The Girl Who Cried Wolf 02


This is the second part of an erotic novel about a disobedient teenager named Fern, who told so many lies in the past, that nobody believes that she’s now being molested by her perverted professor, Mr. Donaldson. In the last installment, Professor Donaldson spanked Fern, forced her to strip naked, and finally ended up breaking Fern’s hymen with a lolly pop. But much to Fern’s Surprise, she enjoyed every second of it.

This story is written with an emphasis on character development. So it takes a lot of time to get to ‘the good parts’, so don’t expect instant gratification. This story also contains numerous S&M scenarios, of light torture and erotic manipulation. The authors DO NOT endorse Professor Donaldson’s teaching methods. Please keep in mind that this is an erotic fantasy, not a manual on educator ethics. Enjoy!


Part 2

By C.B. Summers & Lisa Ross



Wednesday October 23rd

It’s been nearly three weeks since the lolly incident, yet I still can’t get the image of Fern’s maidenhead out of my mind. That adorable little membrane… so pink. So cute. So delicious. So doomed. It looked a bit ragged, actually, as if it were barely hanging on. I suppose that’s common. Most hymens are broken by accident, long before a girl comes of age. But by some miracle, Fern still had hers.

And I took it.

I took a student’s innocent.

I can’t believe I actually did it. But when I saw Fern’s cherry, the urge to be the first to explore her unplumbed depths overwhelmed my senses. I put the lollipop to that delicate flap of flesh and pushed. Then with a slight snap, and a drop of blood, it was over. Not much to it really, yet I nearly came in my trousers at the sight. And then I ‘fucked’ her incomparably beautiful young pussy with that lolly, working it on her virgin G-spot, giving her such a powerful orgasm that she squirted gushing jets of hot, steamy cum into my mouth. Good lord, she tasted delicious.

And now, wouldn’t you know, my favourite soft drink is Fanta orange, because the flavourite conjures up images of my tongue deep inside that sweet, innocent young student of mine, licking her rosy quim, as her fluffy little blonde curls ticle the tip of my nose.

I suppose I shouldn’t be so cavalier about it. I did a terrible thing. An unforgivable thing. But I did it for the good of Fern’s education, didn’t I? She needed to learn that lazy and apathy come at a high price. A hard lesson, to be sure, but someone had to reach her before she ruined her future. And it seems to have had the desired effect, because she finally started doing her homework. Poorly to be sure, but at least she’s putting in a bit of effort now. And in our regular tutoring sessions, she’s been meek and obedient, instead of insolent. Fear, I’ve discovered, is the onlyway to motivate the poor girl. Still, I doubt you’d find the ‘lolly rape’ technique in the Educator’s Guidebook.

At first I was worried that she might report me to the authorities, in spite of the many times she cried ‘wolf’ in the past. But the police haven’t knocked down my door just yet. Nor have any lightning bolts stricken me down from the heavens. I can only conclude that the universe approves of my lesson plan.

But just to be on the safe side, I refrained from delivering any further punishments for a fortnight. But that turned out to be an unwise idea. Just the other day, she did poorly on Miss Hogarth’s Biochem test, in spite of all our preparation work. More surprising, she utterly bombed my Western Literature test. Apparently she hasn’t been doing her reading, in spine of her many promises to the contrary. Still, I was reticent to ‘cross the line’ with her again, appreciated of the consequences, so I decided not to punish her.

But I changed my mind after her onerous father, Lord Clabberton, called me at home, shrieking like a banshee. “What are you bloody playing at, Donaldson? The Headmistress tells me that my silly daughter has failed another round of assessments! I thought you were supposed to be some kind of bloody expert at daft articles like her! If you can’t handle Fern, I know someone who can! Colonel David Rogers, at the Duke of York Military School!”

I was aghast. “Military school? They’d never admit a girl like Fern!”

“Shows how much you know, you bloody pouf! I was a lieutenant in the Royal Navy! I’ve got connections, me boy, so they’ll have to accept the useless embarrassment if I say so. But never let it be said I ain’t a fair man. I’ll give you till Half Term Holiday to whip her into shape. I’ll be coming to pick her up on the evening of the 27th. Does she have any assessments between now and then?”

“Yes. On Friday the 25th, I’ll be having one in Psychology, as will Mr. Lawson in Biologic.”

“Right. Here’s the deal, Donaldson. If she gets a C or better on either assessment, then I’ll give you another go. But if she gets a D or less in both, she better bloody well start learning how to march!” Then he hung up on me.

