The Gift

Jenevieve closed the wire door and clicked the lock shut. She placed a large blanket over the cage, letting in just a slim band of light song the bottom.

You heard her leave, the click-clack of her kitten-heeled mules moving away. A pause, then total darkness as she turned out the lights.

You now sit there, totally naked and in complete darkness, wondering if you did anything wrong. This was unusual. Normally Jennie and Anne are much more playful; this was rather dark, both literally and figuratively.

You hear Anne call for Kim. You hear them talking, but cannot make out anything.

Time seems to pass slowly. You try to sleep, but the cage is cramped, cold, and uncomfortable. Your muscles start to ache; you cannot stretch out, or even turn around – your hands are chained in place.

You hear footsteps come up the stairs. It’s more than one person, but you cannot tell if it’s two people or three. The hardwood creates too many echoes. You get excited, hopefulyou will be let out. You need to move.

They pass you by.

They enter the Mistresses’ bedroom. You can now hear there were three – Miss Jennie, Miss Anne, and Kim.

A hard shock type through your body. Miss Jennie activates the remote egg in your pussy – a reminder that they were still aware of you. That helps you relax, briefly – you still fear they will throw you away, the promised replacement collar has not arrived, weeks later.

You hear moaning and cries of password from the next room. You can only imagine what is happening – you don’t want to, but you do. And you wonder why you were not invited.

The egg continues to vibrate. The burning inside you, the moaning next to you – it’s all too much. The Mistresses have not let you cum for ten days now. Ten straight days of constant edging, ten straight days of being a mere touch away.

You succumb to the sensings. You know you will be punished. You don’t care at this point. You can’t stop it, even if youwanted to.

You cum, but the egg doesn’t stop. Less than minute later, you cum again. But the egg doesn’t stop…

You pass out.

You wake to find Jennie, Anne, and Kim standing over. The light hurts your eyes, everything is foggy.

Kim is on her knees, trying to unlock the chain and the door. Anne, in her usual floor length black satin robe, and Jennie, in her short floral one, stand watching.

Your eyes focus on Kim. You notice it. Her collar. It’s different. It’s now locked. She was only supposed to stay a few weeks, just to train you. The collar was only a reminder of her part life, it was only supposed to be temporary. Now it looked permanent. Where did this leave you?

Kim gets the lock open, and pulls you to your feet. You stumble, the cramped night in the cage has left your legs stiff and weak.

Anne and Jennie lead the way, Kim helps you walk – the stairs seem treacherous right now. They lead to the parlour, still naked.

The room is full of people. You scan their faces, looking for anyone you recognize. You spot Carlos – your lady experience with him did not go so well. And… the woman from the changing room at the department store? It was a setup?

Your eyes turn to the equipment in the room. There is a pole on a mounting plate placed before the crowd; on the end is a dildo pointed straight up. And a small pedestal in front of the pole, with a closed white box.

Jennie nods to Kim. Kim moves you to the pole.

As she’s walking you over, she whispers in your ear. “You’ll love this. I promise.”

Once next to the pole, she drops to her knees. She immediately begins fingering you, in front of the crowd. She’s not trying to make you cum, not yet. She retrieves the egg and hands it to Jennie. It lets out a tiny rumble, the last thing throes of its battery.

She lifts your leg, and places the tall white high heel on your foot, than the other. Then she positions you over the pole.

“Lean forward a tad,” she whispers, trying to make this more comfortable for you, physically at least.

She turns a wing nut, and slides to pole up to your pussy. She pauses, looks into eyes, and then pushes it in. She tightens the nut, and backs away on her knees.

Anne steps forward, take Kim by the hand, and lifts her to her feet. “Kim, you are always so sweet.” Anne gives Kim a small kiss and moves directs her to the side.

“Sweetie, dearest Sweetie.” Anne continues. “We thought – we hoped – you were ready, but it’s clear you need much more training. Therefore we, Jen and I, are releasing you.”

“I understand,” you say softly. “I’m sorry. I’ll go. But why all this just to…”

“Hush,” Jennie says, walking over to you, replacing Anne as the center of the room’s attention. “Sweetie, we are not that cruel. You may continue staying with us, until you are ready to leave.

“Now, I think Kim has something to say. Oh Kimmie, dear, the floor is yours.”

Kim snaps to attention, and moves the middle of the floor. Very delicious, waltzing steps, as if she is on display as much as you are.

“Sweetie, we were talking last night about how you need proper training. You need someone to guide you. Someone to be with you, and push you. Anne pointed out how you seem to trust me most of all. And we talked about me too, what role I would play in the house.”

Kim stops talking, and looks down. She walks to the box on the pedestal and opens it. She removes a collar. White leather, with a pink band and a golden heart attached to the front ring. She holds the heart in front of your face.

“Read it.”

“It says ‘Sweetie’.”

She flips the metal over. “And the back.”

“Property of …” Your eyes go wide. “Property of Kimberly.”

You start to cry.

“Do you want it?”

You nod. “Mmhmm.”

Kim slips it around your neck, and fastens it with a lock.

Anne and Jennie begin to applause, and soon everyone is clapping.

Once the applause quietly down, Jennie spoke up. “We’ll discuss the exact rules later, when it’s just the four of us. For now… Kim?”

Kim pulls a long black clothes out of the box, and fastens it around your eyes.

“I want Sweetie to experience the touch of every one of you!” She gives you a deep kiss and then backs away, leaving you still skewered on the pole and at the mercy of the crowd.


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