The Gift Ch. 04

Continued from “The Gift — Ch. 03″…


As we drive along behind the limo, your boss, Linda, begins to talk about the promotion she had in mind for you. “I will make her my ‘Girl Friday’, she will be my first assistant, and personal aide in the office. Does that sound good Master?”

I glance in the mirror, looking at the expression on your face from what she said. Seeing two emotions conflicting there, excitement over the promotion and a curious resentment over her use of the word ‘Master’.

Linda turns to you and asks what you think of the idea of ​​being her personal assistant. “Beth, I know you have so much more potential than we have been using in your current position. I feel you will do outstandingly in this new job”

You look at her, and glance at me, seeking permission to speak. “You may speak freely for now, my love.” I tell you, looking in the mirror before saying it. “Please let us know what you think.”

I watch as the resentment thathad been building in your expression suddenly leaves at the acknowledgment of the special bond between us, and the realization that no matter what there is between me and Linda, you are the one I married.

“Thank you Sir. I am very excited and hope to meet your expectations of me in this new assignment, Ma’am.” you reply, with all the vigor of your old self, almost bouncing on your seat with the prospect.

“Sir? Ma’am? If I may be so bold? I’m rather curious about YOUR relationship now. If it isn’t to impudent on my part to ask?”

Glancing nervously at me, Linda looks at you, and slowly begins to explain a few things. “Remember the client party that you met Eric at?” she says, “At that point, I had been his Submissive and a Mistress in Training under him for 2 years.”

‘Oh SHIT!’ is the only thing that you can think. ‘And I never knew!’

“But as soon as he met you, and you two started talking, I noticed something.” she continued, “I saw a new animation in Eric, and a renewed interest in the things he always used to enjoy that had been waiting. YOU were the reason.” She smiled tenderly at me as she explained. “I knew that he was in love, not with me, but you. I was willing to accept that. And I’m glad things have worked out the way they have. As long as you don’t mind sharing your husband with me occasionally.” A huge smile slowly spread across her beautiful face, making her eyes shine. “He has taught me so much. He is a large part of the success of our firm over the last 4 years.”

You look at me with a different expression, wondering just what she means by that.

At this point, the Limo ahead of us turns into the long, curving drive to the Estate that Linda owns, left to her by a wealthy husband who passed away early in their marriage. He had been so much older than her, almost 70 when they married, and her only 24. One had to wonder what she saw in him.

Driving past the gardens, and the staff out taking care of the laws,we pull up to the main entrance.

The limo driver steps back to the car and opens my door for me, before stepping around to get Linda’s. You think that rather odd, as she is his boss, but don’t say anything. “Will there be anything else, Sir? Ma’am?” he says as he helps her out of the car? She responds by asking him to put both cars in the garage, saying that we shouldn’t be needed them tonight.

Having come around to the passenger side, I open your door, and put my hand out for the leashes. Putting them both in my hands, you get out, standing shyly next to the care, eyes abused from the driver. Suddenly you realize that you have heard his voice before. He was one of the bidders in the auction! Quickly looking at him, you see a tall, handsome man, with dark brown skin and short curly hair under his cap. As he closes the front car door, you see the muscles flex within his coat and wonder what it would have been like to have been HIS for that 20 minutes.

I watch you, seeing the look of lustful interest in your eyes, a thoughtful expression on my face. ‘Hmmm.. this could be interesting.’ I think as Linda and I lead you into her ornate foyer.

The butler opens the door as we approach, bowing slightly to Linda and I. “Evening Ma’am. Evening Eric, Sir. May I take you coats?” He appears to know me quite well, and considering the revelations of the last half hour, you assume (correctly) that he does.

“Thank you Jonathon. I want you to meet the newest member of the family, Beth. She will be my new personal assistant at work. She is Master Eric’s wife.”

He gives you a big smile as he welcomes you to the ‘family’ and hopes you will be happy with your new job.

“I’m sure I will be!” you reply, as you look at him shyly, afraid of what he thinks of you standing there, dressed like a slut, with leashes attached to a collar. Your feet shuffle nervously, as he openly stars at your legs and hard nipples, which are showing through your outfit.You can see the desire in his eyes as you glance up quickly at him, watching as his eyes run all over your body.

You can feel your nipples get even stresser, and your pussy start to moisten, just with the thought of what I would have him do with you, if I took it into my mind to let him have you.

