Jennifer completed the entry in her punishment book and filed it. She was just a few minutes ahead of the deadline time so there was not long to wait before Master would enter the punishments that she would receive for her failures this week.
Punishment books are networked so that all club members could view the books of all playthings. If they wished they could come and watch the punishment being given and punishment sessions were scheduled throughout the day to give the maximum opportunity for these views.
Today, Jennifer had to make two entries. In her eagerness to please her Master she had failed to pass a message to one of her fellow playthings. It had been her silly hope that by being present on her own to service Master would make him see how much she could please him and mean that he would call her more often. Instead he was properly annoyed When the other girl did not appear on time. Jennifer’s pretence of having forgotten to pass the message was futile. Shewas not only given a punishment, but she was also sent away and that hurt far more.
The second entry was because she failed to show a Member proper respect when she was upset over the first misconduct. Jennifer knew she needed to be punished and she actually wanted it so that she could move on and get back into pleasure Master.
Using the next computer was the woman who had received one hundred cane strokes about three weeks ago. She seemed fully recovered. There were only some pale yellow blotches on her tits and around her belly and buttocks. Jennifer could not help looking and they started chatting when the woman finished her entry. She was smiling.
“My third week with a nil return.”
“Really.” Replied Jennifer. “That is very good.”
“Yes. I chose to be a plaything, but after a few months I started to forget why I had done it and I behaved badly. After I had my big beating I was carried back to Master’s room. He told me I could leave if I wanted. My life had being a miserable mess before Master took me as his plaything and I was really frightened about going back to being poor and unloved. Even though I was hurting like hell I knew I wanted to stay. I asked Master if I could rim him to show I had learned my lesson.”
“After a few minutes with my tongue in Master’s ass, my body was glowing all over. Pain gave way to a really hot, tenderness that was just heaven. When he was ready to cum I took it in my mouth and promised Master that I would show my obedience. Today Master is going to invite twenty of his friends to cum in my mouth for the forty five minutes of my punishment slot. I hope to make them all happy and maybe some will be able to give me more than one load before the time runs out.”
“Wow!. That we will be hard work. It might be more difficult than some punishments.”
“I am looking forward to it. I want to make Master proud of me.”
Just then the clock ticked to the hour and the seven women sitting by the computers all looked to see what might be in store for them. Jennifer waited a few moments until her screen changed.
Punishment 13
12 strokes
She gasped a little and a tingle ran down her back. Thirteen was a tough one. It means that she would be on her knees with her wrists cuffed behind her back. Her tits would be clamped between two round, chrome bars and then they would be be beaden with twelve strokes of a riding crop.
Jennifer’s tits had been spanked a little in the past, but never as much as that. The Members usually liked a tit whipping so there would probably be a good audience as well.
She looked back to the screen to see what her second punishment would be.
Punishment 1
3 Strokes
Cane size 2
This was not too bad. Three strokes of a medium cane on her ass. That was lenient really and Jennifer didn’t mind a caning. The only thing was that this punishment would be administratored by the Member she had disrespected. She didNot know how hard he would be and she thought to herself that he was a big man.
Jennifer’s new friend also saw her screen.
“Don’t worry. Look how my breasts are now. The day after my caning they were swollen, multi-coloured and hurting like hell. The pain doesn’t last too long.”
There was a hum of nervous conversation as the women drifted out of the room. It was one hour until the first punishment session. Everybody would prepare in their own way and reflect on what awaited them.
There were six fully equipped punishment rooms in the palace. Only half a dozen girls would be punished today so only two rooms in use. That way there was plenty of opportunity for viewing. Jennifer was allocated to room one. This was the largest with plenty of comfortable chairs for viewers and a Large punishment platform where she would be on display to them all as she received her sentence. She was in slot number three so it would be nearly three hours before she was dealt with. TheAfternoon would start with the group cock sucking that she had just heard about.
Dora placed the cushion on the centre of the stage and knelt. She was nervous and excited. Master and his twenty guests were relaxing in the lounge with a drink. He would bring them in very soon. There were a few Members sitting in the viewing chairs already and then the Gentleman himself came in accompanying by Jennifer and two of his other playthings. The Members stood and greeted him.
All Members had access to the networked punishment books so they knew what was going to happen in each room at all of the scheduled times. When a girl did not have to receive any punishment a Member could still reserve a slot to put on a show. Sometimes these occasions were more interesting than punishment sessions and viewing seats could be popular. Today in punishment room one there were so Many Members taking part in the proceedings on the platform that they outnumbered the observers.
At exactly the appointed time Dora’s Master led his guests to the platform.
“Good afternoon Sir and honoured views. You may know that a few weeks ago my plaything disgraced herself by lusting after men and she received severe punishment. Since the correction she has performed well and shows every sign of having learned her lesson. However, as she obviously wanted other men I decided that she should have some today so she will eat whatever my friends choose to give her this afternoon. We will not waste any time. Gentlemen be my guest.”
While the others stayed back to allow a good view the first man took out his prick and offered it up to Dora’s waiting mouth. Within seconds he was pushing his rigid prick deep into her throat and it was not long before he gripped her head hard to pump a good load into her throat. As soon as it was swallowed the second guy put his stiff dick in her mouth and set to work.
The waiting men shuffled into an informal line. The one at the front stroked his hard prick and gazed at the beautiful woman on her knees. His friend was working her head and the look on his face told of his coming climax. Dora knew from the increased intensity of her face fucking that she was about to get her second helping of cum. She looked up as he grunted and filled her mouth. She was sucking on prick number three as soon as she had swallowed. Only four or five minutes into the session the first two men chatted quietly at the back of the line considering whether they would be making use of Dora’s lovely mouth again.
