She sits in the kitchen letting her mind drift back and forth over the preparations she has been making, ticking off the mental list of tasks that she needed to do, to ensure that everything is perfect for tonight. Smiling to herself she contemplates how He will feel about the things that she has so painfully prepared.
It is His birthday this is the only time she is truly allowed to make every decision, or at least, she amends in her mind, up until He decides to take over the evening. Tonight she is hoping to surpass any gift He has ever received. She is hoping that what she gives to Him will not only meet His exact standards but bring a depth of emotion rarely seen from Him.
Looking at the clock and noting it is almost the appointed time she moves down the hall to the Library; the latest addition to their home, their special place. It is a room she has come to love and she spends most of her free time there. Reading has always been a password of hers and with allof her favourite authors available for her to read, she feels truly quite spoiled. Happily reading alone when Master is absent and sharing with Him what she has enjoyed when He gets home. This means that at some point or another, on most days, they come to this room.
She blushes softly as she crosses the threshold, a reaction she has been utterly unable to control much to her Masters amusement, as her vivid imagination paints the image of her first night in this room. As she stands there she can almost feel the constriction of her dress and hear the crackle of the logs on the fire; even all these months later.
With a little wriggle she crosses the room taking the time to inhale deeply, the scent of the books creates such a storm of emotion and feeling she sights auditorally. Recently she had been reading all about the depth of memory that can be evoked by smell and having experienced that very thing, she felt the need to find out more about this phenomenon and has to her surprisehas found herself whole heartedly agreeing with those that said that smell could bring about a strong emotional and physical response. She feels she is proof of that, all she needs to do is walk into this room and suddenly her mind runs a bright and intense set of scenes. Her cheeses warm to a soft blush and her sex starts to throb. Not amazingly this is another reactionary trait that appeals to Master, and one He has been known to use and exploit on a regular basis.
Books and leather, the cent of either sends her into a conundrum, her mind instantly calms and centres and yet her body perks up and screams for attention till her nipples ache and her sex is pulsating, the look of consternation that greets these two opposing forces is apparently a very interesting one.
With a soft shake of her head and a little sound of indignation she pushes all of this From her mind and moves across the room to ensure that everything is just right. Running her eyes around the room to make sure she has not forgotten any of the things she will need later. She had wanted to prepare Him a meal but He was determined that tonight they would go out and so having extracted a promise that she could have the power over the latter half of the evening, or at least for part of it she had relented. The things that she has left in this room are all about the surprise to follow their meal.
Once she is sure that everything is perfect she hurries out of the room, moving along the hall she looks at her reflection in the full length mirror there. She still finds it strange to see herself dressed this way, so many changes she has made for Master, tonight she is wearing a dress something which quite frankly a year ago would have horrified her. Smiling as she thinks now that not only do dresses no longer frighten her they appeal to her so very much. To begin with she wore them because it pleased Master that she did so and nothing was more important than making Him happy but over time thngs have changed. She actually finds now that she enjoys wearing them, they make her feel pretty and feminine and dare she even think it elegant; all of which was a huge shock to her system.
Tonight she is wearing a black and white 1950’s style swing dress, the halter neck and fitted body are flattering to her breasts, there is enough cleavage to satisfy that urge but not too much as to appear to be wanton. The smile that chases that thought make her eyes twinkle just because she “is” wanton doesn’t mean she needs to always make that point obviously. She turns this way and that delighting at the full knee length skirts as they swish, the addition of nets underneath the dress makes the skirts sit perfectly and with the broad belt nipping it in directly under her bust it gives her form a pleasant shape; that she feels proud to show off. She turns to make sure the seams of her stockings are straight and then adds the delightful red shoes that match the belt she wears perfectly. Pleased with the overall result she grabs the things she needs, throws a wrap round her shoulders as she hears the beep from the taxi she had ordered and hurries out the door.
Calming herself she climbs into the backseat of the taxi pleased that it is a driver she knows and provides him with the name of her and Masters favourite restaurant where she is to meet Master for dinner. She would normally chat with the taxi driver as they travel but tonight she turns her mind inwards instead and the man seeing that slightly distant look in her eyes leave her to her ruminations. If only he had known where her mind had gone a smile graces her lips as she thinks of her time that morning with Master…
He had woken her early this morning, most days He rises quietly and prepares Himself for work but this morning being His birthday He had decided that He would prefer help in getting ready. He had brushed her hair from her eyes gently, His fingertips running across the skin of her foreheadand down her cheek before He leant down to kiss her deeply.
