The Gift

The Construction was beautiful. It was all that Kershaw had required. For the fortune he’d paid for it, it should be. It stood patiently in Kershaw’s office, naked except for a silent red bow around its neck, quietly waiting as the sales manager pointed out its features, the fulfillment of all of Kershaw’s wildest dreams, all of his requests that he had checked, and a few extras the company had wisely thrown in to please their very wealthy customer.

Kershaw sat behind his large desk, gripping his cane tightly, breathing heavily as the manager droned on, nonchalantly pointing out hips or breasts, flawless skin, incredible lack of inhibition. Kershaw admired the beauty of it, the luscious nakedness, the stance that proclaimed ownership by him, and willingness by it. The salesman could talk and point all he Wished, but once Kershaw accepted the product, once the credits were transferred, it belonged to him. No other could touch it unless he allowed it. It would have no will but his; no desire except whatever he wished.

He would have to feed it, of course. It would need rest. It had needs common to humans. Its cells were human, but of course, those had been taken from various donors, selected, this discarded, that added, the specific choices made by scientists whose only purpose was in picing together the perfect strands of DNA, weaving them into a design that the buyer had custom ordered after Much thoughtful decision. Then the strands were nursed and grown, carefully tended and watched in the tank as it developed. The growth was sped up, then slowed, and finally the aging was stopped. In the last months, this Construction had been fitted with enhancements, insertions in the groin and nipples, delicate procedures to manipulate its ability to give and receive pleasure, or pain, or both, all controlled by the owner.

As requested, this Construct was female in appearance. Had someone not known its origins, they could be forgiven for believing it to be fully human, a young female of perhaps 20 or so. It was petite, had a small wait, and beautiful full breasts tipped with blush-coloured nipples that lifted upwards. There was no hair at the groin; Kershaw had other purposes and wanted none there. The eyes were a rich violent color; the skin, pale and perfect. Legs and arms hinted at gracefulness. It had black hair with a sheen so deep that it made Kershaw ache to smooth his old hands through it, but he waited, listening to the salesman finish his gushing and get to the best part, how Kershaw was to operate his new toy.

The control could easily fit on Kershaw’s wrist, like the old-time watches he had seen. After a few attempts, he felt confident, and he nodded. Now the salesman handed a pad to Kershaw, who allowed the device to sample his blood, view his eye, and confirm he was himself and not under duress. Credits transferred, the salesman slipped the control about Kershaw’s wrist, there was a snick! and the Construct’s eyes immmediately snapped to his, waiting. The salesman bowed his way out, the door closed, and Kershaw clambered to his feet, leaning slightly on his cane.

It had taken years for him to build up the wealth needed to purchase one of these. He walked slowly around it, drinking in the sight eagerly, noticing its flesh prickled with the chill air, feasting his eyes on its breasts, so full and rich. He clenched his hands on his cane, drawing out the moment, savoring it.

“What shall I call you?” he said. It could not reply of course. They were muted in the labs. He wasn’t sure they even had vocal chords. He should have asked. A few moans could have been nice. He shrugged, and walked around it again, stopping to stand behind it.

“I won’t call you anything, for now,” he said softly. “Except ‘mine,’” he thought to himself, and smiled. He swung his right arm around its wait suddenly, his hand spread on its belly. Then he reached down, between its legs, his large hand cupping the groin,Feeling it flutter and twitch lightly at the contact. It was soft, like a little bird, and he laughed. He suddenly closed his hand, squeezed, and the Construct leaned its head back, resting against his chest, opening its legs a little wider, offering its quivering soft flesh to his hand. He relaxed his grip, then squeezed again, gloating in his power. He could do whatever he wanted to this luscious, beautiful little gem. He owned it. It owed its creation to him. He squeezed again, harder, and the Construct placed a hand atop his, pushing it against its groin, into its own flesh.

Kershaw grinned, his mind wild with ideas. Things he had only imagined doing over the years, were now possible. Dark things, twisted things, all for him. It was a wonderful gift to himself. He had gotten his own body ready for this, months ago. He was an old man, but rich, and that had bought him this prize now cupped in his hand – and enhancements for his old man penis. His own insertions were worth it.He was hard and eager, stronger and bigger. His skin was aged, his hair white. But Kershaw now had the cock of a young man in his prime, and he felt it, trying to escape his pants, anxious for its prey. Kershaw released the Construct’s groin, wiping his hand on its belly.