In the audience The Gentleman enjoyed the show by having one of his playthings suck his dick. His very large friend joined them and the Gentleman had a plaything suck him too. This was the man who would be caning Jennifer later and seeing his enormous size made her worry more. The Gentleman and his friend chatted quietly as they watched Dora working on the line-up. Occasionally they looked down at the pretty faces in their own laps or grazeda handful of hair to direct the action.
Thirty minutes after she had started sucking, Dora swallowed her fifteenth cum load. The next engorged penis filled her aching mouth right away and she worked on it with all the professionalism she had given to the first. After such a long wait the anticipation caused this Member to release a large load into her warm mouth in seconds. As Dora swallowed she allowed her mind to wander for a moment. From past experience she calculated that sixteen cum loads would be getting on for half a pint of jizz in her belly by now. There was no time to think any more about it. She could tell that the seventeenth was just about to arrive.
When the gong announced the end of the session Dora finished off the third man to have a second go with her. Twenty three times she had brought a man to completion in three quarters of an hour. Not a drop was spilled and Dora glowed with pleasure as her Master raised her to her feet for her to bow to her audience.The round of applause which followed drove away the feelings of jaw ache and the soreness in her throat.
The Gentleman gestured to Jennifer. She knelt before him and he emptied his bladder into her.
During the ten minute interval, ushers were moving a whipping frame onto the platform for the next session. The Gentleman took his small group to the lounge. Jennifer noted that she only came up to the shoulder of the man who would can her and his great bulk suggested he was a body builder or something. She suddenly felt more fragile, smaller and more naked than she usually did. They all had a drink together and then the Gentleman sent Jennifer to prepare herself for her session.
At the appointed time Jennifer knelt nest to the clamp bars which were already adjusted to the correct height for her. The Gentleman grasped her nipples to place her breasts Between the bars. He turned butterfly nuts bringing the top bar down until her tits were firmly clamped. They went pinker immedly the blood flow was restricted and began to darken further in colour.
The Gentleman took a leather flapped riding crop from the stand. He offered I to Jennifer’s lips for her to kiss. Taking careful aim he brought the crop down hard on her left breast. A rectangular blotch appeared on the title which was now purple due to the clamps. The second stroke gave her a matching mark on her right breast.
With the skill acquired from a lifetime of wielding the crop, the Gentleman spread his blows across the top of the compressed tits so that by the twelfth stroke the whole surface flesh was covered with evenly distributed welts. Tears streamed down Jennifer’s face and she flinched when the pressure of the bars was released. She grabbed her tits when the returning blood flow intensified her pain. The Gentleman took her hair, raised her to her feet and kissed Her fully on the mouth before pressing his face to her scorching breasts. His mighty friend ascended the platform and Jennifer was handed to him.
Instead of leading Jennifer to the benchmark, Karl simply took her under his arm and strode across the platform. In the second or two before Karl draped Dora into her caning position she could not help imagining what it might be like to be fucked by this man. Her wrists and ankles were secured with leather cuffs so that her legs were spread and her ass high. Jennifer’s sore and swollen tits were crushed into the hard surface of the caning benchmark.
Karl collected a size 2 bamboo cane from the rack. He followed the example of the Gentleman by presenting the instrument for Jennifer to kiss.
“Only three my dear. You will call out the number as I deliver them.”
Jennifer shuddered. The instruction was filled with menace. She had no idea why that should be so. Her whole life consisted of taking Orders from men and there was nothing at all uncommon in being required to number the strokes of a punishment. It was just the physical presence of Karl. She could not help fantasising about his prick being in proportion to his great body and her holes being stretched while the air was squeezed out of her by his massive body.
The good light and perfect display position means that Jennifer’s glistening cunt betrayed her thoughts to Karl and the audience. They could not know the detail, bet everybody was aware of her arousal. The puffed , pussy lips stood out as proud as her ass. Karl raised his arm and delivered a crack of the cane that made Jennifer’s body leap in its bonds.. She screamed. The stroke landed perfectly across her buttocks at a low point where her labia took part of the impact as well. Even for a woman accustomed to regular canings, this was a different experience.
Fuck fansies were completely driven from Jennifer’s mind now. She only just managed to pull herself together enough to call out “One Sir. Thank you.”
Karl smiled at the thank you. He hadn’t demanded that, but it pleased him. That’s what you getfrom a quality woman. The Gentleman should be proud. Usually when he gave punishment he heard screams, but not thanks. The second stroke was equally hard, but it landed higher up the ass cheeses and did not strike her cunt again. When Jennifer offered her thanks this time she had a little more breath to do it.
The final stroke of the cane was too much for the bamboo. It shattered as it struck Jennifer’s lovely ass. Three living lines lay in parallel across her buttocks and the final one was accompanying by a light graze where the wood had splintered on impact. Through her sobs and tears Jennifer managed to call out the stroke. Karl quickly released the cuffs and lifted Jennifer gently from the bench. He cradled her in his arms and carried her to the Gentleman at the base of the platform.
“I am so sorry Sir. I Missjudged the implementation. It is unforgivable to have broken the skin of your very lovely lady. I must make reparations.”
“Not at all my dear friend. The fault is all mine. Our equipment is obviously below the required standard for a proper discilarian.”
Karl had lowered Jennifer to her trembling knees. The Gentleman now looked down at her.
“I am going to give you to Karl for the rest of the day so that you can properly show your thanks to Karl for his correction. Your arousal was apparent when he was disciplining you so you may not be unhappy with this decision.”
The Gentleman left. Had her wayward mind offended her beloved Master? What would Karl do with her? Jennifer did not know whether to be excited or upset. She would have little time to worry about her crueles.
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