the clock, “but the day is almost over, you only have twenty minutes left to tease him…” Lynette thought about biting her lip and batting her eyesashes as she would straighten her posture causing her sweater to fall away from her pert breasts.

As she went the last thirty steps to the door she ran the seductive reveal through her head once more, then acted it out as she walked, biting her lip and pulling her shoulders back, watching her nipples stand out proudly through her taut t-shirt. Looking up Lynette saw another student rounding the corner at the far end of the hall and covered herself again, leaning forward to make sure everything was hidden as she quietly opened the door and re-entered the class.

Some bored stars turned her way, but returned to the lesson as she sat back down in the front, her heart was pounding.

Lynette could tell she had missed something important in the lesson and joked down a reminder to email a classmate for their notes, and then she could relax and figure it out later.

She waited a few minutes before adjusting her cardigan to frame things just right and give him a peak that nobody behind, or beside her, could see, then straightened her posture, presenting her breasts subtly for his display.

She sat and wondered what he might order her to do, absolutely biting her lip as she tried to prepare herself mentally, realizing that if he did say yes she would be expected to… her mind began to wander through all of her sexual fans, superimposing the two of them on the filthy connections being made in her head. Why did the thought of sucking his cock makes her so horny?

“Damn it.” Lynette thought to herself as she looked down at her breasts. As she became more aroused her nipples were getting even harder. She tried to be subtle in reading her sweater to make sure none of her classmates could see them while still giving the Professor a tease.

Ever since ‘that look’ before she had stepped out of class Rick was having a hard time focusing. He glanced at his notes, using his list of bullet points to grab the next five-minute topic as he eyed the clock again. The day was almost over.

He was cutely aware that she had begun to fidget in her seat and he was trying not to catch an eyeful of something that would cause him to lose his train of thought in front of everyone. Watching her out of the corner of his eye as he spoke, he could see that her legs were spread under her desk and she was bouncing her knees. When she readjusted her sweater again he looked down, was that a nipple peeking out?

“Uh…” Fuck! he could feel his cock stirring as he tried to pick up where he had left off, “Please read chapters seven and nine before next class. And we have a few minutes left for questions.” Professor Magnus walked up to stand in front of her desk as people’s hands went up around the room.

Lynette glanced at the time, minutes left in class as she listened to his deep voice, his crotch only feet from her face. Was that his dick down the left leg of his pants, or just the fabric tenting? She chewed gently on her lip as she studied the curves, if it was, itwas bigger than she was expecting.

At that moment Rick was regretting wearing boxes to work today. Now that he was starting to thicken, his tight pants and the soft fabric of his underwear, along with the attention of a particular student, were becoming very stimulating. He glanced down, wondering if he was visible, only to see Lynette starring right at his hardening cock, biting her lip. He stepped in a little closer, using her head and body to shield his prediction from the students behind her as he answered their questions.

Quickly cutting his losses he turned around and walked the few careful steps back to his desk to sit down. The bigger he got the more stimulating his tight pants had become and when he sat the hip-fold trapped his throbbing member in his pant leg, pleasantly snaring it at full attention as the students filed out of the classroom in a controlled stampede.

Lynette looked like she was finishing up some notes while two others came up to his deskand asked about emailing him for details this week, then they hurried with everyone else out of class. She took a deep breath and gathered her resolve as she planned the walk up to his desk and then… She looked at the open classroom door.

Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea, Lynette worried. She got up, second guessing herself and pulled her heavy bag over shoulder, heading slowly towards the door.

The little slut in her looked at the knob as she approached, seeing the lock in the handle and a perfect empty spot to stash her stuff beside the door. She dropped her bag with one hand and closed the door with the other, enjoying the satisfying click as she locked it.

“Last chance to back out.” Lynette muttered to herself before drawing a deep breath.

Her pussy tingled as her mind wandered to what it might be like to wrap her lips around his cock, “Fuck it.”

Rick felt a little confused as she slung her backpack over her shoulder and walked towards the door, hon10. A bit relieved that she was losing her nervous, yet disappointed at the same time. Enjoying the sway of her hips as she walked away until she stopped, dropped her backpack and closed the door, he heard to telltale sound of the mechanism rolling over in the lock. His fat cock still throbbing trapped against his inner tigh as he sat there.

“Um… Dr. Magnus?” she asked promptly as she turned around, “Can I talk to you about my grade?” She walked towards him sitting at his desk.

Rick could almost hear the record scratch in his brain: her grade? He had just tallied up everyone’s marks to prepare for midterms and she was the second highest grade in this class. He had been approached by young women in the past hoping to make up for their lack of effort by spreading their legs for him and he had always turned them down. It wasn’t worth the risk to his career to help someone who didn’t even care to try.

He was mesmerized by the slight jiggle of her breasts as she walked towards him still biting her lip, “Your grade?” he asked confused, not realizing he was staring.

“It’s just that I’ve been working so hard to become Valedictorian at the end of the year,” her words came out in a torrent, “and if I could bump up my mark in your class by five percent then I should be guaranteed…” she paused and took a deep breath, pulling her shoulders back and feeling her sweater fall away to her sides, “I’m willing to do *anything* to get the extra credit I need, Sir.”

Lynette’s heart was racing as she finally voiced her offer. Feeling her nipples tingle as he stared at her chest, every curve and detailed visible through her skin-tight t-shirt. She looked down at his thick cock pinned under the tight fabric, the ridge of his circuited head obvious against his thigh.

