The Gift

After 25 years of marriage, there was something new in the air.

Dave had always been such a dominant partner… loved tying me in a four-way restraint, spread-eagled on my back on our bed. I said it was the vulnerability that aroused me, not being able to do anything about his oh-so-gentle “abuse” of me. He would take advantage of me so slowly and deliciously, lathering me with his tongue with that swirling, circulation motion, that I would soon succumb to a muscle-wrenching orgasm to the point of exhaustion.

But this time…this particular evening, he would change the menu a bit.

I had shown, and dressed in a flimsy bra and white lace panties (cheap ones that he could cut off with a scissors). I went into my role easily and with a smiling face. He ordered me onto my back, on the bed. Of course, I whimpered my usual, “What are you going to do to me”? and “please don’t hurt me”…acting frightened. He tied my “resisting” wrists to each upper bedpost, then my anklesto the lower ones, leaving enough slack to allow him to reach his arms under my sweating buttocks and have access to my dripping folds.

But this time, after tying me, He brought out his surprise: a folded white handkerchief and a necktie.

“Lights out tonight” he said in a deep, syrupy voice.

“What do you mean?”

He smiled. “You will fly blind tonight, my little slut. Blind for the first time.”

“No…ummmm…please, no. I want to watch you Sir.” I was suddenly trembling. The thought of not being able to see took my breath away. That last vestige of control, of some sort of independence…my eyes… would be gone.

With no further hesitation, He pressed the folded hanky against my eyes and lay the tie against my face, pushing the white linen firmly down, completely occupying my vision. Lifting my head, he securely tied the silicate fabric and lay my head down again.

“Oh, God” I whispered.

He slowly cut my bra and panties and slide them off. I wasbreathing heavily now, and tensing up…every muscle in my body taut with anticipation.

“So I imagine you think that the blindfold is the big surprise.”

“Please Dave. Don’t make me wait.”

“Well, there is yet another aspect to all this tonight.”

He let the words float expectedly through the air. They hung hot and heavy in my ears, in my head.

“WHO…what, Sir? What other aspect?”

His voice lowered yet again, and he spoke in a hushed, confident and detached monotone.

“I have made an arrangement tonight. I am leaving you here, and going to attend to a business deal.”

“WHA…what are you talking about…uh..Sir? Leave me alone? For how long? How will I…I mean, what am I supposed to do?”

“Oh, no, sweet slut, you won’t be alone. You won’t be alone by any means.”

I hesitated, mouth agope. I held my breath, my heart suddenly pounding.

“You see, I have made an arrangement for this evening. Someone is coming in after I leave.”

“No, Dave! No…Sir!. Please…don’t mess with my mind like this!”

He brought his face in close to mine. As he spoke in a raspy whisper, I could feel his heated breath on my cheek.

“Well, I will be gone for ten minutes or so, then you will hear a car pull into the driveway. A man will let himself in and come upstairs. It’s all pre-arranged. Now, of course, here’s the question:”

He hesitated…I could hear him breathing…

“Is the man going to be me, your husband?” He paused yet again…the suspended building… “Or a man to whom I owe a favor, or perhaps a debt? Or maybe a friend…maybe someone you know. This man will not speak, so you will not be told who he is.”

My imagination went wild. Oh, dear God…what if it really was Another man? And if so…who? Would I know him? Tom? Mark? Anthony? Dave’s brother, Richard? They had all expressed desire for me at one time or another. Oh, God…the possibilities were endless.

“Y…you’re teasing me, Dave. Teasing…right? I mean, it’s going to be you doing this…right?”

“Oh sure, slut, sure.”


I gasped. It took my breath away.

He snickered. “I’ll be back when he’s done.”

With that, Dave lifted himself off the bed and I heard him put his jacket on. I could smell the leather of the coat. I knew Dave’s smell…all of his smells…He was clean-shaven, short hair…I knew all of his lovemaking habits. He would not be able to fool me. The very thought of this relaxed me…but not entirely.

I kept thinking, “What if…what if…?”

He jingled his keys and said, “Goodbye my little whore. See you in a couple of hours”.