He had hired two Agony Aunts from a Mother house, and he called them to his office. He instructed them to bathe it, feed it, dress it. They bowed, and one clipped a lean to the silken red bow around its neck, tugging once for it to follow.

“We will place one of the collars you choose around its neck, my Lord,” one of them simply, and he nodded, waving his hand. They had the clothes he’d selected, his instructions. Kershaw needed to tend to the things that had made him wealthy: business. That means speaking with at least two of his adult children, and he frowned. If only there was a control bracelet for them.

The talks led to his oldest son bursting into the office, followed closely by his sister.Both were shocked and angry that their father had squandered money on a Construction. All three knew there was nothing they could do. Kershaw had excellent mental health. There were no medical reports permitting the two siblings to question his purchase. It was his money, his home. His choice. He was gleeful, listening to them sputter angrily. He finally told them he had decided to increase their holdings in his company, and Thus their wealth. They soon ran out of protests, and the daughter even mentioned one or two items of note in deals they were working on. The son, Kershaw noticed, kept glancing at the door that led to his father’s private apartment. Kershaw felt smug.

The day ended splendidly for Kershaw, with a pleasant meal, a fine wine, a lovely breeze from the night air. He walked to his rooms, allowing himself to think of his prize, and he filled with lust.


In Kershaw’s den, the Construct stood, waiting calmly. It had a collar of fine deep red leather, like blood encircling its neck. A heavy ring was at its throat; a matching red leather lean dangled from it.

It wore matching cuffs on its wrists and ankles, in the same deep red leather, each with its own heavy ring. There was a cropped jacket of black leather, the sleeps ending just a little below the elbow, and the front wide open. His eyes traveled down, looking, and the Construction wore sheer black hose reaching only to each thigh, with a tiny intriguing pattern lightly sprinkled across. Down further, near the end of the dangling leash, it wore black suede half boots, with sharp narrow heels that increased its height by two inches.

The rest was naked flesh, framed by red or black leather, which Kershaw could smell. It was rich and decadent and hinted at sin and lust. It gave an aroma of animal need, stalking its prey through the jungle, taking its time.

“I have ideas on how to adorn you,” he said. He did. He would have jewels fashioned that would draw all eyes to the features of his purchase. The gems would draw attention and further his ownership, proclaim his wealth, and, he hoped, cause his Construct some pain each time wrong. It excited him, thinking of that. He had edged closer, while staring, and his hand suddenly grabbed the clip, pinching hard and pulling enough that the Construct lifted on its toes, its eyes half closed, its breasts up. He was so pleased. He twisted the clip, hard, and softly asked, “Does that hurt?”

He had not expected the hesitant nod, but that made him chuckle. “Good. Good.” His hands moved over its breasts now, flicking a nipple, rubbing his thumb over another. He leaned in, breathing deeply of fresh leather and excitement and light sweat. He released the clip, stepping back. One of the Agony Aunts entered the room then, asking if he had instructions.

Kershaw asked for her ideas, and the other entered the room as well, both exclaiming on the need to maintain proper training for a Construction. He half nodded, feeling relaxed and sleepy, and he finally agreed to them simply chaining it overnight, so he could observe proper training when he was better rested. To that end, the Construction was told to lie on a benchmark, and its arms were stretched above its head and chained. The legs were chained on either side of the benchmark, “for you always want these things to know what is expected, so it’s best it gets used to having its legs spread wide,” said one Aunt to Kershaw, as the other clicked the chains into the heavy links. It struck Kershaw that this could not be comfortable for it, but seeing the legs open and helpless, he sent the Aunts from the room and, without foreplay or simple touch, fell onto the creativity, his enhanced penis strong and thick, and crazy with need, Kershaw raped his Construct twice that night, pushing as roughly as he could, knowing there would be no cries, and no one to care if there were. It was his property, after all. He could do whatever he wished with it.



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