“Five percent, huh?” a detached part of his mind railed, he wasn’t actually considering this was he? “Willing to do *anything?*” he asked, trying to use the same emphasis she had.

Rick could tell he wasn’t thinking straight, but part of him really needed to find out how far she would go, “Shouldn’t an offer like that be made on your knees?” He asked, the trepidation in her eyes arousing him even more as she tenatively lowered herself between his spread legs.

“Anything, Sir…” she reiterated as she gazed at his cock and licked her lips.

“The chance I would be taking isn’t worth a one-time tryst, young lady.” His mouth was dry as he spoke, “And if I remember correctly you are enrolled in my following up class next term. If I were to agree to your proposal I would expect your ‘extra credit assignment’ to go on until your final marks are posted at the end of the year.”

She stared at his member as he spoke, nodding almost imperceptibly as she thought About his thickness stretching out her tight pussy for the next six months, gently placing her hands on his knees as she looked back up into his eyes and more firmly nodded her agreement, nervouss too strained to speak.

“Unzip my pants, girl.” he commanded, forcing her to do the work.

Lynette slide her hands up his tighs, feeling him twitch as her palm glided over his hardness.

While she was pulling down his fly he spoke again, “Are you seeing anyone right now?”

She shook her head, “No, Sir.” She had been seeing someone last year, but they broke up over the summer. Lynette had gone on a date a month ago, but hadn’t been interested in a following up with the guy.

“Good, because your pussy will be my property until the end of the school year.” Rick stated, “Now, if you are serious about this you will pull out my cock and wrap your lips around it.”

Why did a stall of arousal tease her when he told her she would be his property? She had always considered her academic achievement a feminist success story, yet here she was, on her knees about to suck the biggest cock she had ever experienced because he was ordering her to, and she was so fucking horny right now.

Lynette fumbled with the little button on the front of Rick’s boxers, rubbing the base of his cock as she worked it open before sliding her cool fingers inside to touch his skin for the first time. She pulled gently at his trapped erection while he watched her, popping the button on his pants as she tugged his throbbing hardness in an arc, wiggling it out to bob proudly in front of her face. Delicately wrapping her fist around the base of his shake as it towered over her fingers.

“Into your mouth, Lynette,” he stated commandingly, “I don’t like having to repeat myself.” There was something menuing in his tone that she found deeply erotic.

She pulled his thick manhood down to point at her lips, looking up at him as she leaned forward to plant a soft kiss on the head. Pauling impishly as she enjoyed the lust in his eyes, before Parting her wet lips to slide around him. Lynette pushed herself down until the full head of his cock was touching the back of her throat, looking down at how much of him remained in the space between her lips and her hand at the base of his shake below.

She strained to keep her teeth from touching his velvet hardness as he slip over her tongue.

“Lynette, panties off. Now.” Rick ordered.

It took her a moment to register as she bobbed back and forth on his cock, her lips just cresting over the ridge of his head each way as he hardened to iron in her mouth. Sliding her hands up under her skirt and wiggling her panties down over her ass, then awkwardly over each knee, until they hung up on her shoes, trapping her ankles.

“Good enough,” he said, bringing her attention back to him, “Fingers on your clip, my dear. When you are in the presence of my erection, I expect you to be pleasing yourself.”

Lynette reached under her skirt to dip Her finger into her juicy pussy, and then slide it over her horny little clip, setting into dancing little whorls as she bobbed her satin lips over him, kneeing on the floor of the classroom beside his desk.

She closed her eyes and luxurious in her arousal as she got closer and closer to orgasm, her lips stretched lewdly around his straining, engaged hardness. Fuck was she close.

*tch-click* she heard a camera phone go off right in front of her, her eyes flying open! *tch-click* He snapped a second pic as she stared frozen at the phone.

Her heart stopped as she pulled back and he popped out of her mouth, “Whoa! What the hell?!” She exclaimed, falling back on her heels.

“Not to worry, my dear.” He said calmly, “These photos will be stored offline with my lawyer and encrypted, even he won’t know what the files contain. They would be as damaging to my reputation as they could be to yours. Consider them my insurance policy, so that someday you don’t have a change of heart and decide to ruin my career. If that day ever were to come, I would make sure these pictures will be the first search result when anyone tries to look up our court case. And fuck, my dear: we make sexy porn.”

He turned the phone screen to face her and her own vision starred hornily back, lips stretched around the head of his massive cock, her tiny fingers at the bottom of the frame. She had to admit, they were stunningly sexy together. Lynette had no doubt it would be very popular if it ever got out.

“It is mutually assured destruction, Lynette. If I release them, you acuse me and we go down together and vice versa. You really have nothing to worry about so long as you keep quiet… Who said you could stop sucking my cock, slut?” Rick looked irritated as he verified again that his phone was on airplane mode so the photos would stay private until he had securely transferred them, then put it away and changed the subject back to the task at hand.

She obediently began to move forward before she had even thought, her soft mouth opening again as she turned his simple logic over in her head, tenatively sliding him back over her tongue as her pulse slowed down. He had neglected to mention the possibility of accidental release, she considered, but then again blackmail was a risky business.

Lynette’s fingers touched back down to stroke her clip as her mind went to the picture of her lips scanning around his shake and the thought of others seeing her like that, moaning quietly as her orgasm approached. Why was she getting so turned on by this?


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