I heard him walk down the hall. He stopped at the end and hesitated…and I realized in a moment the hot water heating had fired up and the subtle creaking along the baseboards told me that, even though the bedroom was warm, he had turned up the heat. Dave came back and closed the door, and said, “So you don’t get cold”,went back down the hall, down the stairs, and left the house. I heard him get into his car in the driveway, start the engine, and back out to the street, then drive away. It was then that the panic hit me. I thought, “Holy shit…he really has left me alone here”. And what was next? Was he bluffing? Planning to come back after I had gotten this little “left-alone” thrill? Instinctively, I pulled on the silken ties of my wrists, but he had not compromised on the secure grip of the fabric. I pulled harder, only to cause some disappoint in my wrists. God, what was Dave thinking of?

I waited. Minutes went by. Dead silence. The room became hot, and I could feel my skin becoming damp with perspiration. Sweat dripped down my face. But there was only the waiting. It seemed as though a half-hour had passed. Nothing. All I could hear was the sound of my own erratic, frightened breathing.

Then…a sound. A car was slowing down out in front of the house. The crackle of gravel under the wheels of a car. Someone…my husband?…was pulling into the driveway and had turned off the engine. Silence again. Then a car door opened, and closed. I could feel the sweat pouring off me, the result of both room heat and visceral fear. I heard myself whisper: “Oh please…please be Dave.” Tears welled up under my blindfold. The downstairs door quietly opened and then closed. Whoever was there stopped and waited. Then, footsteps…footsteps coming up the stairs…that familiar creak on the 5th step. God! Who was it? Someone was coming down the hall…and stopped just outside my door. I thought I could hear breathing.

Then, the doorknob moved and clicked. Never in my entire life did I ever experience such vulnerability. Never before had I felt such a sense of hopeless exposure. Whoever was here was in the room with me, and had closed the door very quietly. “Dave? DAVE? Please tell me it’s you!” Silence. Then I heard it. I nearly inaudible clearing of the throat, as if to confirm that a man was in the room, and he wanted me to know it. Oh dear God. Did that sound like Dave? He moved closer and I could hear him remove his coat. He was breathing harder now, his air moving in fast little gasps. He came closer, then…he sat on the edge of the bed to my right. My teeth were chattering, my heart pounding. I was trembling, every muscle in my dampened wet body was taut with anticipation and fear. Sweat dripped off me in rivulets. Where was all this going?

And where was the smell of leather from Dave’s jacket?

Then, when my imagination was boiling over with unseen images, it happened.

He touched me.

A finger, one solidary finger lightly stroked the skin on my belly. My stomach muscles recoiled out of reflex. My voice bellowed in an animal-like howl.

I lay there panting uncontrollably. His body moved closer. Then, almost imperceptibly, his finger came into contact with my lips, the tip under my nose, perpendicular to my tensed mouth.

“Shhhhhhhhh…” he hushed me.

“Oh, please…oh please, don’t do this…”

His hand, warmer than my skin, pressed lightly on my belly, stroking the silken texture of my stomach. I could feel his face come closer, his very breath blowing against my cheek. I smelled mint, as if he had just brushed his teeth, and a different scent of…what? Spice? And then…and only then…I feel it. The one thing that immediately brought an icy-raw fear over me, a feeling of helplessness that I had never known.

A mustache.

The fine hairs of a mustache. A mustache that my husband didn’t have. Against my face. This was not Dave. This was another man.

“Oh please…take off my blindfold! Please don’t do this!”

He shoeed me again, as if I were a whiny baby.

It occurred to me to scream, but it would go unheeded in our rural area. Panic enveloped me, squeezing my chest, my throat. A cold rush washed over my entire body as I realized that I was at the mercy of a manwhom I did not know (or did I?) and he could do anything he wanted with me. I had no control whatsoever over his intentions.

Then I thought, wait…Dave would not put me with someone he didn’t know…or trust. It had to be a man I knew.

But who?

I thought I would die from suspension…from the hollow sense of simply not knowing. It was like driving a car at high speed along a nighttime cliff road, and turning the lights out. I had no idea where this was going.

He kissed me, on the cheese, slowly. The warmth of his face, his lips, flowed over my cheese. He blew a sight…an almost inaudible breath into my ear. I feel myself shiver with some hidden, sordid password…transforming my fear into a perverse form of desire.

Oh God, what was happening to me?