As she sits in the taxi remembering, her fingers straight to her full lips remembering waking to His ardent kisses, the soft moans she had made were lost in the kisses and as He felt her waking beside Him, he had pulled her close to Him and had run His fingers along her naked back. Shivering with pleasure she had murmured her good mornings and then glanced at the clock beside the bed, her eyes widening at how early it was before a deliciously wicked smile had graced her lips as she realized that He wanted more than His normal kiss goodbye and the promise of good behavior.
Stretching languidly like a cat she had turned to regard Him, knowing that she was all sleepy looking, that she had bed hair and knowing deep down that despite all of this that to Him she looked beautiful. This fact and it was a fact she had struggled so hard to understand when they had first been together, however this now brought a smile to her lips and not a frown of consternation to her browser.
“Good morning Master and happy birthday to You”.
He had smiled then at her and in that slightly husky early morning voice had said “Good morning to you My angel, i hope that you slept well and are feeling awake enough to help Me get my birthday off to a good start” seeing the utterly wicked grin that stretches across her face He adds “we will not be doing THAT …. not yet pretty one, such things I am saving for later when I see what this surprise is, however of late you had asked if at times you could help me and so I would like you to get Me ready for work. Do you think that you can remember the things we discussed the other day.”
She had pouted then, a soft little mocking pout at being told that more carnal pleasures would have to wait but she knew that was for the best; it would make tonight’s games so much richer for the delay. Ticking this all over her in mind, all of the things they had discussed about prepareion she had simply nodded then.. “Yes Master i recall the things i must do, may i begin,” Seeing the nod of acknowledgment she had got up, throwing a smile over her shoulder at Him, as she had padded naked across the room and out the door; hearing Him flick the television on to the early morning news she had picked up her pace and anxious downstairs.
She had carefully prepared His breakfast how He liked it, setting everything on a tray, making sure it was perfect and had carried it upstairs, presenting it to Him, watching His eyes roam over everything ; lightly buttered toast, grabefruit cut into segments, a glass of apple juice, cornflakes, she had that little bubble of nerves that something was missed. The look in His eyes had quelled the nerves and replaced it with pleasure as He had taken the tray from her and murmured “Thank you angel, please continue..”
Leaving Him to eat she had hurried into the bathroom, taking the time she had set out all of the things that she would need to get Him ready for work. So engrossed was she in her task that at first she failed to notice that He had placed the little stool she sat on when she applied her make-up, only as she turned to lift His huge fluffy towel down from the cupboard did she see it and knowing instantly what it was for, she moved the things across to the low shelf beside where He had placed the stool.
Checking everything she needed was to hand she had reached in and turned the shower on. As usual she had miscalculated where she was standing and as that first blast of cold water hit her skin she had let out a little squeal, jumping back so as not to get more cold water on hers the water slowly warmed up. She had all but jumped out of her skin as Master had caught her in His arms. His low chuckle brought a blush to her face “every time angel, you always miscalculate, perhaps you thought I had not noticed but I always know when you are about to get into the shower, it is always pre-empted by thatdelightfully indignant little squeak as it attacks you. One of these days My pet you will figure out how big your chest is and where you need to stand for it to miss. Now, is everything ready” Smiling at Him, knowing He was, right, as per usual, and impressed that He noticed such little things she replied “i believe so Master, now that the evil shower has warmed up, i am very much looking forward to all of this”
She shifts her position in the taxi seat, noting how far they have progressed towards the restaurant. She smiles in anticipation of both her meal and the rest of the memory from this morning. Letting her mind drift once more she continues to replay this morning’s events her mind.
Stepping aside to let Him pass she cannot help but watch Him move, that sure predatory stalk that she is fairly sure He is unaware of. It is something she sees in Him a lot, more so when He is in that very Dominant frame of mind; when He is issuing orders or watching how they are carried out. His body language just exudes control. She had chewed her lower lip as she admired Him and then unable to control herself she had reached across and quite wickedly pinched His behind, the look he had graced her with spoke volumes and even now hours later she could not help but giggle and shiver with anticipation of what that look had promised her …
She had followed Him then into the large walk in shower, closing the door Behind her and stepping up behind Him and had pressed her breasts to His back, reaching round to cares His chest as the hot water ran over them both. She giggled as He reached round and pulled her close, turning He had claimed her mouth in a password kiss and just as she was melting into the kiss, melting deeply into His embrace He had brought her back to reality with a sharp smack on the bottom and the reminder that He was getting ready for work and she had no time for the thoughts He knew were running through her mind. Nodding agreement even as she pouted softly at Him, she lifted the first bottle she needed and later its contents in her fingers. To begin with she washed His hair, her nimble fingers making quick but through work, taking care to rinse His hair carefully and not get soap in His eyes. Reaching to her side she had lifted his shower gel and as soon as she had opened it she had inhaled deeply the scent that was inherently Him. In her mind she Carefully washed His body, taking her time to massage the knots she found until He was not only clean but utterly relaxed. When she had been satisfied all was done, she he reached up and shut off the shower and then stepped out on to the far end of the towel she had placed on the floor for the purpose, making sure to leave enough space for Him to follow.
