Jen stood up and unbuttoned her blue jean shorts. Embarrassed, she turned around and unzipped them. Slowly, Jen carefully pulled them down while adjusting her black panties. As her shorts fell at her ankles, she stepped out with left foot and kicked them across the room with her right. Jen stood there in the candle light with her back towards Rick and Alicia. Jen was shorter than Alicia, about five foot five with brunette hair and slightly larger build but not overweight by no means.
“Happy?” Jen asked as she turned around and sat back down.
She was met with the sound of approval as both Rick and Alicia applauded.
Rick grabbed the dice box and the game began again. Round after round the dice box made it’s round until Rick rolled a twenty-one. accepted defeat and removed his t-shirt. The girls whistled and yelled as he handed Alicia the price. Rick didn’t have the six pack abs, but for his age, working construction, he was in great shape. He was a little rougharound the edges, five foot-nine, 170 pounds with long hair and a goatee.
Still without power and running low on margaritas, Rick grabbed three shot glasses and the salt. “Sorry ladies, no lemon.”
“We don’t need no stinking lemons.” Alicia said laughing.
“Who’s turn?” Rick asked.
“Mine Alicia said grabbing the box. “C’mon.”
Alicia shot four times for a total of ten. She passed the box to Jen and grabbed the shot glass. “Rick?”
“Sure.” As he grabbed the tequila and poured another round of shots. The three of them toassed each other licked the salt off their hands and downed their shots.
Jen continued to shake and ran the total up to fourteen. Passing it to Rick, he continued the count to nineteen before he tossed the empty box between Alicia’s folded legs. “Nice box.” Rick said with a grin.
“Thank-you,” Alicia said with cute smile. Hesitantly, Alicia shakes and the dice go flying.
“Cocked dice.” Rick said as he chases one across thefloor. “Try again.”
Carefully, she poured the dice on the carpet. “Twenty!” Jen screamed. “One more.”
“No, please no,” Alicia said as she rolled the dice to the floor.
As the last die settled, both Jen and Rick cried out, “Twenty-one!”
“Fuck!” Alicia cried out. “I don’t want to play anymore.” Laughing, “I gotta go pee. Jen?”
While Jen and Alicia left for the bathroom, Rick quickly went upstairs and retrieved his brief case full of bondage gear.
As the girls returned from the bathroom, Jen spoke up, ” We have a small problem.”
“We?” Rick inquired.
“Well, okay, Alicia.”
:”I’m not wearing any panties,” Alicia said as she looked up at Rick with those blue eyes.
“So, what’s the problem?” Rick asked as he laughed. “What you are saying is that we didn’t start out on a level playing field, right?
“Yes, can I skip it this time, please?” Alicia begged.
“I’ll tell you what,” Rick said as he led Alicia off to one side. “Close your eyes “
“Why?” she asked hesitantly.
“Just trust me.”
Alicia closed her eyes and Rick secured a pair of fur lined handcuffs around her wrists.
“What?” Alicia questioned Rick . “What are you doing?”
“I’ll give you a choice. “Jen and I will continue to play the next round while you watch. Your arms will be suspended from the beam above you, or,… you can remove your shirt or shorts. Your choice.”
Alicia thought for a minute, bit her bottom lip, then raised her arms above her head so that Rick could attach he cuffs to the beam on the ceiling via a short cotton rope.
“Comfortable?” Rick asked as he gently ran the back of his hand down the inside of Alicia’s right arm, down slowly over her t-shirt and her right nipple. “Don’t go anywhere,” Rick said softly as he kissed her lips gently.
“That’s hot.” Jen said softly as she watched Rick lightly touch Alicia’s helpless body.
Rick sat back on the floor next to Jen, ” Let’s make this round a quick one before Alicia’s arms get too tired. First one to eleven. Okay?”
“Why not.” Jen said as she grabbed the dice box and rolled them in front of Rick.
“Three, four.”
“Nothing, Four to you.”
Rick shook, “Five, six, seven.”
Rick shook again, “One, that’s eight.”
Rick shook again, “One, that’s eight.”
Regain, and nothing. “Alicia’s turn.”
“What?” Alicia screamed.
“Just kidding,” Rick laughed as he pushed the dice and box towards Jen.
“You fucker.” Alicia said.
Jen picked up the dice and immediately rolled. “Nine, ten.”
“Nooo,” Jen while. “I don’t want to.. What else do you have in that brief case? Can I skip a turn too?”
“Rick just laughed, “So you think that you are going to lose?”
“Hell yeah, I always do!”
“Do you think that you will roll one for eleven, or do you think that you will roll more than one?” Rick asked.
“More than one.”
“Okay, one flop. Roll none, pass the box. If you roll one ace, you take off your t-shirt.,,, or those sexy panties. If you roll more than one ace, we all take off something., even Alicia! “No fucking way!” Alicia said without hesitation.
“I don’t think you have much say in this.
Jen loaded the dice box and slowly poured them on the blue carpet. “Eleven, twelve, thirteen!”
“C’mon, let’s see them.” Rick said as he stood up and unbuttoned his jeans. Rick pulled down his jeans exposing his semi hard cock through his boxer briefs while Jen slowly pulled her t-shirt over her head showing off her firm 34c breasts.
“Very nice.” Rick said. “Is it cold in here?” he said looking at Jen’s hard nipples.
Jen smiled and grabbed and kneaded her breasts together.
“Now,” Rick said as he stepped closer to Alicia. “What are we going to do about you?”
“Let me down?” Alicia asked.
“No way!” Jen said as she stood.
Rick walked behind Alicia and ran his hands gently under her t-shirt to her breasts. He gently fondled her firm breass teasing each nipple before he raised her shirt slowly over head and hung the shirt on her hand cuffs. Rick again fondled her breasts as Jen looked on.
“Jen? Rick asked. You want to know what’s in the brief case? Open it.”
Jen bent over and slowly opened the case. “Oh my God!” Inside she found several short sections of rope, a paddle, more cuffs, metal and leather a blind fold, and a huge assortment of sex toys. The case was full.
“Hand me the riding crop.” Rick demanded’
“Riding crop?” She asked. “Where the fu…… Oh here it is, in the back.”
Rick grabbed the crop and stood by Alicia. “Are you a good girl?”
Alicia stood there mute as she watched Rick walking around her.
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