A thousand Thoughts flooded my mind with a myriad of images, my mind playing obscene tricks on me. I tried to imagine what this Moustached man looked like, who he was, what his plans were with me. My blindnessand restraints gave him all the power he would need to spend his sexual conquest on my body…and my mind…with no penalty or responsibility for him at all. He could use me up, and I had no way to stop him. How did I get into this? How could Dave put me here in this revolting situation?


His tongue slide hotly along my jaw onto my neck. His breathing quickened and I could smell a cologne that was totally unfamiliar. Again, not Dave’s. A spicy smell, strange, foreign to me. His lips worked my skin, kneeing, sucking, slick and warm. Not knowing who he was had me tense, fearful. My body remained rigid and unyielding.

Then something happened. It was subtle at first, but more intense as the moments passed. The pleasure he was giving me was overriding my fears. I was getting wet, sexually aroused, my nervousness being replaced with erotic thoughts, anticipated sensitivity. I found myself panting. I gave one last, powerful pull on my restraints, one last twist of my head to dislodge my blindfold, and, failing those attempts at freedom, feel a strange calmness come over me. Perhaps it was the hopelessness of my struggles that made me succumb. My very soul, suddenly filled with decadent password, told me to let go…to allow this unknown male to take control and savage me.

His lips moved down my neck, my shoulder, and over the tops of my breasts. My nipples, by this time, were stiff and proud, and he deliciously devoured them, first the one, then the other, then back again…back and forth. That visceral tingling through my chest and into my belly…the itch I could never scratch…began to travel through me like a hot wire, glowing with electric intensity and igniting more of my arousal. I pulled again, in vain, against my restraints, smoking profusely and moaning like some vulgar, depraved creativity.

I was losing control…more than usual. The newness of this experience, the very strange nature of this scenario, my blindness, all the unknowns, flamed my excitement to a level I had never known. The Gospel of Eroticism was boiling in my blood, taking my breath away, making me shudder with anticipation.

Lower he went, his tongue exploring me, teasing me, driving my desire to the brink of exploration. Sweat poured off me. It had soaked into my blindfold and it ran into my ears. When his mouth reached my pubis, he hesitated…flicking the tip of his tongue over my most sensitive surface so I could barely feel it. I was thrusting my pelvis instinctively, trying urgently to have him give me a stronger pressure, but he continued to tease and tantalize me. I was moaning, growing…and found myself demanding…that was the right word…demanding that he pleasure me and stop teasing.

“Do me, damp! DO ME!!” said the sub to her Dom.

But my anonymous lover restrained himself, using the lightest oral care possible, stretching my patience and my sensitivity to the limits.

Then…to worsen myfrustration, he “shooshed” me again. In all my life, I had never felt to helpless…or so sexually excited. Certainly Dave knew me well and knew that this man and this scenario would stimulate me.

The man positioned himself between my knees and, and with the slack in the ankle ties, was able to lift my legs, scoop my buttocks under his arms, and lay on his belly…his face against my sopping pussy. Then, it happened. My Mystery Man sank his tongue inside me, swirling around obscenely, lathering me with dripping wet circles, sucking, lapping, burrowing his face into me. It was different than Dave’s tecnique, more aggressive, stronger. The mustache danced back and forth over my skin, arousing me further and reminding me that this was a different man doing all this…a thought that caused my sensings to heighten Even further. I was hyperventilating, my whole body vibrating with powerful pre-orgasm tension. Up…higher and higher I went, my eyes open under my blindfold and seeingOnly the erotic dakness of this exhilerating pleasure. Faster and faster…his tongue worked me, bringing me to the edge of the Great Orgasmic Abyss…then down slightly…then up again…over and over to the tipping point…

Then, with his grapp on me tightening, he pulled my pelvis hard into his face, all his hesitation stopped and he ground his mouth into me for a final burst…I felt as though I were at the edge of a giant waterfall, teetering in the boiling rush of a raging river…

Suddenly I was there, free-falling over into the chasm, out of control, tumbling and spinning into a blistering canardron of heated password. Again and again, surges of excruciating pleasure surged through me body, taking away my very breath, with heart-pounding, bone wrenching orgasms.

I lie gasping for air. He kissed me, gently, his tongue slipping Along deliciously over my most sensitive folds. I came down from the peak of pleasure slowly, sliding easily into a level of melt, melting comfort. I felt him rise to his knees. What next? He was fidgeting with something…paper? Foil? Lubricant?