How could the mad prick even dream of sending a sensitive, fragile flower like Fern to a place like that? God, they’d eat her alive! No, I simply couldn’t let such a thing happen! So, the very next day I ordered Fern to report to my private office during lunchtime.

After she entered, I locked the door and said, “I thought you learned your lesson last time, Miss Clabberton, but once again you failed to study properly for your assessments. Therefore, I’m going to administrator another punishment.”

“Yes sir.”

“What do you think it should be? And don’t you dare go easy on yourself, or I’ll have to invent my own punishment.”

She looked up at me, fear glowing in her bright blue eyes. Then she stammered, “I… uh… a spanking?”

“Very well. How many strikes?”

She thought for a moment, trying to come up with a number that would satisfy me but not be too painful. She meekly squeaked, “Uh… maybe… one for each answer I missed?”

I laughed. “Brilliant idea. I happen to have the records right here in my email.” After checking, I said, “32 strikes it is.”

Her eyes went wide, and she muttered, “Shit.” I suppose she had no idea how badly she’d done. I removed my jacket and said, “Please turn toward the wall. Now, if you please, raise your skirt. Higher. Higher.”

I watched with growing excitement as she slowly lifted her hem, until her lovely little bum was revealed, clad in an adorable pair of white cotton knickers with little bunny rabbits hoping About. Then I hooked my index fingers in her waistband and slowly lowered her knickers to the floor, biting my lip in wonder at the glorious sight of her creamy white bum. I knelt down, lifted her feet gently one by one to remove herknickers, and stood again, pressing them to my nose to inhale the sweet musk of Fern’s sex. Then I stepped closer, pressing my growing erection to her bare bottom. I could feel her quivering with terror. Then I balled the bunnies up, reached around and stuffed them into her mouth, saying, “Don’t make a peep.” She nodded obediently.

Then I stepped back, raised my arm, and administratored the punishment, one swat at a time. POW! POW! POW! POW! POW! POW! POW!… on and on I went, gently at first, but making each swat progressively firmer. Her beautiful bum jiggled and jumped under my administrations, and her pale white skin began to flush with blood, until both chefs were beet red. I didn’t want to leave a bruise, so I moved down to her upper thighs. I suppose that hurt even more because she had a hard time muffling her squeals of pain. Toward the end she began to quiver so hard that I was certain she was having another unwanted orgasm. Rivulets of glistening moisture began dripping down her inner tighs.

After my last swat, I left my hand on her quaking bum and began to rub it soothingly, while saying, “This Friday, before the Half Term holiday, you’ll be having another round of assessments in Biology and Psychology. On midnight after the tests, you are to report to my classroom, where I shall give you a reward for each C or better in, or a punishment for each D or less. Do you understand?”

She nodded, whimpering around the panties in her mouth.

“Good. Because this is not a dark.” I pinched her bum sharply, making her jump and squeak. Then I stepped back and said, “You may lower your skirt, and remove the knickers from your mouth.”

She lowered her hem, then spit the wadded wet knickers out, and started to put them on again, but I held our my palm. “Give them to me.” She did, then I said, “Now off you go. Enjoy your afternoon.”

Her jaw fell open, “I can’t go out there without any knickers on! I have classes!”

“Just keep your skirt down atthe regulation length, instead of hiking it up as you girls are fond of doing, and stay away from breezes. You should be fine.”

She nodded, then turned to leave, thoroughly humiliated. Yes, I think she’ll study much harder this time. But now that I think of it, I could swear that she was suppressing a smile as she left my office. And there was a definite skip in her step as she walked down the hallway. It’s almost as if she enjoyed being spanked.

Of course! Why didn’t I see it before? Fern must have a paraphilia for sexual masochism! I really am a bloody fool not to have noticed something so obvious. After all, she’s had orgasms every time I’ve spanked her. For all I know, she failed those assessments on purpose, just to provoke me into punishing her!

Good lord! That’s exactly what she did! The different little vixen!!

If she’s deriving pleasure from my punishments, that would undermine everything I’m trying to accomplish with them. Why, I bet she’s planning to fail her Half Term assessments as well!

Perhaps it’s time to redefine the meaning of ‘punishment’.



Thursday October 24th

Dear diary.

That fucker!! That evil fucker! You’ll never believe what he done!

But let me start from the beginning…

Ginny’s been waking up at the crack of dawn all week, preparing tomorrow’s assessments. But I don’t both. Why study when you’re planning to fail? Hee, hee.

God, I must be out of my mind. I’m setting myself up for another one of Donaldson’s insane punishments… two of them, actually. What’s wrong with me?