Leaving her own skin to air dry, she had lifted His towel and beginning with His hair and working her way slowly down His body she had patted His skin dry, pressing soft kisses to His flesh on each new bit she dried, all theway until she was kneeling at His feet. Pressing one respectful kiss to the top of each foot was her way of showing Him she had completed this task. He hadn’t spoken to her but she could see the pride in His eyes as she recalled the things that He wanted of her. Rising she had set the towel aside and helped Him into His bathrobe and waited till He had settled on the stool.
She was nervous of the next part, this was the first time she was to do it and though He trusted her implicitly and she would never harm Him she was concerned and it showed, she had fidgeted, rubbing her hands on legs until He had reached out and taken her hands and drawn her closer to Him, “you can do this My angel, I trust you just take your time and it will be fine”. Taking a deep breath she had nodded and murmured “yes Master”.
Steadying herself she had run the water into the sink, and using the special badger brush and shaving cream she carefully and thoroughly lathered His face, knowing that the hot water from the shower will have softened the hair and that the brush and proper cream will make for a smoother more comfortable shake. She had opened the special case that contained the new double edged razor He had purchased, He had always had an eye for “vintage” and when He showed her this she had been unsure, it was an old style traditional double edged razor but having seen first-hand the wonderful shake it could achieve she had come to appreciate it, this was however the first time she had used it. Taking a deep breath she met His eyes and when He nodded that she should continue she began to carefully and meticulously shake Him; working carefully around the goatee bear. She had become more sure as she progressed through it, and she had to admit to herself that although the razor is a little scary looking it is in fact not difficult to use, so long as she remembered the rules He taught her and took her time it was fine. She was however freely willing to admit that she was muchhappier when she had finished, taking a warm damp flannel she had carefully wiped away the remaining cream and lifted the mirror so He could see the result. To her it looked fine and at least she hadn’t cut Him however she had been nervous that perhaps He would be less impressed, that she had missed bits or that it didn’t quite meet His standards, to hear the soft sound of assent caused her to release the breath she didn’t even know she had been holding.
Hearing His soft chuckle as she turned and carefully cleaned and tidied away all the things she had used, ensuring the razor especially was cleaned and put away safely. Once all was done she had looked at Him, smiling shyly as He had taken her hand and led her to the bedroom pulling her into a deep embrace, all but squashing her. He had told her that she was doing very well and in fact He was enjoying Himself so much being patered that He should really think of doing it much more often, His words were followed by a kiss that melted her down to her bones that had been delightfully heightened as He pulled sharply on her nipples. She had her eyes closed and swayed as He stepped back from her to drop His robe off, helping her catch her balance He had steered her towards His drawers.
His main clothes were laid out as they were every day, she took pride in ironing and preparing His clothes for Him and putting it out so that He could get ready easily in the mornings. She opened up His top drawer and drew out His underwear and socks and then lifted His other clothes which she carried to the bed; with a little of His help she dressed Him, her fingers caresing His skin as she did.
She took her time doing up the buttons and zips, fastening buckles on belts and then she put on and lacened up His shoes. Standing before Him then she had run her eyes over His appearance, noting the one thing she had forgotten she had fetched His comb and once His hair was sitting just right she had nodded and stepped back. Remembering then what He had told her she must do, she knelt then in the middle of the floor, linked her fingers behind her neck, lowering her eyes and she spoke the words He had asked of her “You are ready Master and it has been my honour to prepare You”.
She recalled then how nervous she had felt as she waited to see if she had forgotten anything that time had felt like forever but she knew it was only moments before she saw His feet appear in her field of vision and He replied to her, “I am ready My angel and you have done a thorough and wonderful job. You did well to remember each of the things I had asked of you. In fact you did so well I think i shall be expecting you to do these things for me much more often now. We are going out for dinner tonight for my birthday, we will eat in our favourite restaurant and I expect you to meet me there at 6.30p.m sharp.” He had then taken her by the elbow and pulling her to her feet and into an embrace had kissed her goodbye and then was then gone off to work for the day.
Smiling deeply at the pride in His voice at the pride in herself for doing so well she takes a deep breath as the taxi pulls up at the restaurant, she pays the driver and seeing her Master waiting for her at the door she hurries to His side and together they move inside to enjoy His birthday meal ….
To Be Continued ….
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