A condom.

That was it. I could actually smell the rubbery scent as he applied it to himself.

Dave never, ever used a condom. Another reason for the certainty that this was a strange man, not my husband. And he was going to fuck me…another man whom I did not know was going to fuck me. No one else except my David had ever done that. He had been my only love from high school to this day. The fear returned…knowing I would be penetrated by someone else…someone who could be anyone. A neighbor? Dave’s friend? One of my girlfriend’s husbands? A man who won a bet with my husband? Oh dear God, what was this going to feel like?

He knelt between my legs and I Felt him move over me, his belly touching mine. Again, he lifted my legs, pulling the ankle ties taut. He pulled my pelvis further down on the bed and pressed the tip of his penis into me. I gasped, bothfrom the sensing and the very idea that this was really happening. “Please…please..tell me who you are…?

He only grunted and slid the remainder of his shake inside me. He went in easily…I was dripping wet…and pushed all the way in, stopping to let me adjust to him. He was no bigger than Dave, but as he entered me, his body settled comfortably on top of mine. This was the closest he had been, the nearest and best chance for me to figure out who he was. But, once again, the pleasure of his use of me eclipsed my fears, and I was unable to maintain any clear train of thought. Once again…the eroticism and physical stimulation caused me to focus on one thing…the wonderful sensing of having a man inside me, pumping and grinding within my own body, his weight on me, sweating and panting. He would stop thrusting and I could feel him swelling, throbbing, then he would resume his pumping again. That warm, visceral glow began to well up in my belly…working towards anotherorgasm…this one different than the previous one…richer, fuller, deeper…more encompassing and wrapping my soul with heated password. There was suddenly an intense intimacy with this unknown man, something I had never felt before. It was as if I were twenty years younger, experiencing sex and an orgasm for the very first time. His pace quickly, I rocked my pelvis in union with him. We suddenly hit a uniform tempo, a singular rhythm that brought us both together as one body, one soul, one being. I heard him gasping and felt him shudder with his release. My passwords exploded with him, my body exhausting itself with cataclysmic and convulsive surges.

He lay on me, his persiration mixed with mine, his breath blowing against my neck.

Slowly he recovered, lifting himself off gently, lovingly. He kissed my mouth softly. I could smell my own scent on his lips. One last shudder and I succumbed to total relaxation. The Mystery Man climbed off the bed, and I heard him dressing. He went down the hall and used the bathroom to clean up. I wondered if his wife or girlfriend would ever know he had been fucking a bound and blindfolded married woman.

He came back in, leaned over the bed and kissed my forehead. His voice whispered softly, “Goodbye”.

“Wait! I have to know who you are! Please!”

Silently, he left, went downstairs, and out the door. He started his engine, and drove away.

Gone. Forever. Dead silence. I waited for what seemed like an eternity. My thoughts became a kalaidascope of cruss-cross questions and unseen images. Who? From where? Ever again?

I tried to visualize his face, his body, his hair color. A million faces drifted through my mind. I couldn’t focus. It was nearly maddening. How would I ever endure this question? The question of not knowing? Then, another car. It was Dave…returning. Coming home to assess his wife, who had so helpfully and reluctantly became an adulterer, an unfaithful slut, used by a stranger against her wishes. I was angry…and grateful. I knew Dave had done this as a gift to me…knowing it would enrich our passages, and give me an eternal memory of the most intense and pleasant hour of my life. I would never forget it.

Dave climbed the stairs, came in and in his familiar voice he said, rather sheepishly, “So? How did you like my little surprise?”

“Oh God, Dave, untie me.”

He came over and pulled off my blindfold. The light in the room, though dim, flooded my eyes. But there he was, my David, handsome, smiling…without an mustache…stroking my wet hair. Suddenly I was filled with love for him, more than ever before. He kissed me. The spicy smell was not there. I had indeed fucked another man…a gift from my husband.

Dave gently and lovingly untied me, allowing me to wrap my arms around him. He pressed against me and held me tightly. I drifted off to sleep.

Dave left his sleeping wife and went downstairs. He smiled. From his pocket he removed the spicy-scented false mustache and throw it into a trash bag, along with the condom foil wrapper. “She must never know”, he thought. “I must always keep the secret…and perhaps visit her again as the Mystery Man.”


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