The first time that psycho spanked me was terrifying, painful, and humiliating!!! Worst of all, I felt like a shitty little whore for having that crazy orgasm. I wanted him to suffer for hurting me like that! But nobody would believe me! Fuckers! I never felt so bloody helpless in my life. Friendless. Useless. Alone.

I hoped he’d leave it at that, but then he made me strip for him during that flash card session! So humiliating… but so sexy! God, the way he was leering at me! I loved it! I don’t know why, but I intentionally flopped a couple of questions, just so I could show him my pussy and tits. And if that weren’t bonkers enough, I stepped up to him and put my left boob right in his mouth! What a stupid idea! He nearly raped me! I had to beg him not to, and when he agreed, I actually felt grateful. To that asshole! GRATEFUL! And instead of raping a student, he wanked off right there in front of me and made me lick his cum off my fingers. DIS… GUS… TING!!! But afterwards, thinking about it, I masturbated myself sore!

What kind of freak am I?

And then… the lolly. The goddamned orange lolly. I’ve never felt so violent in my whole fricking life! Not even the time I caught mum reading my emails with Kirsty! But oh shit, it was so fucking HOT!!! Every time I think about it… that demented, sexy beast fucking me with a lolly… his old, but tender tongue licking my pussy… oh, shit, I get sooooooooooooooo fucking WET!

And after that I was terrified (in a good way) of what he’d do next, but he teased me for two weeks! Threatening punishments, but never Following through. I even flunched a couple of tests on purpose but he sent me home without a punishment, and I was actually SAD over it! I even CRIED, if you can believe that. But then, much to my relief, he called me into his office yesterday and spanked me harder and longer than ever! Fuck did it hurt! And he made me go around the rest of the day without any knickers on. How humiliating! But, oh goodness me, I’ve never masturbated so much in my life! I’ve masturbated so much in the past couple days that my clip aches when I touch it now. Maybe I need a break. But it’s so hard when all I can think about at night is him. HIM!!! That fucking BEAST!

But here’s the weirdest thing: in spite of all this depravity, humiliation and fear, I feel happier than ever. The air is fresher, the sun is warmer, the sky is bluer. But that’s not to say I’m not scared. I am. I’m fucking terrified of what sick shit he might do next! But the thing is, I’m not scared of being terrified, if that makes any sense. Donaldson may be a shit teacher, but he’s taught me one thing: I’m stronger than I ever knew. Let him do his worst. He’ll never destroy me. I’m Super-Fern! I can turn pain into pleasure. Humiliation into empowerment! Fear into fun!

Oh yeah, I’m definitely a freak.

Anyway, as I lay in bed this morning, I was trying to decide what I wanted my punishments to be. One of them definitely had to be another spanking. Yeah. Good and hard. I want him to really make me cry this time. Spank my bottom black and blue so I feel it for days. I’ll get every single answer wrong, this time! Yeah, that’ll be a lot of swats! Hee, hee!

As for my second punishment… I had no idea. My imagination isn’t as demented as his. But a wild thought popped into my mind… What if he fucked me up the ass? God, I bet that would hurt! Oh, there’s no way I’d ever actually let him do something like that, not in a million zillion years. But it’s a super hot fantasy. So hot, in fact, that I started quietly masturbating under my covers. What?! It isn’t my fault! I just cant help what the sick bastard does to me!

Anyway, I guess I wasn’t doing it quietly enough, because Ginny snapped, “Oh, would you give it a rest? Some of us are trying to study.” I was about to say something nasty to her, but right then, Britta came in from the shower, wrapped up in a towel. Ginny proudly bragged, “I’m definitely going to win another lollipop from Dear old Donny tomorrow.”

I nearly pissed myself laughing! If she had the slightest idea where Donaldson loved shoving those lollies, she’d be scarred for life!

Ginny gave me the dirty look ever, and then hissed, “What are you laughing at, bimbo? If you studied a little harder, instead of rubbing yourself stupid all the time, you could win a lolly of your own and you wouldn’t have to nick them from me!”

I rolled my eyes. “I keep telling you, I didn’t touch your precious lollies! You must’ve miscounted, muggins!” She stuck her tongue out at me and I stuck mine right back. Of course, she was right. I’d nicked a few. I throw away that cherry one I tasted last week… yuck! But after Proffy D busted my hymen, I’d nicked another from Ginny’s collection, lemon I think, so I could do a little ‘experimentation’ with it. It felt okay, but maybe I wasn’t doing it right. Not as good as Donaldson anyway. I wrapped that lolly back up when I was done and returned it to Ginny’s collection, good as new, just a little smaller and stickier than before. Therefore, technically, I’d only taken one of her precious lollies. Hardly the crime of the century.