Linda and I both tug gently on the leashes attached to your collar, drawing you back from the reverie that you were in, leading you through the foyer and into the house. Looking around, you see that the inside matches the majesty of the outside. Beautiful furniture everywhere. Expensive looking vases and statistics placed strategically on small marble top tables. A number of what appears to be original paintings by great masters, hanging on the walls. You see a Botticelli, a couple of Reuben’s and several others you don’t recognize right away. All of them images of beautiful women, either naked, or barely covered.

Linda and I both stop at the bottom of a huge marble staircase, that circles around the foyer to the second floor. I hand her my leash. And with a nod of my head, indicating for you to go with Linda upstairs. “You know what I want, Linda” I say to her as she leads you away.

“Yes Sir, I do”

I walk to a sitting room on one side of the foyer as she begins to draw you up that wonderful staircase, Jonathon following me asking if I would like a drink or anything while I wait.

Unsure of what is going on, you keep trying to glance back to see what I am doing, but Linda pulls you firmly up the stairs. “Come with me, Beth. We need to get dressed for the rest of the evening” she says as she leads you to an elaborate door on the second floor.

As she opens the door, you hear a curry of feet, like several people getting up from chairs or the floor. Pushing the door open, Linda pulls you into the room by your leashes.

You see several young women and men lined up inside, all naked except for simple collars with padlocks on them.

“Pets! This is Beth, the newest member of our little family. She is also Master Eric’s wife, and my personal assistant at the office. I need her to be cleaned up and properly dressed for The Master and I.”

They all replied with a quiet yet energetic ‘Yes Mistress!’ before smoking over to draw you towards a large open bath area. They quickly undressed you, placing your clothes in a laundry cute on one wall, and putting your boots in front of one somewhat older fellow who appeared to be chained to the wall by his collar. He starts to lick your boots, beginning with the toe area, cleaning them with his tongue before getting out a shoe shine box and shining them.

After the other ‘pets’ finished undressing you, they unsnap the leashes and escort you to the large tub that is set in the floor. A roman style bath. The steam rising from the surface of the water lightly. You step down into the bath pool and are seated by several of the girls that surrounding you.

Mistress Linda, satisfied with how her pets are taking care of you turns to leave, saying that she will be back for you in 1 hour. With that, she calls two of the others to her by name and walks out the door, her slaves closing the door as they follow her out.

The girls around you, begin to softly later you up, with soaps that smell of lavender. Using their hands to massage the soap into your skin, washing your legs, arms and back with great care and tenderness. One of the men carefully wets your hair, keeping the water from your eyes with one hand, before working a magnificent later up with a lavender shampoo.

Relaxing into the ministries of all these beautiful people around you, you begin to wonder how they all came to be here. Shyly, you begin to ask questions of them. They willingly answer, telling You that most of them belong to Mistress Linda. All volunteered to come live with her and her husband before he passed away. Even the boot licker, who had by now put a high shine on yourlovely leather bitch boots.

All of them live here, and only leave when the Mistress permits. None of them work anywhere but here in the house, although a couple of them are professionals that log into outside jobs by way of several powerful computer systems in the office area of ​​the house.

You then notice the two young women, that seems to be holding back from the talk and from the lavish care you are receiving. They appear to be talking together, looking at you whispering back and forth.

Drawing the girl who is slowly, sensitively washing your breasts closer, you whisper in her ear, asking what is up with those two.

“Them? They are the Master’s property. We thought you already knew them.” the girl, whose name was Ellen, answered. “The one with the dark hair is Lily and the strawberry blond is Karen. They both belong to Master Eric.”

At this statement, you look intently at them, staring as you see the women that your oh so new husband may have been playingwith even as he was courting you for marriage. They are both beautiful, and about your own age, shape and size. Karen’s skin is pale, making her strawberry blond hair look more red than blond. Lily’s dark hair is long and straight, hanging down to her lower back. The color a compliment to her olive toned skin.

They are both looking back at you, with unreadable expressions on their faces. Their hands softly stroking each other’s breasts and stomachs. Just by watching their body language, you can tell that they are not only my slaves, but lovers to each other as well. You feel your nipples stiffen in Ellen’s hands as you think of what it would be to watch them, or better yet to participate in a lovemaking session with them.