Then Britta said, “I love ya Ginny, but getting this wound up over a bunch of sweets is just silly if you ask me.”

“Well, you would think that. You never won one either!”

Britta shrugged. “Yeah. So? Some people are easily motivated I suppose. But I’d need a much better reward than a lolly to make me as swotty as you.”

I said, “Is that so? Like what?”

Britta giggled. “Oh, I don’t know.”

I saw the twinkle in Britta’s eye. She was definitely thinking about something scandalous, so I said, “No, really. What reward would motivate you to study as hard as Ginny P?”

A sly little grin spread out on her face, “Well… I guess I’d put in a bit more effort in Western Lit if the reward was a kiss from Dear old Donny.”

She giggled again, but I could tell she wasn’t joking. She really means it. I already knew that she had a big crush on Donaldson, but I didn’t know how I’d feel about it! Angry! Jealous! Absolutely-eye scratching mad! I felt a fury boiling up in me that I’ve never felt before. I just about throw an eppy!

But then Britta unwrapped the bathrobe from her perfect body, and my anger turned to envy. Her tits are so much bigger than mine, and her skin is so olive-toned and lovely, like maybe she’s got some Mediterranean blood in her. Not all pasty pale like me. And her dark brown muff is so soft and silky, just like her long, long hair. Mine’s never been long enough to wear in a ponytail like hers. So adorable. I’ve got better legs, thanks to dance, but honestly, if Donaldson ever saw Britta like this, he’d forget all about me. Damn it, she’s a talent! Plus she’s taller than me, and nicer too. Sweet, and thoughtful, and funny.


But he’d never lay his filthy hands on Britta. He doesn’t have her trapped like I’m trapped, so he’d never get away with it. Britta may not be under-aged, but June Tanika told me that it’s illegal for teachers to mess around with students as young as her. He’d never take that chance. Besides, as long as he has me, why would he need anybody else?

My anger faded, and I asked, “A kiss? That’s all you’d want from him?”

Britta blushed bright pink and said, “A good kiss. You know, tongue and whatnot.” She told the thought.

“Nothing more?”

“Maybe a wee bit more.” She giggled shyly, her cheeses turning a brighter shade of pink, “Okay… a lot more!”

Ginny, who was now combining her stringy hair in the mirror, rolled her eyes. “Eugh. Disgusting!”

Britta smiled, “Oh don’t you get all high and mighty, Ginny Perry! If Dear old Donny ever gave you the time of day, you’d toss him off.”

“I’d never!”

“Would so!”

“Would not!”

I guess I’m starting to learn a thing or two from Donaldson, because I suddenly remembered a snatch of Shakespeare from Western Lit: “The lady doth protest too much, me thinks!”

As we giggled, Ginny glared at her reflection and continued to combine her orange hair, and I realized that Britta was right. Ginny had an even bigger thing for Donaldson than either of us. Why, she’s madly in love with him! But she’s so plain and thin and has such a spotty face and such a big nose! There’s no way he’d ever have a go at a scarecrow like her. If she ever actually tried to toss him off with that metal-mouth of hers, he’d shrivel from fear of laceration! Hee hee hee.

But I kinda feel bad for Ginny, to tell the truth. Must suck to be so ugly! God. I can’t imagine what it’s like to walk around looking like that! All the time!

Well, Britta certainly doesn’t have that problem. As she dried off, I couldn’t take my eyes off her naked body. I guess I was still a bit turned on from masturbating, because I began to wonder if she’s a good kisser. Me and Kirsty used to make out sometimes. We’re not lezzys or anything, but I have to admit, it was kind of sexy. I even felt her up once, and would of done more if she’d have let me. You know, just to see what it was like. Nothing lezzyAbout that. Just normal, healthy curiosity.

Britta saw me staring at her tits, but she didn’t snap at me like I thought she might. She just turned to face me as she put on her bra, proudly giving me an eyeful of her banners. Maybe she was just showing off, but I got the impression that she was flirting with me, that little lesbo! Then I saw that she was having trouble with the latch on her bra so I hoped up to give her a hand. As I stood behind her, hooking her up, my fingertips brushed against her silky soft skin, and I felt a crazy tingle shooting up my spine. Then without even thinking about it, I reached around and gave her boobies a quick squeeze! I don’t know what came over me!


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