As your eyes wander over their lovely bodies, you feel someone spreading your legs wide apart and running a hand across your pussy. Lightly struggling it, feeling the flesh around your lips and clip. Bringing your eyes to the person, you see one of the youngmen, an astonishingly beautiful looking boy that looks barely 18 years old, kneeling between your legs with a straight razor and shaving cream brush. Your pussy gushes a fresh blast of juices, as he fondles your lips and mons, looking for the hairs that he is about to shake off of you.

You see him glance at Ellen and the others that are washing you, and jerk his head at the edge of the pool. Ellen gets up and helps you to your feet. Walking hand in hand with you, she leads you to the edge of the tub and sits herself down, spreading her long legs wide and indicating that you should sit between them.

You do, wondering why they would do it this way, as the boy with the razor makes up his shaving cream in a cup that matches his brush. He softly brushes the shaving cream all over your legs First, then carefully starts to shake them. Ellen softly wraps her arms around your waist and say to lean back and enjoy as Billy shakes you.

Watching the sure strokes that Billy uses,You know that he has much more experience doing this than you would have thought at someone his age. Asking Ellen about it, she explains that he is studying to be a doctor, and that he got his experience so far from taking care of his mother, who had been paralyzed in a car accident. His father had been killed at the same time, so He was all she had had left after the accident. He took care of her till she died last year, then the Mistress brought him home, after he had applied for a scholarship that she helped administrator.

Even after the other administrators had voted to not give him the scholarship, she took him in and offered to send him to school, as she felt he had a true calling and ability to be a doctor. So she takes care of all his needs, and he does everything that she asks. He will be the family doctor once he finishes his schooling. In the mean time, he makes sure everyone is shaken the way the Master and Mistress want them shaken.

All during this, Billy patiently works his way up your legs with his straight razor, never cutting you, always getting every hair. As he finished my legs, he picks up his cup and brush and apply a liberal amount of shaving cream to your pussy and monks. Lathering it up well, before softly, gently beginning to shake your genitals.

Cautiously he works around your lips, pulling them out to make sure he gets all the hair on them and around them. Working the later back in with his fingertips as he strokes the sharp razor against your lips and crotch. You can feel yourself getting more and more excited as he works. Ellen, sitting behind you, slowly slides a hand up to cup one breast as Billy works, pinching the hard nipple, and squeezing it gently in her fingers.

You lean your head all the way back against Ellen’s Shoulder and moan softly, enjoying the sensings that are cursing through your body.

As Billy carefully spreads your lips and make sure there are no hairs hiding between them, Ellen begins to softly kiss your neck and ears. Her hands moving down to hold your hips still, so that Billy won’t accidentally cut you as your hips move in pleasure.

You feel additional presences on either side of you. Slowly opening your eyes just a crack, you see a dark haired head and a strawberry blond one bending over your chest, just as your nipples get sucked into a pair of warm mouths. My pets begin to lick, suck and nibble on your nipples and breasts as Ellen works along your neck and ears, and Billy gently shakes around your clip.

Billy softly places two fingers in your pussy as he uses them to help hold you open for his razor. The feeling of his fingers inside you excite you even more, as Lily and Karen suck harder on your painfully erect nipples.

You fully lose track of what Billy is doing with the razor as the girls all lick and suck on your flesh, only feeling the pleasure being brought on by all the attentions you are receiving. Billy’s two fingers in your pussy press a little deeper as you feel Lily and Karen’s moving over all of your skin, struggling and touching everywhere they can reach.

Ellen’s mouth moves down to yours and she softly, gently kisses your lips. Pressing hers\ lips against yours in an undemanding, yet password kiss. Feeling Ellen start slightly, you quickly open your eyes, looking up at her face over you. Seeing her slowly open her own closed eyes, as she leans back, a soft smile on her slightly parted lips.

She glances at the girl who had tapped her shoulder. “It’s time to dry and dress her.” the girl says deferentially to Ellen. Ellen thanks her and taps Lily and Karen lightly on the tops of their heads, indicating that they should stop their ministries on your aching nipples.

As they sit up, she looks Between your legs, at the man with the razor, and checks to see that he is finished shaving. Seeing that he is and is just slowly pleasing your pussy with his fingers, she indicates that everyone should stand.

Next to the pool are several other men and women, holding big fluffy towels out, waiting to wrap everyone in them. As you slowly stand and get wrapped in the warm, soft towel, you can feel the tension drain from you.

To be continued…


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